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AND    2,000    OUTLINES    FROM    OTHER    SOURCES. 


W.    M.    FLINDERS   PETRIE,   F.R.S.,   F.B.A.  ; 

HON.  D.CL.,  LL.D.,  LITT.D.,  F.S.A.  (Scot.),  A.R.I.B.A.,  M.R.I.A. 












GENERAL    COMMITTEE  (* Executive  Members) 

Hon.  John  Abercromby 

Walter  Baily 

Henry  Balfour 

Rev.  Dr.  T.  G.  Bonney 

Prof.  R.  C.  Bosanquet 

Rt.    Hon.  Viscount    Bryce  of 

Dr.  R.  M.  Burrows 
*Prof.  J.  B.  Bury  (Chairman) 
•Somers  Clarke 
Edward  Clodd 
Prof.  Boyd  Dawkins 
Prof.  Sir  S.  Dill 
*Miss  Eckenstein 
Dr.  Gregory  Foster 
Sir  James  Frazer 
*Dr.  Alan  Gardiner 
•Prof.  Ernest  Gardner 

Prof.  Percy  Gardner 

Rt.  Hon.  Sir  G.  T.  Goldie 

Prof.  Gowland 

Mrs.  J.  R.  Green 

Rt.  Hon.  F.-M.  Lord  Grenfell 

Mrs.  F.  Ll.  Griffith 

Dr.  A.  C.  Haddon 

Dr.  Jesse  Haworth 

Rev.  Dr.  A.  C.  Headlam 

D.  G.  Hogarth 

Sir  H.  H.  Howorth 

Baron  A.  von  Hugel 

Dr.  A.  S.  Hunt 

Mrs.  C.  H.  W.  Johns 

Prof.  Macalister 

Dr.  R.  W.  Macan 

Rev.  Prof.  Mahaffy 

Sir  Henry  Miers 

*J.  G.  Milne 
Robert  Mond 
Prof.  Montague 
Walter  Morrison 
•Miss  M.  A.  Murray 
Prof.  P.  E.  Newberry 
His    Grace    the    Duke 

F.  W.  Percival 
Dr.  Pinches 
Dr.  G.  W.  Prothero 
Dr.  G.  Reisner 
Sir  W.  Richmond 
Prof.  F.  W.  Ridgeway 
Mrs.  Strong 
Lady  Tirard 
E.  Towry  Whyte 


Honorary  Treasurer— *K.  Sefton-Jones 
Honorary  Director — Prof.  Flinders  Petrie 
Honorary  Secretaries— Mrs.  Hilda  Petrie  and  Percival  Hart 
Bankers— The  Anglo-Egyptian  Bank. 

Though  last  winter  the  war  hindered  the  continuance  of  excavations,  it  is  hoped  they 
will  be  resumed,  so  soon  as  the  position  is  more  settled,  with  assistants  who  are  not  required 
in  Government  service.  Meanwhile  the  volumes  for  1914  on  Lahun  and  Harageh  are  delayed 
by  various  causes;  and,  in  lieu  of  the  usual  volumes  on  excavation  for  1915,  subscribers  have 
received  a  work  on  the  scarabs  in  University  College,  with  over  2,000  illustrations  of  objects 
bearing  royal  and  private  names  ;  and  for  19 16  the  present  volume  on  Tools. 

The  accounts  of  the  British  School  are  audited  by  a  Chartered  Accountant,  and  published 
in  the  Annual  Report.     Treasurer:  H.  Sefton- Jones. 




The  British  School  of  Archaeology  in  Egypt  has  been  making  a  collection  for  a  war 
fund  since  191 4.  We  undertook  to  raise  £  1,000  for  the  Officers'  Families  Fund,  and 
achieved  this  in  about  a  year.  We  are  now  collecting  entirely  for  the  Scottish  Women's 
Hospitals,  to  maintain  Dr.  Elsie  Inglis'  two  Field  Hospitals,  which  are  serving  the 
Serbian  division  of  the  Russian  army  in  Rumania,  and  are  greatly  valued  by  our  allies  (Hon. 
Sec.  S.  W.  H.,  London  Units,  Hilda  Flinders  Petrie).  It  is  hoped  that  all  subscribers 
will  help  to  make  this  the  special  War  Work  of  our  organisation.  We  have  no  hesitation 
in  continuing  to  receive  usual  subscriptions  to  the  School,  as  such  are  invested  in  War 
Loan,  and  thus  pass  into  the  National  Savings  for  the  present.  Our  students  are  now  all 
serving  their  country,  but  when  that  sad  duty  is  passed,  they  will  again  turn  to  the  School 
to  support  their  researches.  Meanwhile  our  supporters,  by  their  subscriptions,  ensure  getting 
the  volumes  of  this  catalogue,  which  will  be  continued  for  the  years  of  the  War.  The 
volumes  are : — 

Amulets  (previously  issued  by  Constable). 
Scarabs,  for  19 15. 
Tools  and  Weapons,  for  1916. 
Funeral  Statuettes  (Shabtis)  )    - 

iir    •    u  j    »/r  t    '0r    I9I7- 

Weights  and  Measures  J 

Following  volumes  will  be  on  Ornaments  and  Toilet  Objects ;  Stone  and  Metal  Vases ; 
Scarabs  with  designs  and  Button  Seals  ;  Prehistoric  Egypt  ;  Games  and  Writing  Materials ; 
Glass  and  Glazes  (in  colours) ;  Beads  (in  colours) ;  and  ten  or  twelve  other  subjects. 

At  a  time  when  all  our  energies  are  required  for  our  defence,  it  is  needful  to  state  the 
conditions  under  which  any  historical  work  is  produced.  At  the  beginning  of  the  war  the 
writer  of  this  volume  offered  to  resign  University  position  until  peace,  but  was  officially 
instructed  to  retain  it ;  and  the  most  direct  duty  of  such  position  is  the  present  catalogue 
of  College  collections.  His  offer  also,  in  two  official  enquiries,  to  take  the  work  of  other 
men  in  public  service,  has  been  declined.  The  printing  of  this  volume  has  been  left  to  be 
produced  entirely  as  deferred  work,  only  taken  up  to  level  the  output  of  the  printers  and 
plate-makers ;  thus  equalising  the  conditions  of  labour,  without  employing  more  workers  than 
are  otherwise  needed.  The  splendid  early  volunteering  of  over  250  men  from  the  firm  of 
printers,  shows  that  they  do  not  hesitate  at  complying  with  the  national  requirements.  Great 
delays  in  printing  have  necessarily  occurred,  and  it  is  doubtful  if  volumes  beyond  this,  and 
the  one  on  Scarabs,  can  be  issued  till  after  the  war. 







SECT.                                                                                                                            PAGE 

I.  Limits  of  this  work I 

30.  Made  in  different  centres 


2.  System  of  this  work I 

31.  Weights  of  double  axes 


3.  Detail  of  arrangement 2 

32.  Purpose  of  weights 

•        14 

•        15 

•   is 


•   is 


4.  Difference  of  axe  and  adze    ....       5 


5.  Cypriote  imports  to  Egypt 

.     S 

THE  ADZE  (Z)  AND  HOE  0) 

6.  Pillowy  forms  of  axe 

.      6 

7.  Methods  of  copper  working 


36.  Early  Egyptian  adzes 16 

8.  Flat  cast  axes 

.      6 

37.  Early  European  adzes   . 


9   Wide  copper  axes . 

.      6 

38.  Round-topped  adzes 


10.  Plain  blade  of  bronze     . 

•      7 

39.  Later  adzes    .... 


n.  Round  axes   . 

•      7 

40.  The  lug-adzes 


12.  Axes  with  lugs 


41.  The  late  lug-adze  . 


13.  Battle  axes     . 


42.  Hafting  of  adzes    .... 


14.  Scolloped  axes 

•      9 

43.  Eastern  socket  adze 


15.  Flanged  axes 



44.  The  Egyptian  hoe 


16.  Pole  axes 


45.  Source  of  the  hoe  .... 


17.  Edged  batons 


18.  Halberds 






46.  The  bare  chisel,    square         .        .                 .     19 

19.  Bronze  axes n 

47.                „               deep    . 

.    20 

20.  Plain  iron  axes 


48.                „               wide   . 


21.  Deep  socket  axes  . 


49.                 „               round . 

.     20 

22.  Recurved  blades     . 


50.  The  tang  chisel,    square 

.     20 

23.  Circular  sockets 


51.                „              deep    . 

.     21 

24.  Long-back  sockets 


52.                „               wide  and  round 

.     21 

25.  Tubular  sockets 


53.  The  socket  chisel,  square 

.    21 

26.  Oriental  axes 


54.                „              deep    . 

.     21 

27.  Double  axes  in  use 


55.                „              wide  and  round 

.     22 

28.        „          „     ceremonial 


56.  The  gouge 





THE   KNIFE  (k) 

57.  Classes  of  knives 

58.  Flaying  knife 

59.  Straight-backed 

60.  Straight-edged 

61.  Hollow-backed 

62.  Hollow-edged 

63.  Recurved 

64.  Crook-backed 

65.  Khopcsh 

66.  Double  convex  (U) 

67.  Double-edged 

68.  The  sword  (e) 

69.  The  sabre     . 


70.  Prehistoric  Egyptian  daggers 

71.  xiith  dynasty  daggers  . 

72.  xviith — xviiith  dynasties 

73.  Inlaid  handles 

74.  European  dagger,  rivetted    . 

75.  „         tang  daggers 
j6.  Spears  of  the  copper  age 

77.  Evolution  of  the  British  spear 

78.  Wide  blade  spears 

79.  Ceremonial  spears 

80.  Forms  of  various  regions 

81.  Concave-edge  spears 

82.  The  fin-blade 

83.  Flat-blade  spears . 

84.  Spear  butts  .... 


85.  Forms  and  uses  of  the  arrow  (r) 

86.  Manufacture  of  the  arrow 

87.  Flat  arrow  heads  . 

88.  Ribbed  arrow  heads 

89.  Triangular  arrow  heads 
9a  Barbed  arrow  heads 

91.  Rhombic  arrow  heads 

92.  Peculiar  types 

93.  Wood  and  bone  arrow  heads 

94.  Bows    . 

95.  Throwsticks  (v) 









SECT.                                                  • 


96.  Slings  and  bullets 


97.  Harpoons 


98.  Fish-hooks    . 


99.  Scale  armour 


160.  Rasps  and  scrapers 




101.  The  brace     ...                         .        .     38 

102.  The  pump-drill     . 


103.  The  bow-drill 


104.  The  rimer     . 


105.  Bits 


106.  The  auger 

■     39 

107.  The  drawing  knife 


108.  The  plane 


109.  The  anvil 


no.  Wooden  mallets   . 


in.  Hammers 


112.  Tongs   . 




1 1 3.  The  trowel  and  mortar  rake . 

1 14.  Wedges  and  wooden  chisels 

1 1 5.  Moving  of  stones  . 

116.  Dressing  of  stones 

1 17.  Plastering  and  brick-making 

118.  The  plumb  line  and  level 

1 19.  The  square    .... 


120.  Egyptian  copper  saws  (s) 

121.  European  bronze  saws  . 

122.  Iron  and  steel  saws 

123.  Framed  saws 

124.  The  file  and  rasp  . 

125.  Hard-stone  sawing 

126.  Tubular  drilling    . 

127.  Nature  of  cutting  points 

128.  Stone  sawing  at  Tiryns 
129  Mauls  for  hammer-dressing 

130.  Egyptian  sickles  (f) 

131.  European  sickles  . 

132.  The  southern  bill-hook  (p) 

133.  The  northern  bill-hook 







•  * 







Staff  head 57 



Fish-spears   . 

•     57 




Flesh-hooks  . 

•  57 

•  57 


Shears  (Q)     . 

.      48 
•     48 




Hair  curlers  (x)    . 

■     48 


Ladles  . 

•     58 


The  scraping  razor 

•     49 


Spoons . 

•     58 


The  notched  razor 

•     49 


Pounders  and  grinders 

•     58 


The  rotating  razor 

•     SO 


Fire  drills 

•     58 


Leather  cutters  (L) 

•     So 





Cutting -out  knives 



Benedictory  crosses 

•    59 


Egyptian  tweezers  (y) 

•     5i 


Bolts     . 




European  tweezers 

•       52 


Tumbler  locks 


Borers  (N).    . 




Papyrus  knives 



Pin  locks 



Pins      . 



Fork  keys     . 






Lifting  keys 



Reels  and  netters 



Rotating  keys 






Pulleys  and  toggles 



Shuttles  and  looms 



Compasses    . 




Chains  .... 




Casting  crucibles  . 



The  wooden  hoe 54. 


„       moulds     . 



Other  wooden  tools 



„       are  perdue 



The  Italian  iron  hoe     . 



Detailed  moulds   . 








Forks  and  rakes   . 



The  snaffle  horse-bit  (w) 




The  curb       .... 



The  synopsis  sheets 62 




Forms  peculiar  to  Egypt      .        .        .        .62 





Forms  unknown  in  Egypt   .        .        .        .63 



Forms  widely  spread 64 




For  list  of  plates,  see 






i.  In  touching  such  an  immense  subject  as  the 
history  of  tools  and  weapons,  it  is  needful  to  accept 
various  limitations  to  the  scope  of  the  enquiry,  as 
otherwise  it  would  be  unmanageable.  In  the  first 
place  this  account  refers  to  Egypt,  and  only  to 
other  countries  as  illustrating  that.  The  Egyptian 
material  is  given  as  completely  as  may  be,  regard- 
ing types  and  dates,  and  photographs  of  the  speci- 
mens at  University  College,  of  which  this  is  a 
catalogue ;  duplicates  in  other  collections  are  not 
noticed,  but  only  such  specimens  as  amplify  the 
subject.  From  other  countries  comparisons  are 
merely  an  index  of  outlines,  to  show  varieties  of 
types  and  their  geographical  range,  but  without 
any  attempt  to  give  all  the  minor  variations  of  form 
or  place.  The  sources  and  dating  of  each  form 
have  been  the  main  object  in  view. 

Other  countries  being  only  taken  here  in  rela- 
tion to  Egypt,  it  was  not  within  the  scope  to  notice 
types  which  were  unknown  in  Egypt.  Thus  the 
great  series  of  the  flanged  and  socketted  axes,  the 
very  varied  forms  of  sword,  the  pointed  halberds, 
the  British  looped  spear  heads,  are  all  unnoticed. 
These  have  been  so  well  and  fully  studied  in  special 
papers  and  books  already,  that  there  is  the  less 
need  to  say  more  about  them. 

Stone  implements  are  not  touched  on  here,  as 
the  abundance  of  such  from  Egypt  would  require 
a  volume  to  themselves.  No  doubt  they  are  the 
parents  of  many  of  the  metal  forms ;  but  the 
complex  question  of  the  reflex  influence  of  metal 
forms  upon  the  later  stone  working,  makes  it 
desirable  to  treat  the  metal  quite  apart,  and  then 
to  apply  the  results  to  the  study  of  the  stone  imple- 

The  main  object  being  the  relations  of  Egypt, 
most  attention  has  been  given  to  Mediterranean 
forms,  rather  than  to  the  northern  material  which 
is  less  significant.  This  being  only  a  secondary 
publication  as  regards  materials  outside  of  Egypt, 

it  has  not  been  thought  needful  to  copy  details  of 
ornament,  or  damages,  which  do  not  affect  the 
comparison  with  Egypt ;  nor  have  precise  details 
of  localities  always  been  given,  as  the  district  or 
country  is  all  that  is  required  here.  As  every  out- 
line has  the  reference  to  the  original  source  placed 
below  it,  there  will  be  no  difficulty  in  turning  to 
the  primary  publication  for  further  information. 

Such  are  the  limits  which  it  has  seemed  neces- 
sary to  place  upon  this  attempt  to  unify  the  early 
history  of  most  of  the  tools  and  weapons  of  the 
last  few  thousand  years.  The  enormous  mass  of 
material  renders  selection  needful,  unless  a  life- 
time could  be  given  to  the  subject.  All  previous 
publications  have  looked  only  to  one  country  or 
one  civilisation,  or  else  handled  only  one  type. 
There  has  been  no  corpus  for  reference  to  com- 
parative types  of  various  lands  and  their  trans- 
mission, or  of  various  ages  and  their  history  of 
change.  In  default  of  such  a  corpus  this  volume 
may  serve  for  general  reference,  though  I  am  well 
aware  that  it  can  only  be  called  materials  for  a 
history  of  tools.  Much  here  has  been  gleaned 
directly  from  the  museums,  particularly  in  Greece 
and  Italy,  which  I  have  not  found  hitherto  pub- 
lished ;  about  a  quarter  of  the  outlines  are  directly 
from  cases  in  museums. 

2.  Hitherto  tools  have  been  much  neglected. 
Weapons  have  been  ardently  collected,  but  the 
historical  evolution  of  tools  has  scarcely  been 
touched.  Even  when  the  best  samples  of  Greek 
tools  have  been  presented  to  a  national  museum, 
they  have  been  thrown  away  by  the  head  of  the 
Department,  who  remarked  that  they  were  ugly, 
and  he  did  not  care  for  them.  We  read  of  ninety 
camel  loads  of  excellent  steel  picks  being  discovered 
at  Khorsabad,  but  how  they  have  vanished  is  un- 

The  aim  here  has  been  to  regard  the  purpose  of 
each  form,  the  mode  of  its  use,  the  reasons  for  its 
changes,  the  connections  of  its  variations  with 
differences  of  climate  and  conditions.    It  is  only 


by  looking  at  tools  and  weapons  from  the  point  of 
view  of  the  actual  user,  that  we  can  understand 
them,  and  put  them  in  their  place  as  forming  an 
important  support  to  the  general  history  of  civilisa- 

At  first  the  distinctions  of  tools  and  weapons 
hardly  existed.  The  same  form  might  serve  many 
purposes,  with  more  or  less  success ;  much  as  we 
may  still  see  penknives  ruined  by  levering  corks 
out  of  bottles.  Civilisation  is  marked  by  the 
specialising  of  men  and  materials;  and  after  the 
adoption  of  specific  forms  for  different  uses,  it  is 
needful  to  distinguish  them  in  the  terms  we  employ. 
Even  in  standard  works  we  may  find  no  dis- 
crimination is  made  between  the  sword  for  slashing 
and  the  rapier  for  thrusting,  or  between  the  knife 
and  dagger,  or  the  axe  and  adze. 

In  classifying  the  material  here,  the  genetic 
connection  of  changes  has  been  followed,  where  it 
was  distinct ;  but,  in  confused  instances,  simple 
differences  which  can  be  quickly  seen  may  make 
more  practicable  lines  of  division.  Thus  the  spear 
forms  are  best  arranged  by  the  broad  spear  used 
for  slashing,  the  straight  cut-or-thrust  spear,  and 
the  narrow  pike  only  for  thrusting.  To  some 
extent  these  belong  to  differences  of  clothing  and 
of  climate,  but  they  are  not  necessarily  lines  of 
descent.  Where  there  is  a  great  variety  of  forms 
from  one  place  and  age,  only  the  limits  of  the 
variation  are  given  here,  as  limiting  types. 

3.  As  regards  the  detail  of  the  materials,  the 
scale  of  reduction  of  the  figures  has  been  unified. 
Of  all  classes  of  objects  which  are  not  too  large,  the 
photographs  are  on  a  scale  of  one  half,  and  the 
outlines  (being  only  secondary  publication)  on  a 
scale  of  one  quarter.  Where  forms  are  taken  from 
small  figures,  ancient  or  modern,  they  are  generally 
one-twentieth  of  the  full  natural  size,  as  it  would 
be  inexact  to  expand  a  rather  vague  figure  to  the 
size  of  the  accurate  outlines.  Such  smaller  figures 
are  obvious  among  those  of  the  uniform  larger 
scale.  Where  no  scale  is  known,  the  letters  N.S. 
are  appended.  For  unilateral  forms  such  as  axes 
and  knives,  it  is  desirable  to  place  them  all  in  one 
direction,  preferably  that  in  which  they  would 
naturally  be  used  by  the  right  hand.  So  far  as 
possible  the  axis  of  the  handle  has  been  placed 
upright,  so  as  to  display  the  direction  of  the  cutting 
edge  clearly.  It  would  be  well  if  all  publications 
would  keep  to  these  points,  which  are  necessary 
in  any  comparative  study ;— uniform  scale,  uni- 

form direction,  vertical  handles.  In  a  group  of 
axe-heads  recently  set  out  in  a  museum  for  exhibi- 
tion, they  are  mounted  without  any  uniformity, 
and  it  is  difficult  to  realise  how  far  they  resemble 
one  another,  or  anything  elsewhere. 
-  In  the  order  of  the  outlines  the  different  metals 
have  been  followed,  so  far  as  types  would  permit. 
There  is  always  a  presumption  that  the  copper, 
bronze,  iron,  and  brass  tools  succeeded  in  that 
order,  unless  there  is  some  individual  evidence  of 
dating  to  the  contrary.  The  objects  of  each  metal 
have  therefore  been  placed  together,  and  marked 
thus  as  a  class ;  while  exceptions  brought  in,  by 
dating  or  by  type,  are  separately  marked  with  the 
name  of  the  metal. 

The  place  names  are  stated  in  a  form  for  easy 
recognition  of  their  meaning.  Where  a  site  is  well 
known,  it  is  stated ;  if  the  site  is  obscure,  the  dis- 
trict or  region  is  stated.  The  purpose  is  to  enable 
any  reader  to  see  at  once  from  the  plates  the  range 
of  distribution.  Further  detail  is  often  given  in 
the  text,  or  can  always  be  found  by  looking  out  the 
reference.  The  list  of  abbreviations  used  for  re- 
ference is  given  on  the  next  page.  Where  more 
than  one  reference  is  stated  to  an  outline,  the  first 
is  the  direct  source,  and  the  other  references  are  to 
examples  that  are  merely  similar.  The  dates  of 
Egyptian  objects  are  given  in  dynasties,  in  order 
to  avoid  the  confusion  caused  by  various  arbitrary 
reductions  of  the  Egyptian  dates  in  years.  "  Egypt" 
only  is  stated,  as  the  place-names  may  not  be  familiar 
to  all  readers ;  the  exact  place  is  given  by  the 
title  of  the  book  quoted,  or  in  the  text.  For 
facility  of  reference  the  page  is  stated  rather  than 
the  plate  number ;  and  in  series,  the  year  rather 
than  the  volume  number.  In  the  Mykenaean  objects 
at  Athens,  the  Roman  numerals  are  those  of  the 
circle  graves  of  Schliemann.  Many  of  these  objects 
are  unpublished. 

Having  to  refer  both  to  photographs  and  to 
outlines  there  is  unavoidably  some  irregularity  in 
the  numbering.  Whether  the  plate  numbers  or 
the  text  number  should  be  continuous,  has  been 
decided  by  the  convenience  of  reference  in  each 
case.  In  many  cases  the  outline  pages  have  cross 
references  to  the  photographs  or  scattered  figures. 
Usually  the  photographs  and  the  outlines  of  the 
same  series  are  placed  facing  ;  even  if  other  plates 
intervene,  such  can  always  be  held  upright,  so  as 
to  get  a  view  of  plates  which  should  be  compared 
together.    A    main    consideration    has    been    the 


possibility  of  seeing  in  one  view  all  material  for 
comparison.  Hence  many  plates  are  crowded  in 
order  to  include  the  whole  of  one  type.  A  few 
figures  have  been  passed  on  to  an  end  plate  to 
avoid  breaking  up  the  subjects  by  mixing  them  on 

The  subject  of  the  dates  of  the  introduction  and 
use  of  different  metals  has  not  been  followed  here. 
What  is  known  from  Egypt  is  stated  in  Ancient 
Egypt,  1915,  p.  12. 

No  attempt  has  been  made  to  follow  the  move- 
ments of  types  as  indicating  the  movements  of 
races.  There  is  not  enough  yet  known,  to  come  to 
any  safe  conclusions  from  such  arguments.  Some- 
times the  distribution  of  a  type  may  be  referred  to 
historically  known  movements  of  peoples  at  the 
same  period,  which  is  a  legitimate  use  of  history  ; 
but  at  present  in  our  great  ignorance  of  distribution 
of  types,  of  the  dating  of  objects,  of  the  extent  and 
direction  of  trade,  it  is  premature  to  deduce  his- 
tory from  types  of  tools.  All  that  can  be  said  is 
that  strong  negative  evidence  may  be  drawn  from 
proved  dissimilarities,  which  contradict  supposed 
lines  of  connection. 


A.  Archaeologia  (Society  of  Antiquaries, 

London),  i860 — 
A.A.  The  American  Antiquarian     . 

A.A.iii.      Ayrton  (E.  R.),  Abydos  iii.  1914 
A.C.  Athens,  Central  Museum 

AL.  Pro  Alesia     .... 

AN.  L'Anthropologie,  Paris  . 

A.  P.  Athens,  Polytechnic  Museum  . 
A.R.         Anger,  Graberfeld  zu  Rondsen 
A.S.          Aspelin    (J.    R.),    Antiquites   Nord 

Finno-Ougrien,  1877-84,  i-v 
A.V.  Cabinet  of  Antiquities,  Vienna 

A.W.        Mitt.  Anthrop.  Gesell.  Wien    . 

B.  Bologna  Museum  . 
B.A.  Bissing  (F.  W.  von),  Ein  Theban 

ischer  Grab  fund,  1905 
B.B.  Bertholon,  Berberie  Orientale 

BERL.     Berlin  Museum 
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B.L.  Bathurst(  W.  H. ),  Roman  Antiquities 

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B.M.         British  Museum    .... 

B.P.  Bullettino  di  Paletnologia  Italiana  . 

B.R.         Abh.  K.  BayernRom.  Alterthum,  1840 

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C.C.  Chantre  (E.),    Recherches   dans  le 

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CD.  Carapanos  (C. ),  Dodone,  1878  . 

CM.         Cairo  Museum       .... 

C.N.  Curie  (J.),  A  Roman  frontier  post, 

the  fort  of  Newstead,  1911  . 

CS.  Cartailhac  (E.),  Ages  prehistoriques 

de  l'Espagne,  1886      .         . 

D.A.  Delgado  (Rada  y),  Museo  Espafiol  de 
Antiguedades,  1872-80. 

D.C  Dussaud  (R.),  Les  Civilisations  Pre- 

helleniques  dans  le'  Bassin  de  la 
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D.G.  Davies  (N.  de  G.),  Rock  Tombs  of 
Deir  el  Gebrawi,  i 

D.L.  Dechelette  (J.),  La  Collection  Mil- 

Ion,  1913    .         .         . 

D.M.  Dechelette  (J.),  Manuel  d'ArchS- 
ologie,  1908 —    .... 

D.W.         Demmin  (A.),  Weapons  of  War,  1870 

E.B.  Evans  (J.),   Ancient  Bronze  Imple- 

ments of  Great  Britain,  1881 

E.D.  Engelhardt  (C),  Denmark  in  the 
Early  Iron  Age,  1866  . 

F.  Florence,  Archaeological  Museum   . 

F.M.  Foote(R.  B.),  Madras  Museum,  Cata- 

logue of  the  Prehistoric  Anti- 
quities, 1901      .... 

F.T.  Feldhaus  (F.  M.),  Technik  der  Vor- 
zeit,  1914 

G.A.         Garstang  (J.),  El  Arabah,  1901 

G.C  Gozzadini  (G.),  Mors  de  Cheval,  1875 

G.M.  Garstang  (J.),  Mahasna,  1902 

G.N.  Gargiulo  (R.),  Musee  National  de 
Naples,  1870       .... 

G.P.  Gross  (V.),  Les  Protohelvetes,  1883 

G.R.         Papa  Giulio  Museum,  Rome    . 

G.T.  Gross  ( V.),  La  Tene,  1883 

G.W.  Gardner  Wilkinson  (J.),  Manners 
and  Customs  of  the  Ancient  Egyp- 
tians, ed.  1878  .... 

H.M.  Hoernes  (M.),  Natur-  und  Ur- 
geschichte  des  Menschen,  1909 




















H.U.         Hempel   (J.),    Alterthumer  ...  in  M.S. 

Ungarn,  1905     ....  26 

I.S.           Bryan  Fausset  and  Roach  Smith,  M.V. 

Inventorium  Sepulchrale,  1856     .  13     N. 

K.U.         Korte  (G.)  and  Brunn  (E.),  vol.  i,  N  B. 

Rilievi  delle  Urne  Etrusche,  1870, 

1890.  1896          ....  6     N.O. 
L.A.         Lissauer     (A.),     Alterthumer     der 

Bronzezeit  in  der  Provinz  West-  N.S. 

preussen,  1891 —        .         .         .  1     N.V. 
L.B.          Layard  (A.  H.),  Discoveries  in  the 

ruins  of  Nineveh  and  Babylon,  Perugia. 

1853 3     P. 

L.D.         Lepsius(R.),  Denkmaler                  .  47     P.A. 

L.I.          Lee  (J.  E.),  Isca  Silurum,  1862         .  1     P.D. 

L.N.         Layard  (A.  H.),  Monuments  of  Nine-  P.Ds. 

veh,  1849 4     P.E. 

L.N.R.      Layard  (A.  H.),  Nineveh  and  its  Re-  Peet. 

mains,  1849  1 

M.             Die     Alterthumer     unserer     heid-  P.F. 

nischen     Vorzeit  .  .  .  Romische-  P.G. 

Germanische  Central  Museum  in  P.H. 

Mainz,  L.  Lindenschmidt,  1858- 

1911 97     P.Hw. 

M.A.         Monumenti  Antichi,  1889-1914        .  72     P.I. 

M.A.F.      Mission  Arch6ologique  Francaise.  P.K. 

M.B.         Randall-Maciver  (D.),  and  Woolley  P.L. 

(C.  L.),  Buhan,  1901  .         .         .  8     P.M. 

M.C.         Rosellini,  Monumenti  Civile    .         .  6     P.Md. 

M.D.         Morgan  (J.  de),  Fouilles  a  Dahchour,  P.Mp. 

i  1895,  ii  1903     ....  3     P.N. 

M.E.         Martha  (J.),  L'Art  Etrusque,  1889  .  3     P.Nb. 

M.I.C.       Montehus  (O.),  ItaheCentrale         .  10     P.Q. 

M.I.S.       Montehus  (O.),  I talie  Septentrionale  14     P.R. 

M.J.          Muller,  Juellinge  Fundet         .         .  7     P.S. 

M.K.         Montehus    (O.),     Alteren     Kultur-  P.S.A. 


M.K.A.     Much  (M.),  Kunsthistorischer  Atlas,  P.S.T. 

1889— 13     p.T. 

M.KG.     Woolley  (C.   L.),   and  D.   Randall-  P.W. 

Maciver,  Karanog,  1900      '.         .  6     Py.T. 
MX.         Munro  (R.),  The  Lake  Dwellings  of 

Europe,  1890     .         .         .         .  48     Q.H. 
M.M.         Martin  (F.  R.),  L'Age  de  Bronze  au 

Musee  de  Minoussinsk,  1893         .  26     R. 

M.P.         Morgan  (J.  de),  L'Age  de  la  Pierre  et  R.A. 

les  M6taux,  1896         ...  5     R.C. 

M.R.         Randall-Maciver  (D.),    El  Amrah,  R.K. 

1902 2     R.M.C. 

M.R.R.     Rosellini,  Monumenti  Religiose        .  5     R.N.C. 

Delegation  en  Perse,  M6moires  (de 

Morgan,  Susa,  etc.)     . 
See  M.,  vth  volume. 
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Newberry  (P.  E.),  Benihasan,  i-iv 

Naue  (J.),  Die  Bronzezeit  in  Ober- 

bayern,  1894 
Notizie  degli  Scavi 
Naue  (J.),  Vorrdmischen  Schwerter 

1903  .... 

Museum        .... 
Perugia,  Guardobassi  Cabinet 
Petrie  (W.  M.  F.),  Abydos,  1902-3 
,,     Diospolis,  1901    . 
,,     Deshasheh,  1898 
,,     Ehnasya,  1905     . 
Peet  (T.  E.),  Stone  and  Bronze  Ages 

in  Italy,  1909    . 
Petrie,  Defenneh  (in  Tanis  II),  1888 
„       Gizeh  and  Rifeh,  1907 

Hyksos  and  Israelite  Cities 
,,      Hawara,  1889     . 
„       Illahun,  1891 
Kahun,  1890 
Labyrinth  and  Gerzeh,  1912 
Parma  Museum     . 
Petrie,  Medum,  1892 

Memphis,  1909-15 

Naukratis,  1886  . 

Nebesheh  (in  Tanis  II. 

Naqadeh,  1896    . 

Royal  Tombs,  1900-1 

Researches  in  Sinai,  1906 

Proceedings  of  the  Society  of  Anti 

quaries,  i860     .... 

Petrie,  Six  Temples  at  Thebes,  1897 

,,       Tarkhan,  1912,  1914    . 
Mitt.  Prehist.  Commission,  Wien 
Pumpelly     (R.),     Explorations 

Turkestan,  1908 
Quibell  (J.   E.),    Tomb    of    Hesy 

1914  .... 

Rygh  (O.),  Norske  Oldsager,  1885 
Revue  Archeologique,  1904 — 
Pitt- Rivers  (L.  F.),  Cranbourne  Chase 
Rome,  Kircherian  Museum 
Rosellini,  Monumenti  Civile    . 
Rome,  New  Capitoline  Museum 



























S.  A.          Schafer  (H. ),  PriesterGraber(Abusir), 

S.A.N.  Memoires  de  la  Soc.  Roy.  des  Anti- 
quaires  du  Nord 

S.D.  de  Sarzec  (E.),  Decouvertes  en  Chal- 

d€e,  1889—        .... 

S.F.  Bulletin     Soc.      Prehistorique     de 

France       ..... 

S.H.  von  Sacken  (E.  F.),  Graberfeld  von 

Hallstatt,  1868  .... 

S.M.  Seager  (R.  B.),  Explorations  in  the 

Island  of  Mochlos,  1912 

S.P.  Siret  (L.),  Premiers  ages  du  m6tal  en 

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S.S.  Schuchhardt  (C),  Schliemann's  Ex- 

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S.V.  Schlemm  (J.),  Worterbuch  zur  Vor- 

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V.  Virchow  (R. ),  Graberfeld  von  Koban, 

V.A.  Verhandlungen    der    Berliner    Ges. 

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V.M.  Viollet-le-Duc,       Dictionnaire      du 

Mobilier  Francais,    1858-75 

W.M.        Wells  Museum      .... 

W.P.R.  Pitt-Rivers  (L.  F.),  Excavations  in 
Cranbourne  Chase,  vol.  i,  Wood- 
cuts, 1887  .... 

Z.A.  Zeitschrift  fur  Aegyptische  Sprache 

Z.B.  Zannoni  (A.),   La  Fonderia  di  Bo- 

logna, 1888         .... 

Z.E.  Zeitschrift  fur  Ethnologie,  Berlin    . 

Photographs  ..... 

Miscellaneous        .... 

1694.  Luiken  (J.  and  C),  Het  Menselyk 
Bedryf,  Amsterdam,  1694    . 










THE  PLAIN   BLADE  AXE  :     (A)   PLS.    I  TO  VIII 

4.  The  natural  divisions  of  the  great  variety  of 
axes  are  (1)  those  with  no  form  of  attachment, 
(2)  with  projections  for  a  handle,  (3)  with  a  hole  to 
haft  a  handle.  In  general,  the  first  division  is 
confused  with  forms  of  adze,  under  the  common 
modern  term  of  celt ;  as  that  word  is  only  a  cloak 
for  confusion,  it  is  better  to  keep  to  the  real 
definitions  of  axe  and  adze.  The  axe  has  the  edge 
parallel  to  the  handle ;    the  adze  has  it  across  the 

handle.  The  axe  is  mounted  into  a  handle,  or  a 
handle  into  it ;  the  adze  is  bound  on  to  a  handle, 
in  general  (pi.  xviii).  The  axe  is  equal  faced  and 
edged ;  the  adze  has  one  face  longer  or  flatter,  and 
is  usually  ground  on  one  side.  The  axe  is  to  drive 
into  wood  to  split  it ;  the  adze  is  to  take  a  thin 
slip  off  a  larger  mass.  The  axe  usually  has  a  short 
body,  and  means  of  pulling  it  back  or  twisting  it 
loose  from  the  grip  of  the  cloven  wood ;  the  adze 
has  a  long  body,  and  (in  ancient  times)  only  a  weak 
attachment  to  the  handle,  as  it  was  never  struck 
in  deeply.  The  axe  is  thick  in  order  to  bear  shock 
and  carry  weight ;  the  adze  is  thinner,  strength 
not  being  required.  Those  various  differences  were 
not  all  developed  fully  at  first.  In  the  stone  ages 
a  single  tool  seems  to  have  served  for  many  uses ; 
root-grubbing,  breaking  branches  or  skulls,  and 
throwing  at  animals,  were  probably  all  done  with 
one  handy  weapon.  The  growth  of  civilisation  is 
marked  by  increasing  specialisation  of  men  and  of 
means,  until  we  now  have  dozens  of  varied  forms 
of  hammer  or  of  chisel.  In  the  classification  of  the 
present  material,  as  the  axe  is  the  earlier  type,  it 
has  been  credited  with  any  forms  that  are  not  dis- 
tinctive, and  the  adze  is  only  accredited  with  forms 
unsuited  for  axes. 

5.  In  Egypt,  the  adze  long  preceded  the  axe; 
metal  was  scarce,  and  to  squander  a  pound  of  it 
for  a  single  tool  would  have  been  extravagant. 
It  is  only  at  the  close  of  the  prehistoric  age,  after 
the  incoming  of  the  dynastic  people,  and  within  a 
generation   of  Mena  and  the  1st   dynasty,    that 
copper  began  to  be  freely  used  (A   7,    8,    pi.    i). 
Now,  simultaneously  with  this,  we  find  the  adze 
greatly  increased  in  size  (Z  xv,  xvi,  8,  66,  67,  contrast 
with  the  early  forms  60-65) '.    and  the  larger  adze 
was  of  a  new  form,  widely  splaying.     This  form 
resembles  that  found  in  Cyprus  (Z  7)  more  closely 
than  any  other.     As  it  would  be  absurd  to  suppose 
copperless  Egypt  exporting  tools  to  Cyprus,   the 
copper  land,  it  seems  that  these  larger  heavy  adzes 
came  from  Cyprus ;  and  arrived  in  the  same  genera- 
tion in  which  the  heavy  copper  axes  appear,  at  the 
epoch  of  final  conquest  by  the  dynastic  people ; 
the  evidence  so  far  is  that  the  dynastic  people 
brought  the  free  use  of  Cypriote  copper  into  Egypt. 
This  does  not  prove  that  they  came  from  Syria, 
but  only  that  they  were  in  trade  intercourse  with 
Syria.     It  may  be  noted  in  passing  that  the  name 
cuprum  was  derived  from  that  of  Cyprus  (and  not 
vice  versa),  as  the  Greeks  long  knew  of  Cyprus 


without  using  that  name  for  the  metal,  and  before 
it  superseded  the  earlier  word  aes  in  Italy  ;  indeed 
Pliny  writes  of  aes  Cyprium.  If  the  most  recent 
\iew  should  be  proved — that  the  earliest  Cypriote 
copper  came  from  the  mainland — then  Cyprus  and 
Egypt  in  the  ist  dynasty  both  drew  from  that 
unknown  source. 

6.  In  accordance  with  copper  being  scarcer  in 
early  Egypt  than  in  other  lands,  we  find  that  the 
forms  of  axe  in  Cyprus,  Italy,  Spain,  Sweden,  and 
America  (A  1-5)  imitate  the  pillowy  rounded  out- 
lines of  stone  axes,  while  the  Egyptian  tools  were 
economically  made  with  straight  sides.  In  short, 
copper  was  not  freely  used  in  Egypt  until  man  had 
already  mastered  the  right  form  for  metal  tools. 
This  does  not  imply  that  the  pillowy  forms  else- 
where are  actually  older  than  the  straight  forms 
of  Egypt,  but  that  they  were  relatively  older  in 
the  development  of  each  country.  At  the  same 
time,  the  straight- sided  Cypriote  great  adze  (Z  7), 
apparently  contemporary  with  the  ist-dynasty 
adze  in  Egypt,  is  clearly  long  after  the  passing 
away  of  pillow  forms  (as  A  1-5) ;  and,  so  far,  we 
may  probably  date  these  earlier  forms  in  Cyprus 
as  older  than  the  ist  dynasty  in  Egypt. 

7.  We  should  consider  now  the  method  of  manu- 
facture.   In  casting,  it  is  easier  to  make  a  flat 
form,  as  an  open  mould  can  be  used  for  it :    but 
hammering  is  easier  along  the  edges  where  the 
metal   can    spread.     Hence   the   pillowy   form  is 
natural  to  hammered  work,  and  it  is  also  a  direct 
imitation  of  the  form  needed  for  a  stone  axe,  to 
preclude  snapping  across  the  middle.   Thus  on  adopt- 
ing the  unbreakable  metal  the  same  form  continues, 
as  it  is  that  which  is  most  readily  shaped  by  ham- 
mering.   In  North  America  it   appears  that   all 
work  in  copper  was  done  entirely  by  hammering 
native  copper.     Nadaillac  states  that  all  copper 
objects  were  made  by  hammering  unheated  (Prehist. 
Am.  179) ;  and  the  making  of  beads  by  rolling  up 
strips  of  sheet  copper,  shows  how  far  the  American 
was  from  casting  the  metal.     May  it  be  supposed 
that  the  pillowy  forms  in  the  Old  World  were  like- 
wise due  to  hammering  native  copper  ?     The  pure 
metal  is  found  in  many  places  in  Cornwall  (a  mass 
of  as  much  as  three  tons),  also  in  Anglesey,  Antrim, 
Chessy  in  France,  in  South  Hungary  at  Moldava 
on  the  Danube,  and  in  Russia.    The  resemblance 
of  form  between  the  certainly  hammered  axe  of 
Wisconsin  (A  1),  and  the  axes  of  Cyprus,  Italy, 
South  Spain,  and  Sweden,  suggests  that  they  also 

were  likewise  beaten  from  native  copper,  and  not 
cast.  To  cast  a  mass  curved  on  both  sides  would 
require  a  closed  mould,  fitting  so  well  as  not 
to  allow  of  leakage.  Certainly  it  is  the  more  likely 
that  man  began  by  using  the  native  metal  in  each 
country ;  and  when  the  art  was  discovered  of  re- 
ducing copper  from  ores,  and  casting  it,  the  old 
method  of  shaping  by  the  hammer  would  continue 
until  the  economy  of  labour  by  casting  would  be 

8.  The  earliest  castings  may  be  presumed  to  be 
in  thick  sheets  in  open  moulds,  a  mere  directing 
of  the  outline  of  the  most  primitive  pouring  out  of 
the  metal,  to  avoid  the  inconvenience  of  working 
up  a  lump  left  at  the  bottom  of  the  furnace  or 
crucible.  Accordingly  all  the  earliest  straight- sided 
adzes  and  axes  are  flat  and  almost  equally  thick, 
except  at  the  edge,  where  the  hammering  both 
shaped  and  hardened  the  metal.  From  Egypt 
there  are  the  dated  examples  from  sequence  date 
yy  or  78,  the  age  of  the  earliest  kings  of  Abydos 
(Tarkhan,  i,  3),  to  81,  the  middle  of  the  first  dynasty 
(see  A  6  to  9).  The  examples  in  the  collection, 
A  101-104,  are  not  dated  by  the  finding ;  but  103 
is  of  about  the  middle  of  the  first  dynasty,  by  the 
resemblance  of  the  name  on  it,  Kash,  to  the  names 
of  that  age  painted  on  the  tombs  {Royal  Tombs, 
i,  lxiii).  With  this  was  found  the  adze  Z  71,  xvi, 
which  has  the  same  name  on  one  side,  and  on  the 
other  the  name  Sa. .  neit,  which  agrees  to  the  same 
period.  The  sign  on  A  104  occurs  with  similarly 
rounded  ends  on  an  early  slate  palette  of  S.D.  33-41 
(Diospolis,  v,  and  xii  43),  and  recurs  on  pottery 
marks  in  the  latter  part  of  the  first  dynasty  (Royal 
Tombs,  ii,  lv,  D,  464,  485).  It  had  therefore  a  long 
usage,  and  was  well  established  as  a  mark,  un- 
changed during  a  long  period ;  its  history  after- 
wards was  unbroken,  through  the  Greek  three- 
stroke  s,  down  to  the  modern  s.  The  slight  splay 
of  A  104  indicates  a  later  date  than  the  parallel 
axes  ;  this  is  seen  also  in  the  axe  A  9,  dated  to  the 
middle  of  the  first  dynasty,  and  in  A  105.  After 
this  the  parallel-sided  axe  is  not  recorded  from 
Egypt ;  it  seems  to  have  given  place  to  the  round 
axe,  and,  later,  to  the  axe  with  lugs. 

9.  The  later  development  of  the  axe  in  the 
copper  age  is  seen  in  the  forms  A  10-30,  arranged 
in  the  order  of  the  widening  of  the  cutting  edge. 
The  first  step  is  that  of  the  earliest  Persian  type 
from  the  tombs  at  Susa  (A  11,  12),  where  the  sides 
remain  parallel,  but  the  edge  is  widened  outward 


in  the  beating.  This  was  combined  with  increasing 
splay  of  the  sides  in  the  examples  from  Portugal, 
Spain,  Italy,  Switzerland,  Poland,  and  Hungary. 
The  blade  made  long,  narrow,  and  very  thick,  with 
a  wide  edge  (A  24),  seems  in  each  of  these  features 
to  be  adapted  for  splitting  wood  ;  when  driven  into 
a  log  it  could  be  struck  on  the  side  in  order  to  force 
the  crack  wider.  The  shorter  axes  (26-30)  from 
Italy  and  India  agree  in  having  a  deep,  circular 
edge  ;  this  was  not  suited  for  cleaving  nor  for  light 
wood-cutting,  but  rather  suggests  a  fighting  axe ; 
the  shortness  of  the  blade  would  agree  with  this, 
as  the  axe  would  not  be  held  by  a  wound  it  inflicted, 
and  so  a  strong  attachment  to  the  handle  was  not 
needed.  Two  examples  that  look  like  copper  are 
outside  of  the  regular  Egyptian  types,  vii,  142  and 
viii,  194.  They  probably  belong  to  some  barbarous 

10.  The  next  stage  was  the  discovery  of  bronze. 
In  the  earlier  copper  age,  the  metal  was  hardened 
by  arsenic,  by  oxide  of  copper  left  in  metallic  solu- 
tion, and,  rarely,  by  bismuth  or  by  tin.  Probably,  in 
all  these  cases,  the  alloy  was  due  to  using  impure 
ores  of  copper,  which  were  found  to  give  a  superior 
result  for  use.  The  regular  use  of  tin  ore  smelted 
with  the  copper,  and,  later,  of  metallic  tin  added 
to  the  copper,  cannot  be  traced  farther  back  than 
the  Hyksos  period  in  Egypt,  or  about  2,000  B.C. 
in  Europe.  The  advantage  was  not  so  much  in 
hardness — for  copper  with  arsenic,  well  hammered, 
is  even  harder  than  bronze — but  rather  in  the 
greater  fusibility  and  freedom  for  casting.  The 
forms  of  bronze  axes  were  continued  from  the 
earlier  copper  age.  The  parallel- sided  axe  with  ex- 
panded edge  lasted  on  in  Italy  (31),  in  Sardinia  (32), 
and  is  usual  in  Hungary  (33,  34) ;  while  its  appear- 
ance on  the  Rhine  and  in  Ireland  may  be  due  to 
importation.  The  Chinese  example  (33)  is  placed 
with  these,  as  it  is  of  the  same  family,  though 
socketted,  and  does  not  agree  with  any  of  the  other 
socketted  axes.  The  splay  form  was,  however,  the 
more  usual  development,  as  the  bronze  did  not 
favour  the  expanding  of  the  edge  by  hammering. 
It  is  around  the  Mediterranean,  and  in  the  west,  that 
the  splay  form  in  bronze  mainly  spread,  though  it 
is  known  in  Hungary  and  Central  Asia  (Minussinsk). 
It  was  usual  in  England  (50-52) ;  and,  strangely, 
continued  till  the  Roman  time  in  Italy,  made  of 
iron  (54). 

None  of  these  axes  show  any  hammering  on  the 
top  edge,  and  they  must  have  been  permanently 

hafted.  The  narrow  top  would  seem  unsuited  to 
resistance  in  a  handle ;  it  shows  that  the  blow  was 
given  by  the  weight  of  the  blade  itself,  and  not 
by  any  weight  in  the  handle  behind  it.  A  heavy 
handle  would  have  split  itself  on  the  back  of  such 
an  axe  as  39,  41,  or  50,  almost  as  readily  as  the 
axe  cut  into  the  wood  in  front  of  it.  The  handle 
must  have  been  light,  and  the  blade  probably 
secured  by  some  slightly  yielding  material ;  the 
blow  must  have  depended  on  the  weight  of  the  blade, 
and  not  on  any  push  given  to  the  handle.  An  actual 
hafting  is  of  deer  horn  as  a  socket,  set  upon  a 
wooden  handle  like  the  head  of  a  mallet  (Peet, 
S.B.A.I.,  253).  The  developments  of  a  stop 
ridge  on  the  side  of  the  axe,  and  of  the  winged  sides, 
ending  in  the  complete  socket,  are  outside  the  pre- 
sent scope,  for  they  are  never  found  in  Egypt ;  as 
they  have  been  well  traced  in  previous  works,  there 
is  the  less  need  to  deal  with  them  here. 

11.  A  type  of  axe  which  is  peculiar  to  Egypt  is 
the  round  form,  A  55-70,  106-121.  This  originated 
at  least  as  early  as  the  ist  dynasty,  as  it  appears  as 
a  hieroglyph  in  the  reigns  of  Den  and  Qa  (Royal 
Tombs,  i,  xv,  16  ;  ii,  xii,  6).  The  transition  stage 
from  the  square  axe  is  A  105,  which  is  almost  the 
same  as  A  9,  of  the  middle  of  the  ist  dynasty.  The 
next  stage,  A  108,  is  exactly  like  the  axes  of 
Khosekhemui,  and  doubtless  came  from  his  tomb, 
belonging  to  the  close  of  the  iind  dynasty.  The 
hole  for  tying  it  on  to  the  handle  was  later  modified 
as  one,  two,  or  three  smaller  holes ;  see  A  62  left 
side  pi.  lxxiii  with  original  handle  (and  a  duplicate), 
and  A  112  and  115.  The  large  number  of  holes 
A  109,  in,  113,  114  have  been  drilled  in  modern 
times  by  natives,  hoping  to  improve  specimens. 
On  108  is  the  numeral  43,  probably  the  number  of 
it  in  a  series  for  the  tomb.  After  this  rudely 
rounded  form  of  the  iind  dynasty,  more  regular 
forms  arose  in  the  iiird  dynasty  ;  see  A  55,  56, 
from  the  tombs  of  Hen-nekht  and  Neter-khet. 
The  figures  in  the  tomb  of  Hesy,  also  of  the  early 
iiird  dynasty,  57,  show  how  the  axe  was  bound  in. 
A  shallower  form,  60,  is  figured  in  the  vth  dynasty, 
in  the  fighting  scene  at  Deshasheh  ;  this  serves  to 
date  the  similar  specimen  A  114  (from  Dishneh?). 
The  fully  deep  axe  with  lugs  arises  in  the  vith 
dynasty,  A  58,  59,  63.  To  this  date  may  probably 
be  assigned  the  specimens  A  106,  107,  no,  and  the 
form  with  the  lugs  turned  down  to  hold  the  lashing, 
A  112,  114,  115.  The  type  with  a  single  project- 
ing lug,  as  A  in  (Selamiyeh),  113,  is  probably  later. 



Some  similar  examples  have  been  ruined  by  natives 
cutting  away  the  blade  to  form  a  second  lug  ;  the 
two  blades  here  are  original.  There  is  contra- 
dictory evidence  as  to  the  mounting  of  the  skew 
blade  A  113.  The  model  from  the  tomb  of  Mena 
at  Dendereh,  121,  of  the  vith  dynasty,  shows  the 
wider  part  at  the  end,  which  would  be  the  suitable 
way  to  use  it ;  but  the  drawing  of  Rosellini,  A  64, 
of  about  the  ixth  or  xth  dynasty,  strangely  puts 
the  wider  part  toward  the  handle.  This  may  per- 
haps be  an  error  in  the  drawing. 

Reaching  the  xiith  dynasty,  two  models  (A  69, 153, 
the  latter  from  the  tomb  of  Emshat,  Asyut)  show 
how  the  blade-seat  was  recessed  in  the  handle,  so 
that  the  binding  should  be  protected  by  the  wood 
at  each  end.  The  figures  64  used  by  carpenters, 
67  used  by  a  boat  builder,  and  68  by  a  carpenter, 
show  that  these  were  artisan  tools,  as  also  57  ; 
but  A  60,  the  shallower  form,  is  a  battleaxe.  The 
figure  68  serves  to  date  the  specimen  A  117  to  the 
xiith  dynasty.  The  perforated  axe  118  is  of  the 
type  on  pi.  vi ;  but  differs  from  that  in  having  a 
base  and  lugs,  like  the  other  round  axes.  It  is 
doubtless  of  the  xiith  dynasty,  as  also  is  the  beauti- 
fully made  small  axe  with  the  lotus  flowers,  A  119 ; 
this  latter  retains  the  original  high  polish  of  the 
metal  where  protected  by  the  handle.  Round  axes 
with  lugs  lasted  into  the  xviiith  dynasty,  at  least 
for  ceremonial  use,  as  in  the  specimen  of  Amen- 
hetep  III,  A  120.  On  the  whole  it  is  seen  that  the 
main  use  of  these  round  axes  is  from  the  ist  to  the 
xiith  dynasty,  and  the  heavier  axes  with  lugs  A  72, 
73,  122-133,  are  fr°m  the  xiith  to  the  xxvith 
dynasty.  It  seems,  then,  that  the  round  axe  may 
have  rapidly  changed  in  the  xiith  dynasty  from  the 
thinner  round  form  116, 117,  to  the  heavier  straight- 
sided  form  A  122  and  onwards.  The  ferrules  which 
were  often  used  to  hold  the  lugs  of  the  round  axes 
were  at  last  united  to  them,  as  in  A  70,  which  has 
two  tubes  at  the  ends  to  retain  the  handle,  while 
yet  keeping  the  tying  holes. 

Before  leaving  the  round  axe,  we  should  observe 
some  ceremonial  models  A 191-193  of  the  vith 
dynasty,  and  ceremonial  copies  in  stone,  A  195- 
197.  These  latter  could  never  be  used,  as  they 
have  no  edge,  but  are  about  equally  thick  all  round. 
A  195  is  inscribed  for  the  uab  priest  Sekhenu,  with 
the  determinative  of  a  pillar.  This  does  not  seem 
at  all  early,  and  is  more  likely  an  archaistic  form 
of  the  xixth  dynasty. 

12.  Another  type  peculiar  to  Egypt  was  that 

with  broad  lugs  by  which  to  secure  the  blade  to  the 
handle,  and  a  widening  of  the  back  to  prevent  the 
handle  being  split  on  the  blade.     The  stages  of  this 
form  are  shown  in    the    collection,  A 122-130    of 
copper  and  bronze,  131-133  of  iron,  in  the  drawings 
72,  73  of  iron,  and  probably  the  same  form  shown 
mounted  in  75  to  80.     Strange  to  say,  this  method 
of  handling  is  totally  absent  from  the  rest  of  the 
Mediterranean  lands,  North  Europe,  and  Asia.     It 
seems  almost  incredible  that  a  type  characteristic 
of  Egypt  for  thousands  of  years  could  never  be 
established  elsewhere.    The  two  examples  at  Gezer, 
on  the  frontier,  were  doubtless  imported  to  Pales- 
tine.    It  shows  that  however  advanced  Egypt  was, 
it    was    surrounded    by    civilisations    sufficiently 
developed  to  hold  their  own  course  completely. 
Yet  this  type  recurs  as  the  regular  form  in  Peru 
and  Central  America  (A  74).    The  entire  absence 
of  it  in  many  intermediate  lands,  must  preclude  our 
supposing  a  case  of  borrowing.     It  is  one  of  the 
strong  examples  of  an  independent  invention.    The 
cause  is  not  far  to  seek.     In  the  endeavours  to  give 
a  better  attachment  to  the  blade,   the  European 
peoples  were  working  in  bronze,  more  fusible,  and 
better  for  casting,  than  copper.     Hence  they  could 
proceed  on  the  socket  system,  pi.  ix.     The  Egyp- 
tian, like  the  Peruvian,  was  inventing  his  form  in 
the  copper  stage,  when  hammering  was  the  process 
rather  than  casting ;  hence  both  went  on  the  natural 
lines  of  lengthening  the  blade  along  the  handle, 
to  give  a  larger  bearing  and  a  means  of  firm  lashing. 
The  history  of  the  type  in  Egypt  is  not  traced 
before  the  xiith  dynasty,  A  122,  when  it  is  found 
with  slightly  made  lugs.     Those  with  rather  larger 
lugs,  123,  and  124  front  and  back,  may  be  a  little 
later.    The  incised  designs  of  the  flower  and  the 
wheel-pattern  (flower?)  are  unusual.     The  longer 
lugs  appear  in  the  xviiith  dynasty  ;  at  the  beginning 
of  pi.  lxxiv  is  the  top  of  an  axe,  A  71,  dated  to 
Arnenhetep  II,  showing  that  A  125  is  of  about  the 
middle  of  the  xviiith  dynasty.     The  design  of  fish 
and  lotus  on  A  127  rather  suggests  the  age  of  Arnen- 
hetep III  ;    this  is  much  the  most  carefully  made 
of  these  axes,  the  ends  of  the  lugs  turning  down  to 
hold  in  the  lashing,  and  the  edge  much  hammered 
out.     From  this  hammering,  and  the  softness  and 
clean  state  of  the  red  metal,  it  appears  to  be  copper 
rather  than  bronze.    The  latest  bronze  axe  of  the 
type  is  A  130,  which  is  of  about  the  xxiind  dynasty, 
from  Gerzeh.    Next  comes  the  transfer  of  this  type 
to  iron  in  which  A  132  is  one  of  the  finest  examples 


of  early  iron  work  ;  the  ends  of  the  lugs  are  rolled 
over  to  hold  the  lashing  in  place.  On  A  133  the 
leather  lashing  remains  entire,  although  the  wood 
has  been  eaten  out  by  termites.  This  was  found 
in  the  store  chambers  of  the  Ramesseum ;  and,  as 
nothing  there  appeared  later  than  about  800  B.C., 
this  is  probably  one  of  the  earliest  iron  axes.  The 
blade  splays  like  the  previous  bronze  axe  from 
Gerzeh,  whereas  the  other  iron  axes,  72,  73,  131, 
132  are  square  in  form.  All  of  the  above  axes  were 
evidently  for  carpentry  and  heavy  work. 

13.  The  battleaxe  was  a  lighter  variety  of  the 
same  type.    The  earlier  stages  appear  with  very 
slight  lugs,  as  A  134,  135,  probably  in  the  xth  and 
xith  dynasties.     Certainly  by  the  time  of  Senusert  I 
the  lugs  were  fully  squared  out,  as  in  the  beauti- 
fully made  example  with  his  name,  A  137.    The 
fine  work  of  the  engraving  makes  it  less  likely  to 
belong  to  one  of  the  later  Senuserts.    A  138,  139 
and  a  duplicate,  are  of  the  same  age.     The  type 
continued  in  the  xivth  dynasty,  A  82,  83,  but  began 
to   show  the  unsymmetrical  sloping  form,   which 
later  developed  so  much,  as  in  A  88,  89.    These 
seem  to  have  been  merely  fashionable  sports,  as  it 
is  impossible  to  suppose  that  so  long  a  form  could 
be  handled  with  the  precision  of  a  shorter  axe. 
This  fanciful  form  is  not  dated  later  than  the  begin- 
ning of  the  xviiith  dynasty,  A  90.      Soon  after, 
under  Hotshepsut,   92,   and  Tahutmes  III,  93,  a 
broader  type  came  into  use,  as  in  A  144,  151,  152. 
This  continued  to  be  the  ceremonial  form  to  the 
close  of  the  xviiith  dynasty,  as  it  appears  in  A 146  of 
Amenhetep  III,  but  there  is  no  later  example  of  it. 
Outside  of  Egypt  it  appears  in  a  changed  form 
with  a  midrib,  from  Central  Syria,  pi.  Ixxiv,  A  95. 
The  total  absence  of  this  type  in  Europe  in  its 
earlier  well-marked  stages,  makes  the  more  remark- 
able a  small  example  of  a  late  stage,  A  96,  found  at 
Fifehead  in  Wiltshire.     It  seems  to  come  in  the 
series  at  about  the  close  of  the  xviith  dynasty,  see 
A  84,  85.     Apparently  it  must  be  an  importation 
of  about  1600  B.C.,  traded  over  to  Britain.    The 
presence  of  apparently  Egyptian  beads  in  England 
about  four  centuries  later,  leads  us  to  believe  that 
there   was   widespread   commercial   intercourse  in 
these   times.     An   exceptional   form  from  Trans- 
caucasia (A  97)  differs  so  widely  from  the  Egyptian, 
by  having   a   square  tang  for  hafting,   that  the 
resemblance  in  outline  is  probably  fortuitous.     A 
similar  square  tang  occurs  on  two  late  Egyptian 
iron   axes   (A  98-9)    from   the   eastern    frontier  at 

Defenneh.  These  tanged  axes  may  be  all  three 
Asiatic,  from  one  source ;  such  a  fastening  is  un- 
known in  Europe  or  Egypt  otherwise.  The  socketted 
axe  (A  100)  is  a  rare  form ;  by  its  curve  it  is  quite 
distinct  from  the  hoes  on  pi.  xix. 

14.  The  next  type,  that  of  the  scolloped  axe, 
pi.  vi,  is  of  much  interest  as  a  foreign  importation 
into  Egypt.  In  contrast  to  the  axe  with  lugs,  and 
the  round  axe,  both  of  which  are  unknown  in  Europe 
and  Asia,  and  were  never  diffused  from  Egypt, 
the  scolloped  axe  is  widely  spread  in  Carthage, 
Greece,  Syria,  and  Georgia.  The  modifications  of 
it  in  Syria  show  that  it  had  a  long  history  there, 
and  it  may  probably  be  accepted  as  Syrian  in 
origin.  The  simplest  form,  and  therefore  probably 
the  earliest,  is  the  plain  sheet  of  metal  scolloped 
out,  which  is  preserved  in  Egypt,  while  only  the 
later  development  with  a  socket  has  yet  been  found 
in  Syria.  A  significant  point  is  that,  in  a  painting 
of  the  xiith  dynasty,  where  the  Egyptians  carry 
the  axe  165,  let  into  the  handle,  the  Syrian  in  the 
same  scene  carries  the  axe  173,  which  is  distinctly 
socketted,  with  three  eyes  around  the  handle.  This 
shows  that  the  Syrian  had  developed  socketting  as 
early  as  the  xiith  dynasty,  and  was  thus  much 
ahead  of  the  Egyptian. 

It  should  be  observed  that  the  earliest  Egyptian 
example  (A  160)  is  figured  in  a  tomb  of  the  vth 
dynasty  at  Deshasheh,  as  being  made  by  an  artisan 
in  Egypt.  This  proves  that  the  type  was  already 
known  in  the  Old  Kingdom :  yet  no  actual  ex- 
amples, or  figures  of  it  in  use,  appear  until  the 
xiith  dynasty.  Then  we  have  the  figures  of  the 
deep  form  161,  162,  and  the  actual  example  164. 
This  form  continued  long  in  the  west,  being  known 
in  Carthage  in  Greek  times,  A  163.  In  the  xiith 
dynasty  it  became  much  shallower  in  Egypt,  as 
157-159,  165-167,  influenced  apparently  by  a 
different  weapon,  the  edge  on  a  stick  178-180, 
which  will  be  dealt  with  below.  But  this  shallow 
form  was  only  Egyptian,  and  did  not  influence  the 
main  line  of  descent  in  Asia.  The  deep  circular 
form  with  three  bands,  around  the  handle,  173, 
was  used  by  Syrians  in  the  xiith  dynasty,  and 
brought  into  Egypt  in  the  xxth  dynasty,  174.  The 
next  stage  of  development  was  the  linking  of  the 
socket  bands  together  by  a  cross  bar,  as  in  the 
Vapheio  example,  175,  which  shows  the  extension 
of  the  type  to  the  Peloponnesos  about  the  xviiith 
dynasty.  Next,  in  Syria  the  three  loops  became 
merged  into  a  single  long  socket,  168,  a  usual  form, 



of  which  there  are  four  examples  in  the  British 
Museum  from  Beyrut.  This  was  further  modified 
by  lengthening  the  blade  and  shortening  the  socket, 
as  in  169  from  the  Orontes,  and  170  at  the  bottom  of 
pi.  Lxxiv  from  Central  Syria.  The  open  spaces  in 
A 169  have  been  dwarfed,  until  they  are  almost  closed. 
The  same  type  is  given  from  Beyrut  in  xi,  O  142, 
to  show  its  relation  to  Central  Asian  (143)  and 
Chinese  forms  (144,  145). 

Another  line  of  development  was  apparently 
contemporary,  as  it  is  found  together  with  the 
last  form  in  the  group  of  four  axes,  in  precisely 
similar  condition,  from  Central  Syria,  pi.  lxxiv,  171. 
In  this  the  back  was  lengthened  to  gain  a  hold 
on  the  handle,  and  the  two  end  eyes  were  only 
carried  half  round.  A  simpler  form  of  this  is 
from  Georgia  (Transcaucasus),  A  172,  vi,  where  the 
socket  is  wider,  but  without  any  extension  down 
the  back,  and  the  ends  merely  hitch  into  the  stick. 
Without  having  any  dates  or  connecting  examples 
it  cannot  be  said  which  is  the  earlier  of  these  forms. 
Certainly  the  Georgian  is  furthest  from  the  earliest 
dated  type  in  Syria,  A  173.  It  is  curious  to  see 
how  closely  the  Egyptian  scolloped  axe  was  re- 
invented in  France,  A  176,  177,  with  almost  exactly 
the  same  curves ;  as  the  Egyptian  type  vanished 
over  two  thousand  years  before  the  French  ex- 
amples, this  is  a  certain  case  of  recurrence  of  a 

15.  The  flanged  edges  of  the  Egyptian  forms, 
A  158,  159,  164,  166,  167,  should  be  noticed.  Ham- 
mering on  the  edge  of  a  tool,  so  as  to  raise  a  rib 
or  flange  on  the  margin  of  the  face,  greatly  stiffens 
the  blade.  This  was  the  usual  mode  which  began 
in  the  early  bronze  age  in  Central  Europe,  while  it 
was  not  used  in  the  Mediterranean  or  in  the  early 
Italian  lake  dwellings  (Peet,  255).  It  appears  to 
have  been  a  northern  invention  arising  after  the 
close  of  the  copper  age,  and  developing  during  the 
bronze  age  until  it  reached  the  form  of  the  winged, 
and  lastly  the  socketted,  axe.  The  whole  of  that 
development  is  excluded  from  this  volume,  as  it 
did  not  touch  Egypt.  Yet  in  the  examples  above 
quoted  the  slight  beginning  of  flanging  is  seen 
around  the  scollops  in  the  back  of  the  blade.  This 
indicates  the  northern  or  Asiatic  origin  of  the 
scolloped  axe.  The  use  of  raised  ribs  on  tools  is 
specially  Asiatic,  as  will  be  seen  on  the  Oriental 
axes,  lower  part  of  pi.  xi.  The  taste  for  such 
treatment  is  like  that  for  the  flanged  edges,  and 
these  start   from  Hungary,  which  was  always  an 

open  field  for  Oriental  types.  Broadly,  then,  flanged 
edges  seem  to  be  an  Asiatic  invention,  passing  with 
an  Asiatic  type  of  axe  into  Egypt,  without  spread- 
ing there ;  also  passing  into  Hungary  after  the 
copper  age,  and  thence  developing  in  northern 
bronze  forms  without  being  accepted  on  the 
eastern,  western,  or  southern  Mediterranean  (Peet, 


16.  A  very  unusual  type  of  fighting  weapon 
(A  181-3)  is  called  by  Wilkinson  the  pole-axe. 
This  name  refers  to  the  fighting  pole-axe  of  Ger- 
many, but  it  is  not  easy  to  understand  the  real 
nature  of  it.  The  colouring  of  181  may  help  us. 
The  blade  is  blue,  the  oval  upon  the  blade  is  brown, 
the  handle  is  yellow.  It  was  used  for  swinging 
overhead  blows.  The  most  probable  interpreta- 
tion of  it  is  that  the  blade  was  iron,  but  so  valuable 
that  it  was  stiffened  by  a  large  bronze  oval  on  each 
side  of  it,  which  attached  it  to  the  handle  of  wood. 
This  use  of  iron  for  the  edge,  supplemented  by 
cheaper  bronze,  is  seen  in  the  knife  of  iron  with  a 
bronze  handle  cast  upon  it  (see  K.  246  across  pi. 
xxix).  The  reign  of  Rameses  II,  to  which  the 
pole-axes  belong,  is  exactly  the  time  when  iron 
was  first  being  used  as  a  rarity ;  this  would  agree 
to  the  interpretation  just  given. 

The  Frankish  axe  184  seems  to  be  a  re-invention 
of  the  axe  with  holes,  by  which  to  bind  it  on  to  the 

17.  The  edged  fighting  baton  was  a  peculiarly 
Egyptian  weapon,  not  found  elsewhere.  It  would 
be  quite  useless  upon  clothing,  and  only  effective 
on  bare  flesh  ;  hence  it  could  only  be  a  hot-country 
weapon.  The  simplest  forms  are  A  154-6,  where 
the  edge  was  simply  backed  into  the  baton,  and 
secured  by  ties  through  four  or  five  holes.  The  next 
stage  was  to  make  a  lug  at  each  end  (A  178)  to 
hold  it  in  by  ferrules  round  the  stick,  as  well  as  ties. 
Another  form  was  carried  out  over  the  end  of  the 
stick  as  a  point,  A  179.  The  scolloped  axe  affected 
it,  and  produced  the  type  which  is  only  fixed  in  the 
baton  at  three  points,  A  157,  180.  All  of  these 
seem  to  belong  to  the  xith  and  xiith  dynasties. 

18.  The  halberd  is  intermediate  between  the 
edged  baton  and  the  axe.  It  is  so  obvious  a  form 
that  it  arose  independently  in  America,  as  seen  by 
the  two  from  Wisconsin,  A  185,  186.  The  latter  is 
curiously  like  the  Coptic  form,  viii,  189,  in  its 
attachment.  The  earliest  example  is  the  iron 
halberd,  vi,  187,  which  is  dated  to  the  xxth  dynasty 
by  being  found  in  a  thick  sand  bed  of  the  temple 



of  Rameses  III  at  Abydos.  The  iron  halberd,  viii, 
190,  may  be  of  some  later  date,  before  the  fine 
Coptic  example  189,  which  is  engraved  with  zigzag 
lines,  a  cross,  fishes,  and  vine  pattern.  A  form 
similar  to  these  halberds  is  used  as  a  hoe  in  South 
Africa,  see  Z.E.  1882,  p.  541. 

At  the  end  is  placed  a  very  uncertain  object,  188, 
which  suggests  some  ceremonial  weapon ;  it  was 
found  at  Gaualgesheim  in  Germany,  and  it  has  been 
interpreted  as  the  crest  of  a  helmet.  A  crest  of 
such  a  form  would,  however,  be  Greek  rather  than 


THE  SOCKETTED  AXE  (o)   PLS.   IX,   X,  XI,   XIII 

19.  The  second  great  class  of  axes  is  that  of  the 
socketted  axes,  marked  here  by  the  letter  O.  The 
use  of  a  socket  was  very  slowly  adopted  by  the 
Egyptians;  they  never  for  bronze  or 
for  hammers,  and  only  a  few  socketted  iron  axes 
have  been  found,  which  are  probably  Greek  or 
Roman  importations.  Egypt  therefore  gives  no 
light  on  the  history  of  socketting  elsewhere.  We 
have  seen  how  the  socket  appears  to  have  been  used 
in  Syria  as  early  as  the  xiith  dynasty  (A  173),  and 
in  Greece  in  the  xviiith  dynasty  (A  175).  The 
evidence  of  material  certainly  places  socketting 
before  the  introduction  of  bronze.  Socketted  axes 
of  copper  are  known  from  Monte  Rovello  (Rome) 
O  1,  in  Sicily  (Siculan  II),  Kalenburg  O  2,  and 
Hungary  O  134-136,  and  socketted  copper  adze- 
axes  from  Serbia,  T  49-51,  xiv.  Nevertheless, 
socketting  does  not  seem  to  have  been  very  preva- 
lent in  the  bronze  age,  as  we  have  only  twelve  of 
bronze  out  of  more  than  a  hundred  axes,  and  many 
more  iron  axes  might  have  been  copied  here,  but  not 
more  of  bronze.  It  is  curious  how  slowly  the  most 
effective  kind  of  handle  came  into  use. 

Among  the  bronze  axes,  note  the  broken-off 
casting  duct  on  the  heel  of  O4,  as  in  the  Sicilian 
(Peet,  466).  This  gives  a  clue  to  the  origin  of  the 
projections  on  the  back  of  O  9,  10.  It  seems  to 
have  been  found  advisable  to  make  a  clear  projec- 
tion on  the  back  to  serve  as  a  hammer,  O  9  to  14  ; 
if  a  mere  socket  was  hammered,  the  expansion  of 
the  metal  would  deform  the  socket,  hence  the  need 
of  a  projection.  The  bronze  model  axe,  pi.  xiii, 
O  116,  is  of  an  early  form,  used  for  an  amulet  as 

in  Sicily  (Peet,  465).  The  Italian  and  Greek  forms 
arc  almost  straight  and  symmetrical,  O  1,  3  to  14. 
But  in  Germany  the  curved  axe  O  2  seems  to  have 
been  copied  from  a  still  more  curved  form  in  Hun- 
gary (see  M.  2.3.2).  Hungarian  types  are  usually 
connected  with  Oriental  types,  and  the  curved  axe 
probably  came  in  from  the  East.  A  widely  splay- 
ing axe  appears  on  the  Nineveh  sculptures  (O  15, 
16) ;   whether  of  iron  or  bronze  is  not  known. 

20.  The  iron  axes  began  by  copying  the  bronze 
forms,  asO  19  (like  the  modern  Canada  axe),  20,  21, 
24,  25.  The  Hungarian  axe  O  23  retains  the 
curved  form  noticed  above.  Soon  the  true  iron 
forms  develop,  with  a  wide  splay  and  thin  blade, 
O  26-36.  In  these,  no  special  attention  is  given 
to  the  socket ;  no  great  strain  was  to  be  put  upon 
it,  and  the  purpose  was  probably  for  fighting,  or  at 
Pompeii  for  butchers'  work.  The  Pompeian  forms 
are  very  common,  some  forty  of  them  being  at 
Naples,  varying  between  the  limits  O  29  and  30. 
These  forms  occur  in  Egypt,  O  31,  32  doubtless  of 
Roman  age;  and  also  the  iron  axe  amulet  O  117. 
The  purpose  of  the  extreme  type,  34,  35,  must 
have  been  to  make  a  very  wide  cut  quickly,  keep- 
ing the  axe  as  light  as  possible  for  the  sake  of 
rapid  handling.  Next  there  appear  various  develop- 
ments of  the  socket.  The  curved  form  O  37,  109- 
112  (lxxix)  is  the  francisca,  or  throwing  axe  of 
the  Franks ;  109  is  like  the  axe  found  in  the  tomb 
of  Childeric  I  (481  a.d.)  now  in  the  Louvre.  Other 
axes  show  a  lengthening  of  the  back  as  a  hammer, 
usually  with  an  enlargement  of  the  socket  beyond 
the  sides  of  the  blade.  This  must  have  been  done 
in  order  to  use  a  weaker  wood  for  the  handle  ;  and 
it  would  seem  that  all  these  (O40  to  44)  are  of 
northern  source.  The  hardest  wood  now  used  for 
handles  is  the  Syrian  shum,  largely  exported  to 
Egypt  for  adzes  and  other  tools.  This  is  far  harder 
than  the  ash  wood  usually  employed  for  handles 
in  the  north,  or  even  than  oak.  Hence  it  may  be 
taken  that  the  northern  peoples  required  larger 
hafts  for  axes,  in  order  to  use  the  softer  woods 
without  bruising  and  spoiling  them  by  the  strains 
on  the  axe. 

21.  The  deep  socket  is  another  stage  of  develop- 
ment. Slight  deepening  is  seen  in  O  45,  46,  of  the 
first  iron  age  and  La  Tene  (second  iron  age).  The 
Carniola  axe,  47,  is  of  the  curved  Hungarian  type. 
Other  slight  deepening  appears  in  Germany,  O  48 
to  51,  with  a  great  expansion  of  the  blade.  This 
runs  to  an  excess  in  the  early  mediaeval  age  O  52, 



53,  like  the  modern  cooper's  axe ;  but  these  may 
be  for  fighting.  A  similar  form  is  seen  in  a  bronze 
amulet  axe  of  Roman  age,  O  54  on  pi.  xiii. 

A  lengthening  of  the  socket  to  correspond  with 
the  blade,  is  required  for  the  violent  shocks  of  a 
woodman's  axe,  such  as  O  17,  18.  From  this  is 
derived  the  drooping  blade,  which  is  found  begin- 
ning as  early  as  the  xiith  dynasty  for  the  wood- 
man's axe  O55.  Much  the  same  was  used  in 
mediaeval  France,  56,  and  in  modern  Brazil.  It 
was  developed  much  further  for  carpenters'  and 
butchers'  axes  O  57  to  60,  and  the  modern  joiner's 
axe,  which  type  arose  at  least  as  early  as  Mero- 
vingian times  (D.W.  155,  39).  Other  mediaeval 
axes  greatly  widened  the  blade,  as  used  for  decapita- 
tion, O61  to  64.  A  still  longer  blade,  65,  almost 
became  a  halberd ;  yet  it  was  used  as  an  axe  for 
stripping  the  bark  off  branches,  the  blade  being 
slipped  in  between  the  wood  and  the  bark,  as 
shown  in  the  Bayeux  tapestry.  The  axe  with  a 
spike  at  the  back  is  Italic,  being  figured  on  Etruscan 
sculpture,  O  66.  Much  the  same  form  was  used 
for  a  fighting  axe  in  Germany  in  the  xivth  century  ; 
and  was  the  Dutch  butcher's  axe  (67)  for  killing 
cattle  in  1694.    See  also  O  124,  pi.  lxxix. 

22.  Another  stage  is  the  recurving  of  the  ends 
of  the  blade.  This  began  as  early  as  the  1st  cen- 
tury a.d.  in  Germany,  O69,  70,  as  shown  on  a 
silver  signum  of  a  cohort,  found  at  the  camp  of 
Niederbiber  by  Neuweid.  This  was  a  Danish  type 
(72)  and  was  brought  by  the  Northmen  into  France. 
From  it  was  derived  the  typical  Norman  axe  (71), 
which  continued  to  the  xiiith  century  (73).  A 
somewhat  similar  form  was  used  in  Roman  Britain, 
with  a  very  deep  socket  (68).  The  great  size  of 
this,  and  of  G 18,  causes  some  doubt  as  to  the 
scale  stated  for  them. 

23.  A  different  style  of  socket  came  into  use  in 
the  North,  to  allow  of  a  sideways  wrench  of  the 
handle,  for  loosening  the  axe  when  it  was  struck 
home.  The  socket  was  deepened  at  the  sides  into 
a  circular  form.  Excepting  one  axe  found  at 
Perugia,  all  of  these  are  cold-country  weapons, 
adapted  to  the  softer  woods  used  for  handles  in 
the  North,  like  the  pattern  of  the  Scotch  axe.  The 
great  length  of  the  edge  in  some  of  these,  as  83  to 
88,  also  required  a  greater  depth  of  socket  to  be 
proportionate  to  the  strains  in  use. 

Another  form  of  this  deeper  side  to  the  socket 
was  developed  mainly  in  the  North,  not  as  a  circle, 
but  extending  to  a  point  above  and  below,  as  in 

O  94  to  101.  In  modern  axes  the  point  below  is 
in  the  Newcastle  and  Yorkshire  axe,  and  the  point 
both  ways  in  the  Kent  and  Irish  axe.  This  form 
also  gives  a  hold  on  the  side  of  the  handle,  but  not 
so  effectually  as  the  circular  box  socket,  because 
the  point  would  soon  crush  into  the  grain  of  the 
wood.    The  form  is  mainly  Swedish. 

24.  A  different  use  of  the  axe  belonged  to  Ger- 
many. The  previous  sockets  were  to  meet  a  side 
wrench,  probably  in  fighting  ;  the  next  type  was 
to  meet  a  lift  of  the  handle,  probably  to  loosen  it 
out  of  the  grip  of  cloven  wood.  The  socket  is 
deepened,  mainly  downward,  so  as  not  to  crush  the 
handle  when  strained  to  lift.  In  some  the  socket 
swells  out  to  the  back  (O  103-108,  and  the  fran- 
cisca  109  to  112,  lxxix) ;  in  others,  it  is  ostenta- 
tiously projected  along  the  back,  separate  from  the 
sides  (O  113  to  115). 

25.  Another  family  of  socketted  axes  is  dis- 
tinguished by  the  tubular  socket,  O  118  to  129,  which 
in  various  shapes  joins  with  what  we  may  call  the 
Oriental  axe,  O132  to  145.  The  characteristic  of 
the  Oriental  axe  is  the  ornament  which  is  in  raised 
ribs  on  the  surface.  This  was  seldom,  or  never, 
made  in  the  West.  The  characteristic  of  the  West 
is  incised  line  and  shading  ornament  (as  on  the 
razors  pi.  Ix,  61,  94),  which  is  seldom,  or  never, 
found  in  the  East.  These  two  opposite  families  of 
decoration  seem  sharply  to  mark  the  sources  in 
opposite  regions.  There  is  perhaps  a  structural 
cause  for  this  difference.  To  produce  the  raised 
relief  around  a  socket,  the  casting  must  be  done 
in  a  closed  mould,  and  little  is  left  to  hammer  work ; 
the  incised  ornament  is  natural  on  the  flat  surfaces 
resulting  from  open  moulds  and  beating  out  the 

Even  on  the  simplest  example  of  this  family,  the 
socket  is  strengthened  by  raised  ribs,  O  118  ;  these 
are  further  advanced  on  119,  pi.  lxxiv,  from  Cen- 
tral Syria.  In  the  latter,  the  casting  duct  is  in  the 
middle  of  the  back,  joined  with  a  deep  flange  to 
stiffen  the  back  of  the  socket.  This  family  of  tubular 
sockets  is  remarkable  for  the  narrowness  and  length 
of  the  blade  (O  123,  126  to  129) ;  also  for  the  knob 
more  or  less  ornamented,  which  is  placed  on  the 
back  (0 125-6-7,  129).  The  purpose  of  these 
forms  is  not  obvious.  The  narrow  blade  suggests 
a  fighting  axe  used  on  clothed  enemies,  and  hence 
beginning  in  Hungary  rather  than  in  Syria.  The 
Danish  example,  129,  is  covered  with  fine  spiral 
pattern,  dating  it  to  the  best  period  of  the  bronze 



age.  Other  variants  of  this  type  are  like  127,  but 
with  a  plain  disc  and  spike,  from  Hungary  (M.  2.3.2) 
and  from  Bavaria  (M.  1.4.2) ;  also,  without  a  spike, 
from  Hungary  (M.  2.3.2).  The  strangest  of  all  is 
the  Bohemian  O  128  ;  which  end  was  used  is  hard 
to  say.  An  almost  exactly  similar  form  is  said  to 
come  from  Hungary,  and  to  be  in  the  Zurich 
Museum  (M.  2.3.2) ;  perhaps  the  attribution  is 
wrong,  and  they  are  two  versions  of  the  same  speci- 

26.  The  more  distinctly  Oriental  axe  has  flam- 
boyant curves,   merging  into  figure  reliefs  in  the 
truly  eastern  examples,  as  O  140,  and  the  Hamdan 
axe  in  the  British  Museum.     Polished  stone  axes 
with  such  curves  come  from  Troy,  O  130, 'and  as 
far  west  as  South  Jutland.    Noting  the  absence  of 
such  work  in  the  western  metal  axes,  it  seems  as 
if  the  western  stone  axes  must  be  due  to  importa- 
tion, or  to  an  invasion  from  the  east  of  a  small 
group    whose   ideals  of   art    soon   perished.     The 
flamboyant  type  of  axe  comes  from  Perm,  Western 
Persia,    the    Caucasus,    and    the   Caspian    region. 
Thence  it  spread  into  the  west  of  the  Black  Sea, 
in  Hungary  (134-136),  where  its  finest  examples 
appear  in  the  nine  gold  axes  of  Czofalva  in  Tran- 
sylvania (O  139).     The  Persian  development,  O  141, 
is  evidently  later,  as  the  socket  has  been  turned 
almost  to  right  angles,  the  blade  is  turned  down 
toward  the  hand,  and  the  former  back  of  the  axe 
is  developed  as  the  working   edge.     The  Syrian 
axe  from  Beyrut,  O  142,  is  the  later  form  of  the 
scolloped  axe,  A  168,  with  the  holes  further  reduced. 
This  underwent  a  curious  change  on  passing  into 
Central  Asia ;    the  Minussinsk  axe,  O  143,  has  the 
two  oval  holes  shifted  from  the  front  to  the  back 
of  the  haft,  and  thus  reduced  to  a  mere  ornament. 
This,  in  its  turn,  seems  to  be  a  probable  source  for 
the  Chinese  forms  O  144,  145. 

THE   DOUBLE   AXE  I     (t)   PL.    XII 

27.  In  the  series  of  the  Double  Axe,  the  considera- 
tions of  its  actual  use,  and  origin,  are  complicated 
by  its  having  undoubtedly  been  also  a  ceremonial 
object,  and  perhaps  a  standard  of  exchange  of 
a  fixed  weight.  The  ceremonial  aspect  of  it  has 
overshadowed  all  else  in  recent  years,  in  the  study 
of  the  Cretan  symbols.  It  is  therefore  needful  to 
begin  by  seeing  the  utilitarian  purpose  of  the  form, 

before  considering  the  purposes  of  symbol  or  ex- 
changes to  which  it  was  applied. 

That  the  double  axe  was  employed  for  ordinary 
tree- felling  in  Nineveh  is  proved  from  the  sculptures, 
where  the  form  T  21  is  used.  It  appears  as  an 
ordinary  fighting  axe  in  Etruria,  T  18,  19,  20,  22, 
23,  24,  and  on  a  cist,  T  25.  It  is  found  made  of 
iron  with  a  full-sized  haft  hole,  and  modified  for 
various  uses,  at  Ephesos  (35)  and  Pompeii  (40,  44), 
and  in  Egypt  (T41,  xiii),  in  which  conditions  it  is 
unlikely  to  have  been  ceremonial.  It  is  still  a  tool 
used  by  bricklayers.  The  great  elongation  of  it 
in  Sardinia,  T  10, 11, 14,  does  not  seem  as  if  a  sacred 
type  were  being  maintained,  but  rather  that  it 
was  modified  for  use,  perhaps  for  hewing  rock. 
In  general,  it  seems  reasonable — after  seeing  these 
working  examples — to  suppose  that  all  the  axes 
with  full-sized  hafting  holes  were  for  actual  use. 

28.  On  the  other  hand,  a  large  proportion  of 
double  axes  have  a  hole  too  small  or  irregular  for 
a  haft,  or  no  hole  at  all.  Such  must  have  been  for 
purposes  of  either  ceremonial  or  exchange.  That 
a  type  of  weapon  which  was  continually  in  practical 
use  might  also  have  a  ceremonial  significance,  is 
shown  by  the  great  spear  heads  here  figured,  and 
many  other  examples,  see  sect.  79. 

29.  Apparently  the  earliest  form — most  nearly 
copied  from  stone  axes — is  that  of  T  1,  2.  The 
Hungarian  example  has  a  flamboyant  touch  at  the 
ends ;  but  this  may  be  only  local  style,  and  not 
show  an  Oriental  origin  of  the  weapon.  From 
these  it  may  be  concluded  that  the  curved  ends 
as  on  T  3,  7,  8,  9,  13,  15  (early  Minoan  II),  16,  21, 
are  earlier  than  the  square  ends,  as  5,  6.  The  use 
of  the  square-ended  type  with  a  slight  splay,  is 
dated  to  the  1st  century  B.C.  by  its  occurrence 
on  the  coins  struck  at  Corcyra  by  the  Proculeia 
gens  (12).  It  should  be  observed  that  the  axes 
with  curved  ends,  13,  15,  have  oval  holes ;  those 
with  flat  ends,  4,  5,  10,  have  round  holes.  The 
earliest  dated  example,  however,  from  Mochlos,  15, 
has  a  round  hole  and  curved  ends. 

The  local  distribution  of  types  explains  much  of 
the  history  of  the  double  axes.  First,  we  see  that 
the  axes  intended  for  use,  having  effective  hafting 
holes,  belong  almost  entirely  to  the  Aegean  and 
Crete,  also  to  Caria  as  shown  by  coin  types,  and 
one  distant  branch  in  Sardinia.  They  are  thus 
limited  to  the  Mediterranean.  On  the  other  hand, 
the  axes  with  ineffective  hafting,  and  therefore 
ceremonial,    are  not   found  in  the  Mediterranean 



(except  some  in  Crete)  but  belong  to  the  north. 

aeen  are  from  Germany,  six  are  Serbian,  two 

.-s,  and  two  French. 

Not  only  are  the  effective  and  ceremonial  types 
thus  separated,  but  the  ceremonial  types  vary  in 
their  form  with  locality.  On  Lissauer's  map  in 
his  important  article  (Z.E.  1905,  519)  the  sources 
are  seen  to  be  grouped  in  the  Elbe  Valley,  the 
Rhine  valley,  and  some  scattered  in  France  and 
Switzerland.  On  reviewing  the  varieties,  it  is  seen 
that  each  of  these  centres  has  its  peculiar  form. 
A  short  form  with  narrow  waist,  and  a  mid  ridge 
(as  31)  belongs  to  the  Elbe  basin,  a  long,  narrow 
form  (as  33)  to  the  Rhine  basin,  and  a  large  bell- 
shaped  form  (as  30,  32)  to  Switzerland  and  France. 
It  appears,  then,  that  there  are  at  least  five  different 
forms  belonging  to  different  localities — the  three 
just  named,  the  Aegean  forms  of  Crete,  Naxos,  and 
Mykenae  (as  5,  varying  to  15),  and  the  long  Sar- 
dinian form  (14). 

30.  The  theory  which  has  been  put  forward  that 
all  these  axes  were  made  in  Cyprus,  and  distributed 
thence,  is  thus  strongly  contradicted  by  the  facts. 
Not  only  is  the  type  rare — or  absent — in  Cyprus 
itself,  but  the  entire  separation  between  the  effective 
forms  in  the  south,  and  the  ceremonial  in  the  north, 
and  the  localisation  of  form  in  at  least  five  separate 
regions,  could  not  occur  by  chance  trading.  More- 
over the  Rhine  form  is  decorated  with  rows  of 
punch  cuts,  which  is  a  style  of  western  rather  than 
of  Mediterranean  ornament.  It  would  seem  absurd 
to  suppose  all  these  peculiarities  to  be  made  in 
Cyprus,  or  any  other  centre,  and  sorted  out  by 
trade  in  five  distinct  regions. 

31.  Another  consideration  that  has  been  put 
forward  is  that  these  double  axes  are  made  of 
definite  weights.  This  view  starts  from  the  state- 
ment in  a  gloss  on  Hesychios  that  the  Greeks  made 
bars  of  10  minae  in  weight  in  the  form  of  the  bi- 
pennis  or  double  axe.  None  of  these  double  axes 
are  as  much  as  10  minae  in  weight,  so  the  connection 
is  not  certain ;  and  it  would  seem  that  ingots  of 
as  much  as  10  minae  might  be  cast  somewhat  like 
the  larger  trade  ingots  known  to  us,  and  be  termed 
bipennis  as  the  best  word  for  the  form,  without 
implying  the  finished  shape  of  a  weapon,  like  these 
axes.  However  that  may  be,  the  idea  has  been 
followed  up  by  showing  that  three  of  these  axes 
agree  with  the  Aeginetan  mina.  The  weights  of 
eleven  axes  are  published,  and  we  can  proceed  to 
classify  them  all,  as  follows,  in  grammes. 

Pyrmont     . 
Borssum     . 
Flonheim    . 

910     i\  of  607 

3040    5     ,,608 


1240    2    of    620 

935     ii   ..   623 
.       628               628 

Average    617 

Petersberg  . 
Calbe,  Saxony  (two) 

.     1000    2    of  500 
.     1049    2          524 
•       540               540 

Average    521 


.     1445      2  of  722 
•       73o               730 

Average    726 

Now  these  three  averages  are  all  well-known  ancient 
standards.  617  grm.  is  the  Aeginetan,  corresponding 
to  a  drachm  of  95  grains  with  variation  94  to  97. 
521  grm.  is  the  necef  of  Syria,  corresponding  to  a 
drachm  of  i6o"8  grains,  varying  from  154  to  166 
as  is  usual.  726  grm.  is  the  Phoenician,  correspond- 
ing to  a  drachm  of  56  grains,  or  shekel  of  224.  All 
of  these  are  closely  the  recognised  mean  values  of 
the  ancient  standards.  The  distribution  of  the 
standards  is  not  separated  by  the  regions ;  Aeginetan 
and  80-grain  are  in  both  the  Elbe  and  Rhine  basins, 
but  the  two  of  the  Phoenician  unit  are  both  on  the 
Rhine.  It  may  be  remembered  that  the  great 
octopus  weight  of  Knossos  is  on  the  Aeginetan 
standard,  and  both  this  and  the  Phoenician  are 
much  older  than  the  importance  of  Aegina  or 

32.  What  may  have  been  the  purpose  of  the 
axes  conforming  to  different  standards  of  weight  ? 
It  was  not  as  mere  rough  ingots ;  they  are  too  well 
finished  for  that.  It  could  hardly  be  for  the  sake 
of  exact  sale  values,  as  they  belong  to  an  age 
when  such  precise  trading  is  scarcely  to  be  ex- 
pected. Rather  should  we  connect  these  with  the 
standard  weights  kept  in  religious  centres  for  public 
reference.  From  the  temple  of  Byblos  come  the 
large  marble  standards  with  double  breasts  in 
relief ;  from  the  temple  of  Set  at  Nubt  comes  the 
haematite  head  of  a  hippopotamus,  marked  with  its 
numeral  value  as  a  weight ;  in  the  temple  of  the 
Capitol  at  Rome  were  kept  the  standards  of  the 



Republic ;  in  the  Serapeum  of  Alexandria  were 
the  standards  of  Roman  Egypt.  It  would  be  then 
in  accord  with  ancient  usages  if  the  weights  kept 
for  reference  in  different  centres  had  a  religious 
connection  as  ceremonial  forms.  The  existence  of 
three  different  trade  standards  in  a  single  region  is 
to  be  expected,  seeing  that  half  a  dozen  different 
standards  were  used  in  each  of  the  great  commercial 

One  further  matter  must  be  noted,  that — so  far 
as  examined — these  double  axes  are  all  of  copper, 
or  the  Serbian  of  silver,  without  any  bronze  appear- 
ing. Possibly  this  was  due  to  a  religious  archaism, 
like  the  use  of  flint  rather  than  metal  in  ceremonies, 
or  the  dislike  of  iron  as  a  new  metal.  Yet  at  least 
it  would  show  that  bronze  was  not  in  universal  use, 
and  the  copper  age  forgotten.  The  period  of  these 
standards  of  weight  is  then  of  the  copper  age,  or 
early  part  of  the  bronze  age. 

33.  The  conclusions  are,  therefore, — 

1,  that  varieties  are  strictly  localised,  and  made 
locally  ; 

2,  that  while  the  southern  examples  were  for  use, 
the  northern  were  ceremonial  or  sacred  ; 

3,  that  they  agree  to  three  of  the  common  weight 
standards ; 

4,  that  they  may  be  the  religious  standard 
weights  of  the  Germanic  and  Gaulish  trade,  the  form 
being  adopted,  from  the  veneration  shown  to  it  by 
the  traders,  as  a  religious  emblem. 

5,  that  they  belong  to  1500  B.C.  or  earlier. 

A  different  type  of  double  axe  is  found  in  Sar- 
dinia, T  36,  37,  which  is  linked  to  those  having 
tubular  socketting.  Much  the  same  is  found  in 
Central  Asia  (38),  though  the  form  of  the  ends  as 
a  pick,  axe,  or  adze,  is  not  clear  from  the  photo- 
graphs. As  the  tubular  axe,  which  is  probably 
Asiatic,  reaches  as  far  as  Epirus  (0  125)  and  Den- 
mark (O  129),  it  is  quite  possible  for  it  to  have 
been  carried  to  Sardinia.  The  Norman  boat- 
builder's  axe,  T  34,  was  probably  descended  from 
the  forms  in  Roman  use  T  35,  40.  The  fine  iron 
double  axe  from  Egypt,  pi.  xiii,  T  41,  is  doubtless 
also  of  the  Roman  family,  being  closely  like  T  40. 

ADZE-AXES   AND   PICKS  I    (t)    PL.   XIV 

34.  From  the  double  axe,  a  further  step  is  to 
make  the  two  ends  different  in  function.  The 
earliest  change  was  to  combine  the  axe  and  adze 
together.    This  type  began  in  the  earlier  part  of 

the  bronze  age,  as  in  the  beautifully  made  tools 
from  Sparta  and  Crete,  T  45,  46,  and  the  simpler 
— perhaps  earlier — form  from  Kythnos,  47.  A 
longer  form  appears  in  Sardinia,  48,  similar  to  the 
lengthening  of  the  Sardinian  double  axe  T  14,  36, 
37.  The  tubular  haft  of  the  latter  two  is  repeated 
in  the  adze-axe.  A  distinct  family  appears  in  the 
graceful  long  tools  from  the  second  city  of  Troy, 
and  from  the  Serbian  mining  region.  T49  was 
found  by  the  mine  of  Brestovac,  and  T  50  at 
Kanitz,  near  the  gold  mine  of  Slatina.  An  example 
similar  to  T  51  is  said  to  come  from  Hungary 
(M.  2.3.2) ;  perhaps  this  may  be  only  a  wrong  source 
for  the  previous  example.  These  Serbian  adze- 
axes  are  all  in  copper,  pointing  to  a  very  early  date, 
before  those  from  Greece ;  yet  the  fine  form  and 
tubular  haft  indicate  a  later  age.  Perhaps  the 
supply  of  Serbian  copper  tended  to  continue  the 
copper  age  longer  there  than  in  Hungary  or  Greece. 

After  these  tools  of  the  full  bronze  age,  or  before, 
there  is  a  break,  until  the  type  recurs  in  iron,  be- 
ginning with  the  Nimrud  pickaxe,  52,  but  mainly 
of  Roman  age.  The  small  example,  T  53,  from 
Boscoreale  (Pompeii)  is  most  like  the  earlier  Greek 
of  Kythnos  ;  and  is  a  continuance  of  an  early  type 
there,  like  the  plain  blade  axe,  A  54,  of  Boscoreale. 
The  class  of  large  adze-axes  T  54  to  60,  resembles 
the  modern  mattock.  The  reason  for  this  may  be 
that  they  were  for  working  in  woodland,  where  a 
main  need  was  the  cutting  of  roots,  so  that  an  adze 
edge  was  required.  Our  modern  pointed  pick-axe 
is  for  earth  work,  in  cleared  land  where  only  the 
breaking  up  of  the  soil  is  required.  The  form  61 
is  stated  to  be  the  francisca  or  throwing  axe  ;  but 
O  37,  109-112  (lxxix)  are  also  claimed  as  the 
francisca,  and  with  much  better  reason,  as  the 
pointed  end  to  the  edge  would  be  more  effective. 
62  is  a  very  heavy  tool  probably  for  smith's  work. 
The  straight  adze-axes  63,  64,  are  not  for  earth 
work,  but  probably  for  wood  splitting  and  trim- 
ming. T.  65  is  a  leaden  model  of  the  same  form 
(pi.  xiii) .  T  66,  67  being  much  narrower  may  be 
for  stone  working. 

35.  T  52  and  68  are  the  only  true  pick-axes. 
The  Central  European  type  70  has  apparently  a 
blunt  pick  end,  as  also  the  Egyptian  form  69  found 
at  Defenneh.  These  are  so  much  alike  that  it  looks 
as  if  the  Defenneh  example  had  been  brought  there 
by  a  Greek  from  Europe.  T  71,  72  are  stone- 
breakers'  or  quarrymen's  picks,  like  the  modern 
stone-pick.    T  73  appears  to  be  an  adze-hammer  ; 



from  the  angle  of  it,  perhaps  it  is  a  cooper's  hammer, 
or  a  caulking  tool.  T  74  is  a  miner's  pick-axe,  with 
a  point  to  split  stone,  and  an  axe  for  trimming. 
T  75  to  77  are  miners'  pick-hammers  from  the 
Spanish  mines.  The  typical  miner's  pick  has  varied 
very  little  in  the  form  and  angle  in  the  course  of 
ages.  The  Pompeian  shapes,  T  78,  79,  are  much 
like  the  mediaeval,  80,  and  the  later  Dutch,  81. 
The  Norman  pioneer's  pick  in  the  Bayeux  tapestry, 
82,  is  more  square  on  the  handle,  but  with  the  same 
angle  of  point  as  the  others. 


THE  ADZE  :   (z)    PLS.   XV,   XVI,   XVII 

36.  The  adze  is  only  second  to  the  axe  in  impor- 
tance as  a  primitive  tool ;  the  distinctions  between 
the  two  forms  have  been  already  noticed.  The 
earnest  adzes  known  are  the  small  thin  blades  found 
in  the  prehistoric  age  of  Egypt,  such  as  Z60,  61. 
The  edge  view  of  many  of  the  adzes  is  here  shown 
at  the  side  of  the  front  view.  Later  on  in  the 
prehistoric  (60  ?  S.D.)  a  larger  size  appears,  as  62 
from  grave  702  Naqadeh,  63,  64  from  unknown 
sites,  and  65  from  Ballas.  Another  (68),  probably 
later  by  its  thickness,  may  come  from  the  beginning 
of  the  1st  dynasty. 

Just  before  the  1st  dynasty,  or  perhaps  in  the 
reign  of  Mena,  a  sudden  start  was  made,  with  a 
much  larger  blade,  considerably  splayed,  Z  8,  66,  67. 
This — as  we  noted  before — is  closely  of  the  Cypriote 
form  of  copper  axe ;  and  it  is  probable  that  the 
new  type  in  Egypt  was  an  importation  from  Cyprus, 
or  from  the  same  source  as  the  Cypriote  form. 

37.  Turning  next  to  the  European  types  of  the 
flat-topped  adzes,  the  earliest  seem  to  be  the 
copper  adzes  of  pillowy  forms  from  Sicily,  Z  1,  2. 
The  unsymmetrical  form  of  these,  much  more 
curved  on  one  side  than  on  the  other,  shows  that 
they  were  attached  on  the  flatter  side,  and  not 
used  as  axes.  The  same  is  true  of  the  flat  form 
from  France,  Z3.  The  following  figures  are  here 
arranged  in  the  order  of  increasing  splay.  This 
is  not  always  the  order  of  development ;  the  forms 
14,  15  are  from  early  Susa,  vaguely  described  by 
de  Morgan  as  of  the  "  age  of  Naram-sin  and  Kham- 
murabi,"  over  a  thousand  years  apart ;  but  the 
form  29  is  said  to  be  the  earliest  from  Susa,  and  is 

much  more  splayed.  The  best  line  of  study  is  to 
note  close  resemblances  of  form,  within  a  likely 
range  of  trade.  Thus  the  long  narrow  Egyptian 
adze  of  the  prehistoric  age  Z  23  is  very  close  to  the 
Kythnos  form  Z  19,  20.  The  tapering  to  the  top 
in  the  Knossos  adze  Z  21  is  like  the  Mykenaean 
forms  17,  18,  22.  The  Cypriote  form  Z  7  may  well 
be  the  source  of  the  Central  Italian  10  and  North 
Italian  9.  With  more  hammering  of  the  edge  it 
might  result  in  the  Kythnos  form  24,  25.  The 
latest  form,  6,  reverts  nearly  to  the  most  primitive, 
and  the  Madras  iron,  5,  has  the  same  simplicity. 

38.  The  round-topped  adze  began  in  Egypt  with 
the  dynastic  people,  starting  along  with  the  large 
splayed  adze.  Two  new  types  arriving  in  the  same 
generation,  are  probably  from  the  same  source. 
As  the  later  bronze  adzes,  from  Cyprus,  have  the 
rounded  top  (Z  55,  56)  it  is  the  more  likely  that 
the  round-topped  adzes  of  Egypt  also  came  from 
there,  with  the  great  adze.  The  form  of  the  long 
parallel-sided  adze  is  a  natural  type  in  hammered 
work,  as  shown  by  the  Wisconsin  form,  Z30.  In 
Italy  it  is  found  curved  (31),  but  this  is  very  un- 
usual. The  parallel-sided  adze  is  the  earliest  form, 
in  the  generation  before  Mena  (Z32,  69,  73,  Tarkhan 
tomb  412)  ;  it  became  slightly  concave  in  the 
sides  during  the  1st  dynasty  (Z  33  to  36,  70  to  72, 
the  latter  of  Zet  at  Gizeh).  Similar  forms  are  found 
in  Spain  and  Italy  (Z  37,  38),  perhaps  also  derived 
from  a  Cypriote  type.  Next  a  rounded  head  began 
to  develop  from  the  side  contraction,  at  the  close 
of  the  iind  dynasty  (Khosekhemui,  Z  74),  and 
early  iiird  (Z41,  42).  This  became  a  definite  head 
in  the  iiird  dynasty,  Z  45 .  It  next  had  a  ridge  below 
the  domed  head,  at  the  close  of  the  iiird  dynasty, 
as  in  Z  76  dated  to  Sneferu  ;  see  also  Medum,  xxix, 
11.  The  forms  77  to  81  are  immediate  descendants 
of  this  form,  probably  in  the  ivth  and  vth  dynasties. 
(Duplicates  of  78,  79,  80,  81.)  The  dated  examples 
in  the  vth  and  vith  dynasties  have  a  rounded  head, 
Z  46  to  49.  A  slight  ridge  below  the  head  is  seen 
in  the  xith  dynasty,  Z  50,  and  this  may  well  be 
the  date  of  the  similar  example  in  Cairo,  Z  51.  In 
the  xiith  dynasty,  the  round-headed  adze  appears 
in  a  drawing,  52  ;  but  in  general  the  forms  of  the 
xiith  dynasty  show  a  degradation  of  the  head,  as 
in  83,  84,  from  Kahun.  Yet  the  idea  lasted  on  to 
the  xviiith  dynasty,  as  in  the  two  models  of 
Tehutmes  III  from  Nubt  (87),  and  Quft  (88),  of 
Amenhetep  II  from  Thebes  (89),  and  lastly  of 
Saptah  in  the  xixth  dynasty  (90,  from  his  temple). 



A  corrupt  form  is  seen  on  an  adze  from  Gurob  (91) 
of  the  xviiith  or  xixth  dynasty.  This  series  of 
forms  traceable  over  nineteen  dynasties  (4,000 
years  according  to  the  Egyptians) — and  dated  to 
within  a  generation  in  much  of  the  course  of  it — 
is  the  most  complete  history  known  of  any  type 
of  tool. 

39.  In  some  adzes  of  the  xviiith  dynasty,  the 
head  entirely  disappears,  as  Z  85  from  Gurob.  This 
is  so  closely  like  the  Italian  form  Z44,  that  they 
may  well  be  contemporary.  A  roughly  pointed 
head  appears  in  the  xxvith  dynasty  (57).  The 
round  or  polygonal  head  occasionally  appears  in 
Persia  (Z43),  Greece  (54),  and  Cyprus  (55,  56). 
The  irregular  form  58  is  not  an  axe,  as  it  is  quite 
thin  ;  this  and  59  are  very  rough,  and  show  that 
the  type  was  not  important  in  Central  Italy,  though 
it  was  well  made  at  Lago  Maggiore  (Z44).  The 
example  Z  75  from  Egypt  is  without  date  or 
locality  ;  it  is  very  rude  and  not  connected  with 
any  form  known  there,  yet  it  is  too  large  to  be  of 
the  earliest  period.  Probably  it  is  due  to  a  bar- 
baric invasion. 

At  the  close  of  this  series  there  are  the  signs  of 
a  new  type  approaching.  Z  92  has  shoulders  at 
the  sides,  and  bears  an  incised  figure  of  a  branch. 
When  bought,  it  was  stated  to  be  from  Gebeleyn. 
Z  93  from  Gerzeh,  about  the  xxiind  dynasty,  900 
B.C.,  has  more  distinct  projections,  and  marks  the 
beginning  of  the  following  type.  A  similar  form 
occurs  at  Gezer. 

THE  LUG  ADZE  :     (z)   PL.   XVIII 

40.  This  type  has  been  but  little  noticed  hitherto, 
yet  it  is  very  widely  spread,  and  has  passed  through 
several  stages.  The  first  suggestion  of  it  may  be 
in  the  Cretan  form,  Z  94,  where  projections  begin 
from  the  side.  The  use  of  such  projections  cannot 
be  like  that  of  the  stop-ridge  across  an  axe — to 
prevent  the  handle  working  down  on  it.  These 
being  on  the  edge  do  not  concern  the  handle  ;  but, 
on  looking  at  the  actual  adzes  on  handles,  as  133, 
138,  it  is  evident  that  the  binding  might  work 
down  the  adze,  and  come  loose.  These  side  lugs 
are  therefore  intended  to  bear  against  the  lower 
turns  of  the  binding.  The  swell  on  the  Cretan 
form,  94,  would  wedge  up  the  binding  ;  and  as 
the  lugs  develop  wider,  up  to  122,  the  binding 
would  be  the  better  secured.  The  early  stages 
had  a  firm  footing  in  Sardinia,  95  to  97.    Another 


early  stage  is  in  Hungary,  98,  and  we  have  seen  it 
similarly  in  Egypt,  93.  It  is  of  no  use  to  regard 
the  late  stages,  107  and  onward,  in  looking  for  the 
source  of  this  type,  as  they  must  have  arisen  later 
than  the  slighter  forms  ;  and  this  order  of  growth 
is  confirmed  by  the  far  advanced  forms  in  iron, 
Z  116,  122.  The  simplest  beginnings  are  in  Egypt 
92-3,  and  in  Crete  94.  A  further  point  is  that 
the  start  must  have  been  near  Sicily,  as  the  type 
reached  Sicily  (101,  104)  and  South  Italy  (103) 
during  the  copper  age  ;  everywhere  else  it  appears 
to  be  of  bronze  or  iron.  The  source  therefore  seems 
to  have  been  in,  or  near,  Crete.  Its  spread  to 
Hungary  and  Western  Persia  need  not  have  been 
contemporary,  but  may  have  been  moving  east- 
ward, while  later  forms  were  developing  in  the 
Mediterranean.  In  any  case  it  points  to  the  im- 
portance of  western  forms  having  travelled  east- 
ward. That  Crete  should  influence  Spain,  in  Z  99, 
is  quite  likely  ;  this  Spanish  form  turns  the  lug 
upward  to  retain  the  binding  more  securely.  A 
curious  variation  in  Spain  is  the  adapting  of  lugs 
to  a  socket  adze,  Z  106.  In  the  simpler  form,  the 
adzes  with  lugs  passed  to  Sicily,  Italy,  Spain,  and 
Ireland,  on  the  west ;  to  Egypt,  Hungary,  and 
Persia,  on  the  east. 

41.  The  later  development  was  that  of  lugs 
sharply  square  with  the  blade.  This  proceeded  in 
Epirus  (109),  Italy  (107,  108,  112),  Sicily  (114), 
and  the  British  Isles  (1 17-120) .  Eastward  it  reached 
Syria  (in).  In  the  northern  route,  it  followed 
the  earlier  type  to  Austria  (115)  and  the  Crimea 
(no).  This  was,  however,  late  in  its  course,  as 
most  of  the  northern  forms  are  of  iron,  in  which 
metal  it  spread  to  Hallstatt,  Saxony,  Bosnia,  Silesia, 
Styria,  and  Poland  (113,  116),  and  in  its  most 
marked  form  to  Poland  and  Hanover  (121,  122). 
As  regards  the  date  of  it,"  the  beginning  must  be 
while  Sicily  and  Italy  still  used  copper,  that  is, 
before  the  close  of  the  First  Siculan  period.  This 
is  connected  at  Cannatello  with  a  form  of  bowl 
with  drop  handle  which  is  characteristic  of  the 
xviiith  dynasty  and  onward  (Peet  450,  453)  ;  and 
as  the  close  of  the  copper  age  in  Egypt  is  just  before 
the  xviiith  dynasty,  it  may  well  be  contemporary 
with  the  same  stage  further  west.  This  type,  then, 
could  hardly  have  started  later  than  1600  B.C.  in 
Crete.  It  had  not  advanced  far  by  1000  B.C.  in 
Egypt  (the  earliest  date  for  Z  93) .  Yet  on  its  trans- 
lation to  iron  at  800  b.c  it  was  fully  developed 
(113).    The  further  change  of  adding  a  projection 



at  the  top,  to  hold  the  binding,  is  the  work  of  the 
iron  age.  As  no  trace  of  this  type  is  found  with 
Roman  remains,  it  probably  died  out  about  400 
B.C.  killed  by  the  advance  of  socketting. 

42.    The  hafting  of  adzes  is  figured  in  early  ex- 
amples from  Egypt,  123,  124,  used  by  ship-builders. 
The  handle  was  about  five  feet  long,  and  the  blade 
about  a  foot  long,  evidently  the  great  adze  blade, 
Z  8,  66.    The  shorter  form  is  figured  in  the  xiith 
dynasty,  125.    From  the  xviiith  dynasty  is  the 
model  of  the  adze,  128,  at  the  top  of  pi.  lv.    The 
latest  example  of  Egyptian  hafting  is  the  pair  of 
O^zes  said  to  be  from  Abydos,  132.     In  these,  the 
blade,  the  wedge,  and  the  band  are  of  iron  ;    the 
old  system  of  binding  has  given  place  to  a  massive 
iron  band  and  wedges  ;  yet  no  haft  hole  seems  to 
have  been  adopted.     Probably  these  are  ceremonial 
implements  of  Ptolemaic  times.    A  wooden  cere- 
monial model  of  an  adze  is  in  pi.  xvi,  131.     Some 
modern  examples  of  stone  adzes  are  given,  to  show 
modes  of  lashing  on  the  handle,  133,  134,  and  the 
transition  to  an  iron  blade  inserted  into  a  wooden 
handle,  135.    The  adze  with  a  socket  hole  finally 
superseded  all  the  methods  of  binding.     It  was 
probably  a  variation  of  the  socketted  axe  in  its 
origin,  and  does  not  seem  to  have  been  adapted 
from  any  of  the  unsocketted  adzes.    It  probably 
arose  independently,  in  the  west  under  Rome,  and 
in  Persia.    Z  136  is  the  Roman  adze-hammer  ;  and 
137  the  double  adze.    Another  form  of  attachment 
to  the  handle  was  by  adapting  the  adze  with  a 
band,  as  132,  to  a  long,  straight  handle  as  in  140. 
In  this  the  old  form  of  the  adze  handle  (as  in  132, 
133)  is  continued,  and  the  band  which  held  on  the 
upper  end  of  the  blade ;   but,  to  retain  the  blade 
better,  two  strips  of  iron  pass  along  the  sides  of 
the   handle.    This    method    of    fastening    became 
usual  in  mediaeval  and  modern  hammers.     In  this 
form,  Z  140,  the  blade  is  bent  in  order  to  bring  it 
at  right  angles  to  the  hand  holding  a  straight 
handle;    the  older  adze  kept  the  blade  straight, 
and  bent  the  handle  to  bring  the  hand  at  right 
angles  to  the  cutting  movement.    The  blade  here 
is  reduced  to  a  rod  at  the  upper  end,  ending  in  a 
ball.    The  tool  thus  produced  resulted  in  an  adze- 
hammer,  bent  as  before,  but  with  a  tubular  hafting 
for  the  handle,  as  138.    This  was  a  very  common 
form  in  Roman  times,  there  being  eleven  at  Naples, 
and  others  at  Mainz.    A  somewhat  similarly  bent 
form,  but  with  a  plain  haft  hole,  was  found  at 
Sikhester,  Z  145   on  pi.   lxxviii.     A   short   adze- 

shaped  tool,  perhaps  a  rivetting  hammer,  is  shown 
in  141.  142  is  a  link  between  the  adze  and  the 
tubular  axe  haft,  such  as  O  42,  123.  It  was  found 
in  the  beginning  of  the  late  Celtic  level,  in  Wookey 
Hole,  belonging  to  perhaps  about  50  B.C.  ;  it  seems 
to  be  another  of  the  changes  of  the  axe  types  to  the 
adze  form  of  cutting. 

43.  An  entirely  different  family  is  the  eastern 
adze,  adapted  from  the  eastern  axe.  The  original 
figure  of  143  is  vague,  and  not  certainly  axe  or 
adze ;  but  the  angle  of  it  is  that  of  the  adze  144, 
and  is  much  better  suited  for  adze  than  for  axe. 
144  from  Mesopotamia  has  the  Oriental  relief  bands 
to  strengthen  the  socket.  The  western  socketted 
adze  is  not  common.  One  of  iron  from  Egypt,  is 
probably  Roman,  pi.  xiii,  Z  146  ;  a  sketch  of  a 
similar  one  at  Florence  is  148,  no  date  or  scale. 
The  same  form  adapted  to  a  gouging  adze  is  found 
at  Silch ester,  147  on  pi.  lxxviii.  A  figure  on  an 
Etruscan  sculpture  shows  apparently  an  adze- 
hammer,  Z  149 ;  and  an  adze  with  a  tubular  haft 
was  used  in  mediaeval  times,  Z  144.  In  the  East, 
the  socketted  adze,  rather  like  Z  146,  is  universally 
a  carpenter's  tool,  for  trimming  wood  and  hammer- 
ing, used  throughout  Russia,  Turkey,  and  Egypt. 
Thus  the  adze,  though  secondary  to  the  axe 
throughout  historic  times,  still  retains  a  large 
amount  of  use  in  the  world. 

THE  HOE  :     (j)    PLS.   XIX,   XX 

44.  The  use  of  metal  hoes  has  not  been  hitherto 
recognised,  but  these  forms  have  been  classed  along 
with  axes  and  adzes  all  together  under  the  vague 
term  of  celt.  From  the  unsymmetrical  profile  in 
all  cases  (as  J  19),  it  is  clear  that  the  hoe  cannot 
possibly  have  been  used  as  an  axe,  but  must  have 
been  used  parallel  with  the  adze.  The  very  weak 
socket,  generally  not  even  closed  round,  proves 
that  it  was  not  used  on  any  material  which  had 
elasticity  or  strength  to  hold  it.  The  bluntness  of 
the  edge  which  is  found  in  many  cases  shows  that 
the  material  wrought  on  was  rough  and  loose,  as 
earth.  The  very  wide  thin  blade,  as  J  33,  50,  51, 
could  not  have  been  used  on  anything  firmer  than 
light  soil,  without  bending  or  breaking.  We  are 
justified  therefore  in  taking  most  of  these  blades 
as  garden  hoes,  while  leaving  the  question  of  the 
cast  sockets  (J  34  to  38,  53  to  55)  to  be  considered 

The  forms  J  1,  2,  show  the  early  Egyptian  hoe 



without  a  cross  tie,  which  was  intended  for  a  garden 
tool.  For  agriculture  the  heavy  hoe  with  a  cross 
tie  was  used,  see  sect.  151.  The  double-pointed 
hoe  seems  to  have  been  intended  for  light  soil, 
rather  than  for  clod  breaking.  The  forms  1  and 
2  have  evidently  a  blade  bound  on  to  a  wooden 
arm ;  such  blades  originally  were  of  flint,  and 
may  have  continued  so  down  to  the  xiith  dynasty. 

The  first  dated  example  of  the  metal  hoe  is  the 
largest,  J  39,  found  with  a  group  dated  by  a  spear- 
head with  the  name  of  Rameses  II.  This  is  some- 
what narrow.  Two  models  of  Saptah,  47,  48,  are 
rather  wider ;  and  two  in  a  group  of  about  the 
xxiind  dynasty  from  Gerzeh  (41,  42)  are  shorter 
and  wider.  The  splay  seems  to  increase  as  time 
went  on  ;  and  therefore  the  narrowest  forms  from 
Cyprus,  4  and  5,  are  probably  the  earliest  (see  also 
those  from  Enkomi,  b.c.  250).  The  whole  of  the 
other  examples  of  moderate  width  7  to  25  are  of 
iron,  and  therefore  later.  Among  the  Egyptian 
bronze  hoes,  45  is  from  Memphis  and  50,  51  from 
Bubastis.  J  56,  of  iron,  was  found  wiLh  an  iron 
chisel,  C  no,  pi.  xiii,  in  the  ruins  of  the  temple  of 
Amenhetep  II  at  Thebes.  J  57  and  58  are  from  the 
Ramesseum,  and  therefore  probably  not  later  than 
700  B.C.  J  59  is  of  Roman  age  from  the  Fayum  ; 
it  is  shown  on  a  lesser  scale  with  its  handle,  on 
right  side  pi.  lxxiii. 

45.  The  source  of  this  type  might  well  have  been 
Egypt.  In  no  country  are  these  hoes  so  usual 
in  the  bronze  age,  and  the  few  bronze  hoes  from 
Cyprus  might  have  been  made  for  Egyptian  use. 
If  they  were  made  in  Cyprus,  about  1300  B.C.,  they 
would  travel  by  trade  to  the  other  countries.  It 
is  strange  that  there  are  none  from  Greece,  Italy, 
or  Spain,  except  the  large  Roman  31,  and  Perugian 
15.  After  these  the  most  southern  is  La  Tene,  10, 
29,  30.  Then  on  the  west,  Chalon  (21),  Dorset 
(17),  Sussex  (18),  and  Sweden  (23,  24).  On  the 
east  Carniola  (7,  9,  n,  19,  22),  Styria  (12,  13,  14, 
25),  Boleske  in  Hungary  (8),  and  Kiev  (6).  It 
would  be  very  unlikely  that  a  northern  form  in 
iron,  presumably  not  before  800  B.C.,  or  1200  B.C. 
at  the  earliest,  could  originate  bronze  forms  in  Egypt 
of  1200  B.C.  ;  nor  is  it  likely  that  Egypt  would 
introduce  forms  to  the  north.  Cyprus  is  more 
likely  therefore  to  have  been  the  distributing  centre, 
though  the  main  use  and  invention  was  probably 

The  cast  socket  hoes  have  usually  been  classed 
as   axes.    When    symmetrical,    the    form    is    am- 

biguous ;  but  those  from  Egypt,  53,  54,  have  never 
been  sharpened,  and  were  left  with  the  rough- 
cast rounded  edge  ;  further,  55  is  askew  and  there- 
fore not  an  axe.  It  seems  as  if  they  were  hoes. 
Similar  forms  are  from  Hungary  in  copper  (37), 
and  from  Central  Asia  (36)  and  British  Isles  (34, 
35)  in  bronze.  An  iron  tool  like  these  (38)  is  stated 
to  have  been  found  on  a  handle,  mounted  as  an 
axe.  It  would  be  needful  to  make  sure  that  such 
is  the  original  mounting,  and  that  it  had  not  been 
turned,  since  it  was  used.  Altogether  it  seems 
doubtful  how  these  cast  sockets  were  used.  They 
might  be  spuds,  instead  of  hoes  or  axes.  The  large 
iron  hoes,  58,  59,  are  probably  the  parents  of  the 
modern  hoes  of  Egypt. 


THE   CHISEL  \     (c)    PLS.   XXI,   XXII,   XXIII 

46.  For  classifying  the  great  variety  of  chisels, 
the  method  of  holding  them  is  the  main  distinction 
to  be  followed.    The  divisions  are 

A— D 
E— G 
J— M 

Bare  metal. 
Tang  in  handle. 
Handle  in  socket. 

Each  of  these  divisions  may  be  alike  divided  into 
four  classes,  lettered  separately — A  square  bar,  B 
deep  bar  and  narrow  edge,  C  thin  and  wide  edges, 
and  D  circular  bar  ;  in  the  other  divisions  marked 
E  to  G  and  J  to  M.  Thus  there  are  twelve  classes 
of  chisels,  and  the  gouges  which  follow  are  arranged 
similarly.  In  the  photographs  and  drawings  there 
are  often  two  views  of  the  same  tool. 

A,  the  bare  metal  chisel,  without  any  wooden 
handle,  is  the  earliest  type.  It  is  found  even  in 
the  first  period  of  prehistoric  Egypt  on  a  very  small 
scale,  as  a  kind  of  hand  graver  ;  it  is  sometimes 
sharpened  at  each  end,  C  44,  45,  46,  pi.  xxii,  proving 
that  it  was  held  entirely  by  the  middle.  These 
three  are  from  graves  807  (S.D.  49),  63  and  297 
(S.D.  38),  Naqadeh.  (Also  duplicate  of  45,  45  with 
one  end  pointed,  45  one  end  square.)  Later,  the 
use  of  end  pressure  became  usual,  and  a  mere  pad 
of  wood  was  put  on  the  end,  which  was  accordingly 
made  flat,  as  in  the  first-dynasty  chisels  C  1,  2,  3. 
The  prehistoric  chisels  slope  on  both  sides,  but  in 
the  first  dynasty  the  single  slope — or  true  chisel 
edge — was  preferred.    At  Susa,  the  earliest  chisels 


(4)  are  very  similar,  with  a  double  slope.  A  little 
hand-graver  with  an  edge  and  a  point,  comes  from 
the  Heathery  Burn  cave,  C  5.  The  small  square 
bar  continued  long  in  use  in  Egypt,  shown  here 
at  the  end  of  the  iind  dynasty  (Khosekhemui, 
C  47),  at  the  beginning  of  the  iiird  dynasty  (C  6), 
at  the  end  of  the  iiird  (C  53,  Nefermaot,  Meydum), 
in  the  xviiith  dynasty  (C  57  Amenhetep  II  ;  C  60, 
61,  62  El  Amarna),  in  the  xixth  dynasty  (C  63, 
64,  Saptah ;  C  66  Ramesseum  and  duplicates), 
beside  others  of  unknown  date,  C  59,  65,  67,  and 
smaller  duplicates  of  67  from  Amarna  and  Gurob. 
The  square  chisel  was  also  used  in  Europe,  such 
as  the  beautiful  square  bronze  forms  from  North 
Italy  (C  7,  8),  and  the  later  iron  chisels  from  Idria 
in  Carniola,  and  from  Greece  (9,  10). 

47.  B.  The  chisel  was  not  only  used  for  cutting, 
but  for  levering  out  the  pieces  cut ;  this  was 
especially  needed  in  the  large  amount  of  mortise 
cutting,  done  for  the  joining  of  planks  edgeways. 
The  weakness  of  the  square  bar  soon  led  to  deepen- 
ing it,  to  gain  strength  for  levering  out  the  chips 
from  the  narrow  slits  of  the  mortise  holes.  This 
form  began  with  the  first  dynasty  (C  12  to  15),  was 
shaped  with  a  chisel  end  in  the  iind  dynasty  (C  48), 
and  with  the  double  slope  (C  69,  both  Khosekh- 
emui). In  the  iiird  dynasty  the  mortise  chisel  is 
usual  (C  15,  17,  Hen-nekht ;  C  18,  19,  20,  Neter- 
hen).  A  large  and  very  deep  chisel  is  of  the  vith 
dynasty,  C  23  and  probably  of  the  same  age  may 
be  C  71.  Of  the  vith  and  xith  dynasties  are  models 
of  this  form,  C  21,  22,  and  70  from  the  tomb  of 
Emsaht,  Siut  (and  duplicate).  Large  deep  chisels 
belong  to  the  xviiith  dynasty,  as  C  82,  with  edge 
view  of  tip  at  the  side,  and  C  58,  83,  84  from  Gurob. 
C  56  is  of  Tehutmes  III  from  Nubt.  Sometimes 
handles  remain,  as  C  73  from  Gurob,  and  C  86  of 
Amenhetep  III  from  Kahun,  with  C  85  showing  the 
side  view  of  an  exact  duplicate  of  86.  The  broken 
tip,  89,  from  Quft  is  probably  of  the  same  date,  and 
so  may  be  87  from  Gurob  and  88  from  Quft.  The 
type  is  last  seen  in  the  models  from  Saptah's  temple 
(xix)  of  which  74  and  75  show  the  two  views.  72 
is  undated,  as  also  a  smaller  one  from  Quft. 
This  deep  chisel  with  double  slope  is  one  of  the 
tools  peculiar  to  Egypt,  and  not  recorded  from 
any  other  country. 

48.  C.  The  wide  chisels  are  seldom  found  in 
Egypt,  and  are  more  usual  elsewhere.  They  occur 
as  early  as  the  first  dynasty,  C  24,  25  ;  and  larger 
in  the  iind  dynasty,  under  Khosekhemui,  C  49,  50. 

After  that  there  is  no  wide  chisel,  except  the  massive 
tool  (which  may  be  ceremonial)  with  the  name  of 
Aohmes  I,  C  68.  This  weighs  21,003  grains,  just 
three  pounds.  From  Ireland  comes  a  beautiful 
little  graving  chisel  (27)*  with  a  wide  and  a  narrow 
edge,  and  a  cross  bar  to  grip  it  by  in  the  middle ; 
this  is  part  of  the  goldsmith's  group  in  the  British 
Museum  (note  that  being  bronze  tools,  they  could 
not  be  used  to  cut  equally  hard  bronze).  The  flat 
iron  chisels  were  known  at  La  Tene  C  28,  but  are 
mostly  Roman  (29  from  Athens,  30  Rhine,  31 
Pompeii).  As  this  is  the  modern  caulking  iron  or 
chisel,  they  were  probably  ship-builders'  tools. 
The  Dutch  mason's  chisel  is  C  32. 

49.  D.  The  round  bar  chisel  is  that  generally 
used  by  stonecutters  ;  the  stout  body  of  it  with- 
stands heavy  blows  without  bending  or  shortening. 
The  early  round  chisels  are  slight,  and  were  perhaps 
used  in  sculpture,  as  C  51  from  Gizeh,  iiird  dynasty  ; 
and  in  the  xviiith  dynasty  C  55  of  Tehutmes  III 
from  Nubt.  The  regular  stonemason's  chisel  is  the 
stout  form,  as  C  33,  76,  77.  The  latter  has  been 
cast  in  a  V  groove,  and  then  roughly  hammered 
round.  A  better  formed  example  of  the  xixth 
dynasty  is  from  Sinai,  C  34.  C  78,  79  are  masons' 
chisels  of  the  xiith  dynasty  from  Kahun  ;  the 
latter  was  found  with  the  largest  copper  mirror. 
C  80  is  the  only  chisel  with  the  owner's  name ; 
the  first  sign  is  indistinct,  it  has  been  read  mer 
"  Overseer  "  or  neterkherti  "  Miner,"  next  is  "  the 
elder  Ambu."  It  is  probably  of  the  xiith  dynasty. 
A  similar  chisel  of  the  xixth  dynasty  was  found  at 
Serabit  in  Sinai,  C  35.  C  81  from  Memphis  is 
dated  to  Rameses  II,  by  being  found  in  his  founda- 
tions {Memphis  I,  12).  Two  small  round  chisels 
of  iron  are  in  pi.  xiii ;  C  36  was  found  in  the  ruins 
of  the  temple  of  Amenhetep  II  with  C  no,  probably 
dating  before  the  xxvith  dynasty.  C  sy  is  from 
Gurob,  probably  Roman.  Passing  from  Egypt,  we 
find  that  the  round  bar  chisel  occurs  at  La  Tene, 
C  38,  39,  at  Pompeii  C  40,  41,  42,  and  at  Silchester, 
43  (lxxviii),  but  it  is  perhaps  the  least  usual  form 
of  chisel. 

50.  E.  The  Tang  chisel,  to  fit  into  a  handle,  is 
scarcely  found  in  Egypt  before  Roman  times.  As 
a  formal  matter  we  are  bound  to  class  the  chisels 
with  a  handle,  C  90  to  95,  with  tang  chisels  ;  but 
it  is  most  probable  that  all  of  these  were  of  the 
forms  12  to  23  which  were  used  either  with  or 
without  handles.  The  distinction  of  two  forms 
of  handle  should  be  noted  ;  for  striking,  the  handles 



were  centred,  as  90  to  94,  but  for  graving  by  pres- 
sure, the  handle  was  fitted  on  the  side  of  the  blade, 
which  was  retained  by  a  side-loop  of  the  handle 
as  95.  This  form  of  handle  seems  to  have  been 
suggested  by  the  adze-blade  fastened  on  sideways 
to  its  handle  ;  the  use  of  it  may  have  been  in  order 
to  detach  the  blade  easily  by  pushing  the  butt  of 
it,  so  as  to  use  it  in  a  different  manner. 

The  first  period  in  which  true  tangs  and  flanges 
were  adopted  is  the  grand  development  of  tools  of 
the  bronze  age,  best  fixed  by  the  immense  fonderia 
deposit  of  Bologna.  This  hoard  of  thousands  of 
damaged  bronze  objects,  anciently  collected  to  be 
melted  up,  gives  a  group  closely  of  a  single  age, 
perhaps  900  B.C.  The  square  bar  form  is  seen  in 
C  10 1  and  104,  which  has  been  bent,  and  the  little 
chisel  from  Gorzano,  west  of  Bologna  (C 116). 
C  108  is  so  like  a  modern  brick-dresser  that  it  is 
probably  a  mason's  tool.  The  square  bar  chisel  is 
varied  by  the  truncation  of  the  edges,  forming  an 
octagonal  bar,  as  m  the  large  and  beautifully 
formed  chisel  115,  from  the  fonderia.  Later  are 
the  iron  chisels,  with  a  stop  ridge  on  each  side. 
This  type  is  widely  spread,  C  no,  pi.  xiii,  from 
Egypt  (in  the  ruins  of  the  temple  of  Amenhetep  II), 
C  in  from  Nubia,  112,  113  from  the  Assyrian  group 
at  Thebes,  and  C  114  from  Westbury  on  Trym. 
The  latter  would  point  to  this  type  being  of  Roman 
age,  but  it  is  not  found  in  the  Italian  or  Germanic 
Roman  work. 

51.  F.  The  deep-bar,  or  mortising  chisel,  is  a 
usual  form  at  Bologna,  as  C  96  to  103.  The  points 
of  97,  98  have  been  sharpened  irregularly,  probably 
as  hand  gravers  ;  though  broken  off,  96  to  101 
appear  to  belong  to  the  tang  chisels.  The  regular 
Roman  mortise  chisel  is  C  118,  and  a  slender  form, 
perhaps  derived  from  it,  is  the  Madras  chisel  120. 
A  fine  example  of  the  tang  mortise  chisel,  with 
handle  and  ferrule  complete,  is  C  119,  pi.  xiii,  from 
Wushym  in  the  Fayum,  of  Roman  age. 

52.  G.  The  broad  tanged  chisel  may  perhaps  be 
credited  to  the  xviiith  dynasty,  from  the  figure  in 
C  109  ;  but  the  first  well-formed  example  belongs 
to  the  fine  bronze  age  of  Italy,  evidently  of  the 
same  family  as  the  fonderia  group,  though  now  at 
Florence,  C  121.  This  has  a  very  thin  blade,  appar- 
ently for  surface  shaving.  Another  bronze  one  is 
from  Como,  C  122.  Others  are  of  iron,  in  the 
north  Italian  105,  the  Greek  chisel  from  Naukratis, 
C  106,  and  the  broad  chisel  probably  from  Assyria, 
though  found  at  Thebes,  C  107.    The  iron  shaving 

chisels  of  Roman  age  are  from  Pompeii,  C  108, 
123,  and  from  the  Fayum,  C  124  (xiii).  The  same 
form  is  found  in  Sweden  C  126,  and  is  shown  in  the 
Dutch  example  C  125. 

H.  Only  one  example  has  been  noticed  of  the 
round  tang  chisel ;  among  the  varied  forms  of 
the  fonderia  group  is  the  specimen  C  127  from 

53.  J.  The  socketted  chisel  was  invented  about 
the  same  time  as  the  tang  chisel,  both  first  appear- 
ing together  in  the  fonderia  group.  The  socket  was 
square  in  most  of  the  earlier  examples,  though 
usually  round  in  later  times.  The  specimen  C  128 
has  unfortunately  lost  the  end,  so  it  is  not  certain 
in  form  ;  it  is  finely  made  with  bold  ribbing  round 
the  top  to  strengthen  the  socket.  The  socketted 
chisel  was  also  developed  in  Peru,  and  commonly 
made  by  hammer- work  and  lapping. 

54.  K.  The    deep-bar    mortise  chisel  C  129  has 
a  wide  end  to  clear  a  cut,  evidently  for  deep  mor- 
tising ;    it  is  from  Castel  Porpetto  near  Palma, 
now  in  Udine  Museum.    A  similar  chisel,  with  a 
fluted  square  socket,  source  unknown,  is  in  Stettin 
Museum,  C  130.     A  much  narrower  socket  appears 
in  C  131,  source  unknown,  in  Munich  Antiquarium. 
Almost  the  same  type  as  these  is  found  in  Styria, 
133,  and  in  Central  Asia,  C  132.     (A  similar  one  in 
Wiesbaden  Museum,  M.  1.5.3,  is  of  unknown  source.) 
This  suggests  that  a  large  number  of  examples 
must  be  missing,  in  the  transit  over  so  long  a 
course ;    and  it  should  be  remembered  that  most 
of  the  weapons  which  we  know,  have  come  from 
graves,   while  there  was  no  inducement  to  bury 
tools  in  the  same  way.     But  for  the  fonderia  dis- 
covery we  should  know  very  little  of  the  great  age 
of  Italian  tools ;    and  no  such  groups,  or  ancient 
towns,  have  been  cleared  in  the  long  spaces  of 
Eastern  Europe  and  Asia.     Hence  our  knowledge 
of  the  distribution  of  tools  must  be  much  more  im- 
perfect than  what  we  know  about  weapons.    A 
model  from  Naukratis  (135)  shows  the  same  form  to 
have  been  used  in  Ptolemaic  times.     All  the  pre- 
ceding are  of  bronze,  but  the  type  lasted  into  the 
iron  age,  as  at  Idria,  Carniola,  C  134.     The  Norfolk 
specimen,  136,  is  most  like  that  from  Palma,  as  the 
blade  does  not  swell  out  wider  than  the  socket.    The 
French  form,  137,  seems  more  akin  to  the  Greek 
and  Roman.    So  far  we  have  dealt  with  double- 
slope  chisels. 

The    single-slope   chisel    begins   also    with    the 
fonderia   as  C  138  ;  but  in  general  this  was  a  later 



type  than  the  previous,  as  the  other  examples  are 
of  iron.  A  very  slender  chisel  comes  from  Dodona, 
144.  The  stout  one  from  Pompeii,  142,  is  much 
like  three  Roman  chisels  from  Silchester,  139  to 
141,  pi.  lxxviii.  The  socket  chisels  from  La  Tene, 
145  to  147,  do  not  seem  to  be  very  deep,  nor  is  the 
model  from  Naukratis,  149.  The  French  form  148 
is  fairly  deep.  The  Yorkshire  specimen  from 
Heathery  Burn  cave,  150,  does  not  seem  descended 
from  any  of  the  previous,  but  rather  as  if  the 
maker  knew  of  the  idea,  and  carried  it  out  with  as 
little  metal  as  possible.  The  modern  Dutch  form 
161  does  not  look  very  deep,  but  yet  it  was  used 
for  mortising. 

55.  L.  The  flat  socketted  chisel  seems  to  have 
begun  in  Italy,  as  in  the  Chiusi  example,  C151, 
which  by  its  thinness  was  hardly  made  for  an  axe. 
The  type  passed  northward,  to  Styria,  152  ;  and 
east  to  the  Greeks,  who  carried  it  on  to  Naukratis, 
154.  The  Norwich  example,  153,  looks  like  inde- 
pendent work,  without  a  model  to  copy,  as  was  the 
Yorkshire,  150.  In  Italy  the  form  continued  com- 
mon in  Roman  times,  155,  156.  It  passed  into 
France  in  the  bronze  age,  157,  if  this  should  be 
classed  here,  and  not  as  a  derivative  of  128-133. 

M.  The  round-bar  socket  chisel  seems  to  be 
entirely  Italian.  A  slender  one,  158,  comes  from 
grave  xv  at  Bologna,  of  bronze,  though  dated  as 
umbri  ultimo,  or  late  La  Tene  period.  A  short  and 
wide  one  was  in  the  fonderia,  160.  The  small  one, 
159,  seems  derived  from  the  Italian  type,  and  it 
may  have  been  brought  from  Italy  though  now  in 
the  museum  at  Stettin. 

56.  The  gouge  is  much  less  common  than  the 
chisel.  This  is  strange,  as  it  is  very  useful  in  hollow- 
ing out  wood,  owing  to  its  cutting  all  the  grain, 
and  not  needing  to  break  the  grain  through  at  the 
sides  of  the  cut.  It  is  almost  entirely  a  northern 
tool,  there  being  only  three  (Bologna,  Vetulonia, 
Athens)  from  all  the  Mediterranean  area.  The 
reason  probably  is  that  the  southern  woods  are 
harder  and  break  away  short,  while  the  northern 
woods  are  more  open  and  stringy,  and  the  grain 
requires  cutting  through.  There  are  hardly  enough 
examples  to  trace  the  course  of  varieties.  The 
fluted  socket,  165,  seems  to  be  copied  from  North 
Italian  bronze,  and  the  tool  might  have  been  im- 
ported to  La  Tene.  More  than  half  the  examples 
are  from  the  British  Isles  and  Siberia,  the  northern 
range  of  tools ;  in  view  of  this  it  is  curious  that 
there  are  none  from  Scandinavia. 


THE  KNIFE  '.   (k)   PLS.   XXIII— XXIX,   (U)   XXX,   XXXI 

57.  The  various  types  of  cutting  and  slashing 
tools  and  weapons  may  be  sorted  in  eleven  classes, 
according  to  their  forms.  No  distinction  can  be 
made  between  tools  and  weapons  ;  not  only  are  we 
often  ignorant  as  to  the  actual  use,  but  also  the 
same  knife  might  be  used  for  any  purpose  that  was 
required.    The  classes  are  numbered  as  follows  : 

58.  Flaying  knife,  sharp  around,  weak  handle,  1-13, 

59.  Straight  backed,  16-56,  xxiv. 

60.  Straight  edged,  57-75,  xxv ;   216-226,  xxviii. 

61.  Hollow  backed,  76-99,  xxv. 

62.  Hollow  edged,  100-111,  xxv ;    214-234,  xxviii. 

63.  Recurved,  112-167,  xxvi. 

64.  Crook-backed,  168-189,  xxvii. 

65.  Khopesh,  190-202,  xxvii. 

The  Symmetric  Knife  (U). 

66.  Double  convex,  1-23,  xxx. 

67.  Double  edged,  24-69,  xxx,  xxxi. 

68.  Sword  (E),  1-39,  xxxii. 

The  broad  difference  in  size  between  the  knife  or 
dagger,  and  the  sword  or  rapier,  is — that  the  knife 
or  dagger  is  used  at  close  quarters  on  an  enemy 
held,  or  within  reach — the  sword  or  rapier  is  used  to 
prevent  an  enemy  coming  to  close  quarters. 

58  (pis.  xxiii,  xxxi).  The  flaying  knife  is  a  well- 
marked  form  from  the  prehistoric  age  of  Egypt, 
Ki  being  of  s.d.  49;  K4  (xxxi)  from  Tarkhan 
(grave  22)  is  of  early  1st  dynasty  (also  a  duplicate), 
and  evidently  2  and  3  (and  two  duplicates)  are  of 
nearly  the  same  age.  These  knives  are  sharp  all 
round,  slightly  dished  so  as  to  fit  over  the  curves  of 
an  animal's  body,  and  have  a  weak  handle  unfit 
for  much  pressure.  These  details  all  agree  to  the 
use  for  flaying  ;  and  the  safe  removal  of  skins 
from  animals,  for  water  skins  or  dress,  must  have 
been  an  industry  which  was  all  the  more  important 
before  weaving  became  common. 

K  5  is  sharp  all  round,  and  is  perhaps  a  dynastic 
flaying  knife. 

K  6  is  only  sharpened  on  one  edge  ;  it  may  there- 
fore be  a  side-razor,  rather  than  a  flaying  knife. 
K  7,  8  (xxiii)  are  later  flayers  (and  duplicate  of  7), 
more  roughly  made.  K  9  is  a  flayer  from  Asia 
Minor.  K  10  is  called  a  spud  or  chisel,  and  from 
the  photograph  it  is  not  clear  which  edge  is  sharp. 
From  the  small  size,  and  weak  handle  in  proportion 



to  the  blade,  it  seems  like  a  flayer  or  razor.  There 
is  a  puzzling  class  of  Italian  tools  K  n  to  15,  and 
other  decorated  forms  in  B.P.  1902,  120-4  ;  1903, 
28.  The  most  decorated  seem  to  agree  with  the 
description  as  "  sacral  palettes,"  though  how  used 
is  not  clear ;  other  simple  forms  as  K  11,  12,  seem 
more  like  razors  or  flayers.  The  use  of  these 
various  forms  cannot  be  settled  without  examining 
the  edges  to  see  if  they  were  sharpened  for  cutting, 
and  what  part  might  be  so  used. 

59.  Straight-backed  Knives. — The  flint  knives  K  16, 
17, 18,  represented  in  paintings  of  the  xiith  dynasty, 
seem  to  be  the  earlier  forms,  from  which  the  metal 
type  was  derived.  The  same  form  is  shown  in  the 
ivth  and  vth  dynasties,  K  19,  20.  An  actual  knife 
of  copper  of  the  same  form,  K  22,  is  dated  to  the 
vith  dynasty,  and  probably  23  is  of  the  same  age. 
This  form  was  nearly  arrived  at  in  the  independent 
copper  work  of  America,  24  ;  and  another  American 
form,  28,  is  near  that  of  the  Egyptian  copper 
knives,  26  and  27.  These  resemblances  naturally 
arise  from  similar  needs  and  materials.  Other 
examples  of  these  Egyptian  knives  of  copper  are 
K  227  (at  top),  239,  240,  pi.  xxix.  The  last  one  has 
a  house  sign  cut  upon  it.  All  of  these  are  self- 
handled  knives,  having  handles  made  in  one  with 
the  knife. 

Another  class  are  the  tang  knives,  made  for 
wooden  handles.  K  21  is  a  model  of  the  xiith 
dynasty,  corresponding  to  the  vith-dynasty 
blades.  K  29  is  probably  of  the  xviiith  dynasty, 
agreeing  with  the  blade  of  Tehutmes  III  from 
Koptos  K  235,  and  that  of  Amenhetep  II  from  his 
foundation  deposit,  236.  From  a  Nubian  tomb  at 
Buhen,  of  the  age  of  Tehutmes  III,  is  a  knife  with 
handle  in  one,  K  30.  The  knife  from  Troy,  31, 
had  probably  a  single  curve,  like  32,  before  it  was 
reduced  by  sharpening.  K  32  is  an  Italian  form. 
Some  straight  backs  have  an  almost  parallel  edge, 
such  as  K  228  from  the  tomb  of  Khosekhemui 
iind  dynasty ;  K  33  from  Rhodes  was  probably 
similar  to  this  before  it  was  reduced  by  sharpening. 
K  233  (and  a  duplicate),  perhaps  the  latest  of  the 
bronze  straight  backs,  has  an  elegant  curved  handle 
ending  in  a  duck's  head,  apparently  late  in  the 
xviiith  dynasty  or  early  in  the  xixth. 

The  iron  straight-backs  are  not  early,  as  none 
of  the  Hallstatt  period  occur.  The  largest  develop- 
ment was  in  southern  Germany,  K  34  from  Trau- 
bingen,  and  similar  from  Franconia.  The  butt  is 
evidently  a  degraded  animal  head,  see  K  92,  93,  a 

fashion  of  that  region.  Such  a  large  size  was  prob- 
ably for  hunting.  The  long  and  almost  straight 
knife,  35,  from  La  Tene  is  like  the  Egyptian  forms, 
210,  211.  210  from  Oxyrhynkhos  is  said  to  be 
Arabic.  Other  long  forms  of  straight-back  occur 
in  Egypt,  K  255,  256,  from  Tehneh,  probably  pre- 
Roman.  Knives  with  a  loop  or  turn  at  the  end  of 
the  handle,  were  doubtless  to  be  hung  at  the  girdle. 
Such  is  a  fairly  early  type,  occurring  at  the  Rames- 
seum,  K253,  probably  of  700  B.C.  or  earlier,  also 
at  Gurob,  perhaps  Roman.  This  is  the  usual 
form  at  La  Tene,  K  37  to  40.  A  similar  form  of 
blade  from  Stillfried  (41)  is  of  bronze,  which  implies 
a  fairly  early  date  for  the  preceding  examples. 
Of  Roman  age  is  the  pointed  straight-back,  K42, 
from  near  Mainz,  K  259  from  Hawara  in  the  Fayum, 
with  a  wooden  handle,  and  probably  also  K  258 
from  Egypt.  K  207  was  probably  the  same  form 
originally  :  it  is  from  Gurob.  These  take  with  them 
K  43  to  the  Roman  age ;  part  of  the  handle  (of 
wood?)  has  decayed  but  the  pommel  of  ivory  still 
remains.  The  wide  and  clumsy  forms  from 
Bologna,  K  44,  45,  are  of  the  latest  Umbrian,  just 
before  the  Gallic  invasion,  600  B.C.  ?  ;  they  re- 
semble a  coarse  blade,  U  70,  from  Hawara,  and  the 
late  Livonian,  46.  A  rather  earlier  blade  of  the 
same  family  is  K  47,  of  the  Umbri  posteriory  Pro- 
bably K  203  was  of  the  same  form  before  it  was 
worn  ;   it  is  from  Oxyrhynkhos. 

Roman  blades  have  the  round  socket  for  a 
handle,  K48,  49.  Perhaps  the  blades  in  pi.  Iviii, 
Q  27,  28,  29,  may  also  be  knives,  though  they 
seem  like  parts  of  shears.  K  50  is  probably  pre- 
Roman,  by  the  resemblance  of  the  bone  handle  to 
that  of  the  bronze  knives  165  to  167.  The  sharp 
turn  of  the  end  of  the  handle  in  51  to  54  looks  as  if 
it  were  derived  from  the  handles  just  named.  The 
little  broad  knife  in  a  bronze  handle,  55,  is  a  common 
form  among  surgeons'  instruments  at  Pompeii. 
The  mediaeval  mason's  pick,  and  chopper  for 
trimming  the  soft  limestones,  are  seldom  represented, 
so  a  dated  instance  of  1362  at  Bologna  is  valuable, 
K  56.  It  is  closely  like  the  modern  Scotch  butcher's 
cleaver.  With  this  must  be  classed  the  same  form 
K  260  (xxxi),  stamped  with  the  hieroglyphs  Ra-ne- 
mdot,  belonging  therefore  to  the  funerary  service 
of  Amenemhot  III  in  the  late  period,  and  found  by 
the  ruin  of  the  Labyrinth  at  Hawara. 

60.  Straight-edged  Knives. — The  first  group  of 
these,  K  57  to  64,  are  girdle  knives,  with  a  loop  for 
hanging.    They    link    K  57    (duplicated   as   U 16) 


with  U  17,  18,  19 ;  and  K  60  with  K  124  to  129. 
The  forms  K  57  to  64  show  a  similarity  in  very 
different  regions.  The  Sicilian  (58),  Spanish  (60), 
and  French  (64),  may  well  be  of  one  family  ;  and, 
if  we  include  the  British  from  Tring  (62),  the  Danish 
(61)  may  also  be  accepted.  A  difficulty  about  the 
British  knife  being  native,  is  caused  by  the  animal 
head  on  the  handle.  This  is  like  the  Bavarian  and 
Oriental  animal  heads ;  but  the  knife  handle,  63, 
from  Gloucestershire  points  to  this  type  being  also 
British.  This  type  of  knife  then  seems  to  hold 
together  over  western  Europe  ;  and  what  then  of 
the  Chinese  57  being  similar  ?  In  pi.  xxx  there  is 
a  strong  connection  in  the  form,  and  angle  of  the 
blade  with  the  handle,  between  the  La  Tene  U  17, 
the  Siberian  U 18,  and  the  Chinese  U 19.  It 
seems  as  if  there  had  been  some  relationship  between 
the  west  European  and  the  Eastern  Asiatic  groups. 
Another  blade  of  much  the  same  form  though 
tanged  for  a  handle,  is  from  Como  K65. 

The  short  knife,  K  66,  is  entirely  of  bronze,  both 
blade  and  handle,  and  therefore  probably  early. 
The  same  form  of  blade  is  of  iron  at  La  Tene,  67. 
Similar  knives  from  Egypt  are  K  216-219,  the  latter 
from  Oxyrhynkhos,  also  a  duplicate  of  218.  The 
steeper  ended  blades  are  usual  from  the  Rhine,  68 
(like  the  modern  shoe-maker's  knife),  Italy  71,  and 
Egypt,  69,  70.  The  Egyptian  knives  are  not  dated  ; 
two  are  of  bronze,  220  is  of  iron  from  Oxyrhynkhos, 
and  the  last,  226,  is  a  model  of  wood. 

The  handle  of  72  is  intended  to  protect  the 
hand,  like  the  handle  of  E  40,  and  of  the  swords, 
E  32,  35,  36.  This  shows  that  it  was  for  rough 
work,  probably  a  hunting  knife.  K  73  is  a  mag- 
nificent specimen,  with  steel  blade  inlaid  with 
designs  of  bronze,  and  with  a  bronze  handle  made 
to  fit  the  fingers.  It  is  the  only  instance  of  a 
combined  blade  of  two  different  forms ;  the  straight 
part  gives  an  exact  cut,  as  in  cutting  up  an  animal, 
the  hollow  part  gives  a  strong  cut,  as  in  trimming 
a  branch.  The  same  curved  back  is  seen  in  the 
surgeon's  knife,  K  74,  and  the  curious  knife,  75, 
which  is  of  bronze  entirely  cast  in  one  piece.  252 
has  a  bronze  handle  to  the  iron  blade. 

61.  Hollow-backed  Knives. — These  are  intended 
for  sweeping  cuts,  especially  required  in  hunting 
knives  for  cutting  up  game.  They  are  of  large 
size,  extending  up  to  the  dimensions  of  the  smaller 
swords.  The  type  begins  with  the  flint  knives, 
usual  from  the  first  dynasty  in  Egypt.  The  same 
continued  in  use  till  the  xiith  dynasty,  as  in  K  76, 

77.  The  copper  knife  of  the  same  form,  in  the  Old 
Kingdom,  is  K  78.  In  the  xiith  dynasty  the  same 
appears  at  Kahun,  K  243  ;  and  in  the  xviiith 
dynasty  there  is  the  fine  form  232,  with  the  gazelle- 
leg  handle.  Just  the  same  outline  of  blade  is  con- 
temporary with  this  at  Knossos,  K  79,  and  also  a 
blade  much  wider  at  the  end,  80.  Pointed  crescent 
blades  belong  to  the  late  Umbrian  age  in  North 
Italy,  81,  83,  and  to  France,  84.  Another  similar 
form  in  Egypt,  82,  may  be  contemporary  with 
these,  as  another  like  it,  87,  is  of  the  xxvith  dynasty. 
This  is  perhaps  descended  from  a  form  which  is 
probably  of  the  xiith  dynasty,  241  :  another 
Egyptian  knife,  much  the  same,  is  245.  A  similar 
curve  was  used  at  Mykenae,  85  ;  this  has  the 
original  end,  square  and  unbroken.  Much  straighter 
forms  occur  in  Egypt,  as  86,  88.  Sweden  has  a 
small  curved  knife  of  the  hunting  type,  89,  with  the 
hollow  handle,  which  is  generally  eastern  in  origin. 

The  great  hunting  knife  was  of  the  largest  size 
in  Egypt,  90,  with  a  handle  formed  by  plates 
rivetted  on  either  side  of  the  sheet  of  the  blade. 
These  handle  plates  were  probably  of  horn.  Un- 
fortunately neither  date  nor  locality  of  this  ex- 
ample is  known,  and  there  may  be  a  doubt  as  to 
its  antiquity,  see  D  27,  28.  A  similar  form,  91, 
comes  from  the  Marne.  A  broader  form  occurs  in 
Bavaria,  92,  which  is  dated  to  the  first  La  Tene 
period,  93  is  undated.  The  handles  are  more  or 
less  modified  from  birds'  heads.  An  independent 
derivation  of  the  curved-back  knife  is  from  Wis- 
consin, 94  ;  this  is  very  much  like  the  Egyptian 
form,  242.  The  curious  little  knives,  98,  99,  are 
stated  to  have  been  toilet  instruments. 

62.  Hollow-edged  Knives. — These  are  mainly  for 
cutting  material  which  is  held  in  the  left  hand, 
such  as  food,  or  grass  in  India.  This  type  is  unknown 
in  Egypt  until  introduced  by  the  Romans.  The 
earliest  example  is  from  the  great  tombs  at  Mykenae, 
K  100,  like  one  from  Cyprus,  101,  and  another,  102, 
with  continuous  handle,  from  Colophon.  The 
Syracusan  105  is  probably  of  a  different  family, 
varied  from  the  form  of  58.  The  fewness  of  these 
examples  in  bronze  is  evidence  that  this  was  an 
unusual  type  in  early  times.  In  iron  it  is  much 
commoner.  From  Egypt  there  is  the  bronze  knife 
234  (and  duplicate)  with  a  duck-head  handle  ;  and 
also  pieces  of  such  knives  in  iron,  K  214,  215,  and 
others  which  vary  the  form  to  a  cut  off  at  the  end, 
K  221,  222,  223  (214,  222,  223,  are  from  Oxyrhyn- 
khos.)   The  Italian  form  104  is  dated  to  the  Gallic 



period  ;  and  very  likely  of  the  same  age  are  106 
to  109.  It  is  remarkable  how  closely  the  form 
from  Idria  in  Carniola,  resembles  the  grass-cutter's 
knife  or  sickle  from  Madras,  no.  Much  the 
same  curve  was  evolved  for  fighting  purposes  in 
mediaeval  France,  in. 

63.  Recurved  Knives. — This  is  the  best  and  most 
varied  type  of  the  knives.  The  motive  of  it  is  to 
combine  two  forms,  the  convex  edge  for  a  wiping 
cut,  and  the  hollow  edge  for  a  heavy  cut.  There 
are  several  divisions  of  type.  112  to  120  are  but 
little  developed  from  the  preceding  plain  forms ; 
all  the  examples  are  from  the  Central  Mediterranean, 
except  the  probably  independent  form  115,  in 
the  South  Caucasus  and  Armenia.  121  to  129, 
with  the  back  curving  round  from  the  handle,  are 
all  northern  forms,  from  Hallstatt  out  to  Siberia  ; 
the  one  from  Ancona  was  probably  an  importation 
down  the  Adriatic.  130  to  140,  231,  is  a  Sicilian 
and  Egyptian  group,  with  a  branch  to  Troy  and 
the  Euxine.  In  Egypt  it  only  appears  after  the 
Mediterranean  wars  of  the  xixth  and  xxth  dynasty  ; 
it  is  coloured  blue  for  iron,  which  was  then  a  foreign 
material  for  Egyptian  weapons  (135  and  136  are 
two  versions  of  the  same  original).  It  seems 
therefore  to  belong  to  the  Shakalsha-Siculi,  who 
were  raiding  about  by  sea,  and  may  have  passed 
up  to  Troy.  231  is  of  bronze,  apparently  made  in 
Egypt,  with  a  gazelle-leg  handle.  Such  a  handle  is 
reported  to  occur  in  the  xiith  dynasty  (Reisner,  in 
Boston  Museum  Bulletin,  xiii,  79),  but  we  await 
further  details  of  that  dating,  and  the  present 
example  being  L^m  Gurob  is  of  the  xviiith 
dynasty.  The  group  141  to  147  extending  over 
Troy,  Mykenae,  Crete,  and  Egypt,  seems  to  have 
originated  the  striking  development  in  Italy  149 
to  167.  Along  with  141  from  Troy,  compare  244 
from  Egypt  (Gurob,  xviiith  dynasty).  With  the 
similar  form,  146,  from  Troy,  compare  229  from 
Thebes.  230,  which  is  plainer  than  most  of  these, 
is  a  Hyksos  knife  from  Tell  el  Yehudiyeh  ;  this 
may  be  one  of  the  prototypes. 

The  flamboyant  Italian  knife,  149  to  167,  is  never 
found  in  Egypt,  nor  anywhere  in  the  Mediterranean 
outside  of  Italy.  In  its  southern  earlier  forms  the 
handle  is  in  one  line  with  the  back,  as  from  the 
fonderia,  161.  La  Tene  northern  forms  of  it  always 
have  the  handle  central,  and  the  back  projecting, 
as  156  socketted,  162  tanged.  An  approach  to  this 
latter  form  is  in  the  Hallstatt  example  151.  This 
later  age  of  a  different  form  in  the  north  points 


to  the  type  originating  in  Italy.  Starting  there 
about  900  B.C.  (K  161)  it  went  north  at  about  700 
to  600  B.C.  It  died  out  about  300  B.C.  (K  153  with 
iron  blade),  but  not  later,  as  it  was  never  made 
entirely  of  iron,  except  in  Franconia  (K  149),  which 
is  probably  the  furthest  and  latest  stage  of  it.  The 
openwork  handles  of  153,  154,  are  of  well-known 
Italian  work  (see  pi.  lxx),  and  the  Hallstatt  handle 
(151)  was  copied  from  these.  The  ring  and  open- 
work handles  were  largely  adopted  in  Germany, 
see  many  from  Mecklenburg  M.  1.8.4  ;  but  as  such 
work  is  well  fixed  in  Italy  and  Sicily  (K  58),  it 
probably  originated  in  the  south,  and  thence  was 
carried  north.  This  flamboyant  knife  is  remark- 
able for  having  four  entirely  different  forms  of 
handle.  The  socket  is  the  earliest  (161)  ;  next  is 
the  openwork  handle  in  bronze  at  Hallstatt  and  La 
Tene  ;  the  enclosed  handle  (165-7),  being  all  bronze 
in  one  casting,  may  be  the  third  ;  the  tang  (162-4) 
is  entirely  northern,  and  probably  the  latest.  The 
form  of  161  is  widely  spread,  in  Italy,  Switzerland, 
France  (middle  and  west),  mid-Germany,  Tyrol  and 
Hungary  (see  S.V.). 

64.  Crook-backed  Knives. — If  we  accept  the  guid- 
ance of  the  metal,  there  can  be  no  question  that 
this  form  started  in  Italy  in  the  latter  part  of  the 
bronze  age.  The  two  splendid  examples  in  bronze 
from  Pesaro  (184)  and  Cuma  (187),  overlap  the 
beginning  of  iron,  as  the  Pesaro  blade  is  duplicated 
in  iron,  from  the  same  place  (185).  Other  bronze 
knives  are  from  Spain  (183),  and  La  Tene  (173), 
which  place  was  always  linked  with  Italy.  This 
was  then  another  product  of  that  mechanic  fertility 
of  North  Italy,  which  gave  the  world  the  chisel 
forms  and  the  flamboyant  knife  in  such  perfection. 
The  motive  for  this  form,  in  the  early  large  stage, 
was  to  cut  through  the  hide  of  animals,  by  turn- 
ing the  back  concavity  toward  the  body,  and 
ripping  through  the  skin,  edge  outward.  This  use 
(I  am  informed)  survives  on  the  Continent  in  cutting 
hard  skin  on  cooked  meat ;  the  form  is  still  very 
commonly  made. 

The  next  stage  is  of  much  interest.  In  the  ruins 
of  the  store-rooms  of  the  Ramesseum  some  tools 
lay  scattered,  and  nothing  there  was  as  late  as 
700  B.C.,  so  that  any  iron  discovered  was  of  an  early 
date  for  Egypt.  Probably  800  to  900  B.C.  would 
be  the  period.  The  iron  knives  246,  247,  249,  250, 
251,  253,  were  all  from  that  site.  246  is  important, 
as  the  handle  is  of  bronze,  cast  upon  ^he  iron  blade. 
This  implies  that  iron  was  still  more  valuable  than 



bronze,  and  was  only  used  for  its  superior  quality. 
246  is  slightly  crook-backed  ;  247,  which  is  clearly 
of  the  same  family,  has  a  marked  hollow  in  the 
back.  250  appears  to  have  had  the  same  originally. 
These  are  perhaps  the  earliest  iron  knives  of  the 
type.  On  the  Italian  side  the  Pesaro  and  Ancona 
iron  blades  (185  186)  copy  the  bronze  type ;  and  this 
is  found  up  the  Adriatic  in  Carniola  (188),  doubt- 
less all  belonging  to  Noricum.  We  have  no  links 
between  these  and  Western  Persia  where  it  recurs 
(172)  ;  but  so  peculiar  a  type  is  more  likely  to  have 
travelled  over  this  gap  than  to  have  been  re-in- 
vented. The  type  was  commonly  adopted  by  the 
Romans,  and  hence  may  have  come  the  Pyrenean 
177,  the  French  174,  the  Rhine  forms  179,  189,  the 
Crimean  168,  169,  the  Oxyrhynkhos  examples  204, 
208,  209,  and  the  Anglo-Saxon  170,  175-6,  180-1. 
The  mediaeval  form  182  may  perhaps  be  derived 
from  the  sabre  type,  as  E  32,  33,  xxxii. 

65.  The  Khopesh. — This  name  is  adopted  from 
the  Egyptian,  as  there  does  not  seem  to  be  a  con- 
sistent name  for  the  type  in  modern  times.  The 
peculiarity  of  the  type  is  the  deep  hollowing  of  the 
back,  and  the  projecting  of  the  edge  far  in  advance 
of  the  handle.  By  its  great  curvature  it  was  in- 
tended for  a  wiping  cut;  and  the  retreat  of  the 
handle  behind  the  edge  was  to  protect  the  hand 
from  the  subject,  and  to  gain  a  few  inches  of  dis- 
tance. TIiC  e^hest  dated  example  of  the  form  is 
a  small  knife  with  the  name  of  Tehutmes  III,  190. 
But  the  type  seems  more  Oriental  than  Egyptian, 
it  only  appears  in  Egypt  after  Oriental  fashions 
had  spread  there,  it  occurs  in  Mesopotamia  (191) 
and  Assyria  in  1300  B.C.  (201),  and  it  passed  to 
Bavaria  (192)  more  probably  through  the  Oriental 
connections  of  Hungary  than  across  from  Egypt. 
The  treatment  of  the  form  varies  considerably  in 
Egypt.  It  is  interesting  that  in  198  and  199  the 
handle  and  back  rib  are  yellow  (bronze),  while  the 
blades  are  blue,  apparently  of  iron.  These  small 
copies  of  sculptures,  by  the  proportion  of  the 
figures,  show  that  the  weapons  were  in  all  cases 
larger  than  these  two  actual  weapons  that  we 
have,  201,  202.  These  both  had  handles  inlaid, 
probably  with  plates  of  horn  or  ivory. 


66.  Double  convex  Knives. — These  have  the  back 
and  edge  both  convex,  and  almost  equal.  The 
type  was  unknown  in  Egypt  till  Roman  times.    It 

seems  to  have  originated  in  early  Greece,  where  it 
is  in  Crete  U  1-3,  11,  Sparta  4,  5,  Mykenae  6,  7,  8, 
Nauplia  12,  and  in  Sicily  at  Pantalica  9,  and 
Taranto  10.  These  include  nearly  all  the  bronze 
examples,  and  stamp  the  type  as  of  southern  Greece, 
passing  on  to  Sicily  and  South  Italy.  The  early 
iron  blade  from  the  Ramesseum,  K  249,  xxix,  is  not 
unlike  the  later  forms  of  bronze  blades.  With  the 
large  square  Italian  handle,  the  type  appears  in 
iron  in  North  Italy  (13),  and  passed  out  north  to 
Bavaria  (15).  The  resemblance  of  the  skew  handle 
of  La  Tene  (17)  to  that  of  Central  Asia  (18)  and 
China  (19),  is  remarkable.  The  utility  of  it  for 
giving  a  dragging  cut,  rather  than  a  pushing  cut, 
seems  unlikely  to  have  caused  so  nearly  the  same 
angle  to  be  adopted.  The  Minussinsk  example 
being  of  bronze,  while  the  La  Tene  knife  is  of  iron, 
indicates  that  the  form  travelled  from  Asia  to 
Europe,  if  there  be  a  connection. 

This  blade  was  adopted  in  Epirus,  20 ;  and  the 
later  forms  were  wider,  as  in  the  iron  blades  of 
Syracuse,  U  21,  .and  Egypt  U  65  (Medinet  Habu), 
65  and  67.  The  Krems  knife,  22,  is  probably  of 
Roman  origin ;  and  23  is  Italian,  like  the  small 
knife  with  long  handle  from  Oxyrhynkhos,  K  205 . 
A  very  clumsy  iron  knife  from  Egypt,  214  (xxviii), 
has  no  European  parallel. 

67.  Double-edged  Knives. — This  is  one  of  the 
types  almost  peculiar  to  Egypt,  two-thirds  of  the 
examples  coming  from  there,  against  one-third  from 
all  the  other  countries.  The  type  starts  with  the 
great  expansion  of  copper  tools  at  the  rise  of  the 
dynastic  people.  The  great  "knives  then  made, 
U  24,  were  never  exceeded  in  size.  The  tang  was 
retained  till  the  iiird  dynasty  (25  to  27) ;  later  it 
became  only  a  continuation  of  the  blade  in  the 
vith  and  xiith  dynasties  (28,  29),  The  tanged  knife 
U  63  is  probably  of  the  Old  Kingdom  by  the  form. 
In  the  xiith  dynasty  the  change  took  place  of 
making  the  handle  all  in  one  with  the  knife,  as  in 
U  49  and  59  from  Kahun  (also  two  duplicates  of 
59).  Similar  knives  continued  to  be  made  in  the 
xviiith  dynasty,  as  U  61  from  Gurob  (and  dupli- 
cates from  Gurob  and  Amarna) — worn  down  by 
sharpening,  and  U  62  (duplicate  from  Gurob,  and 
duplicate  with  curled-over  handle,  from  Kahun). 
The  beautiful  leaf-shaped  knife,  58,  belongs  to  the 
latter  part  of  the  xviiith  dynasty,  dated  by  U  55, 
57  from  Amarna,  with  which  go  52,  53  from  Gurob, 
54  (duplicate  from  Amarna),  58  (and  duplicate)  and 
the  slender  56  (with  duplicate  from  Gurob).    A  wider, 



clumsy  form  came  with  the  xixth  dynasty,  dated 
by  50  from  Saptah's  deposit  (and  two  with  coiled 
handle,  Gurob) ;  this  fixes  also  the  knives  48 
(Gurob)  and  51,  also  two  from  Gurob,  and  another 
between  48  and  51,  and  two  smaller  from  Gurob. 
The  larger  dagger-knife  60  is  like  one  in  the 
British  Museum,  30,  of  xviiith  or  xixth  dynasty. 
The  long  leaf  blade  (and  duplicate  of  half  size)  of 
bronze  recurs  in  Roman  times,  as  64  from  Oxy- 
rhynkhos.  A  very  wide  blade  of  iron,  with  iron 
handle  covered  with  wood,  belongs  to  the  xxvith 
dynasty,  U  31  from  Defenneh,  and  K  254.  Also  a 
long  straight  knife  is  from  Defenneh,  U32. 

Turning  to  the  few  European  examples  of  double- 
edged  knives,  there  are  three  long  straight  blades 
from  Mykenae,  U  33,  34,  35  ;  34  is  unusual  as 
having  the  handle  in  one  with  the  blade  (compare 
E  1).  The  Spanish  form,  37,  is  evidently  of  the 
same  type,  and  probably  the  Sicilian  38.  This  is 
then  a  Western  Mediterranean  family,  quite  different 
from  the  Egyptian.  The  Spartan  form  36  stands 
quite  alone.  The  knife-dagger,  and  socketted  knife 
from  Heathery  Burn,  39,  40,  are  also  independent 
forms.  The  blade  K  248  of  iron  must  be  early, 
from  its  relation  to  the  bronze  leaf  swords,  see  E  2. 
The  figures  41,  42  from  Peschiera  are  called  knives, 
but  look  more  like  small  daggers,  see  D  in,  as  also 
does  the  Swedish  43.  The  Anglo-Saxon  44  is  a 
pocket-knife,  and  45  is  stated  to  be  of  the  scrama- 
sax  type.  Examples  from  Mainz,  M.  1.7.6,  3.2.5, 
termed  scramasax,  are  likewise  equal-curved  ;  but 
the  name  is  also  applied  to  the  crook-backed  knife, 
K  175.  The  Indian  forms,  46,  47,  suggest  daggers 
or  spear  heads,  rather  than  knives.  Thus  the 
double-edged  knife  was  but  rarely  made  outside  of 
Egypt,  and  there  is  no  family  of  them  except  the 
British  examples,  and  the  few  straight  bladto  of 
the  Western  Mediterranean. 

THE   SWORD  :    (E)   PL.   XXXII 

68.  The  varied  forms  of  the  sword— blade,  pommel, 
and  chape—have  been  so  fully  discussed  by  Naue 
and  others,  that  there  is  no  need  to  deal  with  them 
here,  especially  as  the  weapon  is  foreign  to  Egypt, 
and  very  rarely  was  imported.  A  few  forms  are 
given  on  pi.  xxxii,  and  examples  of  two  families 
which  are  scarcely  connected  with  Egypt,  but  are 
of  interest.    These  are  all  to  a  scale  of  1  :  10. 

Of  swords  properly  so  called,  there  is  only  one 
from  Egypt,  pi.  li,  E41,  right  side;  this  is  of  iron 

with  fragments  of  the  bone  handle.  The  seller 
stated  that  it  came  from  Defenneh,  and  the  blade 
and  handle  are  closely  like  the  sword  from  the 
xxvith  dynasty  palace  at  Memphis  (Memphis  iii, 
xxxviii).    Both  are  probably  Persian  swords. 

Of  rapiers,  or  thrusting  swords,  there  are  three 
from  Egypt,  pi.  xxxiv,  in  the  series  of  daggers. 
D  39  is  rather  unusual  in  the  depth  of  the  hilt  with- 
out any  tang.  It  differs  in  this  from  the  Italian 
forms,  and  I  have  not  exactly  met  with  it  else- 
where ;  one  from  Cyprus  (N.V.  vi,  4)  is  so  near  an 
approach  that  it  would  be  futile  to  look  further. 
D  40  is  dated  to  Rameses  II,  and  is  closely  like  the 
broad  rapier,  D  18,  carried  by  the  Shardana  auxi- 
liaries ;  this  is  placed  in  D  as  it  compares  with 
other  Egyptian  daggers.  D  41  is  a  typical  Cypriote 
rapier,  and  may  have  been  imported  to  Egypt  in 
modern  times  or  anciently. 

The  bronze  sword  of  Vapheio,  E  1,  which  (though 
only  single  edged)  is  a  larger  version  of  the  Mykenaean 
double-edged  knife,  U  34,  shows  how  little  the 
typical  sword  blade  of  later  times  was  then  in  view. 
E2,  3,  4  are  of  bronze,  and  carry  back  the  iron 
double-edged  knife,  K  248,  to  the  beginning  of  the 
iron  age,  by  the  close  similarity  of  form.  This  type 
seems  to  have  started  in  North  Italy  or  South 
Tyrol,  and  to  have  been  brought  to  Egypt  by  the 
northern  invaders,  both  in  bronze,  4,  found  at  El 
Qantara  on  the  Suez  Canal,  and  in  iron,  K  248. 
The  long  bronze  rapier  typical  of  Hallstatt,  8,  was 
brought  into  Egypt,  as  5,  6,  and  7  ;  the  latter  is 
dated  by  the  names  of  Sety  II,  about  1205  b.c. 
The  hilt  is  seen  developing  in  9,  10,  and  II.  The 
narrow  tapering  form  of  rapier  appears  early  in 
Spain,  12,  probably  connected  with  the  Shardana 
blade,  D  18,  19,  40.  That  type  goes  under  in 
later  times,  until  it  reappears  in  Anglo-Saxon 
burials,  13.  The  swords  14,  15,  16  belong  to  the 
early  iron  age  in  Sweden,  and  17  to  20  to  the  later 
iron  age.  These  Swedish  weapons  are  nearly  all 
swords,  sharp  on  one  edge,  and  not  rapiers  sharp 
on  both  edges.  The  strange  form  from  Perugia 
(Frontone)  was  probably  attached  to  a  wooden  staff 
to  give  it  strength. 

In  Egypt  there  is  the  sickle-like  weapon,  E  23, 
which  seems  without  parallel  elsewhere.  The  falx 
24  from  Etruria  was  curiously  paralleled  in  the 
Burgundian  glaive,  E25.  This  shape  may  throw 
light  on  a  strange  form  in  the  foundation  deposit 
of  Saptah,  K  237. 

The  flamboyant  sword  from  Cassibile,  E  26,  in 



bronze,  perhaps  about  700  B.C.,  is  strangely  like  an 
iron  sword,  27,  from  St.  Michael,  Adelsberg  in 
Carniola,  but  connection  seems  unlikely. 

A  curious  type,  E28  to  31,  must  apparently  be 
of  Dacian  origin.  It  figures  as  a  national  weapon 
of  the  north  on  the  silver  signum  of  Niederbiber 
(31),  and  is  found  in  Carniola  (29,  30).  Compare 
with  these,  K  183-189.  The  example  from  Pesaro 
must  have  descended  the  Adriatic.  It  is  the 
ancestor  of  a  weird  form  of  knife,  U  71,  which  I 
bought  in  Egypt ;  from  its  condition  the  latter 
might  have  come  in  the  last  few  centuries  from 

69.  Perhaps  the  most  picturesque  form  of  weapon 
is  the  sabre,  E  32-39.  It  is  well  described  by 
Achilles  Tatius  in  his  romance ;  he  says  that  in  a 
picture  of  Perseus  the  hero  was  "  armed  with  a 
weapon  between  a  straight  sword  and  a  scimetar ; 
from  the  hilt  to  the  middle  it  is  a  sword,  it  then 
partakes  of  both,  remaining  sharp  so  as  to  inflict 
a  wound,  and  becoming  curved  in  order  to  follow 
it  up  and  improve  the  stroke "  (Book  viii).  The 
Gurkha  fyukri  is  the  same  type  of  weapon  only 
shorter,  and  thus  broader  in  proportion.  Probably 
it  was  a  legacy  of  the  Bactrian  Greek  kingdom. 

The  form  of  32  seems  strange  for  action,  with 
two  separate  curves  in  the  edge ;  yet  the  position 
of  the  guard  leaves  no  question  as  to  how  it  was 
held.  The  variations  of  this  type  in  Italy  and 
Spain,  and  on  Greek  vase  paintings,  are  clearly  of 
the  same  family,  and  all  appear  to  fall  between  400 
and  100  B.C.  The  source  is  probably  Italian, 
adopted  in  Magna  Graecia,  and  spread  to  Spain. 
E  40  at  the  end  is  of  the  hunting  knife  type  (K  92, 
93) ;  but  the  bronze  handle  suggests  defence  so 
much,  that  it  may  well  have  been  ded  in  warfare. 

The  fragment  of  a  sword  and  handle  E  42,  li,  from 
Egypt,  is  probably  of  Crusading  age;  the  large 
circular  pommel  belongs  to  the  xth  to  xivth  cen- 
turies (see  D.  W.  165,  167,  180,  182,  185,  374,  375). 



70.  As  the  Egyptian  daggers  are  so  numerous, 
they  give  the  best  dated  series  for  comparison  ; 
they  are  therefore  taken  as  a  whole,  first  of  all, 
before  noticing  the  daggers  of  other  countries. 
Apart  from  the  Egyptian  daggers,  the  main  division 
is  by  the  method  of  attaching  the  handle.    The 

earlier  portion  of  the  European  forms  are  rivetted 
on  to  a  handle,  the  later  have  a  tang,  which  may 
even  become  a  handle.  Those  which  have  both 
tang  and  rivet,  are  in  form  like  the  tang-,  and  unlike 
the  rivet-,  daggers.  They  are  therefore  classed  with 
the  tang  daggers.  It  must  be  remembered  that 
the  dagger  passes  indistinctly  into  the  knife  on  one 
hand,  or  into  the  spear  head  on  the  other  hand. 
In  view  of  that  it  is  placed  here  between  those  two 

The  Egyptian  dagger  is  unmistakeable,  from  the 
earliest  to  the  latest.  The  handle,  generally  sur- 
viving in  the  dry  climate,  fixes  its  purpose  as  in 
no  other  country.  The  earliest  example  is,  happily, 
quite  complete,  although  broken  (D  1,  xxxiii) :  it 
is  dated  about  Sequence  Date  50,  or  the  earlier 
part  of  the  second  prehistoric  age.  The  blade  is  a 
plane  sheet  of  copper.  The  handle  of  ivory  is 
curiously  formed  ;  it  is  scolloped  out  so  as  to  leave 
two  horns  overlapping  the  blade.  This  appeal  s  to 
be  the  prototype  of  the  later  handles,  with  side 
horns  running  along  the  blade.  There  is  one  small 
rivet.  The  second  dagger  has  lost  the  handle ; 
but  as  it  is  from  the  same  cemetery,  and  as  the 
previous  handle  would  be  quite  applicable  to  it, 
there  is  little  doubt  that  both  were  mounted  alike. 
This  second  blade,  D  2,  has  a  slight  thickening  to 
the  middle. 

An  entirely  different  type  is  D  3,  of  s.d.  60,  with 
a  sharp  mid-ridge  and  hollowed  faces.  It  is  the 
perfection  of  stiffness  for  its  amount  of  metal,  in 
contrast  to  the  weak,  flat  blades  just  noticed.  This 
is  of  the  same  form  as  the  Cypriote  rapiers  (see 
D41);  and,  when  contrasted  with  the  other 
daggers,  it  suggests  that  the  Cypriote  type  was 
already  established,  and  that  this  was  imported 
into  Egypt.  Apparently  derived  from  this  is  the 
wooden  funerary  model  dagger,  of  painted  wood, 
the  handle  blue,  the  blade  white,  D  36.  It  was 
found  at  Lahun,  1888,  probably  of  the  xiith  dynasty. 
A  long  handle  is  also  shown  by  the  wooden  models 
179,  180,  181,  pi.  li ;  179  is  from  Tarkhan  of 
s.d.  78. 

71.  Unfortunately  no  daggers  remain  to  us  from 
the  Old  Kingdom,  nor  do  I  remember  seeing  any 
represented  on  sculptures,  except  in  the  hand  of 
a  Syrian  or  Edomite  child  in  the  siege  scene 
Deshasheh,  pi.  iv.  Contrasted  with  the  next  age, 
it  looks  as  if  the  dynastic  race  did  not  use  the 
weapon.  The  xiith  dynasty,  on  the  contrary, 
abounds  with  daggers.    There  is  the  plain  blade 



with  a  crescent  butt,  and  a  good  grip  to  hold 
(D  4) ;  there  is  also  the  discoid  butt,  which  must 
have  been  held  with  the  fingers  on  either  side  of 
the  handle,  as  in  D  6  which  is  dated  to  Senusert  III. 
The  latter  handle  was  the  regular  type  of  the  xiith 
to  xviiith  dynasties.  Probably  of  the  xiith  dynasty, 
or  perhaps  the  xith,  are  the  beautifully  made 
blades  D  37,  38,  42,  43.  These  have  parallel  lines 
of  ribbing  in  relief  running  down  the  mid-line  of 
the  blade,  of  exquisite  regularity.  This  decoration 
is  peculiarly  Egyptian,  for  I  have  not  met  with  a 
single  example  of  it  from  other  lands ;  everywhere 
else  the  decoration  is  parallel  to  the  edges,  as  in 
D  95.  From  the  form  of  the  handle  of  D  46  it  is 
of  the  same  date  as  D  5.  The  form  of  the  xivth 
dynasty  is  given  by  D  7,  8,  9,  which  have  flatfish 
blades  with  a  slight  wide  band  down  the  middle  ; 
the  form  is  poor  and  weak,  a  great  contrast  to  the 
exquisite  shapes  of  the  earlier  daggers.  The 
Hyksos  dagger,  D  10,  has  been  narrowed  by  sharp- 
ening, but  originally  it  was  like  8  and  9.  D  44, 
though  clumsy,  is  not  as  bad  as  those  of  the  xivth 
dynasty,  and  it  has  ribbing  on  the  mid-line ;  pro- 
bably it  is  about  the  xiiith.  D  45  has  a  faint  flat 
ridge  of  the  Hyksos  type,  but  it  is  probably  of  the 
xiith.  The  clumsy  shape  of  D  47  might  raise  doubts 
of  its  antiquity ;  but  the  rusting  of  the  rivets  to 
red  oxide  of  copper  is  certainly  ancient.  The  lines 
impressed  on  the  blade  are  unlike  any  Egyptian 
design,  and  it  is  probably  a  foreign  blade,  handled 
in  Egypt  in  the  Hyksos  age.  Naue  (N.V.)  does  not 
give  any  example  of  pattern  lines  concave  toward 
the  handle.  The  blades  48,  50,  51,  are  probably 
of  the  xiith  or  xiiith  dynasty,  as  also  the  set  of 
funereal  models  53  to  58.  These  last  were  not 
models  for  currency  values,  as  the  original  amounts 
are  quite  irregular,  43  to  106  grains. 

72.  The  xviith  dynasty  is  "rell  represented  by 
the  Aoh-hetep  dagger's  and  others.  D  11,  12  T^, 
show  that  the  general  type  of  the  xiith  dyr.abty  was 
modified  by  a  narrower  blade,  more  length  of  the 
side  clutches,  and  a  shorter  space  between  the 
circular  handle  and  the  heel  of  the  blade.  The 
exaggerated  handle  and  slender  waist  of  14  mark 
it  as  an  ornamental  weapon,  much  like  a  dagger  in 
the  Berlin  Museum  (G.W.  40).  It  lately  appears 
that  this  was  a  Nubian  form  of  the  xiith  dynasty, 
and  therefore  imported  into  Egypt  (see  Reisner, 
Boston  Mus.  Bull,  xiii,  80).  D  15  may  be  of  the 
xviiith  dynasty,  by  its  resemblance  to  the  knives 
U  60,  61  ;    and  with  it  may  go  D  49.    The  dagger 

with  a  falcon-head  handle,  16,  is  probably  invisible 
in  its  sheath,  as  it  is  worn  in  the  belt.  D  18, 19,  are 
evidently  the  same,  only  one  plain,  the  other 
decorated.  There  is  no  question  about  the  source 
of  18  as  it  is  carried  by  the  Shardana  auxiliaries. 
These  large  rapier-daggers  clearly  show  that  the 
source  of  D  40  was  from  the  Shardana ;  it  was 
found  at  Gerzeh  dated  to  Rameses  II.  Curiously 
like  this  type  is  the  much  smaller  D  17  from  the 
Caucasus.  The  small  daggers,  20,  21,  with  mid- 
rib, differ  from  any  that  we  have  from  Egypt,  by 
the  leaf  form  and  handle.  They  rather  suggest 
that  they  are  an  importation  from  the  terramara 
people,  such  as  the  blades  D  112,  117. 

The  famous  dagger  of  Aoh-hetep,  D  23,  is  unique 
in  having  the  heads  on  the  gold  handle.  It  should 
be  noted  how  the  openings  under  the  crescent  handle 
in  5  and  6,  change  in  12,  and  become  dwarfed  in 
14  ;  thence  we  see  the  origin  of  the  two  semicircular 
openings  at  the  top  of  the  blade  in  23.  The  other 
dagger  of  Aoh-hetep,  24,  is  purer  in  the  curves, 
and  in  the  grace  of  the  form.  Evidently  of  the 
same  family  is  the  dagger  25,  with  a  band  of  spiral 
pattern  round  the  handle.  The  round  butt  recalls 
closely  the  earliest  handle,  D  1.  A  dagger,  26,  of 
evidently  the  same  type,  with  spirals,  is  from 

The  two  large  blades,  27,  28,  are  of  the  same 
family  with  D  59,  and  D  27  was  apparently  bought 
with  K  90.  I  was  offered  D  27,  28,  or  some  like 
them,  in  Egypt,  but  did  not  feel  satisfied  about 
their  age.  They  have  never  been  sharpened,  as  28 
and  59  have  the  original  casting  duct  left  at  the 
tip.  The  crude  work  of  them  is  not  like  ancient 
style  ;  and  the  enormous  handle  two  inches  thick 
on  27  and  28  would  be  almost  impossible  to  grasp, 
far  exceeding  cny  dagger  handle  known.  The 
wW;  '.  handle  here  otherwise  is  only  1}  inches, 
D  169.  In  no  case  are  they  Egyptian  work  of  any 
ancient  period. 

73.  The  inlaid  handles  are  an  interesting  class, 
D  22,  29  to  35,  52.  They  seem  of  one  family,  but 
widely  spread.  All  are  of  bronze.  Four  are 
Italian,  two  Greek,  three  Egyptian,  one  Ninevite, 
two  from  the  Caspian.  Other  weapons  with  such 
handles  are  K  201,  202  ;  one  Assyrian  and  the 
other  an  oriental  form  in  Egypt.  Thus  there  is  a 
balance  on  either  side  of  Egypt,  as  regards  numbers. 
Such  an  idea  seems  far  from  being  Egyptian  ;  and 
as  a  question  of  personal  impression  I  should  cer- 
tainly put  the  source  in  the  east  rather  than  the 



west,  though  I  do  not  see  any  proof  as  yet  in  the 
internal  evidence.  The  little  model  bronze  dagger 
with  a  hawk's  head,  D  60,  is  Hungarian  or  oriental 
in  motive,  but  it  might  be  a  Roman  copy  of  an 
eastern  original. 

74.  We  turn  now  to  the  comparative  series. 
PI.  xxxv  is  arranged  with  the  rivetted  blades  on 
the  left,  and  the  tanged  blades  on  the  right.  PI. 
xxxvi  is  of  tanged  and  handled  blades.  The 
Spanish  blades,  D  61,  62,  65,  are  put  here  with  the 
dagger  series,  by  their  form;  but  they  are  only 
found  in  the  graves  of  women,  and  never  with 
men ;  the  men  have  other  weapons.  This  seems 
conclusive  that  they  are  knives  for  domestic  use, 
and  not  daggers.  The  obvious  wear  that  they 
have  suffered,  agrees  to  their  being  knives.  Weapons 
are  seldom  used,  and  scarcely  ever  worn  away ;  if 
there  has  been  much  wear  it  shows  that  the  blade 
has  been  in  daily  use.  Knives  such  as  K  33,  146, 
253  show  heavy  wear ;  and  so  do  some  dagger 
forms,  as  D  68,  96,  101,  102,  122,  134.  These  early 
forms,  62,  65,  are  also  found  in  copper  from  the 
Italian  lake  dwellings,  63,  64.  Looking  at  the  large 
number  recorded  as  being  of  copper  (61-65,  74, 
76,  81,  87,  99,  101,  108-110,  113,  122)  it  seems 
probable  that  most  of  the  simple  forms  are  really 
of  copper,  which  has  not  been  distinguished  from 
bronze  in  the  description.  For  instance,  113  is  of 
copper ;  112,  like  it,  is  recorded  as  bronze  found 
with  flint  implements,  and  so  in  the  eneolithic 
period,  therefore  probably  of  copper.  Moreover 
the  other  implements  from  St.  Blaize,  81,  101,  are 
of  copper.  Hence  it  seems  that  two-thirds  or  more 
of  pi.  xxxv  should  be  credited  to  the  copper  age. 
Some  simple  forms  however  are  of  bronze,  as  68 
from  the  Bologna  fonderia.  The  prehistoric  Egyp- 
tian D  1,  2,  agree  most  nearly  with  the  forms  70,  71, 
74,  75,  from  La  Tene,  Mochlos,  and  1 ;  this  is 
to  say,  they  belong  to  a  type  so  widely  spread  tliat 
no  conclusion  can  be  drawn  as  to  its  source. 

A  distinction  in  general  style  may  be  seen,  as  the 
rhomboidal  outlines,  72,  77,  78,  79,  are  of  North 
Italy,  while  the  longer  blades  with  hollowed  edges 
are  from  the  south,  Spain  (87),  Sicily  (84,  102,  107), 
Crete  (82,  83),  and  Egypt  (85,  37,  38,  42,  43). 
Another  characteristic  is  the  C-shaped  rivetted 
plate,  91  to  95.  This  is  only  found  in  the  north 
and  west,  not  on  the  Mediterranean ;  the  places, 
in  order,  are  England  (91, 94),  France  (95),  Po  valley 
(95  at  Polada  by  L.  di  Garda,  at  Castione  by  Parma, 
and  at  Verona),  Switzerland  (95  Walks),  Oberbayern 

(92),  Bohemia  (93),  Halle  (95),  Denmark  (92). 
Thus  there  are  none  south  of  the  Po  valley,  nor 
on  the  Mediterranean  coasts.  The  decoration  with 
sloping  lines  like  94,95,  is  also  found  in  North  Italy, 
Parma,  and  West  Prussia. 

75.  Among  the  tang  daggers  the  large  knife- like 
blade,  108, 109,  no,  139, 140  (N.V.  xiii),  is  Egyptian 
and  Asiatic,  and  never  found  in  Europe.  The  date 
in  Egypt  being  Hyksos,  its  origin  is  probably  en- 
tirely Asiatic,  and  imported  into  Egypt.  The 
hafting  by  a  notched  end,  in  to  114,  119,  is 
peculiar ;  it  seems  copied  from  a  stone  type,  and 
occurs  along  with  flint  implements;  the  sources 
are  North  Italian  and  Swiss,  but  one  from  Cyprus, 
119,  suggests  that  as  a  source.  The  blades  of  the 
same  form,  with  rivets,  are  likewise  all  north 

PL  xxxvi  gives  the  high- shouldered  blades. 
These  from  130  to  147  are  all  northern  or  Asiatic  ; 
a  few  in  the  Po  valley,  and  one  in  Crete,  are  the 
most  southern  examples.  The  resemblance  of  detail 
in  136  and  138  suggests  that  the  Wiltshire  dagger 
may  have  been  a  Cypriote  importation.  The 
Cypriote  140  shows  the  source  of  the  Tyrian  139, 
and  both  may  be  as  well  classed  as  knives,  with  the 
Egyptian,  U  24.  In  the  Spanish  daggers  the 
straight  base  to  the  hilt,  148,  149,  164,  may  well 
be  due  to  the  Keltic  invaders.  The  self-handled 
daggers  with  pommels,  152  to  157,  are  peculiar  to 
Sicily.  The  system  of  hammering  up  the  edges  of 
the  handle  to  round  it  for  the  hand  is  Italian,  but 
widespread,  see  152,  168  from  the  terremare  of  North 
Italy,  U 10  in  the  south,  U  9  Sicily,  U  n  Knossos. 

Winged  flanks  to  the  blade  are  remarkable  and 
rare,  but  very  scattered.  In  the  east  in  Palestine, 
162,  in  the  west  in  Spain,  163,  and  northward  in 
Epirus,  161.  A  variant  may  be  the  rapier,  170, 
from  the  Caspian.  Leaf-shaped  blades  are  also 
»ndely  spread,  from  Spain  (164),  North  Italy  (165, 
167,  ±5$),  Crete  (169),  and  the  Caucasus  (166). 
The  long  straight  blades  are  northern,  174  to  177, 
but  appear  also  in  India  (178).  Until  there  are 
many  more  examples  of  these  various  forms,  with 
some  approximate  dating  to  each,  it  is  useless  to 
guess  what  were  their  original  sources. 

THE  SPEAR  HEAD  \   (il)   PLS.   XXXVII  TO  XL 

76.  The  classification  of  spear  heads  here  follows 
the  form  of  the  outline.  The  convex  outlines  come 
first,  in  order  of  width ;    then  the  straight-edged 



forms,  the  concave-edged,  the  scolloped,  the  barbed, 
the  very  narrow  spears  or  pikes,  the  fin-blades,  the 
flat  unribbed  heads,  lastly  the  butts  of  the  spear 
shaft.  With  the  spears  are  also  included  all  sizes 
of  lances,  as  it  is  impossible  to  find  any  dividing 
line.  The  spear  itself  was  often  thrown,  even  of 
full  size.  Only  the  arrow  heads  are  here  separated, 
as  being  so  small  that  they  require  the  velocity  of 
mechanical  impulse  to  drive  them  to  a  distance. 
The  spear  heads  that  we  have  are  nearly  all  of  the 
bronze  and  iron  ages.  The  only  examples  appar- 
ently of  copper  are  four  early  ones  from  Egypt, 
165-167,  170  ;  the  great  spear  from  Telloh,  137  ; 
and  the  Wisconsin  spears,  as  140.  Representations 
however  show  that  the  spear  was  common  in  the 
copper  age ;  the  row  of  warriors  on  the  battle  relief 
of  Eannatum  (S.D.  3")  carry  large  spears,  of  the 
same  form  as  137,  but  ten  inches  long,  and  four 
examples  are  given  here  (15,  29,  65,  89)  of  Egyp- 
tian figures  of  spears.  These  show  that  we  have, 
so  far,  missed  nearly  all  the  early  history  of  the 
spear.  That  lies  probably  in  Syria  and  the  East, 
which  have  been  so  little  examined ;  it  would  be 
impossible  to  suppose  that  it  was  used  in  the 
western  copper  age  of  Italy,  when  we  have  so  full 
a  variety  of  weapons  from  that  period  without 
any  trace  of  it. 

Some  of  the  spears  of  the  bronze  age  may  never- 
theless be  of  copper.  A  suggestion  of  this  is  given 
by  the  instances  of  a  hammered  instead  of  a  cast 
socket.  That  is  the  regular  feature  of  iron  spear 
heads  (155-164),  because  the  iron  could  only  be 
wrought,  not  cast.  In  examples  of  the  bronze 
age,  as  128-9-130,  139,  143,  165  to  171,  the  hammer 
work  is  obvious,  and  some  of  these  may  be  of 
copper,  or  only  slightly  alloyed.  The  regular  type, 
before  the  iron  age,  is  the  cast  bronze  socket.  This 
casting  was  carried  out  by  cire  perdue,  and  so  skil- 
fully that,  in  some  instances,  the  metal  was  no 
thicker  than  cardboard. 

77.  The  great  article  on  the  development  of  the 
British  spear  head  by  Canon  Greenwell  (Archaeo- 
logia,  lxi,  439)  gives  good  grounds  for  the  tracing 
of  the  dagger  into  the  tanged  dagger,  the  use  of 
that  as  a  spear  head,  the  addition  of  a  ferrule  to 
prevent  the  splitting  of  the  wood,  the  union  of 
ferrule  and  blade,  the  omission  of  the  tang,  and  the 
ferrule-socket  being  extended  into  the  blade  as  a 
mid-rib ;  then  the  omission  of  the  rivet,  as  a  source 
of  weakness,  the  addition  of  loops  to  tie  on  the 
head,  and  the  shifting  of  these  loops  up  into  the 

blade.  Now  we  have  seen  before,  instances  of 
apparently  original  design  in  the  remote  region  of 
Britain,  following  some  known  idea  of  type,  but 
not  making  a  direct  copy ;  such  are  the  dagger- 
knives  U  39,  40,  and  the  socket  chisels  C  150,  153. 
Hence  it  would  not  be  at  all  unparalleled  for  the 
spear  head  to  have  had  an  independent  history  in 
Britain.  That  such  a  history  was  apart  from  its 
course  elsewhere,  is  shown  by  the  absence  of  loops 
outside  of  Britain,  as  noticed  by  the  Canon ;  and 
also  by  the  long  course  of  lapped  hammered  sockets 
before  cast  bronze,  and  the  many  examples  in  the 
East  long  before  there  was  any  bronze  for  casting. 
Hence  we  need  not  take  this  theory  of  British 
development  into  our  consideration  of  other  sources. 
Only  one  instance  of  the  looped  spear  head  is  given 
here,  83,  merely  as  being  one  of  the  great  ceremonial 
spear  heads. 

78.  The  spear  was  apparently  used  in  various 
different  ways.  The  broad  blade  is  found  scolloped 
out  irregularly,  90  to  95.  This  could  not  add  to  its 
attacking  powers,  and  it  seems  to  have  been  a 
swaggering  imitation  of  damages  received  in  hard 
fight.  Apparently  the  broad  blade  was  used  as  a 
kind  of  long  sword  for  slashing  ;  and  this  would 
explain  the  great  width  of  the  blade,  in  order  to 
inflict  a  deep  wound  before  being  stopped  by  the 
shaft  and  midrib.  The  thrusting  spear  was  neces- 
sarily of  different  shape  according  to  whether  the 
enemy  was  bare  or  wore  skins,  or  any  kind  of 
armour.  The  Egyptian,  the  Mykenaean,  and  the 
Briton  fought  bare,  the  Greek  and  the  Roman 
armoured,  the  Gaul  with  basketwork  shields,  as 
shown  by  statues  in  Marseille  Museum.  On  the 
bare  body  a  wide  spear  head  would  be  most 
effective ;  and  the  more  the  defence,  the  narrower 
must  be  the  spear  to  penetrate  it. 

79.  The  spear  has  been  in  various  countries  an 
object  of  ceremonial  dedication,  if  not  of  actual 
worship.  The  great  specimens  are  evidence  of 
this,  being  far  too  large,  and  with  too  slight  a 
socket,  to  have  been  actually  used  in  fight.  See 
the  Chinese  ceremonial  spear  head  of  761  a.d. 
(79),  that  from  Sweden  (80),  from  Chiusi  (82), 
Croydon  (83),  Italy  (84,  found  with  three  others 
alike),  also  (85)  of  iron.  Above  all,  see  the  immense 
blade  from  Telloh,  with  dedicatory  inscription 
(137).  The  Sacred  Spear  (^6yXv,  Joh.  xix,  34) 
seems  to  have  been  sanctified  as  St.  Longinus  of 
Christian  legend.  Livy  mentions  as  an  omen  that 
"  the    spear    at    Lanuvium    had    shaken     itself " 



(xxi,  62),  and  that  one  of  the  divination  tablets 
was  inscribed  "  Mars  shakes  his  spear  "  (xxii,  1). 
Another  omen  was  "  the  spear  of  Mars  at  Praeneste 
moved  forward  of  its  own  accord "  (xxiv,  10). 
Spears  were  also  kept  in  the  temple  of  Moneta 
(xxxiii,  26).  Later  there  was  reported  by  the  priests 
an  omen  that  "  the  spears  moved  "  (xl,  19).  Thus 
the  spear  was  a  sacred  emblem  in  the  temples,  and 
regarded  as  a  source  of  divination. 

Other  weapons  have  in  different  countries  been 
looked  on  as  sacred,  or  as  emblems  of  the  gods. 
Herodotos  (iv,  62)  describes  the  Scythian  altar  of 
Ares,  "  On  this  heap  an  old  iron  scimetar  is  placed 
by  each  tribe,  and  this  is  the  image  of  Ares,  and 
to  this  scimetar  they  bring  yearly  sacrifices  of  cattle 
and  horses."  Ammianus  (XVII,  xii,  21)  says  of  the 
Quadi,  "  drawing  their  swords,  which  they  worship 
as  deities,  they  swore  to  remain  faithful."  The 
sword  was  the  sacred  emblem  for  making  an  oath 
binding.  Jordanes  (Hist.  Goth,  xi)  says  of  Attila 
that  his  self-confidence  was  increased  by  the  dis- 
covery of  the  sword  of  Mars ;  this  was  found  by  a 
shepherd,  who  presented  it  to  Attila.  Thor  was 
represented  with  the  hammer  in  his  hand  (Heims- 
kringla,  Olaf  the  Holy,  cxviii).  The  sacred  Ancile 
was  guarded  by  the  Salii.  In  Rome  the  public 
health  was  believed  to  depend  upon  the  ceremonial 
driving  of  a  nail  by  the  dictator.  "  There  was  an 
ancient  law  written  in  antique  letters  and  words, 
that  whoever  is  supreme  officer  should  drive  a  nail 
on  the  ides  of  September.  It  was  driven  into  the 
right  side  of  the  temple  of  Jupiter  .  .  .  there  were 
seen  at  Volsinii  also  nails  fixed  in  the  temple  of 
Nortia,  a  Tuscan  goddess,  as  indices  of  the  number 
of  years  "  (Livy,  vii,  3). 

80.  Regarding  the  form  of  the  blade,  some 
preference  may  be  seen.  The  angular  outline,  16 
to  23,  is  Germanic  in  half  the  examples,  and  the 
rest  are  of  North  Italy,  except  a  Mykenaean  and  a 
Georgian.  The  rounded  outline  1  to  15  is  Ger- 
manic in  only  two  examples,  and  extends  south  to 
Spain,  Egypt,  and  South  Syria.  Considering  the 
mixture  from  flux  of  population,  it  is  not  too  much 
to  call  the  rounded  the  southern,  and  the  angular 
the  northern  type.  The  long  leaf  blades  seem  to 
have  been  used  equally  north  and  south.  The 
beautifully  fluted  stems,  31,  32,  are  on  a  scale  of 
1/4,  to  show  the  detail.  The  earlier  Egyptian  forms 
fall  into  the  convex  class.  165  is  of  the  beginning 
of  the  1st  dynasty  from  Tarkhan,  168  is  of  the 
xixth  dynasty  from  Gerzeh,  170  is  from  Thebes. 

All  of  these  have  hammered  and  lapped  sockets. 
They  are  most  nearly  comparable  with  the  Cumean 
spear  30,  in  outline  and  form  of  rib.  The  iron 
spear  175  was  found  with  a  sling  at  Lahun,  pro- 
bably about  800  B.C. ;  it  most  resembles  the  Spanish 
iron  spear,  37. 

'  A  form  with  a  full  base  to  the  blade  is  of  the 
Western  Mediterranean,  46  to  52,  Spain,  Sardinia, 
Cuma,  and  Otranto.  The  celebrated  spear  head  of 
Kames,  57,  stands  by  itself  as  regards  the  two 
ferrule  rings,  but  is  most  like  the  Mochlos  and 
Mykenaean  56,  and  the  Riqqeh  head  (178),  of  the 
reign  of  Rameses  II.  There  do  not  seem  to  be 
local  classes  among  the  few  scattered  spear  heads 
with  straight  edges,  52  to  66. 

81.  The  next  division  is  of  the  concave  edges  69 
to  85.  The  Egyptian  head  167,  from  Retabeh  in 
the  Wady  Tumilat,  is  partly  broken  ;  it  may  have 
been  a  wider  form  of  174.  The  long,  almost  parallel, 
sides  of  166  is  most  like  the  Caspian  example,  62  ; 
it  might  have  been  an  Asiatic  importation. 

The  concave  edges  are  mostly  North  Italian, 
twelve  out  of  eighteen,  the  rest  are  scattered  north 
and  south.  The  resemblance  of  the  Italian  forms 
86,  87,  and  the  Anglo-Saxon  88,  to  the  Syrian  89, 
is  probably  accidental,  as  they  are  of  very  different 
dates.  The  scolloped  blades,  90  to  95,  are  very 
usual  in  the  north,  especially  in  the  Slesvig  deposits 
of  Roman  age.  The  scolloping  was  done  in  the 
making ;  and,  as  it  would  be  of  no  use  for  fight- 
ing, it  seems  as  if  it  were  made  in  imitation  of 
blades  that  had  suffered  in  the  fight.  The  barbed 
heads,  96  to  100,  are  probably  for  lances,  to  be 
thrown  and  to  hold  on  the  enemy,  so  as  to  in- 
commode him. 

The  Madras  form  101  looks  more  like  a  dagger, 
by  the  tang ;  but  the  little  triangular  knob  at  the 
base  of  the  blade  is  like  that  on  a  family  of  arrow 
heads  from  Egypt  and  Dodona,  R  126,  129.  The 
very  narrow  blades,  102  and  onward,  lead  into  the 
pikes,  108  to  121.  They  are  on  the  whole  northern 
rather  than  southern  ;  the  two  southern  regions 
being  those  which  were  overrun  by  the  northern 
Keltae,  Dodona,  and  Spain. 

82.  The  fin-blade  is  a  curious  type,  of  which  an 
explanation  is  given  in  the  British  Museum  by  the 
Vancouver  example,  with  a  piece  of  shell  fixed  in  a 
divided  stick,  124.  This  material  alone  would  not 
explain  the  form,  but  it  was  probably  a  fish  spear 
originally,  with  barbs  to  hold  the  fish.  No.  125 
from  Knossos  is  probably  of  this  type,  looking  at 



the  straight  sides  of  the  blade  swelling  out  toward 
the  tip.  No  other  form  of  spear  has  this  character 
except  127,  128,  131,  132,  here.  Beside  the  Knossos 
example  all  the  others,  126  to  133,  are  from  Egypt 
or  from  England.  Beside  these,  173,  174  (and  two 
duplicates)  are  also  from  Egypt.  It  seems  too  im- 
probable that  a  type  should  be  transmitted  between 
two  countries  so  far  apart,  without  leaving  a  trace 
in  the  well-known  forms  of  Greece,  Italy,  or  France. 
The  conclusion  seems  to  be  that  here  is  another 
instance  of  re-invention  in  separate  centres.  This 
type  seems  to  have  passed  into  a  shortened  form 
as  134,  172  in  Egypt,  and  135,  136  in  England. 
Of  the  last  extraordinary  form  in  bronzes,  there  are 
several  examples.  It  is  perhaps  almost  more  than 
a  coincidence  that  the  fin-blade  should  have  been 
similarly  shortened  in  each  of  the  countries  which 
used  it.  Yet  can  we  suppose  our  knowledge  so 
imperfect  that  all  trace  of  it  has  been  lost  between 
Egypt  and  England  ?  Possibly  the  necessities  of 
fishing  modified  it  in  both  countries. 

83.  Lastly  there  remains  the  class  of  spears  with- 
out any  mid-rib— merely  flat  blades.  The  grand 
example  of  this  is  the  great  ceremonial  spear  of 
copper,  137,  found  by  de  Sarzec  at  Telloh.  This  is 
of  so  long  a  time  before  the  others  here,  that  it  is 
useless  to  look  for  any  evidence  of  connection. 
How  such  a  form  may  be  re-invented  is  seen  in  the 
entirely  detached  type  of  the  Wisconsin  spears, 
140.  This  is  less  astonishing  when  we  see  that 
nearly  all — perhaps  all — of  these  flat  blades  are  of 
copper  or  iron,  that  is  to  say,  they  are  hammered 
and  not  cast.  To  hammer  out  a  form  with  a  mid- 
rib would  be  troublesome,  to  cast  it  in  bronze  is 

The  narrower  blade  belongs  to  early  Greece,  in 
Sparta  and  at  Mykenae,  138,  139,  142,  143.  The 
latter  three  are  obviously  hammered.  The  similar 
blade  was  used  a  little  later  for  a  socketted  spear 
head  of  iron,  141.  One  of  the  strangest  specimens 
is  the  broad  leaf-shap*d  iron  blade,  144,  from 
Nubia,  unquestionably  of  the  xiith  dynasty.  It 
lay  with  a  burial  in  an  inner  part  of  a  rock  chamber, 
with  undisturbed  burials  of  the  xiith  dynasty  in 
front  of  it.  No  such  form  in  iron  is  known  nor 
any  iron  weapons  till  long  after  this.  The  outline 
is,  however,  like  that  of  the  Syrian  spear  of  that 
date,  as  in  15.  The  other  iron  spears  are  mainly 
northern ;  excepting  one  from  Terni,  they  are 
from  Dodona,  La  Tene,  Spain  (Keltic),  the  Rhine, 
Sweden,  and  Anglo-Saxon  England.  As  we  saw 

that  the  angular  outlines  16  to  23  were  Germanic, 
so  again  the  same  appear  in  the  northern  forms 
161  to  164. 

84.  The  spear  butts  have  hardly  received  due 
attention.  Their  proportion  to  the  head  may  be 
seen  in  H  28.  At  Bologna  the  jonderia  contained 
examples  varying  from  the  tube  to  the  ferrule, 
192-4  ;  28  and  190  are  also  Italian.  Very  varying 
sizes  occur  in  Egypt,  179  to  181.  The  plain  butt 
also  occurs  in  Cyprus,  Spain,  La  Tene,  Britain,  195 
to  201  (next  to  200  read  199,  for  190,  a  lithographer's 
error).  The  forked  butts  are  only  known  from 
Egypt,  where  they  have  been  found  with  the 
spear  heads  128-130,  in  graves  with  Cypriote  pot- 
tery, probably  therefore  of  northern  mercenaries. 
They  are  described  as  "  Religious  and  sacrificial 
instruments"  in  the  British  Museum;  but  the 
graves  in  which  they  are  found  seem  good  evidence 
of  their  purpose.  The  use  of  a  forked  end  might 
be  either  to  rest  on  the  toe,  or  in  a  loop,  when 
riding,  or  to  hold  to  a  cord  in  lancing  the  spear. 
The  design  of  the  onkh  between  two  uas  signs  on 
186,  marks  it  as  having  been  made  in  Egypt.  182 
is  one  of  the  earliest  of  these,  being  made  by  ham- 
mering ;  it  was  closed  up  by  lapping,  and  nailing 
with  minute  nails  on  to  the  wooden  staff.  The  other 
specimens  are  all  cast.  There  are  three  other 
examples  of  189  in  this  collection. 


THE  ARROW  HEAD  '.     (R)   PLS.   XLI,   XLII 

85.  The  main  divisions  under  which  the  arrow 
heads  are  here  classed  are  Flat  bladed  (1-23),  Ribbed 
bladed  (24-53),  Triangular  bladed  (54-72),  Triangular 
solid  (73-84),  Flat  barbed  (85-111),  Wide  barbed 
(112-120),  Rhombic  (121-132),  Spur  (133-15°). 
Lances  (151-55),  Square  heads  (156-8),  Cones  (159- 
61),  Single  barbs  (162-4),  and  Splayed  (165-9). 
The  mode  of  attaching  the  head  to  the  shaft  varies 
with  the  material.  Reed  is  the  earliest  kind  of 
shaft,  naturally  straight,  stiff,  and  light.  The  heads 
are  necessarily  fastened  by  a  tang,  the  reed  being 
bound  with  thread  to  prevent  splitting.  The  tang 
needs  to  be  very  long,  in  proportion  to  the  head 
(see  R  1,  29,  97, 154),  so  that  a  side  pressure  does  not 
exert  too  much  leverage  to  split  the  reed.  On  the 
other  hand,  when  wood  is  used  for  shafts,  a  tang  is 



impossible,  as  a  slender  shaft  cannot  be  bored ;  a 
socket  head  is  therefore  necessary.  The  two 
classes  of  tang  or  socket,  therefore,  show  the  use 
of  reed  or  wood  shafts. 

The  different  forms  of  head  were  adopted  for 
different  purposes.  For  attacking  bare  flesh  the 
wider  forms  with  sharp  blades  were  made,  as  15-18, 
41-7,  and  wide  barbs,  as  1 12-120.  The  narrower 
forms  were  for  penetrating  clothing ;  and  for 
piercing  armour,  heavy  and  small  heads  were 
necessary,  as  74-76,  126-130,  156-161.  The 
Nubian  single  barbs,  162-4,  were  for  using  with  bows 
that  were  too  weak  to  drive  in  a  wide  double  barb  ; 
the  barb  brought  nearer  to  the  point,  164,  must 
have  been  a  very  facile  weapon.  The  forked  forms 
are  for  cutting  the  legs  of  animals  or  necks  of  birds. 

86.  The  manufacture  of  the  flat  forms,  without 
rib,  was  by  hammer  work.  The  rib  was  also  made 
by  the  hammer  in  iron,  as  233-5.  The  ribbed  head 
of  bronze  was  generally  cast,  and  the  socket  head 
was  always  cast.  The  mould  was  of  two  or  three 
pieces  according  to  the  number  of  blades,  and  the 
casting  duct  was  at  the  point,  shown  by  the  run  of 
metal  left  on  241.  As  the  point  in  any  case  would 
need  to  be  sharpened  by  grinding,  the  removal  of 
the  duct  and  the  sharpening  were  both  done  to- 
gether. The  solid  triangular  heads  were  cast 
rather  hollow  on  the  faces ;  thus  both  they,  and 
the  triangular  bladed  heads,  were  sharpened  by 
rubbing  down  on  a  stone.  The  rhombic  heads  123- 
32  were  cast  in  a  double  mould,  and  then  sharpened 
by  grinding  across  the  faces. 

87.  The  earliest  metal  arrow  head  dated  in 
Egypt  is  R  1,  found  in  the  sandbed  of  the  temple 
of  Sonkhkara,  xith  dynasty.  Of  exactly  the  same 
form  are  170  to  176,  a  group  brought  together  with 
eight  others,  duplicate.  These,  and  the  similar 
heads  from  Spain,  2  to  4,  are  doubtless  all  of  ham- 
mered copper.  The  iron  blades  of  the  north  have 
the  same  form  from  hammering,  5-8  ;  but,  owing 
to  the  lack  of  reeds,  sockets  were  made  to  hold 
the  shaft  of  wood.  Longer  blades  were  made  in 
the  bronze  age  of  Greece  (9-13),  some  socketted, 
some  tanged.  The  iron  blades  were  made  very 
wide  in  the  north  ;  influenced  in  the  case  of  R  18 
by  the  very  broad  spear-head  type,  H  135,  which 
preceded  R  18  in  the  same  region.  Plain  leaf-blades 
were  used  very  widely  (19-23).  The  lances  from 
Susa  (30,  31  before  2000  B.C.)  are  almost  flat,  and 
belong  to  the  family  of  the  spear,  rather  than  the 

88.  Ribbed  blades  are  not  of  early  date.  The 
oldest  here  is  that  from  Mykenae,  38  (1100  B.C.  ?), 
which  differs  but  little  from  the  previous  flat  blades. 
The  Cumean  blades  may  be  the  next,  24,39  (800  B.C.?) 
and  perhaps  as  early  is  that  from  Nineveh,  32. 
Wide,  round-ended  blades,  25,  26,  come  from 
Persia  and  Egypt ;  the  form  is  so  unusual  that 
probably  the  Egyptian  example  from  Defenneh 
was  brought  by  a  Persian  soldier.  The  wide,  leaf- 
shaped  type,  41,  42  does  not  appear  till  the  xxvith 
dynasty  at  Defenneh,  and  then  it  is  of  bronze. 
This  shows  that  it  only  comes  after  the  great 
Scythian  invasion,  and  therefore  it  may  probably 
be  derived  from  the  Asiatic  type  which  is  found  at 
Minussinsk,  46,  47.  One  of  the  same  (237)  is  from 
the  fosse  of  the  palace  at  Memphis,  also  of  the 
Persian  age. 

89.  The  triangular  heads  have  been  studied  by 
Dr.  Hubert  Schmidt  in  Pumpelly  (R),  Explora- 
tions in  Turkestan,  1904,  Washington,  1908,  pp. 
183-6.  In  this  he  gives  references  to  about  twenty 
publications ;  his  results  may  be  summarised  as 
follows.  The  triangular  arrow  head  was  Graeco- 
Scythian,  originating  in  S.E.  Europe.  Thence  it 
spread  west  to  Central  Europe  (54,  55),  east  to 
Central  Asia  (82),  north  and  north-east  to  Siberia 
(60-76).  The  principal  localities  are  the  Euxine 
coasts  and  South  Russia.  They  are  usual  in  Scythian 
kurgans ;  many  are  in  the  Kertch  and  Odessa 
museums  from  Panticapaeum  and  Olbia.  The 
three- edged  heads  in  the  Caucasus  region  are  later 
than  the  post-Mykenaean  burials.  In  Central  Asia 
they  are  found  in  Persia  and  Bohkara.  In  Greece, 
at  Kalymnos,  Olympia,  Attica,  and  Megalopolis. 
In  Central  Europe  at  Hallstatt  (63),  in  Carniola 
(59),  Carinthia,  and  Galicia.  The  most  westerly 
is  from  Chalons-sur-Saone.  As  regards  date,  they 
are  never  found  in  Mykenaean  sites,  but  in  the 
Iliad  "  three-tongued  "  arrows  are  mentioned. 
The  Hallstatt  finds  would  put  them  about  800- 
900  B.C.  The  kurgans  extend  them  down  to  4th 
cent.   B.C. 

Now  the  Egyptian  evidence  is  that  this  type  is 
never  found  till  after  the  great  Scythian  invasion  of 
Syria,  624-596  B.C.  The  Scythian  source  of  the 
Egyptian  examples  is  therefore  quite  probable. 
The  examples  given  here,  show  that  triangular 
forms  which  differ  considerably,  are  found  alike  in 
the  north  and  in  Egypt,  59,  60,  61  ;  74,  75  and  76. 
This  points  to  direct  contact  of  the  users  with  Egypt, 
rather  than  to  transmission  by  distant   trading. 



Elaborate  three-bladed  heads  of  iron  come  from 
Central  Asia  (Minussinsk,  B.M.). 

The  sources  of  examples  in  pi.  xlii  are  177  Gurob, 
178  Kahun,  179-185  Gurob,  187  Amarna,  duplicate 
from  Koptos,  and  another.  226-7  Defenneh,  236- 
247  Memphis  palace  fosse,  Persian  age ;  248-252 
Defenneh ;  253-6  Memphis  fosse.  Duplicates  are 
of  188,  5  as  189  smaller  f  192  Gurob  and  another, 
also  with  blade  half  length,  and  long  stem;  2  as 
198,  as  200  uninscribed,  209,  210  from  Memphis  and 
another>a-as  213,  6  as  215,  4  as  216-7,  7  as  2I7, 
3  as  218-9  smaller,  18  as  220,  11  as  223,  225  ;  28 
as  228-232  ;  as  238,  as  240  and  245  Memphis ;  as 
248-253,  15  from  Defenneh,  9  from  Memphis. 

90.  The  barbed  heads  begin  in  the  simplest  way, 
without  any  tang  or  socket  for  the  shaft  (85-89), 
both  in  Greece  and  the  Caucasus.  They  must 
have  been  cemented  into  a  notch  in  the  shaft,  using 
the  inner  edge  of  the  barb  to  give  a  longer  attach- 
ment. A  tang  was  added  in  Greece  (90-92,  94), 
showing  that  reeds  were  then  the  material  of  the 
shaft ;  and  this  form  of  head  with  a  very  long 
tang  is  common  to  Spain,  Gurob  (Egypt  in  the 
xviiith  dynasty  177),  and  Persia  (96,  97).  The 
narrow  barbed  arrow,  99-105,  is  northern,  not  being 
found  south  of  Parma,  except  216,  217  of  Persian 
introduction  at  the  palace  of  Memphis.  The  wider 
form  is  as  old  as  the  fonderia  at  Bologna,  108  ;  and 
the  same  is  found  in  Egypt  (205-9),  and  as  late  as 
the  Alaman  example,  107  (see  M.  2.9.5).  The  widest 
splay  of  barb  is  northern,  from  the  valley  of  the 
Po,  France,  Hungary,  and  Siberia  (1 12-120). 

A  peculiar  head  with  a  very  wide  edge  121,  122 
is  found  in  Hungary,  also  at  Defenneh  (122),  and 
the  palace  at  Memphis  (236),  both  overrun  by 
Persians.  It  is  related  to  the  larger  lance  head 
from  Sweden,  H  122.  The  use  of  such  a  form  would 
be  for  cutting  through  leather  garments,  where 
the  whole  blow  was  wanted  at  once  to  make  a 
single  cut.  A  long,  tapering  form  would  lose  its 
force  by  wedging  in  the  leather. 

91.  A  type  differing  in  origin  from  all  the  others, 
is  the  Rhombic  head,  that  is  to  say,  having  a 
rhombic  horizontal  section,  sometimes  half  as  thick 
as  it  is  wide.  It  does  not  arise  through  any  other 
form,  but  seems  to  be  a  fresh  invention.  It  is 
dated  by  being  found  in  the  mortaring  of  a  brick 
wall  of  Rameses  II  at  Abydos,  R  126,  and  the  two 
from  Mykenae,  124-5,  are  0I  about  the  same  age. 
A  peculiar  feature  is  a  triangular  projection  left  at 
the  base  of  the  blade.    This  would  act  as  a  stopper 

to  hinder  penetration,  yet  the  head  is  always 
barbed  and  was  therefore  expected  to  penetrate. 
The  knob  is  therefore  a  puzzle.  The  heads  are 
mostly  of  bronze,  and  seldom  of  iron.  They  became 
much  changed  by  the  xxvith  dynasty,  as  131, 
showing  that  the  curved  edge  form  did  not  descend 
later  than  700  B.C.  in  Egypt.  Their  range  may  then 
be  put  from  about  1200  to  800  B.C.,  or  a  little  more 
either  way.  They  are  entirely  southern,  mainly 
from  Egypt,  also  Mykenae  and  Epirus  (128-9)  and 
rarely  as  far  north  as  Bologna  (130).  A  curious 
feature  is  the  unexplained  mark  found  on  three  in 
Egypt,  two  bronze,  200,  201,  and  one  of  iron,  202  ; 
also  on  one  in  the  British  Museum.  This  connects 
these  as  being  used  together. 

92.  The  class  of  spur  arrow  heads,  133  to  150,  is 
peculiar.    The  spur  cannot  be  merely  a  form  of 
barb,  as  it  is  added  to  barbed  heads.     It  cannot  be 
for  tying  on  the  head  to  the  shaft,  as  it  is  need- 
lessly long,   and  slopes  away.     Possibly  it  is  in- 
tended to  catch  under  the  clothing,  and  prevent  the 
head  falling  away.  These  examples  are  selected  from 
a  large  number  collected  in  a  paper  in  S.F.  12,  483. 
The  large  iron  blades,  193-4,  are  evidently  not 
native  to  Egypt.    They  are  nearly  the  same  as  the 
lance  from  the  Caucasus,  151.    The  latter  blade  is 
rather  longer,  and  more  pointed  at  the  sides,  but 
the  long  tang  and  flange  at  the  head  of  it  are  alike. 
Both  of  them  also  show  the  curious  shift  in  the 
planes  down  the  axis,  as  in  the  section  of  152  but 
less   pronounced.    The   Egyptian    examples   were 
probably  left  behind  by  a  Sarmatian  soldier.     It 
is  strange  that  the  double-plane  form,  152,  is  found 
at  Olympia  and  in  the  French  Alps ;  the  source  was 
probably  the  Gothic  invasion  of  Greece,  and  the 
Goths   on   the   way   into   Spain.    The   triangular 
lances,  154-5,  from  Hungary,  are  of  the  family  of 
triangular   heads   which   belongs   to   Asia,   66-72. 
The  heavy  square  heads,  156-8,  are  probably  all 
Roman  casting  spears,  to  which  157  is  assigned. 
The  mediaeval  arrow  heads  for  piercing  armour, 
159-61,   are  in  the  Museo  Nazionale  at  Bologna. 
The  forked  arrow  has  certainly  been  re-invented ; 
common  as  a  flint  lance  in  prehistoric  Egypt,  it 
appears  again  in  an  allusion  to  the  hunting  of 
ostriches,   as  imported  to   Rome  by  Commodus. 
This,    however,   can   scarcely   have   started  it  in 
Hungary,  the  Caucasus,  Sweden  and  Siberia  (166- 
69) ;    it  is  from  this  northern  source  that  it  was 
familiar   to  Shakespear  in  deer- hunting]  (As  You 
Like  It,  ii,  1). 



93.  PI.  xliii.  Dealing  next  with  the  non- metallic 
arrows,  a  peculiar  form  of  arrow  is  painted  at  Beni 
Hasan,  having  a  triple  point  (257).  This  was  doubt- 
less for  shooting  birds,  to  increase  the  chance  of 
hitting.  Of  actual  arrows  there  are  many  hard- 
wood long  points,  painted  black  with  white  bars, 
pi.  lxix,  271,  272,  and  7  others,  which  are  probably 
prehistoric.  Other  arrows  of  the  same  style  and 
age,  but  of  bare  wood  barred  with  black,  are  265 
to  270,  and  18  others.  Of  the  beginning  of  the 
dynastic  age  are  the  ivory  or  bone  points,  261  (and 
2  others),  which  were  set  in  reeds,  the  butt  of  the 
reed  being  260.  In  the  early  dynasties  a  long 
tapered  hard-wood  point  set  in  reed  was  usual,  as 
262-3  and  six  others.  Also  two  from  Tarkhan, 
s.D.  77.  In  all  periods  down  to  the  xvth  dynasty 
flint  arrow  tips  were  sometimes  used,  usually  straight 
cross  edges  to  cut  through  the  hide  at  one  blow 
(Jour.  Anthrop.  Inst,  xxvi,  pi.  x.). 

94.  Bows  have  not  been  recorded  in  prehistoric 
graves,  the  earliest  perhaps  being  the  tip  of  a  bow 
from  Tarkhan,  grave  22.  It  seems  probable  from 
the  colouring  that  the  bows  here  painted  red  with 
white  lines,  lxix,  273  and  another,  are  prehistoric, 
linked  with  the  prehistoric  to  Algerian  use  of  red 
painted  pottery  with  white  lines.  This  would 
carry  with  it  the  pieces  of  a  bare  wood  bow  with 
black  lines,  274,  and  another.  There  is  also  a 
horn  from  a  bow,  which  was  made  of  two  horns 
joined.  The  simplest  dynastic  bow  is  slightly 
curved,  264  (and  another),  without  any  notch  or 
attachment  for  the  string.  In  the  vith  dynasty 
the  bow  is  figured  with  recurved  ends,  xliii,  258.  The 
doubly  curved  bow,  259,  is  represented  as  carried 
by  the  Amu  from  Syria.  The  compound  bow, 
built  with  layers  of  horn  and  wood,  was  brought 
into  Egypt,  probably  from  the  Assyrian  invasion 
of  the  xxvth  dynasty,  as  shown  by  a  birch-bark 
coating  upon  it  (/.  Anthrop.  Inst,  xxvi,  210).  A 
figure  suggesting  such  a  compound  bow  is  shown  as 
used  by  the  Keftiu  of  Syria  (G.W.  30),  the  four 
groups  of  binding  upon  it  showing  that  it  was  liable 
to  split. 

THROW- STICKS  :     (v) 

1  to  7,  pi.  xliii ;    8  to  13,  pi.  lxix 

95.  The  throw-stick  is  a  very  primitive  weapon, 
and  is  shown  among  the  hieroglyphs  of  the  first 
dynasty.  The  specimens  of  it,  and  the  figures  in 
scenes  are,  however,  not  before  the  xiith  dynasty. 

Those  found  in  Egypt  are  always  about  two  inches 
wide,  and  J  inch  thick,  such  as  xliii,  V  5,  6,  lxix,  12 
from  Kahun,  and  the  large  one,  13,  from  Lahun, 
all  of  the  xiith  dynasty.  V  11  is  broken  at  the 
upper  end,  and  had  a  bent  continuation.  Syrian 
forms  are  rather  different  to  the  Egyptian,  V  1,  2, 
3;  xliii ;  and  the  Libyan  example  V4  has  hardly 
any  bend.  The  figure  of  the  xviiith  dynasty,  7, 
has  a  moderate  curve. 

Allied  to  these  Syrian  forms  are  some  ceremonial 
sticks  from  Egypt ;  V  8  (lxix)  is  oval  in  section, 
and  with  a  handle  at  the  end  ;  V  9  is  well  carved  in 
polished  wood,  with  a  loop  in  relief  near  each  end, 
and  a  line  of  cord  connecting  these ;  V  10  has  a 
thinner,  blade-like  form  with  a  handle,  broken  at 
the  top. 

SLINGS  AND   BULLETS  !     (v) 

14,  pi.  li;    15-23,  pi.  xliv 

96.  One  example  of  a  sling  V  14,  pi.  li  was  found 
with  an  iron  spear  head,  H  175,  pi.  xl,  at  Lahun. 
It  is  probably  of  the  same  age  as  other  iron  spear 
heads  found  in  1914  (not  yet  published),  about 
800  B.C.  It  is  finely  woven,  with  a  thick  plaited 
cord ;  another  cord  has  been  broken  away.  The 
sling  is  not  represented  in  early  times ;  objects 
mistaken  for  it  are  really  girdles,  or  lashes.  At 
Beni  Hasan  in  the  xiith  dynasty  the  sling  is  never 
figured  in  the  hands  of  Egyptians,  but  only  used 
by  Syrians  (N.B.  i,  xlvii ;  ii,  v,  xv).  In  the  xxth 
dynasty  the  Egyptians  and  the  Cretans  both  em- 
ployed slingers  in  the  great  naval  battle,  but  they 
may  have  been  foreign  auxiliaries  (Champollion, 
Mon.  ccxxii).  The  sling  seems  to  have  been 
essentially  Semitic  rather  than  Egyptian ;  and 
its  constant  use  in  Egypt  now,  is  probably  due 
to  Arab  descent. 

No  sling  bullets  are  known  in  Egypt,  except  one 
of  Khabbash  (Palace  of  Apries,  xxvi,  10)  and  those 
made  in  Greek  times.  These  latter  are  all  of  one 
style,  and  many  bear  the  Seleucid  emblem  of  the 
anchor ;  it  seems  likely  that  they  were  left  by  the 
Syrian  army  of  Antiochos  IV  in  171  B.C.,  when  he 
besieged  and  took  Memphis.  The  types  are,  seven 
as  V  15,  16,  with  thunderbolt ;  four  as  V  17  to  19 
with  thunderbolt  and  star  ;  eight  as  V  20,  21  with 
thunderbolt  and  anchor  ;  V  22  with  anchor  alone ; 
five  as  V  23  with  trident. 



HARPOONS :     (V) 

24-51,  pi.  xliv ;    52-58,  pi.  xliii 

97.  The  earliest  harpoons  in  Egypt  appear  to  be 
the  three-toothed  bone  harpoons,  as  V47  of  the 
first  prehistoric  age,  between  s.d.  34  and  38.     After 
this  the  single  barb  head  is  more  usual ;    V  43  is 
°f  33-54  s.d.  ;    V46  and  duplicate  V48  of  49- 
63  s.d.  ;    V45  and  duplicate  of  48  are  from  the 
south   town    at    Nubt.       All   of   these  are   from 
Naqadeh,  and  none  are  recorded  from  the  other 
large  cemeteries  of  Diospolis  or  El  Amrah.    These 
bone  or  horn  harpoons  must  begin  as  early  as 
s.d.  38,  and  may  perhaps  not  extend  beyond  s.d. 
50,  belonging  thus  to  the  earlier  part  of  the  second 
prehistoric  age.     Of  the  copper  harpoons  a  small 
one  is  as  early  as  s.d.  34-38,  and  larger  ones  are 
dated  to  s.d.  54  and  61.     No  trace  of  the  harpoon 
was  found  in  the  2000  graves  of  the  Tarkhan  ceme- 
tery,   s.d.    77   to  82.     Purely   ceremonial   copper 
harpoons  were  in  the  royal  tombs  of  the  1st  dynasty, 
V  56  of  Zer,  and  V  55  of  Semerkhet ;   of  the  same 
date  must  be  V33,  and  near  that  age  V34,  35. 
Models  roughly  cut  in  sheet  copper  are  of  the  close 
of  the  iind  dynasty,  V  36,   37  of  Khosekhemui. 
In    the    xiith    dynasty    at    Harageh    two    small 
harpoons  were  found,  V  38,  39.    The  early  form 
survived    till   the   xviiith    dynasty,    as  found  in 
the  Maket  tomb  (P.I.  xxvi,  47).     The  representa- 
tion of  lancing  the    harpoon    at    fish    is   one   of 
the  commonest    scenes   in   tombs   from   the    vth 
to    the    xviiith   dynasties.      The  truth   seems  to 
be  that  the  harpoon  as  a  means  of  livelihood  ceased 
in  the  second  prehistoric  age ;  but  as  an  instrument 
of  sport  it  lasted  much  later,  though  in  the  latest 
paintings  it  may  be  only  a  religious  archaism.    Two 
examples  quite  isolated,  are  V  51,  a  large  harpoon 
of  iron,  probably  Roman,  and  V  50,  a  harpoon  head 
of  slate.     Of  duplicates  of  the  photographed  ex- 
amples there  are  3  of  40,  and  2  of  47. 

On  the  European  side  the  bone  harpoon  was  a 
favourite  implement  in  the  Magdalenian  period,  as 
V  52,  53  ;  it  is  generally  barbed  on  both  sides,  and 
where  only  on  one  side,  there  are  many  barbs.  In 
Europe  it  was  not  commonly  continued  into  the 
copper  age,  as  it  was  in  Egypt  ;  two  little  ones  from 
North  Italy,  V  54,  57,  are  all  that  I  have  noted. 
The  fishing  harpoons  are  very  usual  along  the 
northern  coasts  of  America ;  nearly  all  of  these 
differ  from  the  European  and  Egyptian,  by  being 
toggle  harpoons,  with  a  short  head,  which  turned 

across  the  wound  on  being  pulled,  and  so  held 
firmly  in  the  seal.  The  use  of  a  pair  of  harpoon 
heads  on  a  very  long  casting  spear,  is  singularly 
alike  in  the  Egyptian  and  American  use.  See 
fig.  19  in  the  exhaustive  memoir  by  Otis  T.  Mason 
on  Aboriginal  American  Harpoons  (Smithsonian 
Inst.  1902). 

The  barbed  iron  objects  from  Defenneh,  V58, 
may  be  for  some  use  in  fishing. 

fish-hooks  :    (v) 

61-87  pl.  xliv ;    59,  60,  88-102,  pi.  xliii 

98.  The  earliest  dated  fish-hook  is  of  the  age  of 
Den,  1st  dynasty,  found  at  Abydos,  V  59.     Probably 
as  early  is  61  (xliv),  which  was  found  at  Ballas  with 
a  pottery  cist  burial  of  the  1st  or  iind  dynasty. 
Next  is  a  hook  60  (xliii)  from  the  grave  of  Perabsen. 
This  shows  the  beginning  of  the  angular  hook, 
which  is  seen  farther  in  the  hooks  painted  in  a 
tomb  of  the  Old  Kingdom  (l.d.  ii,  96),  exactly  of 
the  form  V  62.    The  two  delicately  made  hooks,  62, 
63,  are  of  the  xiith  dynasty  from  Kahun ;   62  has 
the  line  still  attached  to  it,  which  was  wound  round 
a  papyrus  letter.  V  64  to  67  are  of  the  same  age 
from  Harageh.    The  old  polygonal  type  of  62-3 
still  remains,  and  no  barb  was  yet  used,  in  the 
xviiith  dynasty  at  Amarna,  68.     But  the  hooks  from 
Gurob  of  the  xviiith  or  xixth  dynasty  71-78  are 
barbed,   and    very  nearly  approach   the    modern 
"  Limerick  bend."      One  of  the  xxvith  dynasty  is 
merely  rounded,  V  95,  xliii.    69,  70  from  Quft  are 
not  dated ;    79  is  unplaced.    80  is  a  large  iron 
hook  from  Balyzeh,  Coptic  ;  it  is  evidently  strained 
out  of  shape.    The  hooks  81-86  are  all  unplaced ; 
the  last  is  a  very  unusual  double  hook.     (There  are 
two  duplicates  from  Kahun,  and  five  from  Gurob.) 
The  great  hook  87  is  of  iron,  from  Wushym  in  the 
Fayum,  of  Roman  age.     Such  a  size  was  required 
for  the  enormous  fish  over  five  feet  in  length,  such 
as  are  still  caught  in  the  Nile  (see  Medum,  xii ;  and 
Saqqara  Mastabas  I,  chapter  by  L.  Loat). 

The  European  fish-hooks  do  not  appear  before 
the  fonderia  age.  The  statistics  of  the  Lake 
Bourget  finds  show  fish-hooks  to  be  rarer  than 
needles  or  borers.  Considering  how  the  lake  dwell- 
ings must  have  relied  upon  fishing,  the  moderate 
number  of  fish-hooks  points  to  their  depending  more 
on  nets.  The  few  copied  here,  88-94,  are  merely 
rounded,  without  any  peculiar  form.    In  Greece, 



96-98,  and  Roman  Italy,  99-102,  hooks  are  common ; 
100  is  the  usual  pattern,  101  and  102  are  the  limits 
of  size. 


103-128,  pi.  xlii ;    129-132,  pi.  xliii ;  133,  xlii 

99.  The  earliest  metal  scales,  apparently,  are  a 
set  of  bronze  scales,  large  and  thick,  which  were 
found  by  the  temple  of  Amenhetep  II  at  Thebes, 
V 105-8,  xlii.  There  are  seventeen  of  them,  and 
each  has  two  nails  driven  halfway  through,  at  the 
middle  of  the  length.  These  prove  that  these 
scales  were  not  worn  as  armour ;  and,  as  a  scale 
pattern  is  usually  figured  on  the  sides  of  thrones, 
it  seems  likely  that  these  scales  are  from  the  sides 
of  a  wooden  throne,  perhaps  belonging  to  a  statue 
in  the  temple. 

Somewhat  similar  are  seven  larger  scales,  also 
with  nails,  V  104,  and  a  large  hinged  scale,  V 103, 
of  unknown  source.  The  hinge  suggests  actual 
wear  on  the  person  ;  yet  the  scales  are  so  thick, 
that  the  weight  would  be  prohibitive,  to  say  notlung 
of  the  projecting  nails.  The  only  explanation  seems 
to  be  that  they  were  nailed  on  to  a  wooden  statue  : 
such  may  also  have  been  the  use  of  the  scales 
V 105-8.  A  limestone  torso  of  a  figure,  lying  at 
Karnak,  is  covered  with  such  rounded  scales, 
which  probably  indicate  scale  armour. 

The  next  examples  are  the  figures  of  corslets 
of  scale  armour  under  Amenhetep  II  (L.D.  iii,  64) 
and  in  the  tomb  of  Rameses  III  (G.  W.  53a  ;  R.M.C. 
cxxi).  Shortly  after,  there  are  actual  pieces  of 
scale  armour  of  Sheshenq  I  ;  the  scales  are  of  two 
forms,  V  129,  130,  with  the  cartouche  upon  them. 
Iron  scale  armour  was  used  by  the  Assyrians,  and 
found  in  large  quantities  of  Khorsabad ;  the  scales 
were  rounded  at  one  end,  and  had  a  mid-rib  to 
stiffen  them,  as  in  V  115-117  (L.N.R.  i,  341). 

On  reaching  the  xxvith  dynasty  there  is  abun- 
dant material,  especially  from  Memphis  (Palace  of 
Apries,  xvi).  The  series  of  forms  kept  here  are 
eighteen  of  small  bronze  scales  (V  109-14,  thirty- 
two  iron  scales  (118-25),  bronze  ridge-plate  115, 
iron  ridge  plates  116, 117,  and  masses  of  scales  127, 
128.  Similar  examples  of  overlapping  scales  were 
found  at  Defenneh,  V  131,  132.  From  the  absence 
of  Egyptian  figures  of  the  Saite  age  in  scale  armour, 
and  the  known  frequency  of  iron  scale  armour  among 
the  Persians  (Herodotos,  vii,  61),  it  seems  probable 
that  both  the  Memphite  and  Daphniote  armour 

belonged  to  the  Persian  invaders,  who  occupied 
those  places.  Hence  we  may  say  that  it  is  only 
when  Egypt  was  under  strong  Asiatic  influence,  or 
occupation,  that  scale  armour  appears,  and  that  it 
was  therefore  of  Asiatic  origin. 

On  the  rise  of  scale  armour  from  leather  and  horn 
defences,  and  its  Chinese  development  in  metal, 
see  Chinese  Clay  Figures  by  Berthold  Laufer  (Field 
Museum,  Chicago,  1914) ;  that  work,  though  on 
more  primitive  stages  of  defence,  only  discusses 
post-Roman  examples,  except  touching  the  Hero- 
dotos quotation.  Therefore  as  regards  date  it  is 
entirely  later  than  the  examples  dealt  with  here. 
(See  especially  pp.  191  and  239.) 

V  133  is  a  shield  boss  of  iron  from  Egypt,  with  a 
plain  short  spike.  It  is  most  like  the  Frankish 
type,  and  was  doubtless  introduced  by  the  same 
Roman  auxiliaries  who  brought  various  Frankish 
ornaments  into  Egypt.  The  Ala  i  Francorum  was 
stationed  at  Contra  Apollinopolis  and  the  Cohors  vii 
Francorum  at  Diospolis  (Not.  Dign.)  about  425  a.d. 
Other  northern  troops  were  the  Sigambrians,  Ger- 
mans, Jutungs,  Alamanni,  Vandals,  Rhaetians, 
Quadi  and  Sarmatians ;  these  will  fully  account 
for  much  of  northern  origin  found  in  Egypt. 

RASPS  AND   SCRAPERS  '.     (V) 
134-37.   Pi-   xliv 

100.  Small  conical  rasps  are  not  uncommon 
about  the  xviiith  dynasty.  They  were  made  by 
punching  a  sheet  of  bronze  to  throw  out  a  rough 
burr,  and  then  coiling  it  into  a  cone.  Two  here, 
V  134-5,  are  from  Koptos,  and  there  are  five  from 
Gurob  in  worse  state. 

Two  very  simple  scrapers  or  scoops,  V  136-7,  are 
from  Kahun,  of  the  xiith  dynasty.  They  are  made 
by  inserting  a  bivalve  shell  into  a  piece  of  reed,  and 
then  binding  it  around  with  string.  The  thimble 
and  the  hammer  at  the  end  of  pi.  xliv  are  noticed 
under  Needles,  N  no,  sect.  147,  and  Hammers, 
M  97 A,  sect.  in. 


ARTISANS'   TOOLS  :     (M) 

Pis.  xliii,  xlvi,  xlviii,  lxxviii 

101.  The  brace  has  not  been  found  in  any 
Roman  remains,  although  there  are  bits  with 
square  shanks.     The  earliest  figure  of  the  modern 

artisans'  tools 


brace  that  I  have  seen  (M.i.  xliii)  is  in  a  picture 
(28)  at  Naples  dated  1523  ;  that  is  of  the  pattern 
used  with  little  change  till  the  present  time,  cut  in 
wood  with  chamfered  edges.  Another,  M  2,  of 
nearly  the  same  pattern,  but  simpler,  was  used  in 
Holland  in  1694.  In  the  group  of  Assyrian  tools 
at  Thebes,  there  were  found  with  the  bits  a  pair  of 
bent  pieces  of  iron  with  rounded  points  M.  3  (lxxviii) ; 
the  wood  with  which  they  may  have  been  connected 
had  entirely  disappeared,  but  it  would  seem  as  if 
they  were  parts  of  a  crank  brace  of  some  kind  for 
working  the  bits. 

102.  The  pump-drill  is  not  known  before  Roman 
times.  It  is  made  of  a  length  of  stout  reed,  xlviii 
M  4  ;  this  was  found  at  Hawara.  It  is  shown,  M  5 
(xliii),  in  a  picture  of  S.  Eligio  by  Roselli  in  the 
Antica  e  Moderna  at  Florence,  probably  about  1480. 

103.  The  bow  drill  has  been  a  general  tool  for 
thousands  of  years.  Probably  the  earliest  form 
was  an  arrow  twisted  by  a  bowstring  around  it. 
The  bow  form  was  soon  modified  in  Egypt,  much 
wider  at  one  end  than  the  other,  to  allow  of  the 
hand  holding  it  at  one  end.  Drill  stocks  of  the 
xiith  dynasty  were  found  at  Kahun.  M  6  (xliii)  is 
complete,  with  the  discharge  hole  to  eject  the  drill. 
M  7  is  from  Gurob  of  the  xviiith  dynasty.  In  M  8 
(xlviii)  the  stock  is  unfinished ;  it  is  of  the  xiith 
dynasty,  as  well  as  the  bow,  both  from  Kahun,but 
not  found  together.  The  caps  of  such  drills  were, 
some  of  wood  as  M  6,  7,  others  of  hard  black 
quartzose  stone  (ten  here),  with  highly  polished 
holes,  as  M  9,  10,  11  (xlviii).  It  seems  that  the 
hieroglyph  t,  which  is  always  coloured  black,  is 
taken  from  the  hemispherical  drill  cap,  such  as  M  9. 
The  bow  drill  is  often  represented  in  scenes  in  the 
tombs ;  in  some  cases  three  drills  worked  by  one 
bow,  as  R.M.C.  lii ;  M.A.F.  V  569,  ii,  both  xviiith 
dynasty.  The  earliest  examples  do  not  show 
detail,  but  that  of  the  xiith  dynasty,  M  13  (xliii), 
is  more  explicit,  and  also  those  of  the  xviiith,  M  12, 
14.  A  perfect  example  is  in  pi.  Ii,  M 15,  from 
Hawara,  of  Roman  age.  The  stock  is  turned ; 
and  the  cap  has  been  made  in  two  halves,  pegged 
together,  in  order  to  hold  a  ball  head  of  the  stock,  so 
that  the  cap  cannot  be  removed.  The  bow  drill  was 
used  by  the  Dutch  pearl  borers  in  1694  (M  16,  xliii), 
and  is  still  usual  in  the  East,  where  the  bow  is  also 
the  regular  means  of  turning  the  lathe. 

104.  Rimers  of  regular  form  do  not  seem  to 
have  been  found  in  Egypt.  An  elementary  one 
occurs  in  the  fonderia  at  Bologna  M  17  (xliii) ;  and 

a  well-developed  octagonal  rimer  comes  from 
Pompeii  (M  18).  A  punch  here,  lxxviii,  M  137,  is 
from  the  Assyrian  group  of  the  viith  century  B.C. 

105.  Bits  for  drilling  are  found  in  the  Assyrian 
group  of  tools  of  about  670  B.C.  at  Thebes.  One 
is  an  excellent  scoop  drill  of  mild  steel  with  an 
S-section,  so  that  both  of  the  edges  should  cut 
forward  in  rotating,  M  19  (lxxviii).  A  small  scoop 
drill  of  bronze  comes  from  Peschiera,  Lago  di 
Garda,  M  20,  xliii.  A  well-formed  scoop  drill,  like 
the  modern  spoon  bit,  M23  is  from  the  Roman 
camp  of  Newstead.  Four  flat  drills,  too  much 
rusted  and  broken  to  show  exact  detail  of  the 
cutter,  are  of  Roman  age  from  Germany  and 
Pompeii  (21,  22,  26,  27).  The  idea  of  a  centre  bit 
was  started  as  early  as  the  Assyrian  group,  M  24, 
25  (lxxviii).  These  have  a  central  peg,  and  a 
scraper  at  each  side  of  it.  The  use  of  a  cutter  to 
clear  the  outer  edge  was  not  yet  brought  in ;  but 
the  central  steadying  point  was  used  here,  as  also 
in  the  facing  tool  used  to  clean  the  cast  copper 
discs  for  the  Ptolemaic  coinage. 

106.  The  auger  with  a  cross  head,  was  appar- 
ently used  at  Defenneh  (M  28),  where  it  would  be 
in  great  request  for  shipbuilding.  In  the  middle 
ages  it  was  used  in  France,  M  29,  and  it  is  shown  as 
a  large  scoop  or  taper  auger  used  by  ship-builders 
and  wheelwrights  in  Holland,  1694  (M30,  31). 

107.  The  drawing  knife  was  made  at  Pompeii, 
apparently  without  any  wooden  handles,  M  32,  33. 
Another,  M  34,  from  Oberolm  (in  Mainz  Museum)  is 
assigned  to  Frankish  times.  Much  the  same  curve, 
with  handles  added,  was  the  Dutch  tool  in  1694 
(M  35).  A  form  (M  37)  with  long  handles  at  right 
angles  to  the  blade,  so  as  to  get  a  dragging  cut, 
comes  from  Auvergne,  of  the  later  iron  age  or 
Roman  period.  Two  of  the  same  principle  were 
used  in  Sweden,  M  36,  38  ;  and  this  is  still  known 
as  the  cooper's  two-hand  round  shave,  of  the 
Liverpool  pattern. 

108.  The  plane  seems  to  have  been  a  Roman 
invention.  There  are  four  from  Pompeii,  of  the 
form  of  M  39.  A  continuous  plate  of  iron  goes 
from  the  back,  along  the  base,  over  the  front  and 
top,  and  is  rivetted  to  the  base  plate  at  the  back. 
The  top  opening  is  cut  through  this  plate.  A  cross 
bolt,  run  through  the  wooden  body,  serves  to  block 
the  wedge  which  holds  the  cutter  in  place.  This 
seems  preferable  to  our  side  grooves  for  the  pur- 
pose, and  the  bolt  at  that  height  would  scarcely 
be  in  the  way  of  the  shavings.    The  Silchester 



plane,  M 139,  lxxviii,  is  iron  shod  and  faced,  over  a 
wooden  block  ;  but — though  decayed — it  does  not 
appear  to  have  had  a  back  hole  for  a  handle.  The 
planes  figured  by  Gruter  and  found  at  Rastadt 
have  two  holes  through  the  body ;  one  found  at 
Cologne  has  only  an  iron  body,  without  wood 
block,  there  is  also  a  broken  one  from  the  Saal- 
burg  (see  Archaeologia,  1894, 139).  From  Newstead 
is  a  plane  iron  for  shooting  mouldings,  40,  the  only 
example  I  have  met,  though  such  was  obviously 
used  for  the  wooden  mouldings  of  Roman  age. 

The  mediaeval  French  plane,  M  41,  was  inferior 
to  the  Roman  pattern  in  the  clearance  of  it ;  it 
had  the  modern  side  grooves  for  cutter  and  wedge, 
and  added  a  front  handle.  1 1  is  curious  that  modern 
planes  should  have  dropped  the  back  and  front 
handles,  and  adopted  for  the  trying  plane,  a  handle 
nearer  the  middle,  which  does  not  guide  the  plane 
so  well,  or  else  dropped  the  handle  altogether  in  the 
smoothing  plane.  In  France  and  Germany  a  horn- 
shaped  front  handle  still  survives. 

109.  The  anvil  came  into  use  in  the  bronze  age 
for  fine  work  ;  probably  so  small  an  anvil  as  M  42 
was  for  goldsmiths,  like  the  beautiful  set  of  small 
bronze  tools  in  the  British  Museum  (C  227,  C  168, 
two  tiny  hammers  and  anvil),  found  at  Lusmagh 
in  Ireland.  Other  small  anvils  of  Roman  age  M  43, 
44  are  from  Pompeii.  The  large  anvil  M  45  from 
there  is  of  the  same  form  as  that  from  Silchester 
M  46  (lxxviii).  These  are  strictly  smiths'  bick 
irons.  Other  iron  anvils  from  there  are  for  shoe- 
makers' lasts,  M  47,  48  (drawings  are  in  A.  liv.  139). 
Further  examples,  from  Heidenberg,  are  in  the 
Mainz  Museum  (M.  v.  46).  A  curious  kind  of  port- 
able anvil  used  for  dressing  scythes  in  the  field, 
was  also  found  at  Silchester,  M  50,  51,  lxxviii, 
where  it  is  shown  with  exactly  similar  anvils,  49, 
52,  now  used  in  Spain  and  North  Italy.  Probably 
stones  were  put  under  the  side  rings,  to  increase  the 
bearing  upon  the  ground. 

no.  The  wooden  mallet  was  a  primitive  tool, 
which  has  not  yet  been  superseded.  The  earliest 
Egyptian  form,  pi.  xlv,  is  a  piece  of  a  branch, 
thinned  down  at  one  end  to  give  a  hold,  as  M  53  from 
Kahun,  xiith  dynasty,  54,  55,  from  vth  and  vith 
dynasties,  59  of  the  xiith  dynasty,  M  60  (xlvi)  from 
Deshasheh,  vth  dynasty,  61  from  Kahun,  xiith 
dynasty.  A  mallet  of  limestone,  62,  from  Kahun, 
of  the  xiith  dynasty,  is  very  unusual.  The  small 
mallet,  63,  is  a  tomb  model  of  that  used  for  driving 
a  mooring  peg.    The  usual  type  in  the  xiith  to 

xixth  dynasties  was  a  large  head  with  cylindrical 
handle,  cut  in  one  block  of  wood.  The  head  was 
usually  conical,  as  M  64,  65,  68  ;  otherwise  bulbous, 
as  56,  57,  58  (xlv),  70  (xlvi),  oblong  as  66,  67  (xlvi), 
or  cylindrical,  M  69.  The  last  occurs  also  in  Slesvig, 
M  87  (xlv).  The  form  with  a  long  handle,  cut  from 
the  stem  and  branch  of  a  tree,  is  as  old  as  the  vth 
dynasty,  M  71  (xlvi)  from  Deshasheh.  It  is  also 
found  in  Slesvig  (79,  80,  xlv)  of  Roman  age.  The 
inserted  handle  in  a  socket  is  not  found  in  Egypt 
till  Greek  times,  M  76,  77  from  the  tomb  of  Aba 
at  Thebes,  and  72  to  75  from  the  Fayum  (xlvi). 
This  was  the  usual  form  in  Italy,  M  78,  and  Europe 
in  general,  from  Roman  times  to  the  present,  for 
masons,  82,  83,  and  carpenters,  84,  85. 

in.  The  hammer  with  a  handle  was  strangely 
neglected  by  the  Egyptians.  In  all  ages  they  used 
a  smooth  stone  in  the  hand,  even  for  the  heavy 
work  of  beating  out  copper  vessels.  How  they 
endured  the  shock  to  the  wrist,  in  a  long  course  of 
such  work,  cannot  be  imagined.  Yet,  though  the 
mallet  was  regularly  used  by  masons,  they  never 
used  a  similar  tool  for  hammering  metal.  The 
earliest  hammers  of  the  European  bronze  age  are 
pouch-shaped  tools,  developed  from  the  socketted 
axe, — pounders  rather  than  hammers.  The  true 
hammer  only  appears  just  before  iron  becomes 
general,  in  one  example  of  bronze  from  South  Italy, 
M  86  (xlv).  Another  of  bronze  (Brit.  Mus.)  has  a 
heron  in  relief  on  the  faces,  apparently  about 
400  B.C.  The  early  iron  hammer  of  the  Greeks, 
87,  was  small  and  light ;  the  larger  size  of  smith's 
hammer  does  not  appear  till  Roman  times  (92  to 
97  and  136,  lxxviii).  A  model  hammer  of  bronze, 
M  97 A,  is  shown  in  pi.  xliv.  The  mediaeval  and 
later  forms  in  98,  99,  show  the  essential  points  of 
the  smith's  hammer,  a  heavy  square  head,  with  a 
wide  edge  for  rivetting  and  detailed  work. 

The  mason's  hammer  was  of  the  mallet  type, 
equal  at  both  ends,  as  the  massive  ones  100,  10 1, 
which  are  like  the  sculptor's  hammer,  107,  of  1694. 
Lighter  sizes  were  also  used  as  103,  104,  and  105 
from  Silchester  (lxxviii).  The  hammers  heavier  at 
one  end,  102,  106,  are  peculiar,  and  must  have  been 
awkward  to  hold,  from  their  want  of  balance. 

The  carpenter's  hammer,  or  claw  hammer,  for 
drawing  nails,  is  also  a  Roman  type,  108,  109  ;  the 
latter  is  most  like  a  modern  farrier's  hammer,  and 
that  may  have  been  its  use.  The  claw-hammer 
four  centuries  ago  (112)  was  made  exactly  as  on  the 
Continent    at    present.    The   light    hammer,    no, 



might  be  for  carpentry,  or  fine  metal  work,  as  it  is 
not  heavy  enough  for  the  smithy.  111  is  the  form 
of  modern  shipwright's  hammer.  Other  forms  of 
special  trade  hammers,  113,  114,  116,  118-120,  are 
shown  in  the  engravings  of  1694.  The  axe-hammer, 
115  (lxxviii),  from  Silchester,  was  probably  for 
wooden  building  work,  like  a  modern  lath  hammer. 
The  Roman,  117,  was  probably  a  cooper's  hammer. 

112.  Tongs  are  not  represented  earlier  than  on 
the  pre-Roman  coins  of  Malaga,  where  they  are 
shown  behind  the  head  of  Vulcan.  None  of  the 
existing  tongs  can  be  dated  before  the  Roman 
period.  They  were  at  that  age  well  developed 
with  special  forms  of  jaws  to  hold  the  work,  like 
modern  box- tongs  121,  122  (xlv)  ;  123  (lxxviii). 
The  simple  tongs  of  all  sizes  are  usual,  as  124  to 
130.  The  Swedish  form  126,  with  a  locking  catch, 
was  intended  to  maintain  the  grip  while  the  tongs 
were  turned  round  and  round  in  the  left  hand,  to 
hammer  on  all  sides.  The  same  form,  but  without 
a  catch,  is  found  at  Newstead  (C.N.  lxiii),  and  Heid- 
enberg  (M.V.  46). 

Pincers  are  rare ;  one  pair  from  Sweden,  131 
(like  the  modern  Lancashire  pincers),  is  not  dated. 
None  seem  to  be  known  of  Roman  age,  even  from 

Lifting  tongs  for  light  objects  are  shown  in  a 
goldsmith's  hand  at  Thebes,  of  the  xviiith  dynasty, 
M  134.  Two  very  slender  bronze  tongs  come  from 
La  Tene  (132),  and  the  celebrated  group  of  the 
Heathery  Burn  cave  (133) ;  slender  tongs  with  the 
ends  turned  down,  were  used  by  chemists  in  1694 



builders'  tools  :  (b) 

1-6  pi.  xlvii,  7  xiii,  8-15  xlvii,  16-25  xiii,  26-27 
lxxviii,  28-29  xlix>  4°"43  xlvii.  44"5°  xlix, 
51-63  xlvii,  64-89  xlviii,  90-93  xlvii,  94  xlviii. 

113.  The  trowel  was  probably  required  for  the 
refined  building  of  the  Greek  age,  but  the  earliest 
that  we  have  are  Roman  from  Pompeii,  Bi,  2,  3. 
The  Egyptians  merely  used  the  hand  as  they  now 
do  in  the  villages  ;  and  finger  marks  are  plain  on 
the  mortar  of  the  great  pyramid,  as  also  on  the 
brickwork  mortaring  of  all  periods.  A  small  trowel 
comes  from  Sweden,  6.  Smaller  tools,  perhaps 
used  for  smoothing  wax  tablets,  4,  5,  are  in  the 
Kircherian  Museum.    A  plasterer's  moulding  tool 


comes  from  Egypt,  B  7,  xiii ;  and  B  8,  xlvii,  from 
Newstead  seems  to  be  a  moulding  tool  with  a  spoon 
at  one  end  to  hold  the  plaster,  though  it  is  called 
an  auger  by  Mr.  Curie.  The  Dutch  trowel,  9,  used 
in  1694  was  triangular,  like  our  modern  London 
trowel.  The  Scotch  trowel  has  curved  sides. 
Mortar-rakes  were  used  in  Egypt  in  later  times. 
An  iron  model  of  one,  B  10,  was  in  a  foundation 
deposit  of  Ptolemy  II ;  and  I  bought  a  bronze  one 
in  Egypt,  now  in  the  British  Museum,  B  11. 

114.  Wedges  for  splitting  blocks  of  stone  are 
often  found  of  iron,  12-14.  One  of  bronze,  B  15,  is 
from  Defenneh.  The  iron  wedges  from  Egypt 
begin  with  two  from  the  Ramesseum,  B  16,  17  (xiii), 
probably  about  800  B.C.  Two  are  from  Defenneh, 
600  B.C.,  B  18,  19.  Two  from  Naukratis,  B  20,  21, 
may  be  600-300  B.C.  Two  others  are  undated, 
B  22,  23.  Two  of  the  "feathers,"  or  thin  flakes 
of  iron  for  placing  between  the  wedge  and  the  stone 
in  splitting,  are  at  B  24,  25.  Two  wedges  are  from 
Silchester,  of  Roman  age,  B26,  27  (lxxviii).  Two 
iron  punches,  28,  29  (xiii),  were  found  at  Gurob. 

Wooden  chisels  were  used  by  the  early  Egyptians 
for  excavating  in  gravel  and  marl.  Many  such 
were  found  in  an  unfinished  pit  at  Deshasheh,  vth 
dynasty,  as  B30,  31  (xlix).  32  to  35  are  of  the 
xiith  dynasty  from  Kahun  ;   36  is  from  Gurob. 

115.  For  shifting  large  building  stones  the  Egyp- 
tians seem  to  have  placed  them  on  a  cradle  of  wood, 
so  that  they  could  be  readily  twisted  round,  drawn 
along,  or  rocked  up  an  inclined  plane.  Models  of 
these  cradles  are  found,  with  other  tools,  in  the 
foundation  deposits,  as  B37  from  Deir  el  Bahri. 
See  Arts  and  Crafts,  p.  75. 

For  shifting  the  large  blocks,  rollers  of  wood  were 
used,  short,  and  with  rounded  ends,  to  prevent 
their  catching.  Many  such  were  found  in  the 
builders'  waste  of  the  pyramid  of  Lahun,  B  38,  39. 

The  crowbar  has  not  been  found  in  Egypt  before 
Roman  time,  either  in  scenes  or  actual  example. 
In  the  deposits  of  Tausert  and  Saptah  (Six  Temples 
at  Thebes,  xvi,  26,  27  ;  xviii,  44,  45)  were  some 
rolled-up  slips  of  copper  bent  at  the  end,  but  it  is 
not  at  all  certain  that  they  were  models  of  crow- 
bars. The  modern  forms  of  crowbar,  with  forked 
end,  and  also  with  chisel  end,  are  found  at  Pompeii, 
B40  (xlvii).  Also  short  forms  of  extractors  for 
nails,  41,  42,  like  the  French  live-clous,  A  crowbar 
from  Memphis,  which  is  probably  Roman,  is  in 
Memphis,  iii,  pi.  xxxviii  (Univ.  Coll.).  For  lift- 
ing stones  with  a  windlass  the  Roman  had  invented 


builders'  tools 

the  lewis,  as  used  at  present.  A  slit  was  sunk  in 
the  upper  face  of  the  stone,  enlarged  below  at  the 
two  ends.  The  two  tapering  pieces  of  B43  were 
then  dropped  in  and  pushed  apart  by  the  plain  strip 
between  them.  A  rod  was  then  passed  through  the 
eyes  on  the  three  pieces,  which  thus  could  not  be 
withdrawn  from  the  stone ;  in  this  way  the  block 
could  be  lifted  by  the  rod  as  a  handle. 

116.  For  dressing  down  large  blocks  to  a  true 
face,  the  system  was  to  run  saw  cuts  about  half  an 
inch  in  on  all  sides ;  the  surface  was  then  hammer 
dressed,  nearly  down  to  the  plane  of  the  cuts.  The 
fine  dressing — as  shown  in  the  tomb  of  Rekhmara 
(pi.  lxxix) — was  done  by  holding  two  rods  of  wood 
square  to  the  face,  upon  the  saw  cut  on  opposite 
sides.  A  string  was  stretched  between  the  tops 
of  the  rods.  Then  a  mason  held  a  rod  of  equal 
length  on  any  point  of  the  stone,  and  the  amount 
which  that  stood  above  the  string  showed  how 
much  had  to  be  chiselled  away.  Many  of  these  rods 
have  been  found.  B49,  xlix,  is  a  set  of  round 
rods,  300  inches  long  ;  B  50  is  a  set  of  square  rods 
from  Beni  Hasan  340  long  ;  other  odd  rods  are  B  44 
(264  inches),  45  (3-12),  46  (293),  47  (3*5*).  48 
(3"  1 1  inches).  The  two  end  rods  always  have  a 
hole  from  the  side  coming  out  on  the  top,  for  the 
string  ;   the  third  rod  is  plain. 

For  dressing  the  faces  of  stones  the  Egyptian  used 
an  adze,  from  the  pyramid  times  onwards.  The 
result  was  tested  by  laying  on  it  a  true  plane — or 
facing  plate — covered  with  red  ochre.  The  claw 
tool  or  comb-pick  was  invented  in  Greece  (B  51, 
52,  xlvii).  The  pre- Persian  masonry  at  Athens  shows 
the  characteristic  grooving  due  to  it,  according  to 
the  late  Prof.  Hayter  Lewis.  This  comb-marking 
is  the  token  of  Greek  and  Roman  work  in  Egypt, 
both  in  rock-cutting  and  stone-dressing.  The  tools 
then  used  have  not  been  recovered  ;  the  forms 
given  here  are  those  used  in  the  xiiith  century  in 
France,  and  51  is  the  common  form  to-day  in 
Egypt,  where  the  tool  is  generally  used.  It  is  to 
be  noted  that  Viollet-le-Duc  states  that  the  marks 
of  this  mode  of  dressing  are  only  to  be  found  in 
Europe  in  the  xiith,  xiiith,  and  early  xivth  cen- 
turies, that  is,  the  period  of  the  crusades.  Doubt- 
less the  mixture  with  the  east  at  that  time  brought 
these  tools,  as  well  as  much  else,  into  western  use. 

117.  The  Egyptian  used  the  hand  for  spreading 
plaster  in  early  times.  But  the  need  of  finely 
stuccoed  walls  for  tomb  painting,  and  probably  for 
houses  also,  led  to  the  use  of  the  plasterer's  float. 

B  53,  54  are  two  forms  of  plasterer's  float  of  the 
xiith  dynasty,  found  at  Kahun.  They  are  very 
rarely  found,  for  I  have  not  seen  any  others. 

Brick  moulds  must  have  been  in  use  in  the  later 
prehistoric  times,  as  brick  building  was  then  com- 
mon. The  only  examples  that  I  have  seen  are  one 
of  the  xiith  dynasty  found  at  Kahun,  B  55,  and  a 
model,  probably  from  a  foundation  deposit,  pi. 
lxxvii,  B  56.  The  modern  mould  is  much  like  it, 
but  not  so  well  made,  being  only  nailed  at  the 
corners,  and  not  mortised. 

118.  The  use  of  the  plumb  line  must  have  started 
with  Egyptian  building,  and  the  plumb  bob  has 
been  found  at  the  end  of  the  iiird  dynasty,  B  64, 
xlviii.  The  mode  of  using  the  plumb  line  is  shown 
by  a  mark  on  pottery  of  the  xith  dynasty  (Gizeh 
Rifeh,  xiii,  J.  5),  and  the  model  B  57  of  the  xixth 
dynasty.  This,  with  the  squares  and  level,  58-60 
(xlvii),  all  come  from  the  tomb  of  an  architect 
Sen-nehem,  a  group  now  in  the  Cairo  Museum. 
These  were  not  the  actual  working  tools,  but  copies 
of  them  made  to  place  with  the  burial.  The  A  form 
of  levelling  plumb  line  (B  59),  and  the  square  with 
a  foot  (B  60),  were  both  used  in  Roman  work,  as 
shown  on  the  stele  of  Aebutius  in  the  Capitoline 
Museum,  Rome. 

The  plumb  bob  in  Egypt  was  first  made  with  a 
groove  round  it,  in  which  to  tie  the  line,  see  B  64 
from  Meydum,  and  B  65,  both  probably  from  the 
end  of  the  iiird  dynasty  (pi.  xlviii).  The  square  bob 
of  hard  brown  limestone  (B  66),  with  a  hole  through 
it  for  the  line,  was  found  at  Gizeh  ;  it  bears  the 
name  Khuf,  and  is  doubtless  of  Khufu.  B  67,  68 
are  without  a  history,  but  belong  probably  to  the 
vith  or  xiith  dynasty.  B  69  is  from  Quft,  undated. 
B  70  is  of  limestone,  71  of  alabaster.  B  72  of  lime- 
stone, and  73  of  marble,  are  from  Kahun,  of  the 
xiith  dynasty  ;  the  system  for  the  line  was  to  have 
a  short  vertical  hole  in  the  axis,  and  across  this  a 
hole  from  side  to  side ;  the  line  was  put  through 
the  axial  hole,  the  end  pushed  out  to  one  side,  and 
knotted  to  retain  it.  74  is  of  limestone.  75  is  of 
yellow  limestone,  76  of  wood,  and  77  of  shelly 
limestone,  all  three  from  Kahun.  78  is  of  lime- 
stone, 79  of  steatite,  80  of  limestone,  81  from  Kahun 
of  limestone.  82,  83,  84  are  of  lead,  probably  of 
Greek  age.  85  is  of  steatite,  86  of  diorite,  87  of 
limestone,  88  of  black  steatite.  B  89  is  a  remark- 
able Roman  cubic  plumb  bob  of  nummulitic  lime- 
stone, with  figures  of  gods  on  the  sides ;  Horus, 
Hathor,  and  Amen  ?    can  be  distinguished. 



The  Roman  bobs  on  pi.  xlvii  are  B  go,  of  marble 
with  a  bronze  loop.;  91,  92,  93  of  bronze.  92  is 
of  the  form  on  the  stele  of  Aebutius. 

119.  The  square  was  doubtless  used  in  early 
times  in  Egypt,  but  no  example  occurs  until  the 
model  from  the  tomb  of  Sen-nehem,  B60.  A 
similar  form,  with  a  foot,  is  figured  in  the  tomb  of 
Rekhmara  (xviiith  dynasty)  and  on  the  stele  of 
Aebutius.  The  plain  square  of  wood,  B  94  (xlix), 
was  found  in  the  destroyers'  rubbish  at  the  pyramid 
of  Lahun,  probably  Ptolemaic.  Another  plain 
square,  from  Pompeii,  B  61,  is  of  bronze. 

The  need  of  a  mitre  square  was  naturally  felt  in 
Egypt ;  a  carpenter  of  the  xviiith  dynasty  has  the 
form  62,  with  a  foot  to  slide  along  an  edge  ;  a  bronze 
square  with  a  foot,  and  mitre  slope  comes  from 
Pompeii ;  and  another  without  a  foot  is  repre- 
sented on  a  stele,  63. 


THE   SAW  :     (S)    PLS.    XLVIII,    L,    LI 

120.  The  saw  is  certainly  as  early  as  the  begin- 
ning of  the  first  dynasty.    The  large  number  of 
wooden  coffins  of  that  age  must  have  been  sawn, 
and  on  one  piece  the  varying  directions  of  the 
marks  show  how  troublesome  the  work  proved  to 
be  (Tarkhan,  i,  xxiv).     Beside  that  use  of  sawing, 
the  great  amount  of  boards,  required  for  the  wooden 
architecture,  also  must  have  required  much  sawing. 
The  oldest  saw  found  is  a  model  early  in  the  iiird 
dynasty,  Si.    A  piece  of  a  roughly  notched  saw 
of  copper  was  found  at  Meydum,  of  iiird  dynasty, 
S2,    xlviii.     In  the  vth  and  vith  dynasties    are 
many  scenes  of  sawing,  from  which  may  be  quoted 
the  two  types  of  saw,  with  a  handle  in  one  with  the 
blade,    S  3,   and  with  an   added  handle,   S  4.    A 
model  is  of  the  xith  dynasty,  S  5.     Another  model 
of  about  the  same  age  is  S  6  (xlviii).     In  the  xiith 
dynasty  the  handle  is  of  the  old  form,  S  7  ;    and 
also  turned  more  away  from  the  blade,  S  8,  in  order 
to  get  a  larger  surface  for  pushing,  exactly  like  the 
modern  French  miner's  saw.    This  same  idea  of 
the  handle  remained  in  the  xviiith  dynasty,  as  S  9, 
and  saws  figured  in  the  tomb  of  Rekhmara.    The 
rudest  kind  of  saw  was  merely  a  blade  notched  by 
chopping  on  it,  as  S  10  (xlviii),  and  S  n,  pi.  1.    All 
of  the  preceding  blades  were  probably  of  hardened 

121.  Of  bronze  saws  the  earliest  European  is 
perhaps  that  from  Knossos,  S  12,  which  is  a  very 
slightly  notched  blade.  Another  roughly  made 
saw  is  from  the  lake  dwellers,  S  13.  So  far  there 
does  not  seem  to  have  been  any  distinction  in  the 
direction  of  the  teeth.  The  saw  was  simply  an 
abrading  instrument  for  scraping  out  a  groove 
equally  by  pushing  and  pulling,  like  the  tenon 
teeth  of  a  modern  cross-cut  saw. 

The  true  cutting  saw  is  that  in  which  the  teeth 
all  have  a  rake  in  one  direction,  and  are  a  series  of 
cutters,  while  in  the  back  stroke  they  do  not  act. 
The  first  such  saw  appears  in  the  fonderia  group  at 
Bologna,  invented  apparently  at  the  same  mechanical 
outburst   which    produced    the   perfect    tang    and 
socket  chisels.    Among  the  small  pieces  of  bronze 
saws,  S  14-18,  one  of  them,  15,  has  the  teeth  all 
pointing   one  way.    From   the  thinness  of  these 
pieces  it  seems  that  they  were  framed  saws  (as 
S  42  to  45)  ;  but  there  is  nothing  to  show  whether 
the  true  saw  was  pushed  or  pulled.    The  Spanish 
copper  saw,    S 19,   was   clearly   a   pull-saw.    The 
pieces  from  El  Argar,  Rome,  Felixstowe,  Moeringen, 
and  Naples,  S  20  to  24,  were  all  worked  both  ways. 
Other  bronze  saws  of  small  size  have  been  found 
in  the  Jura,   Charente,   Hautes  Alpes,  Spain  and 
Portugal,   see  D.M.   ii,   274.    Two  beautiful  and 
delicate  saws  are  from  Reggio  and  Ephesos  (S  25, 
26).    Near  the  butt,  where  it  has  not  been  spoilt 
in  sharpening,  the  Reggio  saw  shows  that  it  was  a 
pull-saw ;    and  the  Ephesos  saw  is  so  slight  that 
it  must  have  been  pulled.    These  are  supposed  to 
have  been  for  surgery,  and  are  the  latest  of  the 
bronze  saws. 

122.  The  iron  and  steel  saws  begin  at  least  as 
early  as  666  B.C.  In  the  Theban  group  of  the 
Assyrian  armourer  (Ixxviii)  were  three  saws  ;  one 
double  edged  and  narrow,  probably  a  framed  saw, 
S  27  ;  the  other  two  blades  have  a  decided  rake  in 
the  teeth,  and  both  of  them  were  pull-saws  (S28). 
Half  of  a  large  saw  from  Nimrud  (29)  has  the  teeth 
equal,  without  any  rake. 

In  Europe  the  saw  had  another  development 
with  triangular  teeth,  cris-cross,  S  30  ;  this  same 
form  was  used  for  the  saw  backs  of  the  Russian 
swords,  in  the  Crimean  War.  Plain  pull  and  push 
teeth  were  made  at  La  Tene  (31,  32)  and  the  Roman 
saws  from  Newstead  (33)  and  Pompeii  (34).  The 
little  saw  from  La  Tene  (32)  shows  a  neat  handling, 
with  a  disc  to  hold  between  the  thumb  and  finger 
of  the  right  hand,  and  a  turned-up  end  for  the  left 



hand,  so  that  a  firm  pressure  and  direction  could 
be  applied.  In  the  Pompeian  saw,  S  34,  the  teeth 
show  it  to  have  been  pushed,  if  the  lower  end  is 
the  handle ;  but  it  may  have  been  one  end  of  a 
framed  saw.  The  teeth  are  almost  like  a  pit  saw. 
On  pi.  U  is  a  large  framed  saw,  35,  complete  with 
the  bentwood  frame.  The  band  saw  was  originally 
held  by  a  pin  at  each  end  ;  but  the  frame  contracted 
with  the  pull,  and  so  the  surplus  length  of  blade 
was  taken  up  by  giving  it  a  turn  half  round  the 
end  of  the  frame.  The  teeth  have  a  moderate 
rake.  This  comes  from  the  Fayum.  Another  blade 
of  a  framed  saw,  36,  has  deeply  raked  teeth,  at  the 
lower  end  where  not  spoiled  by  sharpening.  S  37  is 
a  roughly  notched  iron  blade,  from  a  handle  saw. 
Two  pieces  of  a  very  coarse  band  saw,  39,  40  (xlviii) 
are  from  Oxyrhynkhos.  Thus  it  seems  that  the 
pull-saw  with  raked  teeth  began  at  about  900  B.C.  ; 
that  there  is  no  evidence  of  a  push-saw  in  Roman 
times;  and  there  is  no  trace  of  setting  the  teeth 
alternately  to  one  side  and  to  the  other,  so  as  to  cut 
a  wide  kerf,  in  any  ancient  saw.  The  Dutch  saw 
of  1694  shows  the  earlier  form  of  the  curious  little 
notch  on  the  back,  which  is  still  continued  in 
modern  saws,  without  a  meaning.  It  seems  origin- 
ally to  have  been  a  tapering  of  the  blade  to  the 
end,  interrupted  by  a  projection,  with  a  hole  in  it 
for  hanging  up  the  saw,  S  41 . 

123.  Of  framed  saws  the  modern  bow  saw  des- 
cends from  a  Roman  form,  S  42.  In  this  there  was 
apparently  no  means  of  tightening  the  saw ;  that 
may  have  been  done  by  a  little  hammering  inside 
the  bow.  The  handle  was  attached  too  far  from 
the  saw,  so  that  the  push  was  indirect.  The  framed 
saw  is  often  represented  on  Roman  sculptures,  as 
S43.  The  Dutch  carpenter's  framed  saw  for  wood 
is  S  44,  and  mason's  saw  for  stone  is  S  45.  This  is 
provided  with  a  handle  at  the  end,  as  the  end  pieces 
were  too  large  to  grasp. 

124.  The  coarse  file  is  a  form  of  saw,  which  seems  to 
have  begun  about  900  B.C.,  as  it  is  found  of  bronze 
at  Bologna  and  at  Hallstatt,  S  48.  This  is  a  com- 
bination of  a  broad  and  a  narrow  file.  Of  iron  there 
is  the  crippled  file  from  Auvergne,  50,  and  a  good 
one  from  Silchester,  S47  (lxxviii).  A  half-round 
file  of  iron  comes  from  La  Tene  (Volk.  Mus.  Berlin). 
The  fine-cut  file  begins  with  the  Assyrian  group, 
lxxviii,  S46.  This  is  like  a  thick-backed  knife^ 
hatched  with  fine  parallel  cuts  on  both  faces.  It 
seems  to  be  the  parent  of  the  modern  three-cornered 
file,  or  saw  file.    The  cross-cut  file  was  known  in 

1417  at  Niirnberg.  The  rasp  is  found  in  a  perfect 
form  in  the  Assyrian  group  (S  49),  exactly  of  the 
modern  shape  and  detail. 

125.  The  very  important  work  of  Egyptian  hard- 
stone  cutting  is  only  known  by  the  results,  as  un- 
fortunately there  are  no  tools  left ;  but  the  abun- 
dance of  pieces  of  waste  showing  the  methods 
employed,  and  the  marks  upon  the  finished  work, 
are  enough  to  prove  the  general  methods.  Only  a 
small  selection  of  the  specimens  are  illustrated  here. 
On  pi.  lii,  51,  52  and  53  are  plain  faces  of  saw  cuts  ; 
51  is  a  piece  of  waste  of  grey  syenite ;  52  is  part 
of  the  face  of  a  basalt  block  of  Khufu's  temple ; 
53  is  a  cast  of  the  face  of  the  granite  sarcophagus 
of  Khufu,  where  the  cut  was  running  too  deep, 
and  was  brought  further  out.  Nos.  54  to  57  show 
the  breadth  of  the  saw,  which  varied  from  sVth  to  £th 
of  an  inch ;  54  is  a  cut  across  a  slice  of  basalt 
(Khufu)  ;  55  is  a  row  of  cuts  in  hard  quartz  rock, 
the  piece  here  being  the  heel  left  from  slicing  up  a 
block ;  56  is  a  piece  of  Khufu's  basalt  paving, 
where  the  saw  had  run  much  askew,  and  been 
backed  out  to  a  fresh  face ;  57  is  a  cast  of  the 
side  of  the  portcullis  in  the  great  pyramid,  showing 
the  marking  out  of  work  in  granite  by  a  saw  cut, 
to  limit  the  hammer-dressing  of  a  face. 

These  specimens  amply  prove  the  use  of  saws 
which  could  cut  granite.  The  saw  cuts  ran  from 
end  to  end  of  the  sarcophagus  of  Khufu  over  y$ 
feet  long.  Allowing  for  the  throw  of  the  saw  in 
cutting,  the  blade  must  have  been  about  9  feet 
long.  The  material  of  it  was  doubtless  copper,  as 
no  other  metal  was  common  at  that  time.  The 
actual  cutting  was  certainly  done  by  some  hard 
stone ;   in  what  way  we  shall  consider  further  on. 

126.  Another  application  of  the  same  method  of 
working  was  by  the  tubular  drill.  This  is  illustrated 
by  the  alabaster  vase,  64,  with  the  drill  core  still 
in  it,  and  the  split  vase,  65,  in  which  a  drill  core  is 
now  laid.  66  is  a  plaster  cast  of  a  drill  hole  in  a 
lintel  of  the  granite  temple  at  Gizeh,  showing  the 
stump  of  the  core  left  in  it.  63  is  a  scrap  of  hard 
limestone,  on  which  drills  have  been  tried.  The 
most  perfect  core  is  of  red  granite  from  Gizeh,  59. 
On  this  a  continuous  groove  of  the  drilling  point 
can  be  traced  for  several  rotations,  forming  a  true 
screw  thread,  and  showing  a  rapid  descent  of  the 
drill.  The  grooves  run  continuously  across  the 
quartz  and  felspar  crystals  without  the  least  check  ; 
as  the  felspar  is  worn  down  (by  rubbing)  more 
than  the  quartz,  the  latter  crystals  stand  highest ; 



yet  the  grooves  run  with  an  even  bottom  through 
a  greater  depth  of  quartz  than  of  felspar.  Every 
mechanician  who  has  examined  this  agrees  that 
nothing  but  a  fixed  point  could  have  cut  such 
grooves.  A  loose  cutting  powder  might  wear 
grooves,  but  they  would  have  been  slighter  in  the 
harder  crystal,  instead  of  deeper,  and  they  could 
not  pass  across  the  fissures  between  varying  crystals 
without  a  check.  Another  core  of  granite  has 
finer  grooves,  62.  No.  61  is  a  core  from  an  en- 
larged hole  in  basalt ;  a  lesser  hole  had  been  cut 
and  found  too  small,  and  then  a  larger  hole  was 
made,  detaching  thus  a  tube  of  basalt.  60  is  a 
piece  of  the  outer  side  of  a  drill  hole  in  diorite.  63 
to  65  are  noted  above.  58  is  a  block  of  red  quartzite 
sandstone,  with  a  curved  surface,  which  looks  as 
if  it  were  the  outer  side  of  a  drill  cut.  The  diameter 
of  28  inches  seems  impossibly  large ;  yet  no  other 
motion  would  produce  a  cylindrical  surface  with 
perfect  parallelism  of  the  grooves,  and  the  circum- 
ference would  not  be  longer  than  the  straight  saws. 

67  is  a  drill  core  of  alabaster.  68  is  a  core  of 
black  and  white  porphyry,  a  stone  which  is  only 
known  to  have  been  wrought  in  the  beginning  of 
the  1st  dynasty  ;  it  implies  that  tube-drilling  was 
already  then  developed  with  extremely  hard  fine 
cutting  points.  69,  70,  71  are  cores  of  alabaster 
from  vases,  showing  the  different  sizes. 

Nos.  72  and  73  are  borers  of  sandstone,  used 
along  with  sand  for  boring  out  the  interior  of  vases. 
The  hour-glass  form  of  73  was  to  enable  it  to  be 
slipped  through  a  neck,  and  then  turned  flat  to 
drill  a  wider  hole.  It  was  rotated  by  a  forked 
stick  holding  the  contracted  part. 

The  tubular  drill  was  used  for  all  the  hollowing 
out  of  granite  sarcophagi ;  the  traces  of  the  sides 
of  drill  holes  are  seen  inside  the  sarcophagus  of 
Khufu.  Rows  of  holes  were  cut,  and  then  the 
material  that  was  left  was  broken  away.  Similarly 
statuary  was  rough  sawn,  and  the  hollows  cut  out 
with  tube  drills.  The  base  of  such  a  drill-hole 
remains  between  the  feet  of  the  great  statue  of 
Khofra  at  Cairo,  the  space  between  the  legs  having 
been  hollowed  by  a  long  drill  hole.  A  small 
statuette  of  quartz  crystal,  at  University  College, 
has  been  begun  by  the  profiles  of  front  and  sides 
being  cut  out  by  a  saw,  as  the  first  stage  in  working 
it.     See  Arts  and  Crafts,  fig.  89. 

127.  Lastly,  what  were  the  cutting  points  used 
on  hard  stones  ?  That  they  were  fixed  points  is 
shown  by  the  grooves  in  quartz  and  felspar  noted 

above.  That  they  were  extremely  hard  is  proved 
by  a  point  cutting  through  quartz  crystal,  and  the 
very  fine  grooves  on  the  black  and  white  porphyry 
core.  The  same  is  shown  by  the  lines  graved  on 
diorite  with  a  cutting  point,  for  hieroglyphs.  These 
are  not  scraped,  but  ploughed  out  with  a  single 
cut.  The  line  is  only  TTwth  of  an  inch  wide,  so  a 
very  strong  and  tough  point  would  be  needed. 
That  emery  was  familiar  to  the  Egyptians  at 
that  time  is  certain,  as  it  was  used  long  before  that 
in  the  prehistoric  age.  But  could  any  emery  point 
stand  such  pressure  on  a  fine  edge  ?  The  difficulty 
would  be  settled  at  once  if  we  could  find  any  bort 
or  diamond  known  at  that  age.  Engineers  with 
full  experience  of  the  subject,  do  not  believe  that 
emery  could  do  the  cutting.  Sir  Benjamin  Baker 
remarked  that  any  engineer  now  would  be  proud 
to  turn  out  such  drill  cores  as  the  Egyptians  did. 
Certainly  modern  diamond  drill  cores  are  clumsy 
and  smudged  work,  when  compared  to  the  Egyp- 
tian cores.  If  this  is  the  best  we  can  do  with 
diamond,  can  we  suppose  the  Egyptians  beating  us 
with  only  emery  ? 

For  the  irregular  forms  of  hieroglyphs,  tube  drill- 
ing was  used  at  the  corners,  and  sawing  out  with 
blades  fed  with  emery  around  the  outlines.  This 
is  proved  by  the  scratches  on  the  surrounding 
polished  surface,  where  the  tool  has  slipped  and 
scored  over  the  face.  The  inner  mass  was  broken 
away,  and  the  hollow  polished. 

128.  The  method  of  hard-stone  sawing  was  not 
unknown  elsewhere  on  the  Mediterranean.  At 
Tiryns  the  hard  limestone  was  cut  with  saws  as  in 
the  Egyptian  work.  In  one  of  the  saw  cuts  I  saw 
a  lump  of  green  material.  This  seemed  likely  to  be 
a  bit  of  a  saw,  broken  off  and  jammed  in  the  cut. 
I  called  Dr.  Walter  Leaf  as  a  witness,  and  removed 
half  of  the  green  material.  It  had  every  appear- 
ance of  corrosion  of  copper.  In  the  powder  were 
small  rectangular  lumps  of  a  black  material,  about 
TVth  inch  long.  These  were  determined  to  be 
emery,  at  the  Mineralogical  Department,  British 
Museum.  Such  lumps  of  emery  could  not  possibly 
be  used  as  a  loose  powder ;  by  their  size  they  must 
have  been  set  in  the  copper  saws.  The  Tiryns 
example  therefore  proves  the  use  of  set-stone  saws  ; 
being  only  for  cutting  hard  limestone,  emery  would 
there  suffice,  but  this  does  not  at  all  prove  that 
emery  was  used  for  the  Egyptian  granite  work. 

For  cutting  the  soft  alabaster,  plain  sand  was 
amply  hard  ;  and  where  alabaster  vases  have  been 



cut,  of  the  early  dynasties  at  Hierakonpolis,  and  of 
Greek  times  at  Memphis,  large  quantities  of  sand 
and  alabaster  dust  have  been  found. 

129.  On  pi.  liii  are  the  mauls  used  for  dressing 
down  surfaces  of  stone.  They  were  regularly  em- 
ployed in  the  pyramid  period,  all  the  hard  stone 
that  was  not  sawn  being  bruised  down  to  a  flat 
face,  and  afterwards  polished.  This  was  the  method 
for  the  whole  of  the  king's  chamber  in  the  pyramid 
of  Khufu,  and  for  the  statue  of  Khofra,  on  which 
the  stunned  marks  of  blows  may  be  seen  not  com- 
pletely ground  out.  No.  74  is  from  Meydum,  iiird 
dynasty.  75,  76  are  of  syenite  from  Gizeh.  77  is 
of  basalt  from  Gizeh.  78,  79,  80  are  quarry  tools 
of  basalt  from  the  Sinai  mines,  used  in  cutting  the 
sandstone  at  Serabit.  Others  are  published  in 
Researches  in  Sinai,  figs.  56-58.  Besides  these,  flint 
flakes  were  largely  used  there  for  graving  out  nodules 
from  the  sandstone,  see  R.S.  fig.  60,  p.  159.  No.  81 
is  from  the  alabaster  quarry  of  Khufu  at  Amarna, 
chipped  in  hard  silicified  limestone.  The  same 
stone  was  used  at  Beni  Hasan,  82  to  85,  for  the 
regular  implements  for  dressing  down  the  walls  of 
rock  chambers  of  the  Middle  Kingdom,  and  similar 
ones  were  used  at  Qurneh  (Qurneh,  ix).  86  is  a 
similar  tool  chipped  in  brown  quartzite  sandstone. 

No.  87  is  a  block  of  limestone  from  the  pyramid 
waste  at  Meydum.  Such  pieces  were  probably 
used  to  pivot  wooden  levers  upon,  which  served  in 
moving  large  blocks  of  stone. 

Nos.  88,  89  are  examples  of  hammer  dressing,  as 
used  in  the  process  of  sculpture.  88  is  a  head  of  a 
canopic  jar  of  silicified  limestone.  89  is  part  of  a 
'kneeling  figure  in  durite. 

Nos.  90,  91  are  unfinished  bowls  cut  in  soft  lime- 
stone, of  Ptolemaic  age,  found  in  the  waste  around 
the  pyramid  of  Lahun.  They  were  cut  with  a 
chisel.  91  shows  how  the  middle  was  hollowed  by 
flaking  out  large  lumps,  but  in  this  case  a  blow 
has  struck  away  part  of  the  bowl,  and  it  was 
abandoned.  92  is  of  similar  working,  begun  and 
spoiled,  for  a  bowl  of  brown  basalt,  from  Gizeh. 
Specimens  of  different  methods  of  dressing  sur- 
faces of  stone  are  also  in  the  collection,  but  they 
cannot  be  suitably  illustrated  here. 

THE  SICKLE  :   (f)   PLS.   LIV,   LV 

130.  The  sickle  is  often  represented  in  harvest 
scenes,  on  the  walls  of  the  tomb  chapels.  The  form 
seems  to  have  varied  a  good  deal.    Sometimes  very 

flat,  as  F  1,  5  ;  more  curved  as  F  2,  3  ;  with  a 
marked  heel  as  F  4,  or  a  deep  semicircle  as  F  6. 
In  any  case  the  Egyptian  (like  the  early  English) 
only  cut  off  the  heads  of  corn  closely,  and  put  them 
in  a  bag,  which  was  worn  on  the  hip,  or  on  the 
-shoulder,  where  it  was  held  by  a  band  passing  across 
the  forehead.  The  long  straw  was  left  to  be  pulled 
up  whole,  being  too  valuable  to  be  knocked  about. 
As  we  have  in  modern  times  given  up  thatching 
and  straw-work,  we  now  cut  the  whole  plant  and 
crush  the  straw  merely  as  litter  or  packing  material. 

Though  the  sickle-flints  are  found  of  the  pre- 
historic age,  the  earliest  actual  sickles  preserved 
are  of  the  xiith  dynasty,  from  Kahun,  F  7-9,  lv ;  10  ; 
there  is  also  one  in  the  British  Museum,  undated. 
They  are  carved  in  wood,  sometimes  in  one  piece 
(7,  8),  sometimes  built  up  (9,  10).  A  groove  held 
the  notched  flint  flakes,  which  served  as  teeth, 
cemented  in  place  with  Nile  mud  and  glue.  The 
flints  which  have  been  used  for  this  purpose  can 
always  be  identified  by  a  very  high  polish  along 
the  cutting  edge,  produced  by  the  siliceous  straw, 
and  a  dull  face  elsewhere.  An  unusual  form  of 
blade  is  figured  in  a  drawing  (11)  ;  it  is  so  closely 
like  a  bronze  blade  from  French  Switzerland  (12) 
that  it  is  hard  to  believe  an  independent  origin. 
As  there  is  also  a  link  of  about  the  same  age  between 
Swiss  tanged  daggers,  D  112-114,  and  Cypriote, 
D  119,  the  influence  of  European  on  Eastern  forms 
at  that  period  seems  corroborated. 

A  small  semicircular  sickle  of  copper,  with 
hatched  toothing  (F  13),  seems  early  by  the  style 
of  it.  It  is  rather  small  for  work,  and  is  perhaps 
a  funereal  model. 

131.  A  much  slighter  curve  is  seen  outside  of 
Egypt,  in  the  Turkestan  sickle,  14,  Mykenaean,  15, 
16,  and  Swedish,  17.  These  lead  into  the  scythe 
type,  18-22.  It  seems  likely  that  all  these  flatter 
curves  are  for  cutting  close  to  the  ground,  where 
the  stems  are  fixed,  and  have  not  to  be  bunched  in 
the  hand.  The  angle  of  the  handle  varies  much. 
In  the  La  Tene  and  Swedish,  17-20,  the  handle 
makes  an  open  angle  with  the  tip.  These  must  be 
for  holding  in  the  hand,  with  a  sawing  motion.  The 
Idria  type,  23-25,  has  the  handle  at  a  close  angle 
with  the  tip  ;  these  are  more  for  a  dragging  cut. 
The  Roman  type,  21,  22,  from  Newstead  and 
Heidenberg,  is  the  true  scythe,  to  use  with  a  long 
handle  standing  up  from  the  ground  ;  in  these  the 
sawing  cut  was  given  by  rotating  the  handle.  The 
Egyptian  (26)  and  Pompeian  type,  31-34,  has  a 



large  gathering  curve,  and  half  the  blade  lies  in 
almost  a  circle  around  the  hand,  so  as  to  give  a 
sawing  cut  from  the  wrist.  The  large  curve  was  to 
gather  in  a  bunch  to  be  held  by  the  hand.  The 
open  angle  of  31  is  like  the  Spanish  sickle,  and  the 
closer  curve  of  32-34  like  the  South  American  sickle. 
The  Hungarian  35  is  probably  of  the  Roman 
type.  The  Russian  36  seems  to  come  from  the 
open  La  Tene  or  modern  Spanish  type.  The 
mediaeval  sickle  seems  to  have  been  socketted  (37), 
descending  from  the  western  bronze  age  form.  The 
detail  of  the  Roman  sickles  in  Egypt,  26  to  30,  is 
quite  peculiar  to  that  land.  They  descend  from 
the  wooden  sickles  with  flint  teeth  ;  the  body  is  of 
iron  with  a  groove  along  the  whole  length  ;  in  that 
groove  a  strip  of  steel  with  teeth  is  inserted,  and 
can  be  renewed  as  often  as  needful.  This  is  one 
of  the  curiously  isolated  forms  of  tool  which  seems 
never  to  have  spread  beyond  Egypt.  The  sickles 
23-35  are  placed  here  with  the  handles  upright,  so 
as  to  show  the  angle  of  cutting. 

THE    BILL-HOOK    OR    PRUNING-HOOK  I     (p)    PLS.    LVI, 

132.  The  sickle,  as  we  have  seen,  is  the  scythe 
on  a  lesser  scale,  intended  to  cut  a  large  quantity 
of  stalks,  by  a  sawing  motion.  The  bill-hook,  on 
the  other  hand,  is  intended  to  cut  by  a  blow,  struck 
at  only  one  or  two  stems  of  firmer  growth.  In  a 
sickle  the  hand  must  be  either  near  the  centre  of 
curvature,  to  sweep  from  the  wrist  and  elbow  (as 
F  26-34)  ;  or  in  the  line  of  curvature,  to  sweep 
from  the  shoulder  (as  F  16-20)  ;  or  the  handle  must 
be  at  right  angles  to  the  plane  of  the  sickle,  to 
sweep  from  the  wrist  (as  F  7,  10) .  But  no  sawing 
motion  could  be  simply  given  to  any  of  the  forms 
of  the  hooks  on  pis.  lvi,  lvii,  excepting  perhaps  P  17. 
Therefore,  though  the  size  of  some — as  P  1 — over- 
laps the  sizes  of  the  sickles,  yet  they  cannot  be 
reckoned  with  true  sickles,  as  the  direction  of  the 
cutting  edge  prevents  a  sawing  motion  from  the 

In  the  form  of  the  pruning-hook  there  are  two 
different  families.  The  Mediterranean  family  is 
mainly  required  for  the  vine,  and  is  therefore  of  a 
large  curve,  and  a  gathering-in  shape,  in  order  to 
catch  and  lop  sprays  out  of  reach.  The  northern 
family  is  straighter,  as  it  is  mainly  for  cutting  brush- 
wood, for  fuel  and  for  basketry.  In  the  modern 
Rodding  bill-hook,  or  the  Scotch  cutting-over  bills, 

a  perfectly  straight  edge  is  reached.  The  Romans 
recognised  many  varieties  of  falx  by  different  names, 
both  with  a  sawing  and  a  chopping  action,  as 
foenaria  for  hay,  messaria  for  reaping,  putatoria 
for  pruning,  vinitoria  for  the  vine,  arboraria  for  the 
orchard,  and  silvatica  for  the  woodman.  The  culter 
had  a  straight  edge,  either  as  a  knife  or  chopper,  or 
to  rip  up  the  sod  by  a  plough. 

The  earliest  European  bill-hooks  are  of  bronze, 
starting  with  a  large  size  in  the  fonderia  at  Bologna, 
P  1,  and  others  with  a  back  chopper  for  cutting 
hard  stems,  P  13,  14.  The  French  (P  2,  3),  South 
Italian  (P8,  9),  and  Assyrian  (n)  forms  are  prob- 
ably for  the  vine.  The  Saxon  forms  (P  4-7)  would 
not  make  a  sweeping  cut,  but  are,  like  the  English, 
P 10,  adapted  for  brushwood.  The  form  with 
back  chopper  was  usual  in  the  middle  ages,  P  15,  16. 

In  the  iron  examples  the  hook  from  Egypt,  P  17, 
is  well  dated,  having  been  found  by  Belzoni  under- 
neath a  sphinx  of  Rameses  II  (Belzoni,  Researches, 
p.  151).  At  the  handle  end  the  grain  of  wood  is 
marked  in  the  rust.  The  form  might  be  for  a  sickle 
or  a  pruning-hook  ;  at  present  it  stands  quite  alone, 
no  other  such  hook  has  been  found  in  Egypt,  or 
elsewhere.  It  must  certainly  be  early,  as  all 
Greek  and  Roman  hooks  have  a  tang  or  socket ; 
this  has  the  weak  hafting  of  the  bronze  age,  as 
P  2,  3,  8,  9.  Looking  at  the  curve,  and  the  metal, 
it  seems  more  likely  to  be  an  importation  of  Norican 
origin  (see  P  14,  18,  20).  Another  dated  form  is 
the  sickle  or  pruning-hook  in  the  Assyrian  group, 
P  37,  pi.  lxxviii.  This  is  between  P 17  and  the 
Norican,  P  20,  and  is  probably  of  northern  origin. 
P  18  is  of  an  early  type,  copied  from  the  bronze 


133.  The  straighter  forms  P21  to  25  are  rather 
choppers  than  bill-hooks,  the  breadth  of  the 
blade  being  evidently  for  heavy  work.  The  broad 
blades  with  a  short  hook,  P41  to  45,  and  50, 
appear  to  be  woodmen's  tools,  to  cut  through 
saplings,  and  to  hook  in  branches,  41,  42  like 
the  modern  Berkshire  bill,  44,  45  like  the  modern 
bush-hook.  The  very  short,  wide  blade  of  54 
must  be  for  some  other  purpose ;  being  only 
fastened  by  two  rivets  into  a  bronze  plating,  any 
heavy  blow  would  have  sheared  the  rivets,  or  torn 
the  plate.  Perhaps,  like  the  hook  with  a  carved 
ivory  handle,  P  59,  it  was  a  fancy  tool  for  retired 
leisure  to  trim  city  gardens.  The  sharp  bend  of 
57,  58,  is  like  the  modern  pea-hook. 

The  Egyptian  pruning-hooks,    P  30-36,  lix,  and 



52,  are  all  of  Roman  age  ;  they  were  probably  for 
vines  and  fruit  trees,  as  there  are  no  copses  in  the 
Nile  valley.  The  nearest  comparisons  for  the 
socketted  forms,  30  (Tarkhan),  31  (Wushym),  and 
35,  are  the  Pompeian  48,  49.  The  tanged  forms, 
32,  33,  seem  more  northern,  like  the  French  and  ' 
Carniolan,  19,  20.  Again,  34  is  of  the  same  curve 
as  the  Carniolan  53,  and  60  from  Defenneh  is 
closely  like  20.  Probably  these  northern  forms 
were  manufactured  in  Noricum,  and  imported  into 
Egypt.  The  little  hook  36  is  very  carefully  made, 
with  deep  serrated  teeth  ;  it  has  a  Coptic  twist- 
pattern  engraved  on  one  side,  and  the  name  apa 
pamoun  on  the  other  side  of  the  handle,  which  is 
also  given  here.  It  seems  as  if  intended  for  some 
religious  purpose,  perhaps  for  cutting  ears  of  corn 
to  make  sacramental  bread.  A  similar  knife, 
inscribed  apa  pollo,  was  found  at  Balyzeh  (P.G. 
xxxviii,  A,  B). 

The  small,  deeply  curved  hook  is  specially 
northern,  and  mainly  British,  61  to  67.  The  size 
is  too  small  for  wood  cutting,  and  the  people  of 
Wookey  Hole  hardly  cultivated  fruit  trees.  Per- 
haps these  were  for  osier  cutting,  to  make  basketry. 
The  modern  osier  hook  is  similarly  curved,  and 
smaller  than  for  other  purposes. 



THE   SHEARS  :     (Q)    PLS.   LVIII,   LIX 

134.  Shears  appear  to  have  been  of  Italian  in- 
vention, at  about  300  B.C.  No  bronze  shears  are 
known,  except  an  ornamental  pair  from  Caerleon, 
Q  25.  The  earliest  are  those  from  La  Tene  (1,  2, 
31,  22),  and  from  Bologna  in  tombs  of  the  Gallic 
age  (3).  They  are  classified  here  by  the  form  of 
the  spring.  The  plain  curve  was  usual  at  all 
times,  down  to  the  mediaeval  Q  8.  In  Pompeii 
blades  of  iron  rivetted  to  a  bronze  spring  were  not 
uncommon  (Q  12).  In  Egypt  the  simple  shears  are 
found,  as  Q  17  (lix)  ;  but  the  more  usual  form  there 
is  quite  peculiar  to  that  country.  One  limb  is  made 
as  seen  on  edge  in  Q  14,  with  a  slot  hole,  and  a 
hook  catch.  The  slot  passed  over  an  oblong  pin 
on  the  spring,  and  on  turning  the  limb  round  it 
was  secured,  and  at  the  same  time  the  hook  caught 
a  second  pin.  Thus  the  limb,  when  its  edge  was 
put  past  the  fixed  edge,  was  as  completely  fixed 
as  in  ordinary  shears ;   but  it  could  be  disengaged 

in  a  moment,  in  order  to  sharpen  each  limb  separ- 
ately. It  is  very  strange  that  such  a  great  im- 
provement in  shears  should  never  have  been  copied 
in  any  other  country,  ancient  or  modern.  The  wish 
to  get  more  range  for  the  spring,  so  as  to  equalise 
the  force  of  it,  without  increasing  the  size  too 
wide  for  the  grip  of  the  hand,  led  to  the  expanded 
spring,  where  the  limbs  are  brought  closer  to- 
gether for  the  grip,  as  in  18  to  26. 

The  blades  Q  27  to  29  may  have  been  intended 
as  separate  limbs  for  shears,  or  they  may  be  simple 
knives,  as  K  48,  49.  The  breadth  of  the  blade 
seems  more  like  shears,  where  a  large  sliding  motion 
is  required.  The  great  shears,  Q30,  can  hardly 
have  been  purely  for  use.  They  would  be  im- 
possible for  sheep  shearing,  or  cutting  hair  or  cloth. 
Some  ceremonial  purpose  is  suggested  by  the  size, 
perhaps  carried  in  a  sheep-shearing  festival. 

Two-handed  shears  for  cutting  metal  are  rarely 
found.  Q  31  (lxxix)  from  Mainz  is  the  only  Roman 
example,  and  Q32  is  Anglo-Saxon.  The  form 
remained  in  the  Dutch  tinman's  shears,  1694  (Q  33), 
and  in  the  same  of  modern  times.  Perhaps  the 
Swedish,  Q34,  is  to  be  considered  as  shears,  as 
requiring  two  hands,  though  the  blades  are  of  a 
scissor  form. 

135.  Scissors  worked  by  separate  fingers  are  not 
dated  earlier  than  the  first  century,  Q36.  Those 
from  Priene,  35,  South  Italy,  37,  and  Egypt,  38,  are 
of  Roman  age,  but  not  dated  more  closely.  The 
snuffers  are  a  special  form  of  scissors,  and  are  found 
in  Egypt,  made  of  bronze,  Q  39.  From  the  metal 
these  can  hardly  be  of  very  late  date ;  the  thin, 
weak  form  of  the  legs  is  inferior  to  the  usual  scissors 
of  Roman  time,  and  they  are  probably  Ptolemaic. 
Neither  of  the  two  words  in  the  Pentateuch 
rendered  as  snuffers  imply  this  form.  One  is 
mezammeroth,  from  zahmar,  to  prune  the  vine, 
implying  a  small  knife  to  cut  a  lamp  wick ;  the 
other  word  is  malgah-khaym,  from  mahlag,  to  pinch 
off,  implying  tweezers  for  trimming  the  burnt 
part,  like  the  lamp  trimmers  on  pi.  lxiv,  Nos.  54 
to  59. 

The  Dutch  shears,  Q  40,  are  much  like  those  of 
modern  tailors,  in  the  depth  of  the  hinge  pin. 
Spring  shears  were  also  used  in  1694,  for  cutting 
out  clothes  (Het  Menselyk  bedrye,  pi.  2). 

HAIR  CURLER  AND  RAZOR  !   (x)    PLS.   LX,   LXI 

136.  A  curiously  shaped  utensil  is  found  in 
burials  and  towns,  X  1  to  20.     It  is  formed  of  two 



parts  ;  a  small  knife,  as  seen  separate  in  X  2  ;  and 
a  trough  of  sheet  copper,  into  which  fits  the  pro- 
jection of  the  knife  back,  retained  by  a  pin  on 
which  the  parts  hinge  together.  Thus  the  pointed 
butt  of  the  knife  can  be  recessed  into  the  trough, 
as  in  5,  6,  7  ;  or  else  the  back  of  the  knife  can  be 
recessed  as  in  9.  The  knife  is  sometimes  sharp  on 
one  side,  as  2,  3,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10  ;  in  other  examples 
it  is  sharp  at  a  wide  end,  as  1,  4,  5,  11,  12,  13. 
These  utensils  are  found  at  Mahasnah  (grave  395) 
as  early  as  the  vith  to  xth  dynasties  (1)  ;  in  the 
xiith  dynasty  at  Kahun  (2,  3)  ;  in  the  xviiith 
dynasty  at  Gurob  (5  to  8)  and  Amarna  (4)  ;  and 
about  the  xxiind  dynasty  at  the  Ramesseum  (11). 
That  these  were  not  merely  trade  tools  is  obvious 
from  the  beautiful  designs  on  them  in  the  xviiith 
dynasty.  14  is  a  running  jackal ;  15  is  a  run- 
ning panther ;  16  is  a  galloping  horse ;  17  is  a 
crane,  with  the  hinged  opening  made  to  represent 
the  jaws  ;  18  is  a  group  of  a  dog  chasing  a  gazelle  ; 
19  is  a  galloping  horse  with  plumes  on  the  head ; 
and  20  is  a  figure  of  Taurt.  These  figures  are  of  the 
best  style,  and  they  are  some  of  the  most  charm- 
ing and  spirited  work  of  the  xviiith  dynasty. 

As  to  the  utility  of  these  articles,  the  knife  was 
the  less  important  part,  as  it  is  diminished  in  some 
figures,  and  entirely  suppressed  in  17,  18,  19  and 
20.  Hence  the  two  points,  hinging  open  or  shut, 
are  the  essential  part.  From  the  care  and  delicacy 
of  the  decoration  it  is  probable  that  these  were 
toilet  articles  ;  and  we  may  guess  that  the  two 
hinging  points  were  for  winding  the  little  curls  of 
the  wig.  If  the  points  were  slightly  heated,  and 
the  curl  was  then  wound,  and  stretched  upon  them, 
by  using  them  like  a  glove  stretcher,  the  curl 
would  take  a  set.  The  wigs  of  two  centuries  ago 
were  curled  by  winding  the  hair  on  heated  cylinders 
of  pottery.  So  the  much  closer  curl  of  an  Egyptian 
wig  would  be  set  by  the  stretcher  of  warm  metal. 
The  small  knife  would  be  required  to  cut  off  any 
straying  hair,  but  it  was  less  important  than  the 

137.  Ancient  razors  are  of  two  types,  to  scrape 
like  a  modern  razor,  or  to  saw  to  and  fro  through 
the  hairs  with  a  rotary  motion.  In  the  scraping 
razor  the  hand  is  at  the  end  of  the  cutting  edge, 
which  is  along  the  side  of  the  blade.  In  the  rotat- 
ing razor  the  edge  is  an  arc  of  a  circle  around  the 
grip,  and  it  can  be  rotated  around  the  grip,  to 
and  fro. 

The  scraping  razor  must  have  been  used  from 


the  beginning  of  the  1st  dynasty,  as  the  earliest 
dynastic  people  were  shaved,  while  the  predynastic 
race  was  bearded.  The  razors  21,  22,  are  sharp- 
ened at  one  edge  ;  from  their  form  and  the  slight- 
ness  of  the  handle  they  may  have  been  derived 
from  the  flaying  knife,  K  1  to  4.  These  are  pro- 
bably of  the  iiird  to  vith  dynasties.  The  project- 
ing edge,  X  23,  24,  was  certainly  used  in  the  xiith 
dynasty,  as  dated  at  Dahshur  to  Amenemhot  III, 
X  25  ;  and  it  continued  in  use  till  the  xviiith  dynasty 
as  dated  to  Hotshepsut,  X26.  After  that  the 
rotating  razor  superseded  it  in  Egypt. 

The  scraping  razor  was  made  in  slightly  varied 
forms  in  Crete  and  Rhodes,  X  27-30.  Much  the 
same  form  occurs  in  iron  at  Madras,  and  bronze 
at  Mantua,  X  31,  32. 

Another  form,  having  a  point,  looks  as  if  it  were 
copied  directly  from  a  flint  knife.  It  starts  at  La 
Tene  (X  33,  34)  and  is  always  of  iron  ;  variants  are 
35  from  the  Ardennes,  and  the  Roman  examples 
from  the  Milanese  (36),  from  Pompeii  (37,  lxxix, 
with  marks  of  a  wooden  sheath  rusted  on  it)  and 
from  Mainz  (38). 

138.  An  entirely  different  type  of  scraping  razor, 
X39  to  63,  seems  derived  from  the  flaying  knife. 
The  earliest  examples  are  X  39,  40,  41  from  Crete, 
belonging  to  the  close  of  the  Middle  Minoan  and 
beginning  of  Late  Minoan  period.  A  broader  form 
became  usual  rather  later  in  Italy,  from  the  middle 
of  Etruria  northward,  42.  An  unexplained  variant 
arose  in  Sicily,  having  a  notch  in  the  end ;  this 
comes  from  post-Mykenaean  cemeteries,  but  with- 
out any  trace  of  iron,  perhaps  1100  B.C.  The  notch 
appears  most  certainly  in  the  largest  razor,  43, 
which  is  probably  the  earliest  of  this  group.  The 
notch  dwindles  in  45-47,  widens  in  44,  leading  to 
a  slightly  concave  end  in  X48,  49.  The  purpose 
of  it  is  quite  obscure.  X49  has  an  unsymmetric 
ridge  on  each  side,  making  the  rhombic  section  here 
marked  in  the  middle  of  it.  As  the  skin  would  be 
held  by  the  left  hand  in  shaving,  the  right  would 
move  outward  away  from  the  left,  hence  this  sec- 
tion gives  the  broader  side  of  the  edge  outward 
in  use. 

This  type  had  remarkable  travels.  The  Sicilian 
form,  48,  49,  seems  closely  copied  in  the  Rhine 
type,  50.  The  notch  at  the  end  cannot  be  dis- 
sociated from  the  split  end  of  the  Syracusan  form 
51.  This  peculiar  form  again  cannot  be  separated 
from  the  Yorkshire  form  52,  from  the  Heathery 
Burn,  and  similar  forms  from  Wallingford,  Dunbar, 



and  Ireland  (Evans,  Bronze) ;  these  must  go  with 
the  Wiltshire  53.  The  other  West  of  England 
razors,  54  and  55,  probably  are  of  the  same  stock. 
The  type  penetrated  to  the  Continent ;  the  Flemish 
form,  56,  with  a  split  end,  is  too  peculiar  not  to  be 
connected  with  the  Yorkshire  52.  An  enormous 
development  of  the  end  notch  seems  to  have  arisen 
in  Switzerland,  South  Germany,  and  France,  in  the 
forms  57  and  58,  which  have  not  apparently  any 
other  origin.  In  South  Italy  an  entirely  different 
line  of  development  was  followed,  leading  to  a 
square  razor,  62,  63.  The  notch  at  the  end  in  59, 
60,  links  these  to  the  Sicilian  type ;  the  notch  re- 
cedes into  the  blade,  as  a  hole,  in  61  from  Athens, 
and  an  echo  of  it  may  remain  in  the  circle  pattern 
on  63.  In  looking  over  the  whole  series  it  is 
evident  the  Cretan  flaying-knife  razor  is  the  earliest 
in  actual  dating.  Only  from  that  type  could  the 
Sicilian  form  be  derived.  From  the  Sicilian  notched 
form  three  other  branches  come,  the  split  in  England 
and  Flanders,  the  lunate  razor  of  Germany,  and 
the  square  razor  of  Italy.  It  seems  impossible, 
from  the  progress  of  type,  and  the  relative  ages 
of  the  groups,  to  arrange  them  in  any  other  his- 
torical sequence.  This  throws  much  light  on  lines 
of  trade;  the  English  and  Flemish  forms  arrived 
by  some  other  route  than  Italy,  and  probably  the 
German  forms  by  a  third  route. 

139.  The  rotating  razor  begins  as  a  strip  of  metal 
sharpened  at  the  end,  X  64,  pi.  lx,  from  Dahshur, 
X65,  lxi,  from  Kahun,  both  of  the  xiith  dynasty. 
This  type  had  a  loop  added  in  the  form  of  a  goose's 
head,  X  67,  in  the  xviiith  dynasty ;  and  perhaps 
from  this  may  come  the  northern  razors,  X  68,  69. 
Another  such  form  is  that  with  Taurt,  X  66.  Plain 
strips  were  also  used,  as  X  72,  73.  As  these  strips 
were  grasped  at  the  middle,  and  the  end  worked 
with  a  sawing  motion,  it  was  a  simple  step  to  hold 
them  by  the  thumb  and  finger,  and  rotate  them 
to  and  fro.  The  whole  razor  of  this  type,  as  fully 
developed,  is  X78,  79  (two  duplicates  of  79). 
Holding  the  middle  of  the  blade  between  the  thumb 
and  finger,  the  little  finger  and  third  could  hold 
the  projecting  spur  and  vibrate  it  to  and  fro,  thus 
rotating  the  razor  and  working  the  edge  in  a  saw- 
fashion.  Other  examples  here  have  lost  the  handles, 
as  X  74,  75  (two  duplicates),  76,  77,  80,  81.  No. 
75  is  the  only  inscribed  razor  that  I  have  seen, 
belonging  to  the  "  guardian  of  the  door  of  Rannut, 
Pasar."  Nos.  80,  81,  are  of  the  reign  of  Tehut- 
mes  III,  78  and  79  are  probably  about  Amen- 

hetep  III.  From  La  Tene  comes  83,  an  adaptation 
of  the  same  form ;  by  holding  it  on  the  straight 
part  of  the  stem,  and  vibrating  the  ball,  the  edge 
would  be  rotated  to  and  fro. 

This  type  was  evidently  copied  at  Carthage, 
X  82  ;  but  modified  by  providing  a  ring  to  hold  as 
the  centre  of  motion,  and  a  long  neck  and  head  of 
a  goose  for  the  little  finger  to  vibrate. 

The  ring  in  the  previous  example  shows  how  the 
ring  handles  of  Italian  razors  were  to  be  held,  X  85 
to  94.  In  the  best  formed,  93,  94,  a  large  part  of 
the  edge  nearly  centres  on  the  ring  handle,  and 
would  be  worked  to  and  fro  by  rotation  round  the 
ring.  The  little  spur  at  the  base  of  the  blade  in 
86,  87,  88,  looks  as  if  it  were  to  be  worked  on  by 
the  finger.  Without  actual  experiment  and  prac- 
tice the  mode  of  handling  these  razors  cannot  be 

The  latest  razor  is  a  steel-edged  blade,  X  84  from 
Oxyrhynkhos,  which  was  worked  like  a  knife. 

leather  cutter,  and  cutting-out  knife  : 
(l)  pls.  lxii,  lxiii 

140.  The  short  blade  used  with  heavy  pressure 
for  cutting  leather,  has  always  been  of  much  the 
same  shape.  An  example  in  the  Cairo  Museum, 
Li,  is  closely  like  one  figured  in  the  tomb  of 
Rekhmara,  L2,  of  the  xviiith  dynasty.  The 
bronze  L49  from  Memphis  is  probably  a  leather 
cutter,  but  without  a  wooden  handle.  The  modern 
Greenland  form,  L  4,  seems  to  be  for  the  same 
purpose,  and  is  like  the  present  saddler's  knife.  A 
very  simple  knife  on  the  same  principle  is  the  rough 
bit  of  iron  set  in  wood,  L3,  which  I  owe  to  Dr. 
Seligman,  who  informs  me  that  it  is  used  for  cutting 
maize  stalks  in  Kordofan. 

For  detailed  cutting  a  smaller  blade  and  longer 
handle  are  needed.  These  appear  in  the  iron  age  at 
La  Tene  and  Stradonic  in  Hungary,  L  5,  6.  A 
later,  and  more  decorated,  form  is  from  Auvergne, 
7.  The  square-ended  blades,  8,  9,  of  Roman  age, 
might  be  used  for  long  straight  cuts.  The  slope- 
ended  blade  of  Pompeii  (10)  is  of  bronze,  and  is 
called  a  paste-cutter;  that  from  Heidenberg  (11) 
might  be  a  form  of  socket  chisel.  The  socketted 
cutter,  12,  from  the  Roman  camp  at  Newstead, 
has  been  called  a  turf  cutter.  The  ornamental 
cutting  in  a  garden  is  an  unlikely  purpose,  and  for 
cutting  peats  or  turves  a  long  blade  is  needful. 
This  might  be  a  small  spud,  but  it  is  so  much  like 
No.  6  that  they  are  classed  together  here. 



141.  Another  tool  akin  to  the  leather-cutter- is 
the  cutting-out  tool  for  linen.  Before  scissors  were 
started  in  the  Graeco-Roman  age,  or  shears  in  the 
late  iron  age,  some  special  form  of  knife  was  re- 
quired to  cut  out  linen  garments.  The  type  of 
knife  L  17-26  is  often  found  with  burials  of  women 
(e.g.  Illahun,  xvii),  and  it  is  exactly  adapted  to 
cutting  out  on  a  flat  board.  The  convex  curves  at 
the  top  and  at  the  butt  are  the  only  sharp  edges. 
The  top  curve  would  be  for  making  a  running 
cut,  and  the  butt  for  chopping  through  any 
tough  threads,  or  parts  that  dragged  in  the  long 

The  earliest  cutting-out  knife  is  from  Abydos, 
just  before  the  1st  dynasty,  L  13A,  pi.  lxxix  ;  the 
next  is  that  found  in  the  tomb  of  king  Zet,  first 
dynasty,  L  13  ;  another  of  the  same  form,  L  29 
(lxiii),  is  without  locality,  but  obviously  of  the 
same  age.  Only  the  two  convex  curves  are  sharp. 
The  large  flat  knife,  28,  apparently  for  cutting  out, 
is  like  one  of  the  vith  dynasty  from  Mahasnah 
(G.M.  xxxiii). 

The  beginning  of  the  single-curved  end  is  seen 
in  L30,  31,  32;  these  are  probably  of  the  xiith 
dynasty,  compare  K  95,  though  a  further  form  of 
this  lasted  till  the  xviiith  dynasty,  L  21,  22.  Also 
of  the  xiith  dynasty  is  the  beginning  of  the  notch, 
as  in  L  14  from  Diospolis  and  L  33  from  Ballas. 
Of  the  photographs  none  of  the  remainder  are  dated, 
except  43,  44,  of  xviiith  or  xixth  dynasty,  from 
Gurob.  The  drawings  are  all  of  dated  examples 
from  tomb-groups.  Under  Tehutmes  I,  No.  15, 
the  form  is  like  L  34.  Nos.  16  to  22  are  all  within 
the  long  reign  of  Tehutmes  III ;  with  these  go  L  35 
to  42.  The  later  cutters  are  narrower  in  the 
handle,  as  23  of  Amenhetep  III,  with  which  goes 
43,  44.  The  xixth  dynasty  is  marked  by  the  pro- 
jections of  the  butt  edge,  as  in  24,  26,  and  with 
these  go  L  45,  46,  47.  The  only  inscribed  speci- 
men is  45,  reading  "  Uab-priest  of  Anhur."  L27 
is  probably  about  the  time  of  Tehutmes  III ;  it 
combines  the  wig  curler  with  this  form  of  knife. 

After  the  xixth  dynasty  no  examples  are  known 
with  any  dating.  The  knife  L  48  is  of  the  same 
form  of  cutting  edge,  but  quite  different  in  the 
stem.  It  seems  of  later  date,  as  it  has  a  tang  for 
a  handle.  The  strange  little  knife,  L  50,  is  covered 
with  punched  patterns.  It  was  bought  in  Egypt, 
and  cannot  be  dated.  Above  the  last  are  three 
curved  slips  of  bronze ;  they  may  be  models  of 
some  tool,  or  possibly  eyebrows  from  a  coffin. 

TWEEZERS  :     (Y)   PLS.   LXII,    LXIV 

142.  The  two  main  uses  of  tweezers  are  for  re- 
moving hairs  and  extracting  thorns.  For  the 
former  purpose  wide  jaws  were  usual;  for  the 
thorns,  narrow  or  pointed  jaws,  to  press  down  into 
the  flesh.  Where  wide  jaws  are  used  there  is  no 
need  for  a  wide  hinge,  as  a  little  side  play  is  of  no 
consequence ;  but  with  pointed  jaws  the  hinge 
must  be  wide,  to  prevent  the  points  slipping  aside, 
one  past  the  other. 

No  tweezers  have  been  found  in  the  prehistoric 
graves ;  but  by  the  middle  of  the  first  dynasty,  in 
the  tomb  of  Semerkhet,  there  was  an  admirable 
pair  of  tweezers,  Y  1.  This  has  a  very  wide  hinge, 
thin  and  flexible,  with  stiff  legs,  so  as  not  to  flatten 
out  with  pressure.  From  this  we  may  similarly 
date  Y23,  24,  pi.  lxiv.  Though  25  is  like  the 
Pompeian  Y  20,  yet  the  style  of  manufacture,  and 
its  being  apparently  of  copper,  show  that  it  is 
early  dynastic.  Y  26  has  pointed  jaws,  so  that  it 
would  be  difficult  to  grasp  anything.  Next  after 
these  come  the  tweezers  from  Mochlos,  of  early 
Minoan  II  period,  like  28  (S.M.  35). 

In  the  xiith  dynasty  wide  jaws  were  usual,  and 
a  narrow  hinge,  Y2,  3.  In  order  to  keep  the 
tweezers  in  proper  order,  when  carrying  them  hung 
from  the  girdle,  they  were  often  set  on  a  block  of 
hardwood,  or  of  ivory,  as  Y  27,  28.  Similar  blocks 
were  used  in  Denmark  (S.A.N.  1908-9,  p.  89).  To 
the  same  period  belong  other  wide-jaw  forms,  some- 
times strangely  decorated,  as  Y  2,  3,  30,  31,  32,  33  ; 
29  is  from  Rifeh,  and  30  from  Kahun.  In  the 
xviiith  dynasty  tweezers  were  very  poorly  made, 
as  Y  34,  35,  36,  37.  There  are  six  duplicates  of  35, 
and  two  of  36  ;   also  duplicates  of  29,  39. 

In  the  Roman  age  there  are  many  forms;  simple 
loops  as  41  (and  duplicate),  42,  with  wire  hinge 
and  flat  legs.  Y  43  has  a  term  bust  at  the  hinge, 
and  depends  entirely  on  the  spring  of  the  legs. 
Y  44  has  an  openwork  head.  Y  45  has  a  slot  in 
each  leg,  for  a  sliding  pin  to  clip  the  legs  together. 
In  the  late  Roman  and  Coptic  age  sets  of  thorn 
tools,  to  hang  at  the  girdle,  became  usual.  The 
set  generally  consisted  of  a  minute  knife  to  open 
up  the  skin,  a  point  to  press  below  the  thorn  to 
raise  it,  and  small  tweezers  to  extract  the  thorn. 
The  frequency  of  prickly  plants  on  the  desert  edge 
made  such  tools  to  be  more  required  in  Egypt  than 
in  other  lands.  The  earlier  stage  is  seen  in  the 
xviiith  dynasty,  when  slips  of  bronze  were  made 



with  long  sharp  points,  and  kept  sometimes  in  a 
bunch  of  half  a  dozen ;  but  they  were  not  fastened 
to  the  tweezers. 

Y  46  is  a  bunch  of  a  knife,  a  point,  a  presser  (?), 
and  other  indistinct  pieces.  Below  it  is  a  simple 
point,  47.  48  is  a  bunch  of  tweezers,  pricker,  and- 
knife.  49  is  a  knife  separately.  50  is  a  ring  with 
tweezers  and  point.  Y  51 ,  from  Lahun,  and  52  are 
bunches  of  all  three  tools.  Y  53  is  a  pair  of  tweezers, 
with  a  point  hinging  on  a  rivet  through  the  tweezers, 
so  that  it  can  be  turned  out  sideways,  or  else  carried 
between  the  tweezers  for  protection.  Y  54  to  59 
are  large  weak  tweezers  of  iron,  sometimes  with 
a  long  point  (57,  58) ;  they  are  all  from  Oxyrhynkhos, 
and  seem  to  be  a  local  form.  Duplicates  are  here 
°f  55  (4);  57  (2);  and  59.  They  are  far  too 
rough  and  weak  to  grip  thorns,  and  seem  to  be 
probably  for  lamp  trimming,  like  the  pinchers — 
translated  snuffers  or  tongs — mentioned  in  the 
Pentateuch.  The  length  of  them  was  required  to 
keep  them  cool  enough  to  hold,  when  engaged  in 
a  hot  flame. 

143.  Turning  now  to  the  European  forms,  we  see 
that  the  La  Tene  form  (MX.  291)  is  closely  like  that 
of  Y  30,  and  large  sizes  do  not  appear  until  the 
iron  age.  The  early  forms  are  small,  simple,  and 
not  well  made,  being  narrow  both  at  jaw  and  at 
hinge,  Y  4,  5.  A  grip  clutch  was  often  used,  Y  6-8, 
which  is  scarcely  needed  for  thorns ;  this  suggests 
a  surgical  use,  to  secure  a  hold  on  internal  tissues 
when  operating.  Very  wide  jaws  were  used  in  the 
north,  as  Y  9,  10.  At  Pompeii  the  skew  form, 
Y  12,  13,  was  favoured,  in  order  to  get  a  clearer 
view  when  in  use.  Simple  and  rude  forms  arc 
found  widely  spread,  as  Y  14  to  19,  probably  the 
earliest  stage  on  the  European  side.  The  bunch 
of  thorn  tools  occurs  in  the  north,  Y  21,  and  a 
similar  set  from  South  Germany  has  an  earpick  also 
(M.  V.  69) ;  these  are  attributed  to  the  late  Hall- 
statt  period.  This  would  suggest  that  the  Egyp- 
tian examples  are  not  Roman  in  origin,  but  were 
brought  by  the  northern  garrisons,  which  have 
left  so  many  Frankish  and  other  remains  in  Egypt. 
Yet  a  much  earlier  source  of  the  type  appears  in 
the  copper  age  of  Mesopotamia.  Banks  found  "  little 
funnel-shaped  cases  containing  four  instruments 
held  together  by  a  key  ring  ....  a  pair  of  tweezers 
and  three  knife  blades  of  different  shapes  "  (Bismiya, 
p.  310). 

The  pair  of  pincers,   Y  22,   was£doubtless  for 
surgical  use. 

BORERS,   PINS,   AND  NEEDLES  \   (n)    PLS.   LXII,   LXV 

144.  Early  borers  are  always  mere  expanders  for 
forcing  and  enlarging  a  hole  in  skins ;  it  is  not  till 
later  that  the  advantage  of  a  square  form  to  cut 
the  hole  larger,  is  adopted.  The  simple  squared 
borers  here  are  N  29  to  32  from  Naqadeh,  of  pre- 
historic Egypt ;  N  1  of  the  1st  dynasty  ;  and  33  to 
35  of  the  xiith  dynasty,  from  Kahun.  The  figure 
of  a  borer  in  a  handle,  N  2,  is  of  the  same  date. 
N  36,  37  in  handles,  both  round,  are  without  a  his- 
tory. N  38  is  square,  and  39,  40  are  round,  from 
Harageh,  xiith  dynasty.  N  41  is  square,  and  42, 43, 
44  round,  from  Amarna,  xviiith  dynasty.  45-47  are 
square,  and  48-51  are  round,  of  the  xviiith-xixth 
dynasties  from  Gurob.  52  is  square,  and  53  round, 
from  the  Ramesseum.  54,  of  unknown  site,  is  of  iron 
and  square.  55  to  57  are  flat  copper  bodkins.  There 
are  five  round  and  two  square  borers  without  a 
history.  From  Europe  there  is  a  round  borer  from 
La  T£ne,  N  3  ;  from  Susa,  N  4  is  a  round  borer 
with  a  square  shank  showing  that  it  had  a  fixed 

145.  Two  interesting  tools  are  58,  59,  of  bronze. 
They  are  both  very  thin,  and  incapable  of  being 
used  with  force ;  they  can  only  have  been  worked 
with  very  delicate  handling,  and  they  seem  to 
exactly  agree  to  the  requirements  of  the  needle  used 
for  splitting  papyrus  (Pliny,  xiii,  23).  The  length 
would  allow  of  taking  off  the  breadth  for  a  roll, 
the  double  edge  of  59  would  work  in  either  direc- 
tion, the  thinness  would  prevent  straining  the  leaf, 
and  the  lightness  would  enable  the  hand  to  feel  the 
way  between  the  leaves  without  cutting  through 

146.  The  pin  may  be  regarded  as  the  prototype 
of  the  borer,  being  left  in  the  hole  to  secure  the 
garment.  To  turn  over  the  end  of  the  borer  so  as 
to  tie  it  on,  and  prevent  its  loss,  was  a  common 
stage  in  most  lands.  In  Egypt  the  copper  pin  with 
loop  head  is  found  in  the  oldest  graves  known, 
s.D.  30.  The  examples  here  are  on  pi.  lxv,  N  102, 
of  s.D.  71  (Naqadeh  485) ;  103  (Naq.  1460) ;  104, 
107  (Naq.  63) ;  108  (Naq.) ;  109  (South  town, 
Naq.) ;  and  two  unplaced,  105-6.  A  simple  form 
of  loop  head  is  found  down  to  the  xiith  dynasty, 
N  12,  lxii.  Outside  of  Egypt  the  simple  turn-over 
head  is  found  in  Western  Persia,  N  13  ;  and  the 
turn-over  and  twisted  heads  are  found  in  many 
parts  of  Europe,  as  N  5  to  n,  which  are  from 
drawings  kindly  sent  by  M.  Siret. 



The  toggle  pin  is  dated  in  Egypt  to  the  xviiith 
dynasty,  as  in  N  15,  16,  17.  It  is  found  in  My- 
kenaean  Greece,  and  also  in  Western  Persia,  N  14. 
The  history  of  pins  belongs  rather  to  toilet  and 
personal  ornaments,  and  will  be  dealt  with  more 
fully  in  the  volume  on  that  section. 

147.  Needles  of  copper  begin  to  appear  in  the 
earlier  part  of  the  second  prehistoric  civilisation, 
s.d.  48  in  Egypt.  Four  here,  N  66  to  69,  are  from 
a  prehistoric  grave,  Naqadeh  63.  Some  of  them 
are  pointed  at  the  butt,  which  is  not  the  case  later. 
From  Kahun  are  N  70  to  74  of  the  xiith  dynasty. 
Similar  needles,  N  75  to  79,  are  from  the  opposite 
site  of  Harageh,  of  the  xiith  dynasty.  The  very 
long  and  thin  bronze  needle,  80,  is  one  of  a  group 
found  stored  in  a  bird's  bone,  site  unknown,  probably 
of  the  xviiith  dynasty.  The  needles  81  to  84  from 
Gurob,  and  85-87  from  Amarna,  are  also  of  the 
xviiith  dynasty.  87  is  peculiar  for  having  two  thread 
holes  at  right  angles,  to  sew  two  threads  at  once. 
All  these  are  of  bronze.  The  total  of  the  copper 
and  bronze  needles  at  Univ.  Coll.  are,  prehistoric 
3  from  Naqadeh,  iiird  dynasty  3  from  Meydum, 
xiith  dynasty  31  from  Kahun,  24  from  Harageh; 
xviiith  dynasty  57  from  Gurob,  11  from  Amarna. 
Undated  5  from  Koptos,  17  unplaced. 

The  great  coarse  needles  or  bodkins  are  later  ; 
88  is  of  bronze  undated,  89  is  from  the  Ramesseum, 
perhaps  800  B.C.  Of  iron,  90  is  from  Memphis ; 
91  from  Gurob  ;  93  from  Hawara ;  94  from  Lahun  ; 
95  from  Oxyrhynkhos ;  96,  97,  pi.  Ixix,  are  from 
Rifeh ;  all  these  are  probably  of  Roman  age.  A 
set  of  late  Roman  needles  from  Hawara  are 
N  21  to  25.  Similar  needles  of  the  Coptic  age 
were  found  at  Balyzeh  (P.G.  xxxviii,  A,  B).  Of 
European  needles,  N  19  is  from  Bologna,  about 
500  B.C.  ;  N  20  is  a  bronze  bodkin  from  Athens, 
pi.  Ixix. 

Netting  needles  are  found  from  the  xiith  dynasty, 
of  wood.  N  98  is  a  bronze  one  from  Harageh,  of 
the  xiith.  N  99,  100  are  bronze  netters  undated. 
Two  of  wood  are  among  weaving  implements,  130, 
131,  in  the  next  plate.  The  end  of  an  iron 
netting  needle,  N  26,  is  from  Defenneh.  N  27 
is  a  bronze  netting  needle  from  Athens ;  the  eyes 
are  at  right-angles  one  to  another.  Netting 
was  greatly  used  for  fishing  nets  at  all  periods  in 


A  bronze  thimble,  open  at  both  ends,  was  bought 
in  Egypt,  N  no,  xliv  ;  the  date  is  not  known,  but 
probably  Roman. 


148.  The  simplest  method  of  using  thread  was  in 
a  ball,  or  on  a  reel.  In  the  xiith  dynasty  little 
balls  of  thread  are  often  found,  wound  on  scraps 
of  pottery.  In  the  xviiith  dynasty  reels  of  clay 
are  common,  as  N  in,  112  (Gurob) ;  sometimes 
they  are  larger,  of  blue  or  green  glazed  pottery  with 
a  pattern,  N  113,  114,  which  are  probably  of  the 
xxiind  dynasty.  Larger  reels,  115  (blue  paste)  and 
116  (wood),  were  made  from  the  xviiith  dynasty 
onward.  Probably  these  reels  were  used  for  net 
making,  instead  of  netting  needles.  A  turned  reel 
of  polished  wood,  117,  has  thread  on  it  still ;  it  is 
probably  Roman. 

Bodkins  of  wood  are  often  found,  as  118  to  122. 

Bobbins  for  pillow  netting,  like  pillow  lacework, 
were  made  of  bone,  123,  and  of  ebony,  124,  in  order 
to  distinguish  two  classes  of  thread  (Gurob) ;  these 
are  probably  of  xixth  dynasty,  but  might  be 
Roman.  Similarly  bits  of  reed  were  used  for  the 
thread,  as  125. 

Netting  was  generally  done  with  pointed  rib 
bones,  128, 129,  on  which  thread  was  wound.  These 
are  from  Gurob,  and  such  netters  abound  in  sites 
of  the  xviiith  and  xixth  dynasty,  and  were  likewise 
used  in  Assyria.  Netting  needles  of  wood  are  some- 
times found,  as  130  (Kahun)  and  131  (Gurob). 

149.  For  spinning,  the  small  rounded  limestone 
spindle  whorls  abounded  in  the  prehistoric  town  at 
Naqadeh.  The  domed  limestone  whorl,  138,  and 
coned  wooden  whorl,  139,  are  of  the  xiith  dynasty 
from  Kahun.  140  is  the  typical  cylindrical  whorl 
of  the  xiith  dynasty ;  there  are  also  many  others 
here  from  Kahun.  The  thread  notch  in  that  age 
was  a  deep  spiral  groove  round  the  shaft.  N  141, 
142  are  the  typical  domed  whorls  of  the  xviiith 
dynasty,  found  with  many  others  at  Gurob.  The 
thread  notch  is  a  cut  across  the  shaft  near  the  top. 
N  143  to  147  are  the  Roman  spindles,  with  iron 
hooks  to  retain  the  thread.  A  beautiful  spindle  of 
bronze,  pi.  Ixii,  N  28,  is  at  Athens. 

150.  Shuttles  are  rather  rare.  N  126  has  the  stock 
of  thread  wound  on  it,  and  retained  by  cross  bind- 
ing. N  127  had  a  reel  for  the  thread  in  a  middle 
gap  ;  it  is  weighted  with  plugs  of  lead,  to  enable  it 
to  be  thrown  with  better  effect. 

Pieces  of  looms  are  sometimes  found.  137  may 
be  a  weaver's  warp  beam  with  pegs  for  the  groups 
of  warp  threads  ;  or  it  may  be  part  of  a  harp.  133, 
134.  135  (Gurob)  are  bars  for  spacing  the  groups  of 



warp  threads.  132,  136  (Gurob)  are  slays  or 
beaters-in  for  driving  up  the  thread  between  the 

Weavers'  combs  were  introduced  in  late  Roman 
times  to  push  up  the  woof  thread  into  place,  instead 
of  putting  in  the  long  slay  between  the  two  sets 
of  warp  threads.  These  combs  are  often  much 
worn  between  the  teeth  by  sliding  on  the  warp 
threads.  N 148,  151,  153  are  the  usual  combs. 
150,  from  Wushym,  is  a  bit  of  comb-teeth  cut  to 
renew  a  comb,  rather  than  throw  it  away  when 
worn  out.  152  has  a  curved  handle.  153  is  from 
Gurob.  154  from  Wushym,  is  of  a  very  small  size, 
probably  for  weaving  bands.  N  148  has  two  Arabic 
words  roughly  cut  upon  it,  perhaps  reading  qelateh 
'ayat :  possibly  a  man  of  Kafr  el  Ayat. 

A  large  number  of  iron  pegs,  N  61  to  64,  pi.  lxv, 
were  found  together.  The  lower  parts  are  in  good 
state,  only  the  top  inch  or  so  is  rusted.  On  some 
of  them  near  the  point  are  worn  fine  cross  grooves. 
It  seems  as  if  these  were  the  stock  of  pegs  for  a 
ground  loom.  They  were  driven  into  the  dry  earth, 
and  were  only  rusted  at  the  top  where  exposed  to 
the  dew.  The  pegs  were  also  used  singly  by  hand 
to  push  up  threads  or  to  disentangle  them,  and 
hence  the  fine  grooves  worn  near  the  point,  by 
slipping  over  threads  covered  with  grit.  With 
these  was  a  chisel  of  iron  (60)  with  the  letters  alpha 
delta  theta  incised.  For  a  study  of  ancient  weav- 
ing see  L.  Roth,  Ancient  Egyptian  and  Greek  Looms, 



151.  The  simplest  of  all  means  of  cultivation  is 
the  natural  hoe,  cut  from  a  forking  branch,  such 
as  G  57  (lxviii).  Such  hoes  are  still  used  among  the 
hill  tribes  in  Central  Africa ;  and  from  the  speci« 
men  here  from  Kahun  we  see  that  it  continued  in 
use  through  the  high  civilisation  of  the  Old  and 
Middle  Kingdom.  A  bronze  model  of  this  type  is 
here,  G  70  (lxix),  and  a  wooden  model  is  copied, 
G  77,  pi.  lxxii. 

The  next  stage  was  the  compound  hoe,  with  a 
wooden  blade,  the  tenon  at  the  top  of  which  was 
inserted  through  the  wooden  handle.  To  resist  the 
strain  in  working,  a  cord  tied  the  blade  back  to  the 
handle.  This  cord  was  kept  in  place  usually  by 
notches  in  the  sides  of  the  blade,  as  G  59  (lxviii) 

from  Kahun,  or  the  bronze  funerary  models,  G  68, 
69  (lxix).  In  other  blades  holes  were  cut,  through 
which  the  cord  was  passed,  as  G  62  from  Herak- 
leopolis,  64  (lxviii),  and  78,  pi.  lxxii.  Wooden  models 
are  found  in  tombs  (58,  60,  61,  lxviii). 

The  Egyptian  plough  was  developed  from  the 
hoe.  The  ox  was  tied  to  the  long  handle,  and  the 
ploughman  held  the  forking  of  the  hoe.  The  large 
blade,  63  (lxviii),  must,  by  its  size,  have  been  used 
as  a  plough. 

152.  Winnowing  fans  are  often  found,  and  are 
shown  in  use  on  the  tomb  scenes  of  the  vth  dynasty. 
A  pair  such  as  G  65,  66  (lxviii)  were  held  by  the 
rounded  backs,  one  in  each  hand.  The  trodden 
grain  and  chaff  was  scraped  up  from  the  threshing 
floor,  upon  the  boards,  and  lifted  up  till  it  could 
be  tossed  on  high  for  the  wind  to  blow  away  the 
chaff.  Some  boards,  as  66,  have  an  equal  rounding 
on  each  side,  so  that  they  could  be  held  in  either 
hand  ;   usually  they  are  only  right-  or  left-handed. 

Other  agricultural  implements  on  pi.  lxix  are 
the  rakes,  74,  75,  which  are  often  found  of  the 
xiith  dynasty  ;  these  are  from  Kahun.  They  were 
usually  but  slightly  notched,  being  for  dragging 
the  mud  over  the  seed,  when  sown  on  the  retiring 
inundation.  The  mud,  when  once  dried,  is  far  too 
hard  to  be  broken  up  by  a  rake,  like  lighter  soils  ; 
the  only  use  of  a  rake  is  upon  the  soft  mud. 

The  yoke  was  used  from  the  iiird  dynasty,  but 
71  is  of  Roman  period,  from  the  Fayum  (see  G.W. 
466).  The  bar  next  to  it,  72,  is  a  light  carrying 
yoke  to  put  across  a  man's  shoulder.  Though  this 
was  used  anciently  (see  G.W.  figs.  112,  144),  and  is 
so  common  in  China  now,  it  has  entirely  disappeared 
from  modern  Egypt. 

The  heavy  club,  73,  was  for  beating  out  fibre  of 
some  kind  ;  it  has  been  much  polished  by  wear. 
Another  kind  of  bat,  perhaps  for  beating  flax,  is 
at  the  base  of  pi.  xlix,  W  240.  The  remainder  of 
the  objects  on  pi.  lxix  are  weapons  described  under 
R  and  V. 

The  Egyptian  agricultural  tools  being  all  of 
wood  have  been  taken  here  together,  leaving  the 
European  tools  to  be  next  considered,  pi.  lxvii. 

153.  In  the  light  volcanic-ash  soil  of  Pompeii  the 
hoe  was  the  usual  tool,  taking  the  place  of  a  spade 
in  heavier  soil.  The  same  use  of  the  large  hoe  is 
continued  about  Naples  at  present.  The  very  wide 
hoes,  G  1,  2,  4,  8,  used  at  Pompeii,  and  for  the  ash 
soil  of  the  Campagna,  were  partly  retained  by  the 
Romans  elsewhere,  as  in  Egypt,  with  a  deep  socket, 



5  (lxxix)  ;  but  the  edge  was  narrowed,  and  a  pick 
was  added  to  break  up  the  earth,  in  the  tools 
used  in  Germany  and  Britain,  3.  A  pointed  form 
was  adopted,  as  in  Germany,  12,  and  Spain,  11  ; 
or  a  smaller  blade  altogether,  in  Hungary,  7.  The 
socket  was  very  clumsy  and  heavy  in  many 
Pompeian  tools,  as  1,  2,  8,  9,  but  was  much  reduced 
in  the  form  from  Rome,  10,  where  it  is  ribbed  to  be 
as  strong  and  light  as  possible.  It  may  be  that 
the  needlessly  heavy  tools  were  for  the  slaves  of  the 
latifundia,  and  made  too  strong  to  be  easily  spoiled, 
while  the  lighter  tool  was  the  choice  of  the  free 

An  entirely  different  type  of  hoe,  very  narrow, 
long,  and  pointed,  13,  14,  15,  comes  from  Athens, 
and  was  used  in  mediaeval  France.  The  purpose  of 
this  is  evidently  for  work  in  stony  soils,  on  which 
the  broad  hoe  would  be  checked  and  broken.  The 
point  would  glance  off  the  stones,  the  narrow 
blade  pass  between  them,  and  the  concave  form 
of  the  blade  gave  strength  to  lever  the  stones  out 
of  the  ground  when  required.  It  is  like  the  modern 
ox-tongue  grubbing  hoe.  The  broad  hoe,  with  a 
long  tubular  socket,  was  used  in  France  on  lighter 
soils,  16. 

On  the  slopes  of  the  Apennines  a  narrow  and 
heavy  hoe  was  preferred,  17,  19,  with  a  double  pick 
for  breaking  up  clods,  like  the  modern  fork-end 
hoe ;  these  come  from  the  ruins  of  Velleia,  south 
of  Piacenza.  The  type  was  brought  into  Britain, 
and  is  found  in  Gloucestershire,  18. 

154.  The  spade  is  a  much  later  tool  than  the  hoe, 
and  none  are  preserved  before  Roman  times.  Both 
the  pointed  and  the  square  spade  were  in  use  at 
Pompeii,  22,  24.  The  pointed  spade  is  made  with 
an  internal  socket  block,  pointed  at  each  end,  and 
the  outer  plates  rivetted  to  it.  Small  spades  as 
25,  26,  run  down  in  size  to  the  spuds  28  to  31. 
The  shovel  with  raised  sides,  27,  is  much  less  usual. 
In  Norman  times  the  spade,  20,  was  only  one-sided  ; 
it  was  cut  in  wood,  and  shoed  with  sheet  iron. 
Similar  iron  shoes  are  found  in  Roman  times,  so 
that  the  wooden  spade  may  well  have  been  the 
primitive  form.  The  Normans  also  used  the  broad 
shovel,  with  the  eye  or  box  handle,  23.  The  crutch 
handle,  21,  appears  with  the  pointed  spade  in 
Dutch  use,  1694.  It  might  be  expected  to  be 
earlier  than  the  box  handle,  but  I  have  not  come 
across  it. 

155.  Ploughs  in  Italy  are  shown  in  detail  by 
two  bronze  models,  32.  33.    They  are  of  different 

form ;  in  32  the  plough  is  simple,  like  a  hoe,  and 
the  yoke  is  not  fashioned  to  keep  the  oxen  apart. 
33  is  more  advanced ;  by  the  share  resting  flat  on 
the  ground  it  seems  likely  that  it  turned  the  sod 
over,  though  there  is  no  mould-board  to  it ;  the 
yoke  is  shaped  to  a  fixed  distance  of  the  oxen. 
Neither  plough  has  a  coulter.  A  bronze  plough- 
share, with  a  socket  and  three  projecting  ribs,  comes 
from  Egypt,  top  left,  pi.  lxxi,  G  76.  The  share  of 
Greek  period  in  Egypt,  G  37,  was  a  stout  plate  of 
iron,  with  the  corners  lapped  round  to  form  a 
socket.  A  similar  design  is  widely  spread  in 
Pompeii,  Italy,  Sweden,  and  Russia  (34,  35,  36,  38). 
It  seems  defective  in  preventing  the  metal  from 
being  pushed  back  when  in  use  ;  a  grip  around  the 
wooden  stem  would  seem  needful.  Perhaps  these 
were  all  used  flat  on  the  ground,  like  the  flat  foot 
of  fig.  33.  A  form  of  two-handled  plough  was 
used  in  Roman  Egypt  (40)  with  a  flat  sole,  and  no 
means  of  throwing  the  sod  aside.  Probably  it  was 
for  sandy  ground,  in  which  there  was  no  solidity 
in  the  sod.  The  ploughshare  and  coulter  of 
mediaeval  France  is  39. 

156.  Forks  for  lifting  and  tossing  straw  or  hay 
were  used  early  in  Egypt.  The  form  41  is  cut 
from  a  naturally  forking  branch.  The  form  42, 
singularly  like  the  Etruscan  43,  seems  artificial. 
The  Egyptians,  however,  had  such  elaborate  train- 
ing of  wood  to  grow  in  required  forms,  that  this 
might  be  all  due  to  growth.  48  is  a  late  form  of 
iron  fork  from  Defenneh ;  this  and  47  might  be 
fish-spears.  44  is  so  short  that  it  seems  rather  to 
be  a  double  dibble.  45,  46,  49  and  50  are  probably 
agricultural  forks. 

The  iron  rake  for  breaking  the  soil,  G  51  to  56, 
was  a  common  tool,  with  two,  three,  or  four  prongs. 
Probably  all  are  of  Roman  age. 

THE  HORSE-BIT  :     (w)    PLS.   LXX,   LXXI 

157.  There  appear  to  be  three  stages  in  the 
types  of  the  bit ;  first  the  simple  snaffle — a  plain 
bar  or  jointed  bar,  acting  by  merely  holding  the 
mouth  ;  secondly,  the  protected  snaffle — with  a 
large  ring  or  a  bar  at  each  side  to  prevent  the  rein 
from  slipping  into  the  mouth  ;  thirdly,  the  curb, 
with  the  bars  lengthened  and  linked  together  behind 
the  jaw,  so  as  to  exert  a  leverage  on  the  jaw  when 
pulled  back. 

The  solid  bar  bit  is  found  in  Egypt  at  Defenneh 
about  600   b.c.  (10,  11) ;  also  in  North  Italy  (14) 



and  oouth  Germany  (5),  and  later  at  Pompeii  (21). 
The  advantage  of  the  linked  bit  in  compressing  as 
well  as  holding  the  mouth,  caused  it  to  become 
general.  The  side  ring  may  be  in  one  with  the  bar, 
as  no.  1  from  Trentino  and  Siberia.  The  rings, 
however,  are  generally  loose ;  sometimes  small, 
just  for  attachment,  as  in  the  Bologna  (2)  and 
Sarmatian  (4)  form  ;  or  else  large,  to  prevent  biting 
the  reins,  in  the  German  (5)  and  Celtic  bits,  as  in 
Spain  (3),  La  T£ne,  Lochlea,  Ireland,  etc.  The 
large  rings  with  a  twisted  bit  are  also  found  in 

The  bit  with  side  bars  arose  from  using  tusks  or 
horns  at  the  side  to  prevent  tricks  with  the  reins. 
These  are  often  found  in  the  lake  dwellings.  In 
the  side  bars  of  the  Belgian  bit,  7,  we  probably  see 
the  copying  of  leg-bones  of  a  dog  or  other  small 
animal.  The  plain  side  bars,  6  to  13,  belong  to  the 
north,  none  being  south  of  Belgium  ;  the  Egyptian 
bars,  9,  are  too  much  decayed  to  show  the  ends. 
Ivory  side  bars  with  iron  links  were  made  by  the 
late  Merovingians  (M.V.  36). 

158.  The  curb  begins  with  the  connecting  of  the 
side  bars  by  cross-ties  through  eyes  on  the  bar. 
This  is  a  more  southern  form,  between  Moeringen 
and  Georgia  on  the  north,  and  Bologna  and  Spain 
on  the  south  (14  to  18).  The  S-shaped  side  bars 
are  further  south,  in  Epirus  (19,  20)  and  Pompeii 
(21).  The  long  bar  with  teeth  on  the  inner  side  is 
found  in  Egypt,  W  40  (lxxi)  and  two  others. 
Exactly  the  same  form  occurs  in  the  later  graves  of 
Mykenae  (A.C.  2553),  probably  about  1000  B.C. ; 
and  this  indicates  the  most  likely  source  of  the 
Egyptian  form,  as  only  the  plain  bit  without  rings 
or  bars  appears  in  Egyptian  sculptures. 

Elaborate  open-work  plates,  instead  of  side  bars, 
came  into  use  in  the  later  bronze  age  in  Italy.  The 
simplest  is  the  triangle  hung  on  the  bit  (22),  with  a 
bronze  link  to  attach  the  rein.  Various  decorative 
forms  were  used,  23  to  29,  throughout  Etruria, 
but  not  beyond. 

Another  type  adopted,  to  keep  the  side  bar 
from  being  bitten,  was  the  curved  side  bar.  This 
very  likely  originated  in  using  boars'  tusks  for  the 
sides.  It  occurs  with  a  solid  bar,  as  a  snaffle,  in 
the  iron  age  in  Italy,  30  ;  also  in  Spain,  31,  32, 
both  as  snaffles.  Converted  into  a  curb,  it  is  a 
Central  European  form,  at  La  Tene  33,  Sarrelouis 
36,  Stillfried  34,  and  Bohemia  35.  It  is  also 
eastern,  as  it  is  found  in  Georgia  (38)  of  the  first 
iron  age,  and  of  about  the  same  date  at  Nineveh 

•*"(37)-  This  oriental  type  is  that  of  the  Egyptian 
example,  39  (lxxi),  which  may  have  been  left  be- 
hind by  an  Assyrian  invasion. 

The  heavy  bit,  41,  is  of  an  entirely  different  kind, 
depending  on  hurting  the  inside  of  the  mouth,  and 
not  on  holding  the  jaw.  It  is  of  classical  Greek  age, 
being  described  by  Xenophon.  A  short  chain  is 
in  the  middle,  on  either  side  of  it  a  sharp  three- 
pointed  star,  so  that  one  point  must  press  cruelly 
on  the  tongue  or  the  palate ;  next  a  sharp-edged 
disc,  then  two  wide  rings  covered  with  points  to 
press  the  lips.  The  whole  was  so  heavy  that  two 
lyre-shaped  loops  of  iron  held  it  up  by  straps  to 
the  head-band.  Outside  of  all  are  the  two  long 
hooks  for  the  reins. 

Another  entirely  different  form  of  bit  is  the  broad 
plate  across  the  nose,  found  at  Pompeii  (N.  75576), 
and  still  the  usual  form  in  Naples. 


159.  One  iron  spur  has  been  obtained  in  Egypt, 
W  58,  pi.  li.  The  plain  form  of  the  prick,  without 
any  enlargement,  is  peculiar.  All  of  the  spurs 
after  the  thirteenth  century  have  rowels ;  and 
before  that  nearly  all  have  enlarged  points  on  a 
narrower  neck,  as  W  59,  lxxii  (D.W.  344-9).  In 
the  eighth  century  German  spurs  have  thick  points 
without  a  neck  ;  and  a  Greek  bronze  spur,  60,  from 
Naples  (now  in  Paris)  has  a  plain  point  on  a  disc 
base  (D.W.  115).  This  Egyptian  example  is  most 
like  the  last  mentioned,  and  may  probably  be 
Roman  in  date. 

BRAND  :  '(w)    PL.   LXXI 

160.  The  brands  or  stamps  are  shown  on  pi.  lxxi 
in  side  view,  with  the  front  view  above,  reflected 
in  a  mirror,  and  therefore  in  the  same  direction  as 
the  impression.  How  they  were  used,  and  on  what 
material,  are  speculative  questions.  No  impres- 
sion of  such  a  stamp  has  been  found.  The  isolation 
of  the  stamp,  as  open  work  in  most  cases  (43,  44, 
47,  48,  49),  and  on  a  long  stem,  strongly  suggests 
that  it  was  heated,  and  acted  as  a  brand.  Some 
are  solid-body  stamps  (42,  45,  46),  and  of  a  smaller 
size ;  both  these  characters  would  prevent  use  as 
brands,  and  we  must  regard  these  as  colour  stamps, 
pintaderas.  That  they  were  not  used  on  permanent 
material,  as  clay  sealings,  or  branding  wood  or 
linen,  seems  proved  by  our  having  here  eight 
brands,  each  of  which  was  probably  used  dozens  or 



hundreds  of  times,  while  not  a  single  impress  of 
such  a  stamp  has  been  seen.  They  were  probably 
used  on  perishable  articles,  animal  or  vegetable. 

The  subjects  are  the  royal  name  (Aohmes  I,  43) 
or  emblems  of  divinities,  Hathor  42,  Set  44,  46, 
Mut  45,  and  the  goose  of  Amen  47,  48,  49.  With 
the  goose  in  48  is  the  sign  men  ;  though  smen  is  a 
kind  of  goose,  there  would  be  no  object  in  putting 
part  of  the  bird's  name;  this  must,  rather,  be 
connected  with  the  usual  abbreviation  of  Amen  as 
Men  in  the  cartouche  of  Pamay,  and  taken  as 
meaning  the  name  of  the  god.  The  period  of  them 
must  be  from  the  beginning  of  the  xviiith  dynasty 
(43),  through  the- devotion  to  Set  (44,  46)  in  the 
xixth  dynasty,  to  the  time  of  Pamay,  xxiind  dynasty. 
It  seems  probable  that  the  open-work  brands  were 
for  marking  slaves  or  cattle  dedicated  to  a  god, 
and  the  smaller  solid  stamps  were  for  a  colour 
stamp  on  devotees  at  the  festival  of  the  god. 


FIRE-HOOKS  :     (w)    PLS.   LXXI,   LXXII,   LXXIV 

161.  The  form  of  a  hand  on  a  long  rod  of  bronze 
is  known  in  Greek  usage  as  a  fire-tender.  The 
charcoal  or  wood  in  universal  use  only  required 
gently  shifting,  as  it  burnt  away  on  the  brazier. 
In  Egypt  the  same  form  occurs,  probably  beginning 
with  Greek  usage,  as  120  (lxxii)  from  Naukratis, 
119  from  Defenneh,  and  118,  pi.  lxxiv.  Possibly 
the  copper  rod  with  plate  at  the  end,  121,  may  be 
a  form  of  the  same  tool.  Another  form  combined 
a  hook  and  point  with  the  hand  ;  this  is  shown  on 
the  usual  half  scale  51,  pi.  lxxiv,  and  smaller  to  in- 
clude the  whole  object  as  51,  pi.  lxxi;  at  the  butt 
it  has  an  animal  head,  and  a  long  chain,  by  which 
it  was  attached  to  the  brazier.  The  smaller  plain 
hook  and  spike,  50  (lxxi),  is  for  the  same  purpose. 
It  is  given  of  the  same  scale  as  the  rest  of  the  plate, 
at  the  left ;  and  at  the  right  it  is  of  the  scale  of  the 
large  fire-hook.  Two  unexplained  objects  may  be 
here  noted  ;  122  (lxxii)  is  a  pointed  strip  of  bronze, 
rolled  up  at  the  end  ;  123  is  a  large  iron  blade  with 
socket  handle,  the  form  rather  suggests  a  "  beater- 
up  "  for  a  loom,  perhaps  for  woven  rush  mats. 


162.  The  pair  of  bronze  manacles,  W  52,  lxxi,  is 
of  a  rather  clumsy  pattern.    One  side  of  the  lower 


grip  can  be  unhooked  in  the  middle ;  but  there  is 
no  means  of  opening  the  upper  grip,  perhaps  it  was 
slipped  on  to  a  post  or  beam. 


163.  The  wooden  walking  staves  were  sometimes 
shod  or  tipped  with  bronze.  This  tube,  W  53, 
lxxi,  is  from  such  a  staff,  and  inscribed  with  unknown 
signs.  From  the  figure  of  a  standing  man  at  the 
end,  it  appears  that  the  signs  are  here  upright. 


164.  The  trident,  or  fish  spear  of  Neptune,  as  a 
coin  type  occurs  at  Messana  before  400  B.C.,  and 
after  that  often  in  Greece  and  Italy,  and  is  a  common 
type  of  the  coinage  of  Hiero  about  250  B.C.  It  was 
probably  introduced  by  the  Greeks  into  Egypt, 
being  found  at  Defenneh,  W  54,  lxxii.  Other  forms 
with  barbs  are  found  in  Switzerland  and  North 
Germany,  55-57. 


165.  The  use  of  flesh-hooks  for  removing  meat 
from  a  boiling  pot,  was  of  the  early  iron  age,  or 
before  that,  as  we  read  of  a  flesh-hook  of  three 
teeth  being  used,  in  1  Sam.  ii,  13,  and  there  is  one 
here  of  bronze  from  the  fonderia  of  Bologna.  There 
were  various  types  of  branching  of  the  hooks.  The 
earliest,  W  61  (lxxii),  has  the  hooks  all  branching 
from  a  middle  stem.  The  bronze,  62,  from  Naples, 
and  the  iron,  63,  from  Perugia,  have  a  ring  from 
which  the  hooks  start.  Later  the  form  is  rougher, 
of  crossing  strips  rivetted,  as  64  lxxii,  66  lxxiii. 
The  simplest  three-toothed  hook  was  combined 
with  the  ladle  for  the  broth,  as  65  (lxxii)  from 
Alesia,  and  69  (lxxiii)  from  Egypt ;  probably  67 
from  Oxyrhynkhos  is  part  of  the  same  form.  For 
a  similar  one  from  Ehnasya  see  P.E.  xxix.  What 
seems  to  be  an  ornamental  two-pronged  hook  is 
the  gazelle  head  on  a  socket  handle,  with  very  long 
twisted  horns,  68. 


166.  Shovels  are  found  of  the  later  bronze  age 
in  Cyprus  (d.c.  250)  and  of  Roman  age  at  Pompeii, 
but  they  obviously  were  needed  at  an  early  date, 
especially  in  temple  services  to  remove  ashes  of 
sacrifice  ;  this  is  recorded  of  the  Jewish  sacra,  from 
Exodus  to  Jeremiah.    The  Pompeian  examples  are 



none  of  them  large,  78  to  81,  and  are  domestic  rather 
than  for  trade  uses.  One  side-shovel  like  a  crumb 
scoop,  77  (lxxiii),  comes  from  the  Fayum ;  it  was  for 
the  left  hand,  and  may  have  been  used  to  scrape 
up  grain  or  flour,  to  place  in  some  vessel  held  with 
the  right  hand.  Two  little  tools,  75,  76,  lxxiii,  like 
the  modern  smith's  shovel,  may  have  been  shovels 
for  braziers ;   76  is  now  partly  broken. 


167.  Ladles  seem  curiously  scarce,  considering 
how  usual  they  must  have  been  for  cooking  in  all 
countries.  I  have  only  met  with  four  from  Egypt, 
and  none  elsewhere.  The  Egyptian  ladles  are  all 
of  iron,  and  probably  of  Roman  age.  69  is  a  ladle 
and  flesh-hook  combined,  so  as  to  serve  the  broth 
and  the  meat  from  the  pot.  70  is  a  hingeing  ladle, 
made  to  pack  up  short ;  I  have  a  suspicion  that  it 
may  be  a  Bedawy  coftee-roaster,  as  the  bowl  is 
shallow.    73  and  74  are  small  ladles. 

spoon  :  PL.  LXXIV 

168.  The  use  of  spoons  begins  with  the  second 
prehistoric  civilisation  in  Egypt.  They  continued 
to  be  common  down  to  the  beginning  of  the  dynastic 
age.  Then  they  entirely  disappear,  unless  a  bronze 
spoon,  97,  from  Gurob  may  be  of  the  xviiith  dynasty. 
In  Roman  times  the  spoon  again  became  common. 

The  prehistoric  spoons  are  mostly  of  ivory,  as 
84.  85,  87,  88,  89,  90  ;  rarely  they  are  found  of 
slate,  86,  of  wood,  91,  of  silver  (P.Q  46),  or  of 
slate  with  a  handle  of  stone  beads  (P.Q.  lxi).  A 
distinctive  mark  of  this  age  is  the  small  hole  in  the 
end  of  the  handle,  for  hanging  up  the  spoon,  and 
often  a  flattening  of  the  end,  sometimes  widened  out 
as  in  88.  The  bowl  is  usually  circular,  the  handle 
joining  it  below  the  brim.  Of  later  spoons,  92  is 
from  Rifeh  of  Roman  age ;  93  is  from  Gurob, 
probably  Roman  ;  94  is  a  flat  disc,  perhaps  used 
for  dry  food  ;  95  is  a  bronze  spoon  ;  96  is  an 
unguent  spoon,  with  an  ear-pick  at  the  end  of  the 
handle.  The  flattish  bronze  spoon,  97,  from  Gurob 
may  be  of  the  earlier  age  of  that  site,  xviiith-xxth 
dynasties  ;  it  does  not  look  like  a  Roman  form.  98 
is  the  usual  Roman  unguent  spoon,  from  Oxy- 
rhynkhos.  99  is  the  small  Roman  spoon,  used  for 
shell-fish.  The  form  of  100,  from  Rifeh,  is  very 
unusual  for  late  times,  being  more  like  some  of  the 
fancy  spoons  of  the  second  prehistoric  age.  101  is 
an  unusual  combination  of  large  and  small  spoons. 
102  is  one  of  the  largest  size  of  Roman  spoons.    A 

dinner  tool  of  combined  spoon  and  knife  was  made 
of  iron,  71  (lxxiii).  83  (lxxii)  shows  that  the  spoon 
was  well  formed  by  the  lake-dwellers  in  North 
Italy.  A  lead  spoon,  82,  is  probably  Roman.  A 
long  paper  on  the  spoons  of  later  ages  is  in  Archaeo- 
logia,  liii,  107. 


169.  The  large  bronze  pestle,  103,  lxxiv,  from 
Memphis,  is  probably  of  Roman  age.  Earlier 
models  of  pestle  and  mortar,  W  104,  pi.  lv,  were  in 
the  foundation  deposits  of  Saptah,  xixth  dynasty. 
The  mortars  are  not  commonly  found  until  Roman 
times ;  the  form  then  is  conical,  with  a  neat  lug  on 
either  side  at  the  level  of  the  brim. 

Corn  grinders  in  Egypt  were  slightly  concave  slabs, 
on  which  a  long  stone  was  slid  to  and  fro.  Such 
are  represented  in  the  models  of  women  grinding 
corn,  dating  from  the  ivth  and  vth  dynasties. 
Such  a  slab  might  be  mounted  on  a  stand,  as  shown 
in  the  wooden  model  here,  W  105,  where  a  trough 
at  the  end  is  provided  to  hold  the  meal  when 
ground.  A  usual  place  for  this  corn  grinding  was 
beneath  the  staircase  in  the  courtyard  ;  see  the 
house  models  of  the  ixth  to  xiith  dynasties  in  Gizeh 
and  Rifeh,  xviii,  118  ;  xviii,  B,  83  ;  xix,  77  ;  and 
xxii.  Model  corn-grinders  were  placed  in  the 
foundation  deposits  of  Saptah,  W 106,  and  full- 
sized  grinders  deposited  at  Defenneh  by  Psamtek  I 
(P.T.  xxii).  In  Roman  times  a  different  type  came 
into  use,  of  which  a  stone  model  is  here,  W  107. 
This  is  a  slab  of  trachyte,  with  a  funnel  to  hold  the 
corn,  opening  below  in  a  long  slit,  to  let  the  corn 
work  down  between  the  upper  and  lower  stones  as 
it  became  ground.  A  notch  at  each  end  served  to 
hold  a  cross  bar  by  which  it  was  slid  to  and  fro. 
There  is  a  whole  one  at  University  College,  but 
these  blocks  were  almost  always  broken  in  use, 
and  generally  only  quarters  are  found  on  the  late 
Roman  sites  in  the  Delta  (see  Tunis  ii,  Nebesheh 
vii,  21).  Rotary  milling  was  not  used  in  Egypt  till 
later  times.  The  granite  columns  of  temples  have 
been  mostly  cut  up  for  heavy  millstones ;  and  at 
present  the  circular  quern  is  the  regular  Bedawy 
mode  of  corn  grinding.  Neither  of  these  are  yet 
proved  to  be  older  than  the  late  Roman  period, 
and  probably  are  of  Arab  age. 


170.  The  mode  of  making  fire  is  not  represented 
on  monuments  ;  and  strange  to  say,  it  is  only  from 



Kahun  in  the  xiith  dynasty  that  we  have  the  fire- 
sticks,  W  108,  Iv,  and  drills  (see  P.I.  vii,  24-26). 
These  fire-sticks  are  exactly  like  those  used  in  some 
lands  at  present,  with  a  notch  in  the  side  of  the 
drill  hole,  for  the  heated  wood  powder  to  fall  out 
and  catch  alight.  The  drill  stick  was  doubtless 
worked  by  the  bow.  Both  the  fire  drill  and  bow 
drilling  probably  originated  from  the  use  of  the 
bow  and  arrow. 


171.  The  use  of  the  strigil  is  essentially  Greek, 
adopted  by  the  Roman.  Those  found  in  Egypt 
are  all  due  to  the  foreign  influence.  The  iron 
strigil,  109,  lxxiv,  is  slightly  curved ;  the  bronze 
strigils,  no,  in,  are  bent  at  right  angles.  There 
is  one  of  iron  from  Egypt  in  the  British  Museum. 


172.  The  small  iron  crosses  of  Coptic  age,  114  to 
117,  lxxiv,  end  in  a  rounded  handle ;  it  seems 
probable  that  they  were  used  by  priests  to  hold  up 
in  benediction. 

The  group  of  bronze  tools  from  Central  Syria, 
O  119,  A  95,  170,  171,  lxxiv,  have  been  described 
under  axes.  The  iron  object,  113,  pointed  at  both 
ends,  with  rings  through  the  middle,  is  of  unknown 


173.  The  wooden  bolt  was  used  to  fasten  doors 
from  very  early  times.  It  was  of  two  forms,  the 
plain  bolt,  with  a  head  to  prevent  it  shooting  too 
far,  W 124,  which  fitted  in  a  holder,  W 125,  that 
was  fixed  to  the  door  post  by  a  tenon.  Another 
form,  126,  127,  slid  in  holders  on  the  door,  and  had 
a  groove  across  the  middle  by  which  a  string  could 
be  put  round  it  and  sealed,  so  that  it  could  not  be 
withdrawn,  without  breaking  the  seal.  This  form 
is  usual  as  a  hieroglyph  from  the  first  dynasty 
(P.R.  i,  xxix,  86)  showing  that  the  sealed  bolt  was 
then  familiar. 

A  peculiar  form  of  opener,  for  thrusting  back  a 
door  bolt  from  the  outside,  is  used  in  Abyssinia.  1 1 
is  evident  that  the  rods  128  to  131,  with  a  hole  at 
each  end,  were  thus  used  as  door  openers.  The 
action  is  fully  explained,  with  a  series  of  diagrams 
showing  the  positions  of  action,  in  Zeits.  Aeg.  Sprache, 
1906,  60-65,  where  similar  examples  from  the  Berlin 
and  Leiden  Museums  are  published. 

174.  There  were  various  forms  of  lock  in  the 
Roman  period,  depending  on  lifting  up  concealed 
pins,  which  fell  into  the  bolt,  and  prevented  it  being 
moved;  these  precede  the  rotating  key.  The 
simplest  type  is  that  in  which  a  key  lifts  up  the 
pins  or  tumblers,  so  as  to  liberate  the  bolt,  which 
is  then  moved  by  the  other  hand.  This  is  form 
W 133  ;  the  key  is  here  in  place  toward  the  right, 
the  tumblers  or  vertical  pins  have  been  lost,  the 
bolt  is  below  toward  the  left.  On  lifting  the  key, 
the  studs  on  it  would  lift  the  tumblers  in  the  vertical 
grooves ;  the  tumblers  being  twice  the  breadth  of 
the  key,  and  notched  out  to  let  the  key  pass  them. 
Below  is  a  bolt  for  such  a  lock  135,  and  keys  136- 
7-8-9,  and  211,  Ixxvi.  This  type  of  lock  is  still 
used  in  North  Ronaldsay,  Orkney.  For  this,  and 
a  general  classification  of  types  of  lock,  see  Romilly 
Allen  in  Proc.  Soc.  Antiq.  Scot.  9  Feb.  1880. 

175.  The  more  advanced  type  of  lock  is  that  in 
use  still  in  Egypt,  W132.  The  key  lifts  the 
tumblers  out  of  the  bolt,  by  pins  on  the  key  which 
rise  into  the  bolt,  thus  the  key  engages  the  bolt 
and  can  slide  it  without  requiring  a  second  hand. 
Below  is  a  bolt  for  such  a  lock,  134,  and  keys  140- 
1-2,  also  made  in  bronze  and  iron,  as  155  to  165, 
193  to  202.  This  type  is  also  used  in  Persia.  It 
would  be  capable  of  much  refinement  by  having 
varying  thickness  of  bolt  and  lengths  of  peg  on 
the  key ;  thus  too  long  a  peg  would  engage  the 
block  over  the  bolt,  or  too  short  a  peg  would  not 
lift  the  tumbler  clear.  All  the  Egyptian  locks  have 
pegs  of  equal  length,  so  that  the  hidden  pattern  of 
the  peg  holes  is  therefore  the  only  security,  and 
that  could  be  easily  copied  from  an  impression. 

Somewhat  similar  is  the  Juellinge  key,  W204, 
lxxii,  which  lifts  the  tumblers  so  as  to  disengage  the 
sliding  lid  of  a  box. 

176.  Another,  and  perhaps  the  earliest,  type  of 
lock,  which  has  not  yet  been  found  in  Egypt,  is  the 
"  Homeric  lock "  (Brit.  Mus.  Greek  and  Roman 
Life,  fig.  170).  This  has  two  tumblers,  which  are 
lifted  by  putting  a  key  like  W203,  lxxii,  through 
a  vertical  slot  between  them,  and  then  turning  it 
round  to  engage  them  and  lift  them.  This  type  is 
usual  in  Roman  and  Saxon  times,  and  still  used  in 
Norway  and  China  (P.S.A.S.  n  June,  1883). 

177.  The  lifting  lock  is  still  commonly  used  for 
garden  gates,  depending  on  the  wards  of  the  key 
passing  obstructions,  and  reaching  the  latch ;  this 
is  apparently  the  type  of  the  key,  166,  lxxvi,  and 
it  is  the  usual  type  at  Pompeii. 



178.  The  next  principle  adopted  was  to  rotate 
the  key  with  wards,  as  in  a  modern  lock.  This  was 
very  usual  in  Roman  times,  as  167  to  192,  lxxvi, 
from  Egypt,  and  205  to  210,  lxxii,  from  Pompeii. 
As  the  pipe  of  the  key  was  difficult  to  make,  and 
liable  to  get  choked,  a  split  pipe  was  sometimes 
used  instead,  as  175.  The  peg  key  was  also  used, 
189-191  (lxxvi),  but  in  a  very  rudimentary  form 
without  wards,  like  most  Italian  locks  of  modern 

The  sources  that  are  known  of  the  keys  are,  165, 
170,  177-79,  181,  182,  185,  Oxyrhynkhos;  180, 
191,  Balyzeh ;  189,  Gurob ;  192,  Qanadleh.  The 
large  keys  with  wooden  handles  are  from  the 
Fayum.  The  key  192  has  a  beautifully  plaited 
handle  of  red  leather  work. 


179.  Pulleys  are  rarely  found  of  Roman  age,  the 
few  I  have  seen  are  of  wood,  as  143  (Roman?), 
144  (Kahun),  pi.  lxxv. 

Toggles  were  not  unusual.  In  the  first  dynasty 
they  were  made  of  green  glazed  faience  (Abydos  ii, 
I  ;  viii,  141-3),  and  probably  used  to  fasten  dresses, 
as  is  still  usual  on  heavy  cloaks.  Many  of  Roman 
age  are  made  of  wood,  as  152,  153  Kahun,  and  154 
Wushym,  and  used  perhaps,  as  now,  for  tent 
buttons,  or  for  attaching  ropes  in  shipping.  What 
seem  to  be  forms  of  toggle  of  a  large  diameter,  are 
the  blocks,  149,  150  Kahun,  and  151  ;  they  are 
much  worn,  and  are  made  askew,  probably  to 
accommodate  two  loops  passing  over  the  stud 
ends  into  the  middle  groove,  and  dragging  against 
each  other.  The  wear  on  them  shows  that  they 
were  sliding  to  and  fro,  perhaps  on  a  ship's  deck. 
The  pieces  of  wood  145  to  148  are  of  unknown  pur- 
pose, all  of  the  xiith  dynasty  from  Kahun. 


180.  There  is  no  sign  of  compasses  being  used  in 
Egypt  before  Graeco-Roman  influence.  No  com- 
passes have  been  found,  nor  any  trace  of  struck 
circles,  or  of  intersecting  circular  patterns.  Nor 
did  such  patterns  take  root  in  Egypt  even  in  later 
times.  The  case  was  quite  different  in  Asia,  where 
the  device  of  intersecting  circles  was  used  in  Assyria, 
and  in  Palestine  became  a  favourite  decoration. 

The  long  top  handle  of  212,  lxxii,  is  very  un- 
usual ;  it  has  been  revived  in  modern  use,  in  order 
to  turn  the  compasses  more  readily.  The  Roman 
form  usually  tightened  the  joint  by  a  wedge  through 

the  pin,  as  in  213  to  217.  This  must  have  always 
worked  loose  by  friction  of  the  turning,  not  having 
a  washer  under  it ;  hence  it  was  probably  kept 
loose,  and  only  pushed  home  to  fix  the  compasses 
to  any  set  distance.  The  compass  legs  were  always 
made  overlapping,  so  that  any  small  circles  could 
not  well  be  turned.  This  difficulty  was  avoided, 
by  widening  the  legs  apart  in  217,  so  that  the  points 
could  be  brought  opposite  to  each  other.  The 
upper  part  preserved  here  is  of  bronze ;  the  legs 
were  of  iron. 

In  order  to  get  over  the  difficulty  of  the  legs 
being  oblique  when  wide  open,  the  plan  of  turning 
the  points  at  right  angles  is  excellent,  as  in  218, 
219  ;  but  such  a  type  is  only  good  for  measuring 
distances,  and  cannot  well  be  used  for  drawing 

The  type  of  crossing  legs,  220,  221,  was  adopted 
in  order  to  enable  one  hand  to  open  or  to  close  the 
compasses  equally  readily,  by  pressing  above  or 
below  the  crossing. 

Proportional  compasses  are  not  uncommon ; 
usually  they  are  in  the  ratio  of  1  to  2,  as  in  that 
here  from  Oxyrhynkhos,  224,  lxxvi  (Brit.  Mus. 
Greek  and  Roman  Life,  fig.  155).  The  pair  drawn 
here,  222,  have  the  ends  respectively  2 '3  and  3  3 
inches  from  the  middle.  This  is  no  simple  ratio, 
but  is  that  of  the  Roman  foot  to  the  Greek  cubit. 
It  would  then  enable  a  plan  drawn  in  Greek  cubits 
to  be  read  off  on  a  Roman  foot  rule  as  a  scale. 
Calipers  were  well  known  ;  the  pair  of  "  egg  cali- 
pers," 223,  is  of  bronze,  inlaid  with  silver  vine 
pattern  along  both  legs. 


181.  The  earliest  piece  of  chain  known  is  from 
the  tomb  of  Khosekhemui  of  the  iind  dynasty, 
225  (li),  with  circular  links  of  beaten  copper  wire. 
An  iron  chain  of  Roman  age,  226,  has  twisted  links. 
Large  circular  iron  links  were  also  made,  as  227  ; 
and  long  links,  such  as  those  on  a  wedge,  228. 


182.  The  tools  used  by  the  Egyptians  in  casting 
appear  to  have  been  very  simple.  Even  where 
great  castings  are  figured  in  process,  they  seem  to 
have  used  only  small  crucibles,  and  many  ducts  in 
which  the  metal  was  poured  (see  Rckhmara,  R.M.C. 
1).  In  this — as  in  all  their  handwork — the  skill 
was  the  real  means  of  success,  and  the  means  would 
be  useless  without  that. 



The  crucibles  were  roughly  made,  mostly  of  ash 
in  order  to  be  infusible,  and  hence  so  weak  that 
large  sizes  could  not  be  attempted.  Those  here, 
245  to  248,  have  all  been  used  for  copper ;  one 
has  a  tubular  spout,  246,  the  others  have  only  a 
rough  lip.  The  crucible  found  at  Serabit  in  Sinai, 
had  a  large  spout  near  the  bottom,  so  that  it  was 
tilted  toward  the  back  for  melting,  and  then  tilted 
forward  to  pour  out.  As  it  was  a  larger  size  than 
usual,  this  method  of  emptying  was  necessary  in 
order  to  avoid  lifting  so  weak  a  vessel  at  a  white 
heat  (P.S.  fig.  161).  Another  form  of  melting-dish, 
with  two  handles,  appears  on  a  bronze  model  (244) 
in  the  foundation  deposits  of  Tausert  and  Saptah 
(P.S.T.  xvi,  xviii).  Two  melting-dishes  or  crucibles 
of  iron  are  in  the  Naples  Museum,  241,  242,  lxxii ; 
whether  intended  for  metals,  resins  or  fats  is  un- 
known. The  double  bellows  worked  by  the  feet 
were  used  for  the  blast  (Rekhmara,  R.M.C.  1). 

183.  Open  moulds  were  used  in  early  times  in 
Egypt,  the  simple  flat  adzes  of  the  prehistoric  age 
being  thus  cast.  In  the  xiith  dynasty  open  moulds 
were  cut  in  a  thick  piece  of  pottery,  and  lined  with 
a  smooth  coat  of  clay  and  ash.  The  example  from 
Kahun,  249,  Ixxvii,  was  for  casting  chisels.  Knives 
were  similarly  cast,  about  i  inch  thick  (250),  and 
then  hammered  down  to  the  thin  blades  required. 

184.  The  earliest  objects  which  would  require  a 
closed  mould,  and  probably  cire  perdue  casting,  are 
the  double  spouts  of  vases  of  the  end  of  the  iind 
dynasty,  found  in  the  tomb  of  Khosekhemui  (P.R. 
ii,  ix,  13).  The  scarcity  of  copper  objects  of  the 
Old  or  Middle  Kingdoms,  of  a  complicated  form, 
does  not  allow  us  to  follow  the  history  of  the  pro- 
cess, but  cire  perdue  was  certainly  used  for  the 
jewellery  of  the  xiith  dynasty.  When  we  reach  the 
xviiith  dynasty  we.  find  that  cire  perdue  bronze 
casting  was  in  perfection.  The  skin  of  metal  over 
the  core  is  often  only  a  fiftieth  of  an  inch  thick. 
The  core  is  of  blackened  sand  and  ash,  probably 
mixed  with  some  gum  to  bind  it,  which  has  been 
charred  by  the  heat.  An  absurd  suggestion  has  been 
made  that  the  thin  castings  were  done  in  chilled 
moulds,  and  the  liquid  metal  poured  away  from  the 
inside.  As  all  these  castings  are  still  on  the  burnt 
sand  cores,  like  the  hollow  funeral  axes  of  Britain, 
it  would  be  totally  impossible  for  them  to  be  pro- 
duced by  chilling.  Some  hollow  pewter  pendants 
of  Roman  earrings,  with  a  hole  on  each  side  and  no 
core,  appear  to  have  been  made  in  a  chilled  mould. 
See  Catalogue  of  Ornaments  and  Toilet  objects. 

On  many  objects  the  tooling  of  the  wax  can  be 
distinctly  seen.  The  solid  cast  Osiris,  256,  shows 
the  slear  of  the  finger  on  the  back  ;  the  other  Osiris, 

257,  shows  the  wax  modelling  of  the  flail  and  crook. 
On  an  ibis  figure  I  have  seen  a  long  rolled  pill  of 
wax  put  in  as  a  link  between  the  beak  and  breast, 
intended  to  be  cut  away  in  finishing  the  work. 

Many  of  the  actual  solid  wax  figures  are  found, 
ready  prepared  for  the  caster.  251  is  a  vulture. 
252  is  a  figure  of  Isis,  253  is  a  hippopotamus,  254 
a  falcon,  255  a  vulture.  These  had  probably  been 
set  aside  as  damaged,  to  await  retouching  before 
being  used  for  casting.    The  legs  of  a  bronze  Osiris, 

258,  are  from  Amarna,  and  therefore  of  xviiith 
dynasty  ;  the  metal  is  here  a  fiftieth  of  an  inch  thick, 
very  regular  around,  with  certainly  not  over  a  two- 
hundredth  of  an  inch  of  displacement  of  the  core 
to  the  exterior  mould.  259  is  a  broken  figure  of 
Osiris  with  very  thin  bronze  over  the  core,  papery 
in  parts.  How  such  extremely  thin  castings  could 
be  run,  we  cannot  understand  ;  the  mould  must 
have  been  heated,  and  the  difficulty  would  be  to 
retain  the  core  in  place  in  a  figure  with  bends,  and 
without  any  cross  connections  between  the  core  and 
the  mould.  We  should  expect  the  warping  due  to 
heating,  and  the  flotation  of  the  light  porous  core 
in  the  fluid  metal,  entirely  to  prevent  such  delicate 

The  mode  of  preparing  figures  in  wax  is  shown 
by  the  bronze  casting,  261.  The  knees  of  the 
kneeling  figure  were  completely  modelled,  and  then 
a  sheet  of  wax  for  the  clothing  was  laid  over  them, 
and  tooled  in  a  pattern.  Thus  the  Egyptian 
modelled  like  a  modern  artist,  designing  the  bare 
figure  first,  and  then  the  drapery.  260  is  a  remark- 
able piece  of  modelling,  of  a  hollow  bronze  ring  on 
a  base,  probably  a  ring  on  a  platform  for  a  rope  to 
run  through.  The  view  is  taken  looking  down  one 
side  of  the  ring  through  the  hole  from  the  ring  into 
its  base  block ;  the  top  shell  of  the  ring  is  broken 
away,  and  the  back  of  the  inner  circle  of  the  ring 

262  is  a  bull's  head  from  a  railing.  The  hori- 
zontal rails  were  of  iron  covered  with  a  bronze 
facing,  the  upright  standards  that  held  the  rails  were 
of  solid  bronze,  ending  in  a  bull's  head.  A  section 
of  the  rail  is  placed  before  this. 

263  is  a  bronze  foot  of  an  ibis,  showing  the  con- 
necting bars  between  the  claws. 

264  is  a  hand  from  a  figure  in  bronze,  probably 
of  the  Magna  Graecia  school  of  Ptolemaic  age.     It 



shows  how  poorly  the  core  was  worked,  with  thick 
wax  over  the  palm  of  the  hand  and  solid  wax  fingers. 
The  Greek  work  did  not  approach  the  Egyptian  in 
technical  skill. 

185.  265  is  a  stone  mould  for  a  bracelet ;  various 
other  stone  moulds  will  be  treated  in  a  volume  on 
the  moulds.  266  is  one  of  a  series  of  discs  of 
pottery,  each  bearing  moulds  for  six  minimi  of 
the  latter  part  of  the  fourth  century  a.d.  These 
discs  were  placed  together  in  a  rouleau,  and  one 
casting  would  make  fifty  or  a  hundred  coins.  The 
moulds  were  strongly  heated  to  make  the  metal 
flow  into  the  thin  forms,  and  being  overheated  they 
stuck  together  by  fusion  and  were  useless.  267  is 
a  similar  clay  mould  for  a  Ptolemaic  coin.  It  is 
probable  that  all  these  moulds  were  used  by  forgers. 
Another  mould  of  iron,  243  (lxxii),  looks  as  if  it 
were  for  a  coin ;  but  it  is  not  opened,  nor  any 
explanation  of  it  provided,  in  the  Kircherian 



186.  The  distribution  of  types  of  tools  may  be 
seen  as  a  whole  in  the  synopsis  of  the  plates  follow- 
ing this,  on  four  pages  of  lithograph.  In  the  synopsis 
the  reference  to  the  figures  of  each  class  is  first 
given,  then  the  name  of  the  class  ;  next  the  earliest 
age  to  which  it  can  be  traced,  and  the  latest  appear- 
ance of  it ;  if  continuing  to  the  present  time  a  long 
dash  follows  the  earliest  date.  These  dates  are 
mostly  approximations,  and  the  starting  may  be 
really  earlier.  The  Earlier  Region  stated,  is  the 
country  in  which  the  class  can  be  first  localised  ; 
probably  fuller  information  would  trace  the  form 
in  some  cases  to  a  still  earlier  source,  but  at 
present  these  countries  named  may  be  accepted  as 
an  approximation.  Where  a  dash  is  between  two 
names  it  implies  that  the  form  passed  on  from  one 
to  the  other ;  where  a  comma  or  &  is  used,  the 
connection  is  less  certain.  The  section  and  page 
list  will  make  this  synopsis  serve  for  reference  from 
the  plates  to  the  text. 

The  main  matter  to  notice  is  the  relation  of 
Egypt  to  the  rest  of  the  world.  In  this  the  isola- 
tion of  Egyptian  types  is  extraordinary.  The 
forms  which  were  the  commonest  in  Egypt  were 
never  adopted  in  other  countries.  We  shall  first 
notice  the  forms  peculiar  to  Egypt,  in  historical 

order.  Then,  in  geographical  order,  the  forms  of 
other  countries,  which  were  not  accepted  in  Egypt. 
Lastly  examples  of  the  drift  of  forms,  according  to 
the  direction  of  movement. 


187.  From  the  second  prehistoric  age,  s.d.  50,  the 
ivory  crescent  handle  of  the  dagger  appears  (D  1), 
and  can  be  traced  onward  down  to  the  xviiith 
dynasty,  the  hollows  within  it  being  at  last  trans- 
formed into  perforations  in  the  blade  of  a  dagger 
with  a  grasp  handle  (D23).  Yet  this  form  of 
crescent,  clutched  into  the  palm  of  the  hand  to 
receive  an  end  thrust  from  the  arm,  was  never  copied 
in  other  countries.  All  European  handles  are 
cylindrical,  to  be  grasped  across  the  hand. 

The  square  axe  (A  6-9,  101-4),  without  any  curve 
or  projection,  is  the  regular  type  of  the  age  of  the 
earliest  kings,  and  has  not  been  found  in  any  other 
country.  There  is  some  presumption,  from  its 
appearance  with  the  large  splay  adze,  that  it  came 
with  that  from  Cyprus.  It  may  have  been  made 
there  for  the  Egyptian  demand,  as  it  was  not 
accepted  elsewhere. 

The  long  narrow  adze  with  parallel  sides  (Z  60-65) 
and  little,  or  no,  splay  at  the  edge,  is  also  charac- 
teristic of  Egypt  from  60  s.d.  down  to  the  1st 
dynasty.  The  nearest  approach  to  it  are  the 
Kythnos  adzes  (Z 19,  20),  but  these  have  more 
widening  of  the  edge. 

The  round-top  adze  with  parallel  sides  (Z  32,  69) 
began  just  before  the  first  dynasty,  and  the  straight 
sides  are  unknown  elsewhere.  With  a  slight  splay, 
which  arose  later,  it  is  similar  to  rare  forms  of  Italy 
(Z37)  and  Spain  (Z38). 

The  earliest  small  chisel,  with  an  edge  at  each 
end  of  the  bar  (C  44-46),  of  the  beginning  of  the 
second  prehistoric  civilisation,  is  unknown  else- 

The  round  axe  was  the  favourite  form  in  Egypt 
at  least  as  early  as  the  iiird  dynasty,  and  continued 
to  the  xiith  dynasty  (A  55-70,  106-121).  Not  a 
single  axe  of  this  form  has  been  noted  outside  of 

To  the  round  axe  succeeded  the  axe  with  lugs 
(A  71-81,  122-133),  by  which  to  lash  it  to  the 
handle,  from  the  xiith  to  the  xxvith  dynasty.  This 
type  had  thus  a  long  history  and  was  universal  in 
Egypt.  None  are  known  anywhere  else  in  the 
Old  World.  The  same  form  was  evolved  in  Central 
America  and  Peru,  owing  to  the  same  necessities  of 



hafting  a  hammered  copper  axe  without  a  socket 

The  battleaxe  was  a  lighter  form  of  the  same 
(A  82-94,  134-152),  equally  general  in  Egypt,  but 
totally  unknown  elsewhere,  except  strangely  a 
copy  of  a  late  form  found  in  Wiltshire  (A  96)  which 
was  probably  imported  like  the  Egyptian  beads  of 
the  xixth  dynasty.  The  very  elongated  axe  of  the 
xviiith  dynasty  (A  88-9)  is  also  peculiar  to  Egypt. 

The  adze  developed  a  necking  and  a  rounded 
head,  beginning  in  the  iiird  dynasty  and  most 
marked  in  the  vith  and  xiith  dynasties  (Z  46-49). 
This  is  quite  unknown  elsewhere. 

A  favourite  weapon  of  the  Egyptian  in  the  xiith 
dynasty  was  a  stout  stick  with  a  long  sharp  edge 
of  copper  inserted  in  it  (A  178-180).  It  was  doubt- 
less used  for  attacking  the  head.  No  such  weapon 
has  been  met  with  in  other  lands. 

The  usual  form  of  mortising  chisel  in  Egypt  was 
wide  and  thin,  with  two  equal  curves  sloping  to  the 
edge  (C  16-23),  generally  used  from  the  iiird  to  the 
xixth  dynasties.    It  is  never  found  elsewhere. 

The  typical  decoration  of  dagger  blades  in  Egypt, 
about  the  xiith  dynasty,  was  by  fine  parallel  ribbing 
along  the  axis,  with  the  fines  very  slightly  diverg- 
ing (D  37,  38,  42,  43).  In  all  other  countries  the 
ribbing  or  grooving  of  daggers  was  parallel  to  the 
edge,  never  parallel  to  the  axis. 

The  pcle  axe,  a  large  wide  blade  figured  in  the 
xixth  and  xxth  dynasties  (A  181-3),  is  unknown 

The  semicircular  halberd,  A 187,  seems  also 
peculiar  to  Egypt,  in  all  the  Old  World. 

The  broad  knife  with  round  end  and  double  edge 
(U  24-31)  is  the  most  usual  in  the  xviiith  and  xixth 
dynasties,  and  is  only  Egyptian.  A  dagger  of 
similar  form,  D  108,  no,  may  be  derived  from  a 
Cypriote  type,  D  140,  which  was  traded  to  Tyre, 

The  cutting-out  knife  of  the  1st  dynasty  is  solely 
Egyptian  ;  as  also  is  its  later  development  with  a 
notch,  L  14-26,  which  is  common  in  Egypt,  but 
has  never  been  found  in  any  other  country. 

The  forked  spear-butt  (H  182-9,  202-6)  of  the 
xxvith  dynasty  seems  to  be  Egyptian  by  its  decora- 
tion, and  it  has  not  been  found  elsewhere. 

As  late  as  Roman  times  there  are  two  inventions 
peculiar  to  Egypt,  both  excellent,  and  yet  never 
used  elsewhere,  the  shears  with  a  detachable  leg 
(Q  13-16),  and  the  sickle  with  a  cutting  edge  of 
steel  inserted,  which  could  be  renewed  (F  26-30). 

This  latter  form  may  well  have  been  derived  from 
the  wooden  sickle  with  inserted  saws  of  flint. 

It  appears  thus  that  eighteen  different  tools,  or 
forms  of  tools,  which  were  usual  in  Egypt,  were 
all  of  them  unknown  in  other  lands.  Even  if  there 
were  resemblances  to  one  or  two  of  them,  that  still 
leaves  the  great  mass  of  the  usual  tools  of  Egypt 
standing  apart  from  those  of  all  other  countries. 
This  is  the  case  from  the  prehistoric  age,  down  to 
the  Roman  occupation.  From  the  later  instances 
we  know  that  this  isolation  of  types  accompanied  a 
considerable  intercourse,  and  does  not  imply  that 
one  country  was  ignorant  of  another.  What  it 
does  mean  is  that  each  country  had  its  own  inde- 
pendent civilisation,  had  developed  its  own  modes 
of  work,  and  had  thus  a  barrier  against  the  influence 
of  a  rival  land. 


188.  Next  we  turn  to  the  converse  cases,  of  types 
usual  in  various  lands,  but  which  are  unknown  in 
Egypt.  As  we  know  the  Egyptian  forms  fairly 
completely  from  actual  tools,  models,  and  pictures, 
and  have  a  full  view  of  how  they  were  working,  it 
is  improbable  that  any  form  was  adopted  by  them 
of  which  we  know  nothing.  The  countries  may  be 
noted  in  the  order  of  position,  west  and  east,  as 
showing  what  countries  did  not  lend  to  Egypt.  In 
Cyprus  is  the  pillowy  form  of  axes  (A  1-5)  and  adzes 
(Z 1,  2),  which  result  from  hammering  native 
copper.  These  are  never  found  in  Egypt,  where  the 
metal  seems  to  have  been  melted  and  cast  flat. 
From  the  identity  of  the  Egyptian  splay  adze  of  the 
1st  dynasty  with  that  of  Cyprus,  we  may  gather  the 
date  of  the  latter,  which  was  probably  the  source 
of  the  Egyptian  examples.  This  puts  the  full 
growth  of  straight-fined  forms  to  the  1st  dynasty, 
and  therefore  the  pillow  forms  to  an  earlier  age. 

From  Crete  probably  originated  the  double  axe, 
found  in  the  early  Minoan  age  (T  15).  Thence  it 
spread  far  and  wide ;  but  only  one  example  is 
known  from  Egypt,  of  iron  (T41),  and  probably  a 
Greek  or  Roman  importation.  From  Crete  also 
probably  started  the  adze  with  lugs  (Z  94-120),  of 
which  there  are  thirty-five  examples  outside  of 
Egypt,  but  only  two  from  Egypt,  which  are,  very 
likely,  importations. 

Italy  developed  the  socket  for  a  handle,  in  the 
axe  (0 1-14)  and  the  adze  (Z 136-142) ;  yet  no 
socket  was  adopted  by  the  Egyptian,  and  it  only 
appears  on  imported  tools  of  Roman  age.    The 


adze-axe  (T  45-67)  was  a  common  tool  in  Italy  and 
Germany,  but  not  one  has  appeared  in  Egypt.  The 
tang  chisel  (C  105-127)  and  the  socket  chisel  (C  128- 
160),  were  invented  in  the  bronze  age  in-Italy,  and 
commonly  used,  but  none  were  made  by  the  Egyp- 
tians, and  they  only  appear  in  iron,  and  as  imported 
by  Greeks  at  Naukratis,  or  by  Assyrians  at  Thebes. 
Thus  the  most  useful  inventions  of  Italy,  which 
seem  to  us  essential,  were  entirely  ignored  in  Egypt. 

In  North  Europe  the  greatest  inventions  were 
the  hammered  flange  to  stiffen  axes,  the  growth  of 
flanges  and  of  the  stop  ridge,  and  their  finally  lead- 
ing to  complete  sockets.  All  of  this  was  entirely 
unknown  to  the  Egyptian,  except  a  slight  flangeing 
on  a  Syrian  type  of  axe.  Another  northern  form 
was  the  pike  (H  111-121),  of  which  only  one  or  two 
Roman  examples  in  iron  occur  in  Egypt. 

A  western  form  of  knife  had  a  ring  at  the  butt, 
in  order  to  hang  it  at  the  girdle  (K  57-64) ;  this 
never  appears  in  Egypt. 

Of  Eastern  types  there  is  the  Oriental  axe  (O  132- 
45),  the  Mesopotamian  sloping  axe  or  adze  (O  131, 
Z  144),  and  the  Assyrian  pickaxe  (T  52),  none  of 
which  were  adopted  in  Egypt. 

Thus  just  as  eighteen  familiar  forms  in  Egyptian 
use  were  ignored  elsewhere,  so  fourteen  forms 
current  in  other  lands,  west  and  east,  were  ignored 
in  Egypt.  The  evidence  of  the  independence  of 
the  ancient  civilisations,  and  of  their  separate 
growth  would  hardly  be  more  strongly  attested. 
Had  Egypt  been  the  motherland  of  the  use  of 
copper  tools,  as  some  writers  have  recently  sup- 
posed, it  would  be  incredible  that  all  the  com- 
monest forms  of  tools  which  would  naturally  be 
prototypes,  should  have  been  ignored,  and  entirely 
new  forms  started.  It  seems  evident  that  Egypt 
neither  gave  to,  nor  borrowed  from,  other  lands, 
but  that  each  country  developed  its  own  civilisa- 


189.  After  seeing  the  many  cases  of  separation 
between  Egypt  and  other  countries,  we  may  now 
notice  about  an  equal  number  of  cases  suggesting 
connections  between  countries.  These  will  be  noted 
in  their  historical  order,  and  the  direction  of  move- 
ment which  they  suggest.  In  some  cases  a  move- 
ment may  be  only  in  one  direction,  as  by  migra- 
tion ;  in  other  cases  it  is  more  commonly  reciprocal, 
as  by  trade. 

In  the  beginning  of  the  1st  dynasty  there  is  the 

splayed  adze  of  large  size,  suddenly  appearing  in 
Egypt  (Z  8),  and  identical  with  the  Cyprus  adze 
(Z  7).  As  copper  less'  Egypt  would  not  be  sup- 
posed to  supply  the  land  of  copper  with  tools,  and 
the  form  and  size  were  new  features  in  Egypt,  it 
appears  that  Cyprus  was  then  supplying  the  great 
adze  to  Egypt.  This,  as  we  have  mentioned,  puts 
the  pillowy  forms  in  Cyprus  to  an  earlier  date.  As 
the  adze  is  a  tool  and  not  a  weapon,  it  points  to  a 
trade  movement  from  Cyprus  to  Egypt  at  the 
rise  of  the  dynasties. 

In  the  vth  dynasty  the  scolloped  axe  appears  in 
Egypt ;  and  as  in  the  xiith  dynasty  it  is  far  more 
advanced  in  the  hands  of  Syrians  (A  173)  than  of 
Egyptians,  it  probably  came  from  Syria  (A  168-9), 
very  likely  originating  in  Mesopotamia  (see  A  172). 
This  movement  from  the  east  into  Egypt  seems 
connected  with  the  invaders  who  used  button 
seals ;  they  were  arriving  in  the  vith  dynasty,  and 
the  designs  of  their  seals  are  paralleled  from  Aleppo 
and  Bismiya  in  Mesopotamia. 

In  the  xiith  dynasty  a  movement  is  indicated 
from  Switzerland  to  Cyprus  and  Egypt.  The  close 
resemblance  of  a  Swiss  sickle,  F  12,  to  an  Egyptian 
drawing  of  the  xiith  dynasty,  F  11,  which  is  unlike 
any  other  Egyptian  form,  does  not  stand  alone. 
A  group  of  small  daggers  with  notched  tangs, 
copied  from  a  flint  form,  appear  in  Switzerland, 
D  112-114,  the  Terremare,  115-117,  and  then  in 
Cyprus,  119.  These  two  lines  of  movement  of 
about  the  same  period,  corroborate  each  other. 
There  is  nothing  impossible  in  trade  of  the  copper 
age  reaching  from  Italy  to  Cyprus,  as,  long  before 
that,  the  Egyptians  were  importing  emery  and 
obsidian  from  the  Aegean.  It  suggests  that  the 
drift  from  the  east  into  Egypt  which  overthrew 
the  Old  Kingdom,  was  repelled  by  a  drift  from  the 
west  or  north,  which  raised  up  the  Middle  King- 

In  the  xviiith  dynasty  we  know  of  great  in- 
fluence from  Syria  upon  Egypt,  which  agrees  with 
the  introduction  of  the  toggle-pin  known  in  the 
Caspian  region,  N  14,  to  Egypt,  N  15-17.  Thence 
it  passed  on  to  Mykenae.  Another  importation, 
apparently  from  Mesopotamia,  was  the  falchion  or 
khopesh,  K  190-202.  Rather  before  that,  there  is 
a  suggestion  of  intercourse  along  the  southern 
Mediterranean  in  the  form  of  the  spear  head  of 
Kames,  H  57,  like  those  of  Cuma  H  46,  Sardinia  47, 
and  Spain  48. 

In  the  xixth  dynasty  there  sets  in  a  drift  from 



the  north-west.  The  pruning-hook  of  Noricum 
P  20  is  the  nearest  analogy  to  the  Ramesside  hook 
P 17,  and,  probably  later,  the  hook  P  60  from 
Nebesheh.  The  rhombic  type  of  arrow  head,  R  124- 
132,  196-203,  is  found  spread  in  Epirus,  Mykenae 
and  Bologna,  and  therefore  probably  belonging  to 
the  Adriatic  centre ;  if  so,  the  Egyptian  examples 
of  the  xixth  or  xxth  dynasties  are  due  to  importa- 
tion. Another  instance  of  movement  is  the  bronze 
hoe  from  Cyprus  (J  4,  5)  imported  into  Egypt  so 
commonly.  The  thin  type  33  being  found  of  iron 
in  Noricum,  like  the  copper  forms  50,  51  in  Egypt, 
suggests  the  previous  connection  with  Adriatic 
imports.  Rather  later,  about  800  B.C.  the  leaf 
sword  of  Norican  form,  E  2,  3,  is  found  in  Egypt  of 
bronze,  E  4,  and  of  iron,  K  248.  All  of  these  agree 
with  a  trade  with  the  Adriatic  1200  to  800  B.C. 
The  bronze  swords  of  the  Hallstatt  type  found  in 
Egypt  are  dated  by  E  7  of  Sety  II  to  1200  B.C. 

An  important  connection  of  types  in  the  his- 
torical aspect  is  that  of  the  narrow  straight  knife 
with  the  tip  turned  back,  K  130-140,  231.  This 
is  mainly  Sicilian,  and  evidently  native  there; 
while  at  the  same  time  it  is  represented  among 
arms  in  Egypt,  and  one  specimen  is  in  the  Cairo 
Museum.  This  strongly  shows  the  connection  be- 
tween Eastern  Sicily  and  Egypt  about  1200  B.C., 
just  at  the  time  that  the  Shakalsha  are  mentioned 
as  attacking  Egypt.  According  to  Hellenicos,  the 
Sikels  were  moving  into  Sicily  about  1250  B.C., 
they  might  readily  be  in  a  migratory  state  at  1230 
to  1200  B.C.  when  the  Shakalsha  are  named,  and 
the  type  being  found  in  Sicily  and  in  Egypt  is  thus 
explained.  Next  there  is  evidence  of  strong  trade 
lines  from  Sicily,  by  the  remarkable  drift  of  the 
Sicilian  razor  (X43-7),  already  described,  along 
three  different  lines  of  descent,  to  Italy  (X  59-63), 
to  Germany   (X57-8),   and  to  Britain  (X  51-6). 

This  implies  different  trade  routes  to  the  three 
countries,  as  none  of  the  three  forms  could  be  de- 
rived from  either  of  the  others.  The  route  of  the 
Italian  form  is  obvious;  the  German  form  pro- 
bably went  by  the  Adriatic  trade ;  and  the  Flemish 
and  British  form  by  the  Rhone  route.  The  date 
is  probably  between  1000  and  800  B.C. 

The  spread  of  the  South  Russian,  or  Asiatic, 
triangular  arrow  in  Egypt  may  be  fairly  connected 
with  the  Scythian  invasion  of  Syria,  600  B.C.,  and 
attack  on  Egyptian  power  at  the  time.  The  impor- 
tance of  Scythia  at  that  period  is  shown  by  the 
extension  of  the  type  to  Central  Europe  and  Central 
Asia,  which  accords  with  the  prominence  of  Scythia 
in  the  Herodotean  view  of  the  world. 

On  Central  Europe  two  different  influences  were 
continually  working.  From  the  East  the  oriental 
axe  and  other  types  were  passing  into  Hungary, 
which  land  shows  more  affinity  with  Asiatic  than 
with  Western  design.  From  the  south  the  me- 
chanical genius  of  Italy  was  pressing  into  Germany, 
most  clearly  shown  by  the  flamboyant  knife, 
K  150-167,  which  appears  with  a  tang  in  Germany, 

The  Adriatic  line  of  northern  influence  continued 
after  the  examples  of  the  xixth  dynasty.  The 
Norican  produce  was  still  exported,  as  shown  by 
the  peculiar  knife  and  sword  of  Carniola,  K  188, 
E  29,  30,  which  appear  at  Pesaro  and  Ancona ; 
K 185,  186,  E  28.  Down  to  Roman  times  the 
swords  of  Noricum  continued  in  repute. 

Thus  many  lines  of  trade  and  connection  are 
indicated  by  the  transfer  of  the  forms  of  tools,  in 
accord  with  what  is  known  from  other  sources, 
while  the  remarkable  resisting  power  of  each 
country  against  the  introduction  of  some  of  the 
commonest  types,  shows  how  strong  and  inde- 
pendent were  the  separate  civilisations. 


Abbreviations  employed,  3 

Adriatic  trade,  65 

Adze,  distinguished  from  axe,  5 

earlier  than  axe  in  Egypt,  5,  62,  63 
hafting  of,  18 
varieties  of,  16-18 
with  lugs,  17-18 
for  stone  facing,  42 
Adze-axe,  15 
Adze-hammer,  15,  18 
Aebutius,  stele  of,  42,  43 
Agricultural  tools,  54 
Ambu,  chisel  of,  20 
Amenemhot  III,  late  knife,  23 

razor,  49 
Amenhetep  II,  adze  of,  16 
chisel,  20 
knife,  23 
scale  armour,  38 
Amenhetep  III,  axe  of,  9 
chisel,  20 
American  copper  tools  hammered,  6,  23,  24 

harpoons,  37 
Amulet  axe,  11,  12 
Anhur,  priest  of,  51 
Animal-head  handles,  23,  24 
Antiochos  IV,  36 
Anvil,  40 

Aoh-hetep  daggers,  29 
Aohmes  I,  chisel,  20 
stamp,  57 
Armour,  scale,  38 
Arrangement  of  plates,  2 
Arrow-head,  33-36,  65 
triple,  36 
prehistoric,  36 
ivory  or  bone,  36 
flint,  36 
Auger,  39 
Authors  referred  to,  3 

Axe,  curved  blade,  13 

double,  13-15 

hafting  of,  7 

heavy  form  beginning,  5 

plain  blade,  5,  62 

round,  7,  62 

scolloped,  9,  64 

socketted,  n 

splayed,  7 

with  lugs,  8,  62 

with  square  tang,  9 
Axe-hammer,  41 

Barking  axe,  12 

Bat  for  flax,  54 

Baton  with  edge,  10,  63 

Battle-axes,  Egyptian,  9,  63 

Bellows,  61 

Bick  irons,  40 

Bill-hook,  47 

Bits  for  cutting  wood,  39 

Bobbins,  53 

Bodkin,  53 

Bolt,  59 

Borers  for  skins,  52 

for  stone  vases,  45 
Bow,  prehistoric,  36 
Egyptian,  36 
compound,  36 
Bow  drill,  39 
Bowls  cut  in  stone,  46 
Brace  and  bits,  38,  39 
Brand,  56 
Brick-dresser,  21 
Brick-mould,  42 

British  development  of  spear,  31 
importations,  9,  30 

types  formed  independently,  22,  27,  31 
Bronze  axes,  types  of,  7 
use  of,  7 



Builders'  tools,  41-43 
Bullets  for  sling,  36 
Butts  of  spears,  33 

forked,  33,  63 
Byblos  temple  weights,  14 

Carpenter's  hammer,  40 
Casting  arrowheads,  34 
chilled,  61 
duct  on  axes,  11 
methods,  12,  60,  61 
thin  spear-heads,  31 
Castings,  earliest  are  flat,  6,  61 
in  closed  moulds,  12 
Caulking  tool,  16,  20 
Centre-bit,  39 
Ceremonial  adzes,  18 

double  axe,  13-15 
harpoons,  37 
scimetar,  32 
spears,  31,  32 
sticks,  36 
swords,  32 
Chains,  60 

Childeric  I,  francisca,  n 
Chisel,  bare  metal,  19,  20 

tang  in  handle,  20,  21,  64 
handle  in  socket,  21,  22,  64 
sharp  at  both  ends,  19,  62 
wooden,  41 
Chopper,  47 
Cire  perdue  casting,  61 
Claw-hammer,  40 
Claw-tool  for  dressing  stone,  42 
Clothing  influencing  weapon  types,  31,  34,  35 
Club,  54 
Coin  moulds,  62 
Comb  for  weaving,  54 
Comb-pick,  42 
Compasses,  60 
Cooper's  hammer,  16,  41 
Copper,  hammered  forms  of,  6,  8 
native,  used,  6 
use  of  hammered,  6,  16,  34 
spear-heads,  31 
Cores  from  stone  drilling,  44,  45 
Corn  cut  at  ear,  46 

grinders,  58 
Cradle  for  large  stones,  41 
Cross  for  benediction,  59 
Crowbar,  41 

Crucibles,  61 

Culter,  47 

Curlers  for  wigs,  48,  49 

Cutting-out  tool,  51,  63 

Dagger,  Egyptian,  28,  29,  62 

European,  30,  64 
Den,  fish-hook,  37 
Divination  by  spears,  31,  32 
Double  axe,  13-15,  63 

types  local,  14 

weights,  14 
Drawing  knife,  39 
Dressing  stones,  42 
Drill  for  fire,  58 

for  hard  stone,  44,  45 
Drills,  39 
Duck's  head  handle,  23,  24 

Egypt,  forms  peculiar  to,  62 
forms  unknown  in,  63 

Emery  in  saw  cut,  45 
Emsaht,  axes  of,  8 
chisel,  20 

Facing  plate  to  test  flatness,  42 

Falx,  Etruscan,  27 

Feathers  for  wedges,  41 

Ferrules,  8 

Fifehead,  Egyptian  axe  from,  9 

File,  44 

Fire-drill,  58 

Fire-hook,  57 

Fish  design  on  axes,  8 

on  halberd,  11 
Fish-hook,  37 
Fish-spear,  32,  57 
Flamboyant  knife,  25,  27,  65 
Flanged  edges,  10,  64 
Flaying  knife,  22 
Flesh-hook,  57 
Flint  sickles,  46 
Float  for  plastering,  42 
Flower  design  on  axes,  8 
Fonderia  deposit  of  tools,  21 
Fork  for  agriculture,  55 
Forked  arrow,  35 
Francisca,  12 

wrongly  called,  15 



Frankish  shield  boss,  38 

Gazelle-leg  handle,  24,  25 

Girdle-knife,  23,  64 

Goldsmith's  tools  from  Ireland,  20,  40 

Gouge,  22 

Gouging-adze,  18 

Granite  drilling  and  sawing,  44,  45 

Grinders  for  corn,  58 

Hair-curlers,  48,  49 
Halberd,  10,  63 
Hammer  dressing,  46 
stone,  40 
with  handle,  40 
Handles,  inlayed,  29 
Harpoon,  37 
Headsman's  axe,  12 
Hen-nekht,  chisel,  20 
Historical  results,  62-65 

forms  peculiar  to  Egypt,  62 
forms  unknown  in  Egypt,  63 
forms  widely  spread,  64 
Hoe  and  pick,  55 
compound,  54 
metal,  18,  19,  65 
narrow,  55 
natural,  54 
Roman,  54 
Horse-bit,  55,  56 
Hotshepsut,  axe  of,  9 
razor,  49 
Hungarian  like  Oriental  types,  11 

Independent  invention,  8,  10,  10,. 10,  25,  23i  62-65 

Inlayed  handles,  29 

Iron  axes,  8 

early  knives,  25 

halberd,  xxth  dynasty,  10 

united  with  bronze,  10,  25,  26,  61 

Kames  spear-head,  32,  64 
Kash,  axe  of,  6 
Key,  59,  60 

Khabbash,  sling  bullet,  36 
Khofra,  statue  drill-cut,  45,  46 
Khopesh,  26,  64 
Khosekhemui,  20,  23,  37 
Khufu,  plumb  bob  of,  42 

hammer-dressing,  46 

sarcophagus  drilled,  45 

Knife,  flaying,  22 

straight  back,  23 
straight  edge,  23 
hollow  back,  24 
hollow  edge,  24 
recurved,  25 
flamboyant,  25 
crook-back,  25 
Khopesh,  26 
double  convex,  26 
double-edged,  26,  63 
leaf-shaped,  26 
for  papyrus,  52 

Kukri,  28 

Ladle,  58 

Lamp-trimmers,  48,  52 

Lance,  see  Spear 

Last  for  shoemakers,  40 

Lath-hammer,  41 

Leather-cutter,  50 

Leather  lashing  for  tools,  9 

Level  for  masons,  42 

Lewis,  42 

Limits  of  the  present  work,  1 

Lock,  lifting,  59 

turning,  60 
Loom  parts,  53 
Lotus  flower  pattern  of  axe,  8 
Lug  adze,  17,  18 

Maize-cutter,  50 
Maket  harpoon,  37 
Mallet,  40 
Manacles,  57 
Mason's  chisel,  20 

pick  and  chopper,  23 

hammer,  40 
Mattock,  15 

Mauls  for  dressing  stone,  46 
Meydum,  saw,  43 
Miner's  pick,  16 
Mitre  square,  43 
Mortar  and  pestle,  58 

rake,  41 
Mortising  chisel,  20,  21,  21,  63 
Moulds,  open  for  flat  casting,  6 

for  bricks,  42 
Museums,  material  from,  1 

Nails  driven  in  temples,  32 



Needle,  53 
Nefermaot,  20 
Neterhen,  20 
Netting  bones,  53 

needle,  53 
Northern  soldiers  in  Egypt,  38 
Nubian  forms,  23,  25,  29,  33 

Omens  from  spears,  31,  32 

Oriental  cast  ornament,  12 

flamboyant  curves,  13 
types  in  Hungary,  n,  65 
types  not  in  Egypt,  64 

Ornament,  Western  and  Oriental,  12 

Osier  hook,  48 

Pamoun,  Apa,  48 

Papyrus  knife,  52 

Pasar,  razor  of,  50 

Pegs  for  ground  loom,  54 

Perabsen  fish-hook,  37 

Pestle,  58 

Pickaxe,  15,  16 

Pick-hoe,  55 

Pike,  33,  64 

Pillowy  forms  of  adzes,  16 

of  beaten  copper,  6,  63 
older  than  flat,  6 
Pin,  52 
Pincers,  41 

surgical,  52 
Pintadera,  56 
Pivot  block,  46 
Plane,  39,  40 

for  moulding,  40 
Plasterer's  moulding  tool,  41 
Plough  derived  from  hoe,  54 

Italian,  55 
Plough-share,  55 
Plumb  bob,  42 
Poleaxe,  10,  63 
Polio,  Apa,  48 

Pruning  hook  for  vines,  47,  48,  65 
Ptolemaic  coinage  cast,  39 
Ptolemy  II,  model  tools,  41 
Pulley,  60 
Pump-drill,  39 
Purpose  of  tools  considered,  1 

Quarryman's  pick,  15 
Quern,  58 

Rake,  54,  55 
Rameses  II,  hoe,  19 

chisel,  20 

sword,  27 

spear,  32 

arrowhead,  35 

bill-hook,  47 
Rameses  III,  halberd,  11 

scale  armour,  38 
Ramesseum  tools,  9,  19,  20,  25,  26,  41,  53 
Rapier,  27,  30 
Rasp,  38 
Razor,  49,  50,  65 

Record  of  tools  very  imperfect,  21 
Reeds  for  tanged  arrow-heads,  33 
Reels,  53 

Rekhmara  tomb,  42,  43,  50,  61 
Ribbing  of  daggers,  29,  30,  63 
Rimer,  39 

Rods  of  wood  for  stone-dressing,  42 
Rollers,  41 

S,  letter,  earliest,  6 
Sabre,  28 

Sacred  weapons,  31,  32 
Sa-neit,  axe  of,  6 
Sa-ptah,  adze  of,  16 

hoe  of,  19 

chisel,  20 

knife,  27 

falx,  27 

mortar,  58 

melting-dish,  61 
Saw,  43,  44 

in  frame,  44 
for  hard  stone,  44,  45 
Scale  armour,  38 
Scimetar,  sacred,  32 
Scissors,  48 
Scolloped  axe,  9,  64 
Scoop,  58 
Scramasax,  27 
Scraper,  38, 

Scythe  differs  from  sickle,  46 
Scythian  invasion,  34 
Sekhenu,  axe  of,  8 
Semerkhet,  harpoons  of,  37 
tweezers  of,  51 
Sen-nehem,  42,  43 
Senusert  I,  axe  of,  9 
Senusert  III,  dagger,  29 



Sety  II,  sword,  27,  65 

Shakalsha  and  Siculi,  25,  65 

Shardana  sword,  27 

Shears,  48,  63 

Sheshenq  I,  scale  armour,  38 

Shield  boss,  38 

Shovel,  55,  57 

Shuttle,  53 

Sickle,  46,  47,  64 

with  inserted  flints,  46 

„     teeth,  47,  63 
Siculi,  knives  of,  25,  65 
Skew  form  of  axe,  9 
Sling,  36 

bullet,  36 
Socketted  arrows,  for  wood  shafts,  33 

axe,  11-13 
Socketting  first  in  Syria,  9,  n 
not  Egyptian,  n,  63 
tubular,  12 

varies  by  use  and  climate,  11,  12 
Spade,  55 
Spear,  copper,  31 

cast,  31 

British,  31 

uses  of  forms,  31 

ceremonial,  31 

ribbed,  32 

flat,  33 

butt,  33 
Specialising  of  tools,  2 
Spindle  whorls,  53 
Spoon,  58 
Spoon-bit,  39 
Spur,  56 

Squares  for  masons,  42,  43 
Staff-head,  57 

Standard  weights  in  temples,  14 
Stone-cutter's  chisel,  20 
Stone  cutting  by  saw  and  drill,  44 

dressing  rods,  42 

implements,  ceremonial  copies,  8 

,,  imitated  by  pillowy  forms,  6 

,,  influenced  by  metal,  1 

,,  not  included,  1 

Straw  preserved  whole,  46 
Strigil,  59 

Surgeon's  knife,  23 

tweezers,  52 
Sword,  27,  28,  65 

sacred,  32 
Syrian  group  of  weapons,  9,  10,  12,  59 

use  of  socketting,  9 

T  hieroglyph,  39 
Tehutmes  III,  adze  of,  16 

axe  of,  9 

chisel  of,  20 

knife,  23,  26 
Thimble,  53 
Thorn  extractors,  51 
Thread  balls,  53 
Throw  stick,  36 
Toggle  for  dress,  60 
for  ropes,  60 
Pin,  53,  64 
Tongs,  41 

Tools  hitherto  neglected,  1,  2 
Trade  routes,  50 
Trident,  57 
Trowel,  41 

Tubular  socket,  12,  15,  18,  55 
Tweezers,  51 

University  College,  1 

Vine  pattern  on  halberd,  n 

Wax  figures  for  casting,  61 

Weapons  seldom  worn  down,  30 

Weavers'  combs,  54 

Weaving,  53 

Wedges,  41 

Weights  of  double  axes,  14 

Wig  curlers,  49 

Winnowing  fans,  54 

Wisconsin  tools  of  copper,  6,  23,  24,  33 

Wood,  hardness  of,  determines  socket,  n 

Wooden  chisels,  41 

Yoke,  54 

Zer,  harpoons  of,  37 

Printti  by  Hatell,  Watson  &  Vinty,  Ld.,  London  and  Aylesbury. 


THE   PYRAMIDS   AND   TEMPLES   OF    GIZEH.     (Out  of  print.)' 

TANIS    L      19  pi.,  25*.      Quaritch.        TANIS    II.      Nebesheh  and  Defenneh.      64  pi,  25*.      Quaritch. 

NAUKRATIS    L      45  Pi-.  '$*•      Quaritch. 

HAWARA,   BIAHMU,   AND   ARSINOE.      (Out  of  print.) 

KAHUN,   GUROB,   AND    HAWARA.      (Out  of  print.)* 

ILLAHUN,   KAHUN,   AND    GUROB.      33  pl-  »«*     (Out  of  print.)* 

MEDUM      36  pi.     (Out  of  print.) 

TELL   EL   AMARNA.      (Out  of  print.) 

KOPTOS.       28  pi.,  \os.       Quaritch. 

A    STUDENT'S   HISTORY   OF  EGYPT.     Part  I.,  down  to  the  XVIth  Dynasty.     5th  ed.  1903.     Part  II., 

XVIIth  and  XVIIIth  Dynasties.      Part  III.,  XlXth  to  XXXth  Dynasties.     6s.  each.     Mtthutn. 
TRANSLATIONS  OF  EGYPTIAN  TALES.  With  illustrations  by  Tristram  Ellis.    2  vols.,  3*.  6d.  each.   Methuen. 
DECORATIVE   ART   IN   EGYPT,     s*.  6d.     Methuen. 
NAQADA   AND   BALLAS.     86  pi.,  25*.     Quaritch. 
SIX   TEMPLES   AT   THEBES.      26  pi.,  ioj.      Quaritch. 
DESHASHEH.      37  pi-.  25*-      Quaritch. 

RELIGION   AND   CONSCIENCE   IN   EGYPT,      u.  64    Methuen. 
SYRIA    AND    EGYPT.      2s.  6d.      Methuen. 
DENDEREH.       38  pi.,  25*. ;   40  additional  plates,   10s.      Quaritch. 
ROYAL   TOMBS   OF   FIRST    DYNASTY.      68  pi.,  25*.    Quaritch. 
DIOSPOLIS    PARVA.      48  pi.      (Out  of  print.) 

ROYAL   TOMBS   OF   EARLIEST   DYNASTIES.      63  pi.,  25*. ;  35  additional  plates,  10s.      Quaritch. 
ABYDOS.       Part  I.      81  pi.,  25*.       Quaritch. 
ABYDOS.       Part  II.      64  pi.,   25*.      Quaritch. 

METHODS   AND   AIMS   IN   ARCHAEOLOGY.      66  blocks,  6s.     Macmillan. 
EHNASYA.      25*.      Quaritch.         ROMAN   EHNASYA.      10*.      Quaritch. 
RESEARCHES    IN    SINAI.       186  illustrations  and  4  plans,  21s.     John  Murray. 
MIGRATIONS.       Huxley  Lecture,   1906.       n  pi.,  2s.  6d.       Anthropological  Institute. 

HYKSOS    AND   ISRAELITE    CITIES.      40  pi-,  255.     Quaritch.    (With  48  extra  plates,  45*.,  out  of  print.) 
RELIGION   OF   ANCIENT   EGYPT,      is.     Constable. 

GIZEH    AND    RIFEH.       40  pi-,  25*.    Quaritch.     (With  69  extra  plates,  50s.,  out  of  print.) 
ATHRIBIS.      43  Pi-.  25*-      Quaritch.     (Out  of  print.) 

PERSONAL  RELIGION  IN   EGYPT  BEFORE   CHRISTIANITY.     2s.  6d. ;  in  leather,  3s.  6d.     Harper. 
MEMPHIS  L      54  pi-,  25*.      Quaritch. 
QURNEH.      56  pi.,  25*.      Quaritch.     (Out  of  print.) 
THE  PALACE  OF  APRIES  (MEMPHIS  H).     35  pl-,  25*.     Quaritch. 
ARTS  AND  CRAFTS  IN  ANCIENT  EGYPT.     45  pi-,  5*.     Foulis. 
THE  GROWTH  OF  THE  GOSPELS.     2*.  6d.    Murray. 
MEYDUM  AND  MEMPHIS  UI.     47  pl.,  25*.      Quaritch. 
EGYPT  AND  ISRAEL.     54  figs.     2*.  6d.     S.P.C.K. 
HISTORICAL  STUDIES.     25  Pl.,  25*.     Quaritch. 
REVOLUTIONS   OF   CIVILISATION.     57  figs.     2s.  6d.     Harper. 
THE   FORMATION   OF   THE   ALPHABET.     9  pl.,  5*-     Quaritch. 
ROMAN   PORTRAITS   (MEMPHIS   IV).     32  pl.,  25*.     Quaritch. 
THE  LABYRINTH  AND  GERZEH.    52  pL,  25*.    Quaritch. 
PORTFOLIO  OF  HAWARA  PORTRAITS.    24  col.  pl.,  50*.     Quaritch. 
TARKHAN  I  AND  MEMPHIS  V.    81  pl.,  25*.    Quaritch. 
HELIOPOLIS  I,  KAFR  AMMAR,  AND  SHURAFEH.    58  pl.,  25*.    Quaritch. 
TARKHAN  IL    72  pl.,  25*     Quaritch. 
RIQQEH  AND  MEMPHIS  VL    62  pl.,  25*.    Quaritch. 
AMULETS.     Constable.     53  pl.,  21s. 

SCARABS  AND  CYLINDERS.    73  pis.,  32 s.    Quaritch. 
TOOLS  AND  WEAPONS.    80  pis. 

Of  work*  marked  *  a  few  copiei  can  be  had  on  application  to  the  Author,  University  College,  London, 


It  need  hardly  be  repeated  that  the  whole  of  the  photographed  objects  are 
in  the  Collection  of  University  College,  London. 

So  far  as  they  have  been  published  before,  the  following  are  the  references : 









P.I.  vii,  19 



P.K.  xvii,  38 


P.K.  xvii,  28 


»        »     37 

129,   130 

P.L.  xxii,  12 


P.F.  xxxix 


Quibell,  Ramesseum,  ii,  7 


P.F.  xxxvii 


P.Q.  lxv,  5 

V 109-128 

P.Mp.  II,  xvi,  5-32 


P.T.  I,  p.  26 



P.R.  II,  ixA 


P.R.  II,  ixA 


P.Q.  lxi,  15 


P.Mp.  Ill,  xxxvii,  40 


P.K.  xvii,  11 


P.K.  xvii,  5 


P.I.  viii,  16 


P.I.  vii,  18 



P.Ds.  xxxiv,  14 


P.I.  xix,  28 


»          »        16 


P.Q.  lxxix 


M  1 

P.Hw,  xiii,  1 


P.S.T.  xviii,  5  5 


P.I.  vii,  22,  23 


P.K.  xvii,  26 


P.Md.  xxix,  13 


P.L.  xxii,  12 


P.I.  viii,  13 


Engelbach,  Riqqek  ix,  6 


P.I.  viii,  10 

41,  42 

P.L.  xxii,  12 


P.I.  viii,  11 

47,  48 

P.S.T.  xvi,  28,  29 


P.Md.  xxix,  12 


P.R.  II,  ixA 


30,   31 

P.Ds.  xxxiv,  15-18 


P.G.  viE,  150 



P.T.  I,  i,  1 


P.S.T.  xviii,  50 


P.Hw,  xiii,  13 


P.R.  II,  be  A 


W  104 

P.S.T.  xvii,  15 


P.K.  xvii,  22 


,,     13 


P.S.T.  xviii,  51 


P.I.  vii,  26 


P.K.  xvii,  3 


P.K.  ix,  22 


P.Mp.  I,  p.  13 


Petrie,  Ehnasya  xxix 


P.K.  xvii,  25 



„       Heliopolis  xxxvii 


Petrie,  Koptos,  xv,  73 



P.I.  viii,  5 


P.S.T.  iii,  10 


P.I.  xix,  33 


P.S.T.  xvi,  34 



P.G.  xF 


Quibell,  Ramesseum,  p.  13 


P.L  viii,  6 


P.T.  I,  vi,  1 



P.Q.  lxv,  19 


P.K.  xvii,  33 



P.I.  vii,  29 


P.S.T.  xviii,  46 



see  P.K.  ix,  14 


P.K.  xvii,  49,  51 



P.L  xix,  34 


Engelbach,  Riqqeh  ix,  1 
P.T.  I,  i,  12 


A  71     \ 
U  72-3/ 

P.I.  xiii,  22-28 


P.H.  XXXV  B 


P.I.  xix,  29 


Engelbach,  Riqqeh  ix,  7 



P.S.T.  xviii,  43 


1,                 >,             8 


P.K.  xvii,  1 





P.S.T.  xxi 


»                i»            3 



FigureNumber  Class 
A. Plaim  Blade  Axe. 

i  04 

6-9,  I0» 

\o  —  3o 

3i—  5"4 

II  -SI,  112-133 

Pll_l_oWY    FOP.M 

Widening    edge 
»  tt 


Lo  OS 

Si  — 100,134— is~2  Battue   axes 
155-177  SCOULOPED 

IS-3-/S"*,  I78-I90    PoLEAXE,  BATON.HAlBERO 


15-6S  Expanding    Blade 

65-55  Round  Box  Socket 

59-115"  Deep    socket 

118-131  tubular.  socket 

131-145  OMENTAL 



Before   Dvn.  O 
Dyn.  0/  I 

B  KO  NZ.E    AGE 
DYN.     I-Xll 

"       XU-XXVI 

"         V-XVIII 

600  B-C'  — 



Sumerian-late  Bronze 


1-15",  35",  3  ?,  4-o 

Curved    EDGES 


4-13,  4-1 

STRAIGHT          •' 

L- Mi  moan  —  Roman 





Waisteb         no  hole 



Long                        " 


3o.  32. 

BE  LL-SHAPED    '■ 


4  5"-  51 



5-3  -66 


1  RON 

rat,  68-70 

Pi  ck-  axe 

1  ROM 


STONE    Pick 

Ro  MAN 



78-5  2. 

MINE  RS      P  ICK 


Z.  A  DZE 

1-3,  60-6  5",  65 



A -19,     66,67 

"              SPLAYED 

1 -XV  III 

3o-59  ,   69-90 



92.-  1  12. 


IQOO  -4-00   B.C. 



14-1  -I  ST* 


J.  HOE    i-s-9 

1300  -4-00   I3C 





11-13,  69-71 





900    B.C.   



9  00  BC.  " 

1  61-174- 

go  uge 

800    B.C. 


1—15"  FLAY  I  M  G 


57-75",  ZI6-ZZ6  STRAIGHT-EDGE 

77-99  Hollow-back 

loo -111,  2. 14-2.34-  MOLLOW-EDGE 

13o  —  14-0  ,,  TIP 

jjH  -  I  by  ,.  FLAMBOYANT 

IfcS— 136  crook-back 

I90--2.OT.  KHOPESH 



I4--69  DOUBLE-  EDGE 

E.5W0r\D<a-  RAPIER 

2.-4  LEAF     BLADE 

5-IO  Long  LEAF    Blade 


14—  Zl  S.INCLE-EDGE    5WORD 


IS  -  31  BENT 

3Z-39  SABRE 


xii -xv iii      iron  age 
600  b.c.  —Roman 

VI    —  ROMA  N 

iioo  b-c. —  Roman 

I  0.OO  — 4>  00   jj  .c. 

|ioo-|»oo   B.c 

900   -3oo    B.C. 

goo    »-£•  — — 
I  boo  —  S  00    B.C. 

J5~00  -TOO    B.C. 
O   —  X  IX 

15"00-IOOO  B-C. 
I5"00—  5"00  B.C. 
I5"00  — IOOO    B.C. 

100   B_C  . —   MODERN 
11.  OO  —  5TJ  O    B.C  . 
S~0  0    B.C. 

JTOO   —  I  O  o    B  .C  . 

Earlie  r  Region 

PLATES  1 -vii 
C  y  p  rus?-Ecy  PT 
Europe*  Persia 
MeditB^West.  rareE. 
Egypt    only. 

"  America 


Egy  P  T 

ITALY  V,"-Xl 

i  ta  ly  *  n  o  r.i  cu  m 
North  e  rn 


Babylonia  —  E.  Europe 



Crete  ij-greece 

SARDI  N  I  a 

Elbe   basin 

rhine   basin 

fra  nce  .swiss 

Serbia  — Greece  XIV 


Assyria  ,  Germany. 

1  taly 

SPAl  N 

XV- XVI 1 1 
EGY  PT  -  SPAl  N 



Egypt,  Persia    Italy 

EGYPT    oish_y 








Sect  Page 































17  13 

29  13 

34  15" 

35  15 



















































68        27 

Mori  cu  m 
italy-mebiterranS      69 





1-14  ,  3A-4& 
|5"-3o,  ^9  -60 
6l  -95- 

\o&  -Jlo,  135,  1^0 

111  -ni 

13s -147 




)  1 


1-15  WIDE,    ROUf.  jED 
lfc-23  '•  ANGULAR 

4b  SX  FULL-EbA&E     BLADE 

69-85"  CONCAVE    EDGE 


ioa-\z  1  Pike 

114- I  56  FIN     BLADES 

I  37 -(64  FLAT    BUADi. 
190-  206  B  u  TT 





133  -I5T) 

in -2.  ,  193-4 
15-6 -s 

1/1 1  -  170 


VA    ,-,3 





MB  BED      BLADE* 


B  A  RB  E  D 

"  SfTAN&ED 

RHOM  Bl  C 



Son  D     S^OA  R.E 





S  Ll  ->4G 


59,  6t,6478S5;88-97    FISH-HOOKS,  ROUNDED 
6o,ti,4i,  ty-70  >i  SQUARE 

7'-7.8 1-4 
103-  133 


1-3  BRACE 

4-5"  NrtP   DRILL 

6-'t>  BOW     D  RJ  LL 

•7 .  1 8  RYMER 

19-2-7  BIT 

2^-31  AU&ER 

32--3S  DRAWING     KNIFE 

30-41  PLANE 

42--53  ANVIL 

7*-  —  85"  ,,  socket-handle 

86-99,136  HAMMER.     SMITH'S 
loo     107  >/  mason's 

108— 111  ■>  Carpenter's 

111-131  Toki&s     smith's 

I31-J35-  "  LlTTIMC. 


scale  armour, 




XVII     —   XIX     DVN, 
I  lOO  —SOO    B.C. 

G>  IK  o  tvi  2.  E 

copper.  age 

copper,  age     6k.onze 

)  loo  —  800  13  _c. 
400    B.C.  — /LOO   A-D. 


B  KO  N  ZE 

£>  R.O  tsj  St  E 

B  R  O  M  XE 

1  PsO   N 

I    R.O  IN 

B  R.O  N  Z  E 

BRONZE  «=tt-l  RON 
&  B.ON  ZE 

COPPER —  I    l\oN 

IIOO  B.C.-  —  I40  0  A. D. 

1  OQO~-  3  OO    B.C. 

J500  &  C. 

IOOO  B.C.  —  5-00  AD. 

I  ioo-<2oo  B:C. 

&  R.O  SIZE 


I  Ro  N 

I  R.O  N' 

EGYPT    only 




Hollow    E»ces    S.MEDiTN 


rsj.  ITALY 

5  I  C  I  LY 

M  o  RTH  E  R  N 



6  E  R.  M  A  N  Y 





























































E  &VPT 







1  — XVIII 




Soo  B.C. 




J.OO    B.C. 


EARL"/     PR.EHI5-roR.IC 




1    DY  M 

EGYPT     later  EUROPE 






1  1 

xvin  — xxv  1 

,,      Oriental,?^ 




/ 1 




*  * 



IfLi    AD'    




Ro  /v\  A  M 




I  DY^J     




900   n  .c  




6 80   B.C.  




600   B.C.  




5"0   AD-  

)TA  l_Y 



5"0    A.D.    





west  eu  *-°  P£ 



1  -XIX 


1  IO 




1  OOO   B.C.  — 




1  OO  BC. 

1  00    B.  C. 


LOO    R.  C. ■ 




XVII  1 






TO     A.D. 



1  OO    AD. 



loo    B.C. 



8oo   b.c. 



V  DYN  



xvm  — 


Wooden    rollers 

XII    — 






S~0    A.D. 

44 -fro 


XII    — 

51,  5-2. 


S-oo  B.C. 

53,  5*4 


XII  — 

5T,  5"6 


(jfREHIST.)   XII 




60-6t,  94 

S  Qj->  are; 


61,  63 


xvm  — 

S.   SAW          H4TFNOKI     TEETH 

1  DYN  

15",  19,2.S~,2.8 


90O   B.C.  

3b -45" 


5~0   A.D. 

FILE  46 


68O  B.C.  — 

47-  4S,  ro 

DEEP       CU T 

600   B-  C. 


R.AS  P 

6SO   B.C,  

MAULS  74--86 


Ml  DYN. 


1-  M 





I2.00  B.C. 



4-00   BC. 



M  ETA  L 

sci  sso  rs 


l-io  For.  v  ines 

2.1-61  FOR    BUSHES 

62.-67  FOR     OSIERS 

Q..5HEAR5  1-11,17-30 


31-34  FOR 

35"-  3  8 


2.1-37.  SIDE    EDGE 

33-38  Flint   rouM 

39-42-  TONGUE     BLADE 

43-5D  NOTCH       BLADE 

St  -5"6  SPLIT     BLADE 

5-7,5-8  crescent   blade 

£-9 -63  Ssiuare     Blade 

64-73  END     EDGE 

74~94  ROTARY 


5"-  12-  LONC    HANDLE 

I3.I3A.2.9,  l8»  CUTTER  OUT 
30-.4-4  "«  NOTCHED 

4.S--4-7  „  SPLAY   END 

Y.  TWEEZERS   1-11,14-10,11-43-5-4-5-3 


I  00 
I  00 

B.C.  • 





S"0  .A.D.    - 

2.00  a.c.  - 
VI— xix 
1  -XII 

400    B.C. 


11,13   • 
a-i,  4.6-53. 

N-  l-4,33-J^ 
5-- 14,  1 02.-9 

18-31,  66-97 

17,  98-100,130-1 

HI-  II7 
55--T7,  118-111 

|13  -ur 
us  -it-9 
J  J  8-? 
/  40 


11  fc-7 

IJ1  .  136 


in  thorn  extractor 






BO  e.  &  1  M 


SPIN  D  LE  ,  DOMED    WMt   whor.  i_ 
Domed  wood   " 
bead  ed  whorl 





CO  M  & 






xvm  — 

4-OP  B.C. 

I    DYN.  

I   DYN  


600  B.C. 

I   DYN. 


PR  EH  1ST 


XVIII  "! 
















assy  ria  (jh  egypt) 





south  e  p.n 





PnH  I  N  E 

ITALY    1 





crete— ita  ly 
Sicily  —  Germany 
Si  Ci  LY—  BRITA  1  N 

S  I  C  I  LY  —  GE  RMANY 

I  T  A  LY  • 


E  &  Y  P  Tr C A  RT  H  AC  E ,  I TA  LY,S  WISS 






tt  LXlV 








113  41 

M4  41 

1 1  s"      41 







1  13 



119    46 

1 30 


I  31 







>  1 



LVIII-LIX    134     A& 

135-      48 



138       49 










LXV|     14*      5-3 

149      Si 

I  sx>      5*3 



5" 9,  68-9  „ 


65"- 67 



73         w  2.4.0 

), 2.. 4., 8 



7.11.  12- 





51  -5% 
W.      HORSE-BIT 


/,        JOINTED    WOOD 
"         PLOUGH    HOE 

R.AK  E  ,  W  00D 
CLUBIf  &  AX 

wide  hoe 
hoe    with    pick 
Pointed  lesser  hoe 
ox- tongue  crubblnghoe 


plo  ugh-share 
Pitch  -  f  o  kk 
iron    rake 

2., 4-  SNAFFLE 

2>,S  "           WITH  LAR&E   MNGS 

6-13  SIDE    BARS 


19-2.I  "           CUR.VED 

40  "           TOOTHED     BAR 


30-32.  CURVED    BARS 

33-39  CURVED    CURB 

41  H  EAVY    JANGLE 

57  SPUR     PLAIN    PRICK 
43-447-9. BRAND    OPEN,   BRANDING 

42..  45-6           " 



Fl  RE-H00K  ,   HAN  D 









7S -81 





S  POO  N 








Fl  RE    D  RILL 

109-1 » 1 




Bolts  and  locv\s 



12.6-7            i< 




131                         ;/ 



Lifting    lock 


Rotating    KEY 



15-2-  IS4 





CHA  1  N 




2.^9,  2.65-2.67 



WAX     MO  D  ELS 



Pp.  e historic  — 
t    DYN.— 

II  I    DYN. 

V  — 
XII  — 

III   — 

XII  — 



RO  M  AN 



Ro  MAN 


N  O  RM  AN 

3  P.O  NX  E-  AGE 

V  DYN  — 


I  RON     AGE 

IOOO  B.C.  


I   RO  N    AGE 




—  XX.  VI 



900  b.c.  —  Roman 






]    DYN  —  R.OMAN 






xvi  11  -  Roma  n 
X  »l    -  RO  MAN 
II    -     RO  MAN 
|l   —   ROMAN 


151         54 

152       54 

ITALY  »53        54 





ITALY  154       FS 


1  TALY 




















































I  J 



»  t 

» r 

















>  1 






























•n  i    \ 

IP    l»9«  XVII 

6*AVf.  A.C. 

irn.s.i.  ia 

M.A    VII,  «.»» 



87 68  59 

EGYPT       VI       D. MODELS 
P.O.  VII    D 


EGYPT     HI    J)  EGYPT    HID 

CM. XXIII  ft    H.      '/to 

egypt    v  j>. 

P.  B  I  .    IV  *Ao 



EGYPT   XII    O. 
EGYPT   XI    D       M°»EU.MP.1.03 

r.D.xxxu  LO-  "  *< 

J1  62SEEUXIM  EpG/YP>Tx,VI     D 

L.D.  ii    IZ& 


EGYPT      VI    O. 
L.D.  I]    lot    Vio 

71   SEE  LXXIV 

&.M.    A. till    S6 

Sou.  ncL 

CSV  PT    VI    D 
D.G    XV    '/zo 




!»>  + 


EGYPT    XVIII    D.         ECYP'r    *v" 
AO  H-  HETE  P.  P'  D'    XXXII 

EGYPT    XV 1 1 1    D 
G.W.   18 

EGY  P  T 
B.M.     A  Llll.90 

EGYPT     XXVI     D 


1  :1. 






1  :2. 

A.    PLAIN    BLADE   AXE;    ROUND    AND    WITH    LUGS. 


1  :2. 

A.    PLAIN    BLADE    AXE:    WITH    LUGS,    BATTLE    AXES. 









tGYPT     V    D 

»  D»   XIII  Ao 


l  D  ii   IX*   As 



U.O.    II.  141 





N.6  XVI.XL.VII  1^ 





P.  &     XIII 


».Ml  A.LIII.86 


K.ft.ft.lXXIX'/ro   L.D'lii.^t.'/uj 



corrm    a. A. 



■  ROM    P.AXXII 







-■-'-'    '       '  ** 

WJ   132 







A.    PLAIN    BLADE   AXE;    HALBERD,   1:3;,  STONE   AXE,   1:2. 




REVERSE   O   116   AND   54. 



Joo-iooo  A.B.  B.M 



46  '"■•' /■>,  47 

VLADIMIR    A.S.  3.0,5- 

EXTREME.  (Wftsu  in  M.U.i.184         F"  P 








1     2 

O.    SOCKETTED    AXE.         C.    CHISEL.         B.    BUILDERS'   TOOLS. 


FOR    T   45    READ   41. 



I     LIX.JI8 


Z.    ADZE,    PLAIN. 


ECY'T.wn      tGirT.vwu 
rtiir  wdil   r.  »»  v      Vt.o 

E  C  YFT    VI   OYN. 
P.  A.  li.  XXII     , 

1  :2 

2.    ADZE,    PLAIN 


1  A. 

Z.   ADZE,    NECKED. 





POZ1UCLI       aOVtLLO  ROME       DODoMA 
6.M.  M.I.C.I1I  £.B.LI« 

Era    ^^^™™vTA  ---.»  KK5?s    «Kixr    ^a^r,'vr^fS^*'vtr 


_  ..5AX0N-T 

K.U.  i  1, 18 


vm.  nr 



J.     METAL    HOE. 


tvf  fco* 

IUN1I    »M 

1  :2. 

J.    METAL    HOE. 









47     K-l  *8 




r  n'tf 

Zl    Ui  I 

W   ,..1  MS      Va    li  XV  »"•        LATCNl 

M.I. IX. 5" 


MS  43  LX.X.VHI 

90    91 

93         Q4       copper 

n     n  95 

isy"  ui  » 


Egypt  xiio 


P  >U.     '/»•> 





100        101 

B    R  1     N   IE 




107  lxxvui 


119  XIII 







r.*>7  «i»»4 


Sweden        ' '      " 

lt>9*-  R.AUT  BOLOC.NA 

I    AON  B.  F. 


12.  C    CHISEL;    BARE    METAL, 

44    45    46       47  48  S2  56       '58  60     63       65 










143    144 






N.IiSo9'/io,    '/S 

£u£u*    \\°  Jlxxviii 












m.  i.r.a 










M.M.  9 

E.  B.  2L03 



G. P.  XXIV 

M-  I.5.3. 

N.S.  *9eS,4lff 



A   LI  V.i  oo 


168  169 


A.  M. 



171         174 

VIII 1 1 1\ 

13  1721s" 



A.  UMB.povr 


b.umb  post 






NO  UN4.  M.4..68 

K  260  XXXI 





ft  M.  A.LVtll',5 






SEfok34-    B.  S.H. 


1TAW.  BM/17*0 

F  R 




181      1 182 


MUNICH    Booac 
I  ft,ON  .  M.L.'irS" 

EGYPT    XX  ». 
M-CCXX1     Yxo 

AN.  1890  II 

ASSYMA  1300  B.C. 


F  P 



1  :  2. 

I\      MNII-t;     IIN     MI5IUKIUAL     UKUtK, 





»M»AI         MYKIMAl 



^       •*•"*  A.NGSAX 

r.M.  90s 


tr  D 

J:  2. 



48     49      32     53   3lT       38     59  61     62 


L.D.  III   64 

&A.    M.A.IX.IX6 

AW.  1888 

M.A.V.X1.7  AW-    I8S-8  "•»■    HM.Ut 


A.W-I,  '.X 



M.I.C-  IS7 

BA*    C.S.37* 

6.A.CVMJ  D 


M.  V.  8 




XVI  I     D 

M.S.VUt  177,1*3 


L/.       L^MVJVJCn. 

AAAI   » 





A.Kum.4'2.     MEM. MM  M 


RHONE  ,  B.  M. 

POUIULY              LAI  SAC  H 



D.L.XV11I4-             M-L-17* 

i.p.  6a. 

CO  P   P  1  A, 


M.A.XXI.XVM  *SA.I«J,*7    A.UCI 








5.  f.  »S 


KoBAN      PESCHJEJA  "■"= 

^.  «  ML-  X.IS  ■■«. 



KOBAN V        B0LOC.NA         »LI»V  14    SWEMN        MADRAS     UM.roST.IMN    £0.  IAOM   IM>N».k.*07  F.M.IM1  IUS 




8  A  9  A io  An 




lf>'  B.C.       I  AON 

mykenae  ttfrrwmo 

GAAVtlV.A'O  Aunt,  84- 

OX.  K,s 
AW.  ISS5- 

IAON      l.s. 




MS.  VIII.  18 

I.  A    T  E   N  E 

RSAH96.96    F.M.I336S 

L     E.     S 
E  .    D. 

V     I     G 

£mDsV1S      ^TTlNE    ^SS^^SMiSfWoNA  S.«^,A««BALENA 





1111     Q113 


NuftlA  XIIO         TCR.NI 



L "IFf  ?  V"V  P  E •*  W"         SWEDEN    AN6-SAX 
M.    I.  1.6  .  KU3  I.S. 

1  :  2. 

n.     ori_nn     i  il-hl/     hiil/     lj  u  i    i 

163       166    167      168 

169   fc  no 

172       173      17*      173 


179     180     181    183 











142  5W,M 

130       140         1*1  A  143    144 

mux    »»r«       »al»- 

PfAM  SWISS  4t» 

ex.  HI  KM  IAONS         IfcPN.RN.XI 


1  :2. 

.70    171  172   173 

R.   ARROW    HEAD.        V,    SCALE   ARMOUR. 

177   178  179   180  181   182  183  183    187   188    189     191     192 



196   197  200   201    202   203    J      205    206     207     208    209      210 

loo   199  204  234 

2U212  213   2H   215   216  217  218   219  220     222  224   226  227  228  230  232  233    ,   oo 

/V,  221  223   225  "a  "*  I 

Ola  OXn     OJ1     Oll9n01l        ■>!(!   9IR   9I<7  OIn    nenOBI  9R9       npxQCCQKl 


237   238 

239  240  241242  243  244  245  246  247  2J8  249  250  231    233  254  255  256 

log  «g&  ffgi  ar 




vm    1*94.    WHEEL-WRIGHT 

1:2.  V.   SLING    BULLET,   HARPOON,   FISH-HOOK,    RASP,   SCRAPER.       N.   THIMBLE.      ,        XLIV. 

15  16  17  18  19  20  21 

62  63   64     63   66    68 

6g    70     71   72     73     74     73 


M  97  A 






M.      v.  4-6,    791 


»M  G.T.VIH 







n  76689  m' 

E&^PT  XIX  D 
CM.  1-7  2_5"9 















44        45  46 


S.    SAW;    FILE. 




^v.  m.  u75# 

N  7 1  St 8 

38       40IXLVIII 


46} see 

45  ^J1-*™'" 








S.   SAW.       E,   SWORD.       M.    DRILL.       D.    DAGGER.      V.   SLING.      W.   SPUR,   CHAIN, 


FOR    S    32.   33.   34.    READ   S   35,   36.   37. 

1  :2. 






F.    SICKLE. 


E    G    Y    P  T,  V     0, 
*7,BO      l-.JD  ii     J-7  7U> 

ECVPT    VI     D. 
l.»   ii   107  yxa 


t.ft.ii  117  yu> 

7 to  9  see  LV 



EGYPT    XII    D. 
P.~(.   VII 

M    112    2. 



Py.T.  |>L39 


1  :3 

Z.   ADZE.         W.   CORN-GRINDER,    FIRESTICK.         F.    SICKLE. 







P.    PRUNING    HOOK   OR    BILL   HOOK,    IRON. 


30)    SEE 






1.  ft. 


1  :2. 

P.    PRUNING    HOOK.         Q.    SHEARS   AND    SCISSORS 



X.    RAZOR,    BRONZE. 


ft. P.  1894--' 


1  :2. 

X.    HAIR    CURLER,    RAZOR. 




r.»  xxxit  "• 


1    11 

i»*pt  i  1. 

ml  «  «lih 


4     6    6    7    8    9     10  11        12    13 

14     15  16  17 


l»mjl»T  i    i  J 

M     A/ 


XVIII   0 


110    THIMBLE    X.LIV 
20  2122  23  24  25 



P-F  nxxvnl 

M'  tTM/iC»N 

IU<  ST. IX 

I6Y>T  X'l  I 

-D    II    lit 

BY     M.   *1  MT 

M.  ft.VIU.St  A 

M.S    XHI  .  II 

A  P. 

EGf»T,X.0«AN       '/. 


A. P. 





37  38  39 


23  24  26  26  27  28 


29  30  31        32        33  31         SB     36      88  39  40 

1  :2. 

29  32 


33       35        36         37  38     40      41  44       45  51      52  53      54  55   56     51     58    59 

90        91        92        93        94   95        98    99   100   101 

88     89 


61  64 



66      69       70  74 

75  79 








102        105  109 


3  :10 


117  US  120  122     123  125  128         131    132  133 




a.  d  2.  r.uAwr  \<J 

3  :10. 






)6       97 

g.  agricultural  Tools,     r.  bow,  arrow  and  n.  needLe  1:1  LklX. 

26*  2?3      2U 

!60f  261 



W.    HORSE    BIT,    BRONZE. 





G.   76,   PLOUGH-SHARE.       W.    BRAND,    FISH-HOOK,    HORSE-BIT.    MANACLES. 




AN- 1903.39* 

COMPEL     "■'•»•« 

76073  N  7**71 





1  :3. 

W.    HOOKS   AND    LADLE        A.   AXE.       J.    HOE\ 


1  :2. 


80    ^5*1  a^Bi  9*  96  «»     99      100        101 

A   71      W«7     89 


W.    BOLT,    LOCK,    KEY,    PULLEY,   TOGGLE. 


1  :2. 

W.   METAL   KEY. 


1  :2. 



B     56 

266  267 




M  139 




O  124 

Q.  31 

DENMARK.S.A.N.cyog-q-Sr  F.  M.S17 




OCT  0  7 198?